What's in a name?

The stories and lives of the Grim. ((Roleplaying Stories and In Character Interactions))
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What's in a name?

Post by Baalthemar »

(( Warning, Adult content: You have been warned ))

Baal’themar walked into his Garrison, down into a hidden basement under his town hall.
The basement was cold and dark, with a few soft whimpers from his guests echoing off the walls.

He made his way to a man strapped down to a table and gagged with a small knotted leather strip.
The table was made from thick wood and had a large hinge so that he could tilt the table from its current horizontal position to a vertical one.

At the head of the large table was a long bench with an array of tools, belts and chains along with many large long life candles. At the foot of the large table between it and the far wall is a chair and a small writing table to hold writing equipment.

Baal lit a few candles to light the room and moved to stand over the man, allowing both of their eyes to focus before talking.
“Hello Hendrick, It’s been a long time hasn’t it?” Hendrick looked at Baal with confusion and fear on his face.
Baal ran his hand over Hendricks forehead. “I know, I have grown up a lot haven’t I?”

Baal leans close and smiles down at Hendrick as he talks. “Do you remember the last time you were in Silvermoon, Hendrick?”

Hendrick’s eyes dart around the room looking for a way out, Baal slaps Hendrick across the face.
“Focus Mr. Thornton! Do you remember what you did in Silvermoon?” he pauses for a moment to let the man think.

“You remember the parties? You couldn’t forget those Hendrick, you and your friends were there almost every night.”
As Baal asked his questions Hendricks eyes grow wide with the memory of what he had done.
Baal watches as Hendrick remembers and the wave of recollection hits him.
“Ah there you go Hendrick, you remember now don’t you.”
Baal nods his head and moves around to the other side of the table.
“Good because I haven’t forgotten. I think it’s time for me to repay the "good time" you showed me and my friends.”

Baal moves over to the edge of the table and tilts it, the cogs under the table make loud clunking sounds as they lock into place to stop it from falling back, Hendrick panics slightly as he is moved, trying to yell into his gag, but he only manages to make a few muffled yelps.

Baal locks the table into its vertical position so that Hendrick is upright, Hendrick now faces the wall of the dimly lit room, he can slightly make out some shapes against the far wall but it is too dark from him to see them.

Baal moves into his view “I thought I should bring some more guest to our little party Hendrick. I didn’t want you to feel alone after all, I know how troublesome it is to be at a party with nobody you know.”

Baal picks up a candle and walks over to the far wall, lighting some braziers set against the far wall.
The light reveals three people chained to the wall facing Hendrick, a woman in a dirty white top and blue skirt, a boy in blue overalls and a brown top and a girl in a pink dress.

Hendrick thrashed against his binds, screaming into his gag. “Yes, I thought your lovely little family could join us”
The three were unconscious, but all of them had been gagged in case they woke up and decided to start screaming.

Baal turned to face Hendrick, “I wouldn’t be much of a host if I didn’t offer you and your family something to drink now would I?”
Baal grinned and pulled out a vial of black liquid from his belt, he walked over to Hendrick’s wife and took her gag off, looking back to Hendrick. Baal tilted his head and watched as he struggled again to free himself.
Grinning Baal poured the entire vial down Mrs. Thornton’s throat.
Baal walked to the chair and writing table and carefully re-corking the empty vial he placed it on the small table.

"Now I know I said this was a party but I do have a little bit of work to do. I'm sure you understand."
Baal pulled the chair form next to the table and watched as the poison starts to take affect in Mrs. Thornton, getting his notebook ready to make notes as to its lethality.
Aderlee had said that a ladle full would be lethal so she had been given a half dosage.

Baal had gotten his hands on a goblin clock to record the time it took for the woman to die, the plan was for the poison to kill slowly, so the time might have to be marked by the hours rather than minutes but he was willing to wait.

It didn’t take long for the screaming to start, only a few minutes.
It wasn’t like anything he had heard before, she made a high pitched shrill noise, which had a strange effect when it echoed around the room, and it almost felt like the sound was coming from everywhere.
Baal closed his eyes for a moment to enjoy it, but he was reminded quickly why he was there.

