The brave souls of the Grim have once again proven themselves worthy of the glory to be bestowed upon them! As a reward for our bravery, skill, and dedication, we have been granted the Antoran Gloomhound to place in our stables! GLORY TO THE GRIM! FOR THE HORDE! PEACE THROUGH ANNIHILATION!!!
Tag: pve
Mar 27 2018
Final Victory Is Ours!
Our forces have bested a Titan. Argus, the Unmaker, is no more, and his blood has been delivered to the Kirin Tor in Dalaran. As our reward, we have been given the Violet Spellwing to display our heroism! The Grim have secured the safety of our world once again, and will not rest until all …
Jan 28 2018
Victory In Sight
The Heroes of the Grim continue their push through Antorus to end Argus, and the Burning Legion, once and for all. Heroic Antorus – 8/11 Garothi Worldbreaker – 12/7/17 – Felhounds of Sargeras – 12/12/17 – Antoran High Command – 1/4/18 – Portal Keeper Hasabel – 1/4/18 – Essence of Eonar – 12/21/17 – Imonar the …
Nov 30 2017
Antorus, the Burning Throne. Defeated.
With the Army of the Light failing to deal a death blow, much as the Prophet Velen has done repeatedly throughout time, the Grim stepped forward to defeat the Legion once and for all. Recognizing a weakness in the Legion’s defenses, the Grim directed fire to the artillery platform near Felfire Armory, breaching the stronghold. …
Nov 02 2017
Ahead of the Curve
Jul 07 2017
Deceiver’s Fall And The Truth Is Revealed
Kil’jaeden. The Eredar lord that betrayed and deceived his own kind in a promise for power and knowledge. The Grim have no love of the coward Velen and his followers that chose to not bow to Sargeras’ power, and had he fought instead of running, perhaps the history we all know would be quite different. …
Jul 02 2017
Cracking The Tomb
Black clouds swirl over the Burning Legion’s foothold on Azeroth. Demons of every shape and size march along the rivers of fel magic that boil over the Broken Shore. Above everything looms the dreaded Tomb of Sargeras, an ancient night elf temple that serves as the Legion’s gateway into the world. Aegwynn used this sacred temple of …
May 23 2017
Ahead of the Curve Indeed
Mar 08 2017
Gul’dan, More Like Gul’Done!
The chain of events set in motion when Garrosh escaped to Draenor has continued, unbroken for all its twists and turns, leading to this very moment. Thwarted in Draenor, Gul’dan now stands on the precipice of achieving ultimate victory on behalf of his Legion masters. Standing atop the Nighthold, as the vortex of fel energy …
Sep 27 2016
Il’gynoth – D.E.H.T.A. Just Heard That Tree Scream
Il’gynoth Lodged in the hollows of a now-decrepit world tree, Il’gynoth is a manifestation of the horrors that lie at the heart of the Nightmare. It is a mass of corruption – a thing that should not be. Its tendrils seep through the ground, emerging in countless horrifying eyestalks and limbs. The voices were heard …