Blood On The Gates

succubusSomething dark is rising in the ruins of Amdapor.  Erik stumbled into the headquarters earlier this week, wounded after an encounter with a powerful Voidsent he could not overcome – one he met while exploring ruins in the Shroud.  Now the Grim must return in force, to defeat whatever lurks there and buy Erik enough time to complete the sealing ritual; Erik, Lizbet, Remi and Aesyra have been chosen to head into the ruins.  But before then, the requisite books have to be retrieved from Erik’s boobytrapped library, and of course Erik himself is in no condition to go get them.  So if anyone finds a smoking crater in the middle of Thanalan, you can count that mission as a failure.

Meanwhile, our ally M’wanthala has discovered that the junk information in the Allagan chart table isn’t junk after all – although exactly what it means is still a mystery.  She’s investigating, and in the meantime Sindl is trying to figure out where exactly the table came from, and whether there may be more of these strange schematics out there.