Hendrick was yelling at him. Baal wondered, was he pleading or cursing him? Baal shrugged it didn’t matter, he had work to do.
He made a note of the time in a small leather notebook.

A little after dusk, Mrs. Thornton has started to scream in pain.

Putting down his notebook and getting up to take a closer look at the woman, Baal watched as thick black liquid had made its way into her blood, rushing back to get his notebook he started to write down the new findings.

The poison is in her blood now, I can see it through her skin, and it has started to show in the jugular vein.

Baal paused to for a moment, and lifted Mrs. Thornton’s skirt to check her femoral vein, then returned to this notebook.

There is slight discoloration on skin near her femoral vein.

Baal returned to his seat to watch the poison progress.

9pm, Mrs. Thornton. The poison has taken to all of her veins, her skin has started to dissolve, stating at her major veins large groves have been eaten away.

Midnight, Mrs. Thornton has lost almost all of her limbs, the fingers and toes went quickly but the palms and forearms took longer to dissolve. Interesting note, the arms and legs fell off at the joints, (Elbow and Knee) maybe the poison works quicker there because of the thicker veins?

Baal turned to look at Hendrick as his wife was falling apart, he had turned away, looking off into the darkness trying to make his mind take him somewhere else.
"No! You Don't get to escape this." Baal yelled moving over to the table. "We didn't get an escape, you won't be given that mercy."

Baal grabbed the leather belt from the bench and tied Hendrick's head down so he was forced to look at his wife.

3am, Mrs. Thornton has stopped screaming, she is still breathing. When her arms dissolved off she fell to the floor and has been there since. Her rib cage and pelvis are now exposed, giving me a much better look into how the poison affects bones and internal organs. Her bones are stained with the black colour from the poison, it seems to have soaked through into the marrow and used it to spread.

Dawn. Mrs. Thornton is dead, the poison ate away at her neck and head, causing the weight of her head to decapitate her and I was left with a torso and some scraps of cloth. However the poison sorted that little problem too. All that remains of Mrs. Thornton will be washed down the drain in a few minutes.

Dawn broke, although none could tell without the use of a clock.
Baal stretched, it had been a long night, for everyone. He looked over at the boy and girl, still unconscious.
He wondered if he should make it quicker for them, he would think on that after the Inquisition tonight.

Turning to Hendrick, Baal smiled. “What a night eh? I don’t know about you but I could use a little food, and maybe a quick drink.”

What stared back at Baal was a shell of a man, he had forced watched his wife fall apart die in front of him.

Baal grinned, “Don’t you go anywhere. I’ll be back sometime tonight. I have a meeting with my new family, you just relax and watch yours float down that drain. But don’t worry, by the time that mess is gone the candles will have died out and you’ll be in the dark.”

Baal turned on his heel and headed to the surface, he could hear Hendrick crying as he closed the door and left him in the gloom with the last of his family.
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Re: What's in a name?

Post by Nathandiel »

((A man after Nathandiel's own heart.))
WrA: Nathandiel, Mharren
Grobbulus: Andhar
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Re: What's in a name?

Post by Baalthemar »

(( Warning, Adult content: You have been warned ))

Baal’themar walked back down the steps to his hidden basement, his footsteps echoed off the walls.
He was tired, and he was still a little drink from his time on Tahzani's boat.

He felt full and warm from the feast that Tahzani had cooked up, still picking meat for his teeth he had to give it to Talfisher he could cook. Baal lit up a fresh candle and started to light the candles around the room. The smell of smoke covered the hint of human waste, but not well.

As the light grew in the room, Baal grinned at Hendrick, still bound to the table, he had fallen asleep.
Baal walked to the side of the large table, he pulled the pin under the table and sent the sleeping Hendrick crashing into the horizontal position. The loud boom as the table shocked the man awake. “Good evening Hendrick. Did you sleep well?”

Whimpering could be heard behind him, Baal turned to the far wall. “Oh they are awake, good.” Hendrick thrashed against his binds.

