Author's posts

Inquisition Report 1/29

Inquisition was held at the Grim Hunt Shop in Origrimmar, lead by Syreena. In attendance were Syreena, Elinel, Qabian, Zalanjo, Meriette, Riana, Sparkskatter, Mharren, Lilliana, Zitrom, Ristikus, Einang, and Si’dad. Syreena asked about the scalp hunt, and those who have been involved gave updates on their hunting parties and trophies. Si’dad presented her Trial of …

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Inquisition Meeting Minutes (Jan 25)

Inquisition was held at the Grim Hunt Shop in Origrimmar, lead by Syreena. In attendance was Elinel, Addikus, Ristikus, Syreena, Trentril, Lupinum, Si’Dad, Riana, and Mellinoe. As Ristikus had completed his trials at the last Inquisition, Syreena promoted him to Warbringer. May his sword forever collide with his enemies in the name of the Mandate.  …

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