And You Thought He Smelled Bad On The Outside



Falling into the heart of the mausoleum Auchindoun, the Shadow Council lieutenant Teron’gor gorged upon hundreds of draenei souls, becoming a bloated abomination in the process. More than just an orc now, Teron’gor gave up his old name and has taken a new one: Gorefiend.

When something you battle feeds upon the very souls of its fallen foes, one would think that great lengths would be taken to avoid meeting your end.  However there are times that no matter how good you are, and how strong you fight, your enemy has indescribable power over the forces of death.  Gorefiend is one of these foes.

The Shadows of Death were controlled by Gorefiend and when they touched you, your fate was sealed.  However, the strong will of the Grim and the training our warriors all endure proved to be fruitful.  Our resolve allowed our fallen to resist being consumed eternally by the fiend, and they returned to us ready to continue the assault.  Spirits corrupted by Gorefiend battled on his behalf, and the Grim stood strong undergoing waves of these tormented souls.  The depravity of Gul’dan knows no bounds… this abomination was proof of that.

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