Baal turned back to look at him, “I was thinking that I could make it quicker for them, but I want to test what a full dose will do to them.”
Baal slowly walks around the table. “I talked with Aderlee I told him that I thought that it might be a body weight issue, seeing as your wife is bigger than them, it might not take so long, and we can have some time to talk”

Turning to look at the children. “Well, I don’t want make you wait.” Baal tilted the table again to put Hendrick back into the upright position.

He walked over to the two human children, and looked down at them.
“You know, we were about this age when you and your friends forced yourselves on us.” Turning back to Hendrick. “I’ll give these two a small kindness, and just kill them.”

Baal turns back to the two scared children and removes their gags, they are awake but too weak to fight as he pours the poison down their throats.

Hendrick roars into this gag. “Yes I know, you can thank me after.” Baal grins back at him.
He stands and walks back to his chair and starts recording the effect of the poison.
The poison was fast, much faster than in the older woman, their little veins pumped the poison around their bodies quickly, and for the most part their suffering was over quickly.

Baal looked at his watch, “Not even two hours, they didn’t last long.” Baal shrugs.
He stood up and walked over to Hendrick stepping over a thick black paste slowly making its way toward the drain in the floor.

“You know, at least your family got buried together.” Looking at the drain “well sort of.”
Moving to face Hendrick, Baal removed his gag so the broken man could talk.

Hendricks dry and cracked lips moved slowly and a whisper was all that he could manage.
“What was that?” Baal moves in close to hear.
“Please… I’m sorry… Just kill me” Hendrick whispers in a soft voice, his throat raw from screaming.

Baal leans back from Hendrick. “You’re sorry eh?” Baal starts to pace.“You’re SORRY!?” Baal yells at Hendrick.
“You! A child rapist. A murderer. ARE SORRY?!. NOT YET YOUR NOT!” Baal paces in front of Hendrick fighting to keep control of his temper.

*Calm yourself, if you end it now the party is over* A soft voice called from the back of his mind.

Baal takes a deep breath, and sighs. A smile returns to his face. “You want me to kill you? But we have only just started.”
Last edited by Baalthemar on Mon Mar 14, 2016 1:06 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: What's in a name?

Post by Baalthemar »

(( Warning, Adult content: You have been warned ))

Stepping forward and tilting the table and Hendrick back to the horizontal position. Untying Hendricks head allowing him to look around the room.

Baal walks over to the long bench at the head of the table. “You know, after Silvermoon, I spent a long time walking the wilds.” he picks up a long thin knife.

“I had to learn to survive outdoors. To feed myself, keep warm, to fix myself up when I was hurt.”
Baal smiles, turning the blade over in his hands. “It was a hard life. I had many broken bones, and torn muscles before I learned the skills I needed.”

Baal walks over to Hendricks table. “I needed to learn how to skin beasts. How to grow food. What herbs were useful and what was poison.” Baal grins as he says poison.

“But you know, if your life depends on something, you get very good at whatever it is you need to do to survive. Hunting, whoring, charming, stealing and whatever else a young elf boy needs to do to survive.” Baal taps the flat of the blade on Hendricks leg.

Baal shakes his head, “I’m getting distracted. I haven’t slept in a few days, you know how it is.”
Hendrick looks at the knife in Baal’s hands. “Oh, this?” Baal holds up the knife. “I’m not a doctor, I know enough first aid to make sure you don’t die but I’m no surgeon.”

Baal smiles. “This is a filleting knife.” he wiggles the knife in his fingers. “I like to fish sometimes.”
he moves to Hendricks feet. “Now, I’m going to give you something to numb your feet here, because I don’t want you moving around while I debone these.” Baal pats Hendricks feet.

“Oh gods.” Hendricks pleads.
“Yes, I’m sure the gods would come help someone like you.” Baal says with venom.

Baal moves to the table and picks up a small jar of healing salve and a large blackjack.
“Don’t worry, I’ll let you sleep for the first part, I don’t want you distracting me with your noises while I work” Baal swings the blackjack across Hendricks head.
Hendrick’s world fades to black as he falls unconscious.

