Tag: pve

The Arcane Sanctum

Moving deeper into Highmaul, The Grim entered the locale known as The Arcane Sanctum. The Pale Orcs inside Highmaul have bound elemental forces to their side, though just barely.  Once such monstrosity known as Tectus was turned loose upon The Grim as we tried to navigate our way toward the citadel of the Imperator. An …

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Collateral Damage, a.k.a The Things That Druids Do Not Tell You About

Highmaul has a small sandy area, where the sea meets the city, and the Iron Horde ships in the harbor have disturbed the native creatures of the water.  Once such beast was battling the Iron Horde forces as we discovered them. The Iron Horde juggernaut moored in the waters beside Highmaul drew the attention of …

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Born in the fetid Underbelly of Highmaul, this ogre may have once had a proper name, but it’s since been long forgotten. Abused and beaten from his earliest days, the hardship only strengthened his body even as it broke his mind. Now there is not an ogre in Highmaul who will not give him a …

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The Battles Begin

The Mandate states “Peace Through Annihilation” and while most take this to mean the eradication of the Alliance, and this is the primary goal, we also seek the total destruction of all that stand in the path of the Horde.  Our forces are constantly at war, the battles are difficult and dangerous, and our forces …

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We End Our War On A High Note

The Grims heroic battles against Garrosh’s forces have come to an end, and they end on a high note.  First our assaults put an end to the Dark Shaman and then, General Nazgrim fell to our might.  One after the other. I am proud of the performance of the Ten Storms, you have all done …

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Heroes Battle Every Challenge, From Proto-Drakes To Giant Robotic Scorpions

Acting the Hero once again, The Grim faced off against Warlord Zaela’s Proto-Drake, Galakras, and its waves of minions. Dispatching the beast easily, they pressed the gates of beloved Orgrimmar only to see an abomination of engineering lay waste to the Darkspear Rebellion’s forces.  The Grim reduced this device to nothing but parts with a …

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The Grim Are Proud, But Not Too Proud

The Sha of Pride unleashed all of its vile power upon the Grim, bombarding our forces from rifts which tore our world asunder and sending our warriors into the shadowy realms.  However, his attacks were no match for our Heroic onslaught, and another minion falls before our might.  The forces under the command of Galrakas …

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The Grim Have Been Busy Acting The Hero

The Ten Storms have been busy in their assault on Garrosh’s forces, moving now against the elite troops he has sent against our Heroes.  Nothing will stop the Grim’s Heroic actions, and one by one his minions fall before our might. Immerseus, The Fallen Protectors, and Norushen’s challenges have all been met with success, and …

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Ahead of the Curve

The Grim defeated Garrosh in a timely manner, and were rewarded their choice of the finest Kor’Kron warwolves from the stables.

Liberators of Orgrimmar

Garrosh, son of Grommash Hellscream, first learned of his father’s heroism when Thrall encountered the young orc in Outland. The seeds of pride were planted. Garrosh spearheaded Horde victories in Northrend and, as Warchief, consolidated Horde power amidst the chaos of the Cataclysm. But his visions of orc supremacy by any means have brought the …

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