The Grim has been restructured. It is divided into four groups with the ranks of each group as defined below. Regardless of rank or Path, all Grim members are encouraged to participate in any guild activities, provided they meet the requirements for that specific activity.
Path leaders may accept and promote any Grim not in a Path and those Grim already within their Path. If any of their members disappears, stops attending the activity of that Path, or no longer meets the criteria for their Path, the leader may move the Grim back to the Operative rank. This should not be seen as a demotion, but rather as simply a change in that member’s interests.
If a member wishes to change Paths, they should notify their current Path leader and then make their request to the leader of the Path they want to join. Supplicants and Operatives may simply notify their desired new Path leader. The member will need to meet the requirements for the new Path before being accepted.
The big difference with this new structure, other than the Path leaders having more power over their part of the guild, is that acceptance and promotion in the Paths are based on that Path’s activities. No longer do all new members have to do multiple Trials to get promoted. The requirements for each rank are described below.
Anyone interested in joining can find an application here on the forums, or join our Discord at https://discord.gg/wGxxy6H
The Path of Lore (RP)
We are those who live in the World. We are the spies, merchants, adept explorers and socialites of the guild, scouring through the worlds for intel and adventure. We drive the purpose and represent The Grim on and off the battlefield. We are the ones who keep things running smoothly at our garrison, and plan morale boosting events for the entire guild. The Irredeemables of this Path will guide you through your adventures and sharpen your character to be the best for The Grim and for yourselves.
Irredeemables: Malhavik & Sidad
Requirements: Agents are full Grim members who have completed additional Trials of Lore focused on spreading the influence of The Grim. Agents have been a part of The Grim for at least two weeks and have offered a Character Biography (for identification purposes) in The Grim Forums.
Perks: Daily repair allowance (500g), limited guild bank access (2 stacks per day)
Requirements: Ambassadors are full Grim members who have completed three additional Trials of Lore focused on spreading the influence of The Grim. Ambassadors have been a part of The Grim for at least one month, are an active participant in Grim and community events, and help plan such events.
Perks: Daily repair allowance (800g), greater guild bank access (5 stacks per day)
Recommended Addons: TRP 3 Extended, Listener
The Path of Ruin (PVE)
The Path of Ruin joins in the Horde efforts to fight against any threats that rise up to endanger the Grim, the Horde, or Azeroth herself. They bravely enter caves, castles, and any other dominion to defeat such enemies and plunder their treasures.
Irredeemables: Canaie & Riplie
Requirements: Member of the guild for at least two weeks, have completed all training ((level 60)), and have suitable armor and weapons ((avg ilvl at least 210, appropriate gems and enchants)).
Perks: Daily repair allowance of 500g, limited guild bank access (2 stacks per day)
Requirements: Soldier for at least one month, maintain 80% attendance to raids for any five week period, demonstrate use of appropriate consumables, and work to improve armor, weapons, and training outside of regular assault times ((avg ilvl equivalent to the raid’s avg ilvl, high level legendary, gear, renown, conduits, etc.)).
Perks: Daily repair allowance of 800g, greater guild bank access (5 stacks per day)
Recommended Addons: Deadly Boss Mods, anything else needed for raid performance
The Path of Vengeance (PVP)
The Path of Vengeance is the group of Grim that follows our motto of “Peace through annihilation” to the extreme. They work tirelessly to rid the lands of the pestilence known as the Alliance. They hone their skills in arenas and slaughter humans and their allies on the battlefields.
Irredeemables: Lupinum
Requirements: Member of the guild for at least two weeks, have completed all training ((level 60)), and have suitable armor and weapons ((avg ilvl at least 210 made up mostly of rank 5 Honor gear, appropriate gems and enchants, PVP trinkets)).
Perks: Daily repair allowance of 500g, limited guild bank access (2 stacks per day)
Requirements: Warbringer for at least one month, maintain 80% attendance to battleground nights for any five week period, work to improve armor, weapons, and training outside of regular assault times ((avg ilvl 230 made up mostly of Conquest gear, rating 1400+, high level legendary, gear, renown, conduits, etc.)).
Perks: Daily repair allowance of 800g, greater guild bank access (5 stacks per day)
Path of the Mandate (Recruiting/General)
Irredeemables: Syreenna
Operatives are full Grim members who are not committed to a Path for whatever reason. They have, however, proven themselves capable in battle and worthy of wearing the Grim tabard. ((Also, if we get any members without an authenticator, therefore, this rank has no bank access.))
Requirements: At the discretion of the Irredeemables of the Path. Examples: veteran member grandfathered in when the rank was created, former member of a Path now inactive or retired, former Minions of veteran members.
Perks: Daily repair allowance of 500g
Note: Operatives will be removed from the roster if they are inactive for 6 months or more. They are welcome to return when they can be more active, and will be placed at Operative rank again.
This is our entry-level rank given to new members. New Grim will spend a minimum of two weeks as a Supplicant while they get to know the guild and prepare to meet the requirements of their chosen Path. At the end of two weeks, or any time after, they may make a request to a Path leader to join that Path or speak to the leader of the Path of the Mandate to seek requirements for promotion to Operative.
Requirements: All Grim aspirants must interview with a Path of the Mandate leader. That person may then join the guild at the discretion of the interviewer.
Perks: May attend all guild events and activities if they meet the specific requirements for that activity.
Note: Supplicants will be removed from the roster if they are inactive for 3 months or more. They are welcome to return when they can be more active.