Hendrick wakes up to Baal cursing. “Fucking… ankle. That took so long” He lifts his head to look at the elf, covered in sweat and breathing hard.
Baal wipes his forehead. Hands covered in blood, only manages to wipe blood on himself.

“Oh you’re awake, good. Here let me show you what I have done so far.” Baal puts the bloody knife down and walks over to Hendricks head.
Grabbing a small pillow form the chair on his way he lifts Hendricks head and pushes it under him so he can see his feet and legs better.

Hendrick looked down at two flat slabs of flesh that were once his feet. His stomach twists and he fights back the urge to vomit, not wanting to give the elf the satisfaction.

“Yeah, it took so long to take them out, I worked up quite the sweat.” Baal smiles at Hendrick.
“But as you can see, I have a small pile of bones over there.” Baal points to a pile of small bones on the bench. Still red and raw.

“That’s all you Hendrick, I wonder how high I can make that pile?” Baal shrugs, “We can find out together.”
Baal sighs and stretches, “I have put some healing herbs on your.” Baal looks at what was once feet. “Flippers?” Baal smiles, “Well I put some herbs on them to stop any infection, but the painkilling balm will wear off sometime soon.” stretching Baal turns to Hendrick “I have to be somewhere else, but you don’t mind if I step out for a little bit do you?”

“You’re a monster! Just end it already!” Hendrick yells.
Baal smiles, “Yes. What was done to me was monstrous, and we are all shaped by our past. But that is no reason to be so rude, I went to all this trouble to get you here, you could at least show a little gratitude.”

Hendrick pauses. “How.. how did you find me?”
Baal grins, “Oh well, I tracked most of the party guests after I got older. You Hendrick are the first that I have had the pleasure of entertaining.”
Hendrick looks at Baal as he talks. Cursing him, willing the gods to save him from this horror.

“To tell you the truth, I almost lost you. But you had that slut in Lakeshire. And you were stupid enough to give her this.”
Baal pulls out an old elven neckless. “This belonged to Elora. You would remember her. She was beautiful, long blond hair so bright it was like sunlight and her eyes where golden.” Baal paused. “She had a laugh that could lift you to the sky.” Baal whispered softly in Thalassian into the neckless and it opened.

Inside there was an image of two smiling elves holding their newborn baby. “This was all she had of them.” Baal closed the neckless, and looked at Hendrick. “And you gave it to some whore to win her favor for a night.”

Hendrick looked at Baal. “The woman… I... Is she?”

“You mean the woman you cheated on your wife with?” Baal started to pace again, feeling his anger returning. “The woman that kept you from Sarah and your children?" Baal grinned, "Yes, she is dead. My new family and I made sure of that."

Hendrick flinched, “You... wait you knew my wife's name?”

Pacing back and forth Baal fought to keep his voice clam. “Yes. I knew all about your family, Sarah your wife, Mathew and Rebecca your children.”

“To think, you could have saved them if you were at home, you could have just died at my blade, but you were out cheating on Sarah with any wet hole you could find. So I took all of you.” Baal stopped pacing.

Hendrick’s eyes welled up with tears, and he broke again. “You knew them and you still killed them?!”
Baal looked Hendrick in the eyes has he cried. “Yes.” He said coldly.
“Why?! They did nothing to you!” Hendrick yelled. “To hurt you.” Baal said matter of factly.

Hendrick roared in anger and thrashed against his binds.

Baal grinned, “Now before I go, I have to deal with on last thing” Baal picked up some engineering pliers from the bench. “I don’t want you biting your tongue off while I’m gone, so those teeth need to go.”
Hendrick thrashed his head trying to stop Baal but in the end, his teeth were added to the pile of bones.

Baal dropped the pliers with a bang as he finished. “There, now your mouth will bleed a little but you’ll have more to worry about when the painkillers wear off.”
The dull ache had already started in his feet, Hendrick could feel it creeping up his legs.

