The Secret Of The Blackrock Clan

The Blackrock clan’s unique ability to smelt the black ore, a substance so dense that ordinary flame does not even soften it, has always been their most closely-guarded secret. Deep within the Foundry, their furnace contains a primal force as old as Draenor itself, raging within the confines of its prison as it emanates a preternatural heat.


The Orc known as Foreman Feldspar is the harsh taskmaster that keeps the Blackrock Clan’s slave labor smelting the black ore all covet.  Even though he was unprepared for an assault on his foundry, the Orc presented a strong defense to the Grim assault.  Many orc soldiers and engineers attempted to prevent our destruction of the furnace, and even the enslaved Ogron threw their hands in with the Blackrock Clan.  In the end, all fell, including Feldspar, and the Orc Elementalists could not keep the secret of the Foundry trapped.  The Heart of the Mountain was unleashed, much to all combatants dismay.


The flames pounded Blackrock and Grim alike, and when the smoke cleared, only the Grim were left standing.

Blast Furnace Kill



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