Applying To The Grim

Before Submitting Your Application, Read All Directions and Questions Carefully
Updated 09/06/2013

STEP 1 : Registering Your Forum Account

  • Access the forum through the Forum button on the main page to register to the site.
  • Your username MUST match that of your character’s name in FFXIV somehow – either your first name, last name, or both.  NOTE: We do not accept names with ASCII characters in them, except apostrophes (‘).
  • The VIP registration code to complete registration is 3712.
  • Your account will be approved within 24 hours of submission. If you are not approved within that time, please contact the company master through the in-game mail system.

STEP 2 : Making an Application

  • The application can be found here.  Copy it and create a New Topic in Joining the Echo
  • The subject of your new application post should be your character’s name, as it appears in the game.
  • All questions on the application are OOC (Out Of Character). Answer honestly, as these questions are meant to gauge what you, as a player, are looking for and whether we, as a guild, can provide it.

STEP 3 : The Letter of Intent (IC)

  • In The Mysterium, create a New Topic that includes your Character Name in the Subject line.
  • This is your character’s introduction and request to join The Grim. All information must be in-character, though how that information is being presented is purely up to your imagination. An actual written letter, an interview, a magical contraption – however you want it to be known from an in-character perspective.
  • Be aware that creativity is a bonus, but don’t go over the top. Telling us what we do or do not do with your letter will reflect poorly on you – keep the best tricks for the in-game interview

STEP 4 : Membership Approval

  • You will be informed through your Application post if you are approved or denied for an in-game interview.
    • If Approved: Applicants will be informed of the next available meeting times. It is the applicant’s responsibility to check their application to see if they have been accepted, and to appear at the aforementioned time and place for the interview. Extreme circumstances may warrant a change to the original time, as it is understood people have real life circumstances that take priority over the game. Should such an issue arise, the applicant will have to contact the Magister in order to request an alternate meeting.
    • If Denied: The applicant will be informed through their application of any corrections or additional information that will be needed until approval can be given. Any direction given will be for the applicant’s benefit for future applications. If the applicant has a concern about their application being denied, they can contact the Magister or the Guild Master.

Miscellaneous Information

  • Grim members may respond to your Letter of Intent with IC comments, personal opinions, or judgments.  You are not required to respond to any questions, but it is recommended to take advantage of the interaction.

Grim Alt Characters

  • Alternate (Alt) characters of current Grim members and Supplicants need only create a Letter of Intent
  • The Letter of Intent should include who is sponsoring the alt character (i.e. who your main is)
  • Grim Alt Applications will be held to the same standard as normal applications for new members
  • It is not required to create a new account for alts

 Returning Grim Members | Grim members from other games

  • If you are a returning Grim member of good standing (Legacy member or full member who left due to real life circumstances), you need only create a Letter of Intent
  • The Letter of Intent should only be the reintroduction/statement of return so the officers are aware of your return
  • If you are a current member of a Grim guild from another game (for example, World of Warcraft), you need only create a Letter of Intent for your FFXIV character and then speak to the Magister.