Baal looked at his hands, still covered in blood. “What a mess.”
He shrugged and pushed some hair back that had fallen over his face, putting fresh blood through his hair. “Ah I need a drink.” He looked at his rune stone and grinned. “I’ll have to wash my hands if I want to see them.” Baal headed to the surface, he left Hendrick to be alone with his pain in the darkness.

Baal smiled. “To warspear then, I hope they are still there by the time I wash up.” Baal walked quickly to make sure he was ready to see the Grim.
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Re: What's in a name?

Post by Baalthemar »

(( Warning, Adult content: You have been warned ))

Back into the darkness of the basement, Baal’themar walked with a new spring in his step he was happy for the first time in a very long time.

He had meet up with the Grim in Warspear, and Ulrezaj had given him some wonderful wine, ”Dalaran Red” he hadn’t tasted anything like it, as soon as it hit his gut he could feel a warmth crawl up his spine and once it go to his neck he spread to his entire body.

He walked softly down to the table and started to light some fresh candles.
He let his mind wander a little enjoying the feeling of the cool air on his skin.

He thought about what happened in the Inn, he had let Nathandiel “fix” his hair, and as strange as that was to him, it felt really nice, maybe it was the wine but he didn’t dislike the idea of that happening again.

Baal smiled and turned to Hendrick, “How are we doing?”
Hendrick moaned, his mouth had stopped bleeding and it seemed that the painkilling herbs had long ago stopped doing their job.

“Good, I’m going to work on your legs tonight, the have larger bones so it should be much quicker to remove them” Baal hummed softly as he collected the tools for his work.
“But I’ll need to take care not to make you bleed out.” Patting his knife against Hendricks thigh.

Baal started cutting into Hendricks leg, and for a few moments he managed not to scream. But when it started Baal smiled. Like his wife, it echoed around the room, fulling the room with his cries for mercy and his curses.

Baal let the sounds wash over him, in his current state is was like a wonderful melody of suffering, fueling his work.
Time passed quickly for Baal, he had gotten into a rhythm cutting and slicing, he had removed most of the leg bones Hendricks left leg before he noticed that he had passed out.

“Aw that’s no fun.” Baal put down his knife and moved over to the bench to find something to wake Hendrick up.
He found a small vial of smelling salts. “Here we go, this will bring you back.” Opening the vial and waving it under Hendricks nose, the man awoke with a start.

The rush of pain came quickly when he awoke. That is all his world was now, unimaginable pain followed by unconscious. Hendrick hoped he would die and never wake up, but every time, he woke into this horror, his own personal fel at the hands of a mad elf.
He looked down at what else had been taken, his leg, a flat mess of raw meat, still twitching as his muscles tried to move. He felt cold, something in his gut twisted and all he could do was hope he choked as he vomited.

“Woah, for a guy that hasn’t eaten in days you sure can throw up.” Baal grinned at Hendrick.
“That’s alright, I’m in a good mood tonight so I’ll give you some food and water.” Baal moved over to the writing table and grabbed a mug of cool water, held it to Hendricks lips and let him drink.

“There you go, drink it all.” Baal smiled as the last of the water flowed down Hendricks throat.
“Now I know it will be hard to eat with not teeth so I mashed up some fish and vegetables for you.” Baal grabbed a wooden bowl full of warm food.
He started to spoon feed Hendrick the mashed food. “There you go, easy. That should hold you over for another day of two.”

Baal put the food and drink away. “I’m almost done with your legs. Just the right one to go, and then I can move on to your arms, I must admit I think I’m getting better at this.” Baal picked up his knife again and started to get back to work.

Once again his music started and Baal started to dance to its tune.

Dawn broke and Baal had removed all of the bones in Hendricks legs, up to the hip. And had started to work on his hands.

Baal held up a thumb bone and inspected it. “You know, Bones are really odd. You would think that they are solid but they are full of little holes, you go hunting?”

Hendrick moaned something unintelligible.

“Well you should. It is really amazing how things work. Beasts and people are more alike than you might think.” Baal put the bone back into the growing pile.

