Tag: Emerald Nightmare

Ahead of the Curve Indeed

The Grim have prevailed in besting all of the beasts thrown at us since the rise of the Legion! The Emerald Nightmare, The Trial of Valor, and now, The Nighthold all fall before the Grim in Heroic fashion.  We await the Tomb of Sargeras and its riches and bloodshed.  

Il’gynoth – D.E.H.T.A. Just Heard That Tree Scream

Il’gynoth Lodged in the hollows of a now-decrepit world tree, Il’gynoth is a manifestation of the horrors that lie at the heart of the Nightmare. It is a mass of corruption – a thing that should not be. Its tendrils seep through the ground, emerging in countless horrifying eyestalks and limbs. The voices were heard …

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Elerethe – A Soul Swayed To A Path Of Darkness

Elerethe Renferal Elerethe, once a mighty druid and adept shapeshifter, was led by a dark path by the belief that she was betrayed by her closest allies. Her consciousness now resides in the nightmare, damning her to an existence of fear, confusion, and hatred. The Grim know well of the Night Elf Arch Druid.  Her …

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Nythendra, From Life To Death

Nythendra Nythendra was once a member of the Green Dragonflight charged with guarding the world tree, Shaladrassil. When Xavius’ corruption of the Nightmare consumed Shala’drassil the sleeping guardian also fell to his corruption. Nythendra is now nothing more than a skeletal version of herself, swarming in pestilence, ready to devour anyone or anything foolish enough …

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A New Challenge Arises

The Emerald Nightmare The Emerald Dream was created by the titans as a blueprint for Azeroth itself – a verdant and perfect mirror that reflects the state of nature had it remained unspoiled by so-called civilization. For many years, the druids and keepers who are closest to nature have noticed signs of an unsettling presence …

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