These guidelines are for any Grim wanting to participate with the PVP team, doing Rated Battlegrounds and Arenas. Most of this information does not apply to World PVP events, which anyone can participate in.
Gear & Honor Requirements
- Gear should be the equivalent of the current season Gladiator gear. If you have questions about your gear, ask Canai.
- The Grim use Mumble for voice communication. Each Grim member is required to be in Mumble for the duration of the PVP night. Please have Mumble downloaded and configured before the PVP start time.
- Each team member is required to utilize the addon Healers Have to Die. The map addon REPorter is also recommended.
- Each PVP member must have a strong knowledge of his class mechanics, along with dedication to continually improving his performance by reading class Discords and other class specific sites.
- The Grim PVP nights are Wednesdays at 6:00pm WrA server time. (9:00 Eastern, 8:00 Central, 7:00 Mountain, 6:00 Pacific)
- Invites will begin ten – fifteen minutes prior to the start of PVP nights, and the team will queue up AT start time. Each PVP member must be physically present, prepared, and ready to begin at that time.
- Members with unavoidable issues that cause absence or tardiness must notify Canai, as soon as they are made aware of the issue or post in the RBG Absence thread on the forum.