“I’ll leave you to think about that.” Baal wiped his hands on a rag and got ready to head out again.

As he was leaving he was reminded of an item Aderlee had given him, a bomb. He had wondered at the time what would happen if it was left of inside someone. He grinned, and said to himself “All good parties end with a bang.”
He walked up the stairs and into his town hall to be greeted by his bottle of Dalaran Red, It was a new day, why not start it with a drink?
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Re: What's in a name?

Post by Baalthemar »

(( Warning, Adult content: You have been warned ))

Baal’themar was wired for the coffee Syreena had got him. He was having a good night, he got Nathandiel to do his hair again, that felt just as good as last time, and he was excited to get back to his work.

He walked past the bottle of Dalaran Red again, he wanted to have another glass, Ulrezaj had told him to take it slow with it, but it was only wine, what was the harm in having another glass while he worked?
He poured a large glass for himself, and headed down stairs to the hidden basement.

He carried a lit candle to light his path, and light the room again. Taking a sip from his glass he closed his eyes as that warm feeling crawled up his spine again.

“Now, back to work.” Baal walked over to Hendrick to find him awake. “Good evening, we got a lot done yesterday Hendrick, only a few more bones and we will have the arms done.” Baal looked over the flat legs, and feet, they were still twitching slightly.

“So, we have, the rest of this hand and arm and all of that one to go.” Pointing at his other arm.
Hendrick mumbled something. Baal stopped trying to find out what he was saying long ago.
Baal walked to the bench and put down his glass of wine, and started to gather up his tools.

“Lots of work to be done tonight Hendrick.” Baal started his work by removing the remaining bones in his hand and working his way up.

A few hours later Hendrick had only twitching meat for arms.

Baal hands were covered in blood, his fingertips were still wet, as he picked up his wine glass. He sipped at the wine and looked at his work.
“Not bad, just need to finish it up.” Baal thought about how he could remove Hendricks ribs. When he was interrupted by the man himself.

“Almost…. Over?” he asked with tears in his eyes, pleading to Baal.

Baal smiled. “Yes, Almost over.” Something in the back of his mind called to him. It whispered something but he couldn’t understand what it was saying.

He was in a good mood. Once he took Hendricks ribs out he would end it from him, he had been a good sport after all. It would be cruel to torment him much longer.

Baal nodded, “Alright let’s finish this shall we” he smiled at Hendrick, and Hendrick smiled a toothless grin back.

The sounds of snapping bone and ripping flesh echoed off the walls as Baal got to work. He was strong but breaking this rib cage was hard work, he should have got some tools for it, but a hammer and chisel was working fine, he just had to be careful not to let the chisel slip or it would hit an organ and it would all be over.

He leaned back to wipe the sweat off his forehead, leaving a long smudge of blood instead.

Hendrick was hanging in there, his breathing had become labored but he kept going on, and so would Baal. He owed it to his friends, and himself.

He put down the hammer picked up his wine, he had been drinking it slowly through the night, taking his time with it. He would need another bottle soon though.Baal licked his lips and put the glass down again, “Just a few more Hendrick and we will be done.” He picked up his hammer and got back to work.

Close to dawn and Baal was done. He was sweating, his hands were slick with blood but he had done it. This man was now in body what he was in spirit.

“A slug, fit only for wriggling around on its belly.” Baal grinned.

Hendrick was only dimly aware that Baal was talking, he had only one thought in his mind. Two words that he repeated in his mind over and over… “Almost over”. When he lost his arms. “Almost over”, when he could see into his own chest, “Almost over” as the snapping bone made his breathing harder. “Almost over”, now that he had nothing left for the elf to take. “Almost… Over?” he tried to say.

Baal walked over to him, and held something up to him. He couldn’t see it. His eyes wouldn’t focus. He could hear words but they sounded far away, and he couldn’t make them out. But he smiled at the only thought that he cared about. “Almost over”.

Baal held a Cobolt Frag Bomb that Aderlee had given him. “His is how you will die. I’m going to put this inside you and light it. I want to see what happens. Okay?”

