Grim Patrol Report: 9/11

Our routine encountah wit’ da Guard on Sunday began at da beach. Seems ta be da blue badges like da sand. Mo ratha dey like da cliffs; gives dem a solid place ta hide der mendahs, an’ a solid position ta buttress aginst. We wuz outnumbahed in da beginnin’ ba aboot one fist o’ troops, but reinforcements quickly trickled in.

Beach Engagement
We fought dem on da strand as forces were joined, but befo’ long our melee ‘ad formed ranks an’ charged.

Beach Engagement II
As we ‘ave found, da Guard an’ its flunkies maintain gud discipline until joo push dem enuff. As our assault fist hit der lines, da blues backed up towahds da road.

Road Skirmish

Da momentum o’ da combined Frostwolf, Grim an’ Brigade forces kept dem pushed jus’ righ.

Farson Hold Battle I
As der lines disintegrated, da Horde push turned da Alliance retreat inta a rout. We drove dem ta da spirit healahs across da rivah from Farson Hold, where dey eventually disentangled demselves from our forces an’ regrouped.

Farson River Retreat

Eagah ta capitalize on our victory, we sent outridahs ta scout der position an’ pursue. As da cries went out dat dey’d reformed at da beach, we mounted up an’ fell upon dem.

Second Beach Skirmish I The Wave Breaks
Unfortunate-like, da Alliance too often prove ta be like an anvil. Even broken once, dey kin aftah a short retreat become a wall ta da next wave ta fall upon dem. As our soldjas fell an’ da tide turned, we resolved ta not surrendah furtha our victory an’ withdrew ta da Hellscream camp.

Among dose in taday’s patrol, be listed Ambrion, Guduk, Linkali, Arrothien, Julkah, an’ Devalin.

End report,
Wordbearer Leyu’jin

Annihilators Defeat Shannox

Despite Shannox falling numerous times, a final death continues to elude him.  To help ensure he remembers his place in this world, a new fist of ten have arrived to crush him.

Reapers Defeat Majordomo Staghelm

While it has been some time since this accomplishment has happened, Majordomo Staghelm was defeated by Reapers.  Ragnaros has so far eluded his fate, but time is against him.

The Grim and Allies Face Alliance Raid: Turn Back Foes But Bilgewater Takes Damage

The Praetorian Guard’s efforts to delay the Grim’s intentions to shell Stormwind from Bilgewater Harbor brought an Alliance strike team to the goblin city on September 4. Grim forces gathered with Dragonhawk Brigade and the Frostwolf Brotherhood to drive off the raid.

Bilgewater Intro

Two skirmishes at the Bilgewater cannon ensued. The original arrival of the Alliance forces suffered communication problems from goblin jammers, which led to a disorganized retreat. The second assault on the cannon was in full force. However, the Horde’s brutality in a confined area led to the slaying of the Guard’s entire strike force.

Bilgewater IIBilgewater IIIBilgewater IVBilgewater V

The second assault’s failure lead to the Alliance withdrawing to Bilgewater’s eastern beach head, where they set up a defensive perimeter. The Grim and assorted Horde, flush with victory and engorged with bloodlust, fell upon them.

Bilgewater VI

However, the Alliance’s discipline led to the breaking of the Horde wave. Having lured the Horde away from the cannon, after the Horde defence force was defeated a portion of the strike team, involving Urivial the paladin, bypassed the remaining Horde defenders to sabotage the cannon. Goblin engineers report it should be a month until the mangled wiring and gizmos are restored.

Bilgewater VIIBilgewater VIII

Slayers Push The Firelands

Throughout the last month, Slayers have been making progress against the minions and lieutenants of Ragnaros, the Fire Lord.  Lord Rhyolith, Alysrazor, and Baleroc the Gatekeeper have fallen, as it the way of creatures of importance never truly seeming to die.

Lord Rhyolith


Baleroc the Gatekeeper

Reapers Defeat Baleroc

The Gatekeeper of the Firelord has fallen.  While other Lieutenants rely on other creatures to do their bidding and their fighting, Baleroc the Gatekeeper stood against us on his own.  While some of us fell to his rage – he only delayed the inevitable.  Soon, we shall reintroduce ourselves to the Druid, Staghelm.  Be it a tree in Darnassus or in the heart of the Firelands itself – the elf is but an elf.

Slayers Defeat Beth’tilac

Despite The Red Widow’s desire to increase her brood, The Grim continue to crush her underneath our heel.

Reapers Defeat Alysrazor

Once a warden of the Green Dragonflight – now a traitor to her kind and to the Horde.  Alsyra, now known as Alsyrazor, has been defeated – of course with most traitors, they always seem to find a way to return.

Reapers Defeat Lord Rhyolith

Among the Firelands, one creature stands above the rest – not in skill or strength or wit… merely one that stands above the rest.  At least, it was such until The Grim had brought the giant down.  A difficult, yet successful fight.  One less Lieutenant for Ragnaros to hide behind.

Reapers Defeat Beth’tilac

Pushing through the Firelands, a fist of Grim have defeated the Red Widow, Beth’tilac.  Among the embers and strands of her lair, her children’s bodies were piled upon her own and left to feed the flames they so carelessly covet.  Ragnaros should of remembered what happened in the Molten Core long ago.