Tag: wow

Go Long

The Grim are in this fight for the long haul, and will not quit until all foes are vanquished. Go Long Achievement.

You Know What They Say About Pride…

Cleansed of our corruption and having passed Norushen’s test, the Grim pressed onward into the place called the Heart of Y’shaarj.  The place flowed with living corruption, and we faced a devious foe indeed. The seventh sha, the Sha of Pride, was the final burden to which Emperor Shaohao clung, shrouding the land in mist …

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None Shall Pass

The Grim formed a large war party and took themselves into the Siege of Orgrimmar, and performed quite admirably.   None Shall Pass, indeed.  Well done Grim.

Frygyd Bio

Frya known better as Frygyd. Originally a Frost mage. Currently a contributing member of many difficult raids, battleground ventures with only a few steps into the more chaotic arena battles.