Grim News – December 29, 2019


Dressed up in their holiday best, and riding festive reindeer mounts, several members of The Grim, along with a couple guests, brought holiday cheer to the Alliance. At Ironforge, they visited Father Winterveil after showing off their old fel spreader toys, and they played in the snowglobe. Then they stopped by the Brawler’s Pub and had a couple fights before heading to Stormwind. There, they killed some humans before the Alliance rallied a defensive force and pinned down The Grim at the stockades.

The Grim visiting Father Winterveil in Ironforge


On December 19, after doing many silly things like running in circles, saving baby Zoatroids, collecting sea life, and finding cows, The Grim have earned themselves some Azshari Bloatray mounts.

The Grim on their new Azshari Bloatray mounts


Awatu Stonespire
has been Commander of The Grim for several years, longer than any Grim leader before him. We asked him for his thoughts about the challenges and rewards of leading such a guild.

“The difficulty has always been unifying a… rather diverse group of individuals. While we all follow the same ideals, it can be challenging when there are personal differences. The best part, however, is that despite these differences we are able to accomplish our goals. Or, at least, make progress with our goals. I would add that any enjoyment comes from witnessing the fruits of our labors borne into reality and driving the Horde towards a… peaceful future.”

Awatu Stonespire (artwork by Zulric)


Welcome to two new members this month: Zolanjo, a troll rogue and
Pomkin, a goblin warlock.

That is all for this edition of Grim News. If you would like to help with the next edition of Grim News by writing stories, taking pictures, or conducting interviews, contact Ayidda or Syreenna.

Happy New Year!

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