Baal watched Hendrick smile. “Good. I have to rig it so I can watch, and I might invite a friend or two to watch. So tomorrow we will end this and we can both move on to better things.” Baal grinned. “Well I will anyway. You I guess can explain to your family why they are in the afterlife.”

Baal placed the bomb on the bench and picked up his glass, heading to the stairs he thought about who he would like to show his work too.

Aderlee, He was maybe his best friend in the Grim, he had helped him make the poison and knew what it was for. Syreena might like what he had done here. He would ask her. Lilliana, in truth he was unsure, although see seemed twisted enough to enjoy a little show.

Who else?

Baal made it to the town hall and felt the warmth of the fires. He sat at the desk near the hidden door. Wine still in hand, the bottle almost empty, he topped up his glass.
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Posts: 67

Re: What's in a name?

Post by Baalthemar »

Baal'themar walks into the Grim hall with a small note in his hand.
Grinning as he pins his little note to the board. "There now if anyone wants to have a look at what I have been doing they can come and see." Rubbing his tired eyes, Baal thinks about how long it has been since he has slept. he had told Syreena a few days but he wasn't sure.
Shaking his head he walked out of the hall and outside into the night air.

*The note reads*
Baal'themar invites any Grim to his Garrison for an art show, of sorts.
Come see the man-slug "Hendrick" in all his glory.
Limited viewing one night only.


(( If you want to come see Hendrick before his explosive exit form this world let me know and we can make a story together. ))
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Posts: 67

Re: What's in a name?

Post by Baalthemar »

Baal’themar was excited, his friends were coming to see his work, he hadn’t slept in almost a week, and he was almost out of wine, but after this he could rest. He didn’t need to work like this again until after this trial.

He gathered up all the things he would need, Strong drink, and good food. And more lighting, so much more, he needed them to see what he was trying to show them, they needed to see as he did.

Baal walked down the stairs, a few candles hand been lit already to help him set up, he had washed away all the filth and made sure that everything was dry and clean, he wanted to make sure his guests where comfortable.

“It’s our big night Hendrick, can you feel it?” Baal said to his creation strapped to his table.
Hendrick made some noise but Baal had long stopped trying to talk with the man.

Baal cleared off the bench of its tools and set up the drinks and food, he had fresh fruit and finely cooked meats, and his drink ranged from Eversong wine to frog venom, he had made sure to have enough of everything.

As he fussed over the platter a thought stuck him. “I need to cover you Hendrick, I can’t have my guests viewing you before they are ready.”

Baal rushed back up the stairs and looked for something to cover Hendrick, he came back with a silk bed sheet, he wondered where he had got it but his mind was coming up empty.
“Now, you’ll be a grand reveal Hendrick, The slug man.” Baal grinned as he headed back down into the basement.

Looking around at his work he smiled. “There that should do the job.”
Baal poured the last of his Dalaran Red and waited in his town hall for his guests.

(When everyone had turned up we will head down stairs, and start the show.)

(Guest list is as follows: Syreena, Yemana, Lilliana, Aderlee.)
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Re: What's in a name?

Post by Syreenna »

Syreena nodded to Baal'themar when she arrived.

He'd mentioned something at Cantina about making a pile of bones to punish a human for wrong him, but she didn't get a chance to get details that night. She came this night, not to see a bone pile, but to learn more about a new Grim elf.

What exactly was he capable of? How far would he go for revenge? She wouldn't judge his revenge on a human too harshly. After all, only a few months ago, she fed someone to a hydra, piece by hateful piece. But she had done that alone. She didn't make a show of it. And it didn't satisfy her the way she expected. Now she eyed Baal curiously, wondering if he found more pleasure in his revenge than she did in hers.
Alts: Lirsha Deathwhistle & Ayidda
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Posts: 21

Re: What's in a name?

Post by Aziris »

Aziris read over the message board as she moved her things into the Supplicant's barracks. Her eyes skimmed over Baalthemar's note critically. She didn't know the writer, of course, but she'd seen enough Society reports to recognize the cant and imprint of impassioned sleep-fatigued scrawl when she read it.

