Tag: Annihilators

Annihilators Defeat Alysrazor

We add another Fist of Grim, along with Dragonhawk Brigadiers, in the continued beating of the traitor dragon, Alysrazor.  Her job was simple – to keep the druid Staghelm in prison.  As with most Night Elf plans, it failed… he was freed… and she joined the Firelord, Ragnaros.  Weakness will never be tolerated with the …

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Annilihators Progress Through the Firelands

A Fist comprised of Grim and Dragonhawk Brigadiers continue to push through the Firelands and its defenders.  While they may move in the shadows of other Fists, some creatures refuse to die. The Undoing of Lord Rhyolith The Fall of the Red Widow, Beth’tilac

Annihilators Defeat Shannox

Despite Shannox falling numerous times, a final death continues to elude him.  To help ensure he remembers his place in this world, a new fist of ten have arrived to crush him.