Something about the word 'slug' pulled at her attention. A man. Described as a slug. To a Grim? She had the eerie feeling she knew what he meant by using that specific adjective. Her morbid curiousity piqued, the new Supplicant left the Grim halls to find the proper location. She drifted in the direction of the 'art' room indicated.

Aziris entered the room, saying nothing, and glided silently to a chair. (in the back if multiple rows, furthest from the entrance door). She eyed the covered table.
Posts: 87

Re: What's in a name?

Post by Aderlee »

Aderlee pushes open the doors to the guild hall and poked his head in before entering. He noted Syreena, Aziris and Baalthemar were waiting already. He pulled his whole body through the doorway and bobbed his head in greeting.

" 'ey, an art show! Should be fun, hehe."

Aderlee went to stand off to the side. He appreciated good art, but in the end art was meaningless. But 'man-slug'... That was something he hasn't heard of before. Should be interesting...
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Re: What's in a name?

Post by Baalthemar »

Baal was happy to see that people wanted to see his work, he grinned as his friends entered the hall.
Aderlee, Syreena, and the new girl, Aziris.
He tapped his wine glass with his finger, where was Lilliana? maybe she was running late.
Baal smiled, I guess it doesn't matter, he would leave the basement door open and any latecomers could find their way easily enough.
I'll finish this glass then I'll take them down to see Hendrick, Baal thought.
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Re: What's in a name?

Post by Yemana »

((Yemana is going to arrive late, so don't wait for me!))
Yemana sees someone standing in front of a flag and be like RAWR MOTHERFUCKER!!!!
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Re: What's in a name?

Post by Nathandiel »

Nathandiel had been held up by his dog.

"Awful mutt. Good thing I love you." He mumbled to Castor as he headed into the guildhall.

He did his best to slip in without disturbing the small gathering. He made himself known once he'd gotten as close to Syreena as he was capable of doing without alerting her.

"Here for the slug man too?" He asked her in a whisper.

His eyes narrowed as he took in Baalthemar. The pretty boy he did his best not to lust after was still drinking. He lifted a brow, Syreena forgotten for the moment.

"Oi!" He gestured toward the glass of red wine. "Do you really need that, mate? " he asked, his voice softening. Baalthemar looked like he was feeling good, which also made him look -- to Nathandiel -- like he wasn't so good. "Don't you think you've had enough. . . ?" He asked, his voice softer still.
WrA: Nathandiel, Mharren
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Re: What's in a name?

Post by Baalthemar »

Baal watched as Nathandiel walked in and headed over to Syreena. Baal turned back to the door and waited, he was distracted when Nathandiel yelled “Oi!” at him, he turned.

After Nathandiel had spoken Baal stopped tapping his glass and grinned. Slowly while still looking at him, he downed the remaining half of his glass and stood up.

“No, I don’t need it.” Baal walks toward the people gathered. “But I enjoy the way it makes me feel.” Offering a sly wink to Nathandiel.

Talking to the his guests, “I’m glad you could all make it here for this, I think it’s time we went to the basement and had a good look at Hendrick.” Baal moved to what looked like a statue base and pushed it with his foot. It slid away on rails and revealed a stone staircase underneath.

As you enter the basement, you are greeted by the sounds of fires, and the soft glow of their light, coming down the stairs you can smell smoke and incense from the burning wood and thuribles around the room, the scent is not overpowering, but it does hang thick in the air around the fires.

#those with a keen sense of smell, can still smell the hit of human blood and sweat.

Looking at the room you can see that the room is square with four stone pillars in the middle with a large “thing” covered in red cloth. The center of those pillars, a short distance from the “thing” is a large drain set into the flood.
As you finish making it down the stairs and look around the room you can see that there are many drapes hanging form the walls and pillows scattered around small tables, along with braziers keeping the room warm.
The room has been made up to cater to guests, there is a long bench with platters of fresh food and an ample amount of alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks, there are a few chairs around the room, in groups of two and three.
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