Fel Expansion

The stories and lives of the Grim. ((Roleplaying Stories and In Character Interactions))
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Re: Fel Expansion

Post by Khorvis »

The Grim gathered upon the Throne of Kil’jaeden. A sudden change of plans moved the Inquisition from Mount Neverest to the summit of Tanaan, and the ranks swelled in number.

Zelby salutes you with respect.
Zelby waves at Akorharil.
Zelby salutes Akorharil with respect.
Orphyn looks at Khorvis then back at Shaelie
Khorvis steps through the Nether and turns his back upon the assembled, gazing stoically out into the void.
Awatu peers at you searchingly.
[Orphyn]: Command
Shaelie looked around the gathering with a creased brow. She also just realized where they were...
Orphyn salutes Awatu with respect.
Kerala joins the others.
Awatu looks at Orphyn.
You beckon Malhavik over.
Awatu nods. "Supplicant."
Lilliana creeps up beside Khorvis when he beckons Malhavik over to him, and stands just behind.
Awatu watches Khorvis, curiously.
[Khorvis]: Brother. The work of your observer did great service to the Mandate.
Lilliana is totally listening.
Ruuki looks supremely unhappy about the designated meeting spot, but she takes her place, arms crossed.
[Malhavik]: Wonderful news!
Orphyn looks at Syreena searchingly
Syreena nods at Orphyn.
Khorvis presents Akorharil with a horrid smile.
Akorharil nods at you.
Zelby glares at Syreena and mouths "Where the gallywixs have you been!?"
Zelby fumes.
Lilliana turns her neck just slightly, her hair in part covering her face. She looks to Syreena briefly.
Syreena eyes Zelby up and down.
[Syreena]: I'm...not exactly difficult to find...
[Malhavik]: I am indeed filled with pride that my efforts have furthered the cause.
Ruuki listens to Khorvis and Malhavik's idle chat with the barest hint of a frown.
Lilliana moves to stand beside Ruuki as Khorvis ignores them.
Zelby mutters "I was searching for you. Big green K tasked me to ask you about the mandate. I have been looking for you and Fi for a week!
Shaelie moved off to the side, finding an isolated spot by herself. She lowered herself into a sitting crouch and began to rifle with her bag.
Zelby raises her fist in anger at Syreena.
[Khorvis]: And yet, the eye did not show me the culprit in the case of Lupinum, felmancer.
Syreena watches hte goblin curiously.
[Khorvis]: There do be work on it yet to be done.
[Malhavik]: Well on that note... I believe there is news.
Lupinum glances sidelong at Kerala.
Syreena turns her attention to the front, glancing at the Inquisitors.
Khorvis holds up a hand to Malhavik, as if listening to some distant voice.
[Malhavik]: I will leave it to Miss Syreena to catch you up.
Lilliana 's gaze shoots to Kerala, and it is not a pleasant one to say the least....as Khorvis and Malhavik speak about Lupinum's recent event, you know, the one where he ended up in a ditch.
Malhavik cuts himself off.
Kerala doesn't look at Lupinum, she's watching everyone else.
Kerala 's right ear twitches.
Awatu continues to watch Khorvis, studying him.
Lupinum works his jaw, savoring the last traces of his beer.
Syreena looks at Malhavik.
Lilliana 's expression towards Kerala ends in a grimace....but she turns back to look at Khorvis's back.
Ulrezaj 's experession takes on a discontented low.
Khorvis nods in the direction of the gaping Nether beyond the dae'mon standing watch.
Akorharil looks at Supreme Lord Kazzak.
Zelby lights up a Gallywix Brand ciggy. And sits down to enjoy it the sky and the "show"
Awatu follows Khorvis' gaze.
Malhavik watches Khorvis curiously.
Shaelie half stood, depositing the content of her pack into her pockets, then leaned against a tree with a brooding look.
Kerala steps to the other side of Lupinum as Malhavik finds a place behind and to the left. No way is she letting her back stay to him.

The meeting of the Inquisition officially begins.

Khorvis turns to address the assembled Inquisition. The device on his face has been stretched to a hideous mockery of orcish physiology - nearly twice the diameter of the previous socket. Fel runes sit in the brass plating and the inner cavity consistently glows-
Khorvis - with a green aura.
Kerala frowns, looking at Khorvis.
Ulrezaj refrains a wince at Khorvis' form.
Zelby Would gasp in shock. But She has seen enough to know better.
Lupinum breathes out a soft prayer.
Lilliana looks at you.
Awatu grimaces at Khorvis' face and the mechanitions within.
Tazzuk shakes off the residual fel energies of the summoning spell, oddly enough his shadow Xek'anjo is not with him.
Zelby just takes notes instead. Marking down the physical changes
Syreena peers at you searchingly.
Ruuki scowls deeply at the disgusting perversion of Khorvs' face, but keeps quiet for the moment.
Shaelie didn't even look surprised.
Sunderpalm , seeing the expanded machinery in Khorvis' face, frowns.
Ulrezaj mutters something to Awatu.
[Khorvis]: Aka'mogosh, Grim comrades. A bloody fine night for the Inquisition to do its great work.
Awatu nods at Ulrezaj. "Agreed."
Tazzuk salutes Ruuki with respect.
Tazzuk scowls at Lilliana.
Tazzuk salutes you with respect.
[Zelby]: Facial distortion... Highly charged fell aura.... How many S's in the fancy word for absorbed?*whispers to Syreena*
Awatu returns his attention to Khorvis.
[Ulrezaj]: How many Ss be in assimilate?
[Sunderpalm]: It's futile to think about it.
[Khorvis]: So many committed to the Mandate gathered ... it do be a great wonder that Peace do not already be upon our Horde lands!
Akorharil watches those gathered, amused.
Syreena shrugs at the goblin without taking her gaze from the High Inquisitor.
Zelby pays wrapped attention but keeps jotting down notes.
Lupinum looks down at the sprite playing wind around his ankles.
Kerala smiles a little at the spirit.
Syreena nods slightly to Orphyn.
Tazzuk pops a piece of tobacco in his mouth and begins chewing.
[Khorvis]: Now, this gathering of the Inquisition does officially begin!
Orphyn nods slowly
Orphyn eye's flare blue watching the scene play out

Khorvis embarks on a monologue to explain the heights to which the Grim could rise. Few agree with his vision.

[Khorvis]: Who among us does remember the last gathering? In the Abyssal Maw did we come as one fist, to understand the very lowest point from which the Supplicants crawl.
Sunderpalm drinks from his cask, paying close attention to goings on around him.
Zelby coughs and butts out her ciggy muttering.
Ruuki nods her head slowly, though she offers no words.
Awatu stands tall, straightening his back and watching the curious gathering as Khorvis speaks.
Lupinum nods almost to himself.
Orphyn nods as well at Khorvis
Ulrezaj peers at Khorvis, then scans the crowd for those attendant to see if they show any signs of having forgotten.
[Khorvis]: It was promised that I would show our fresh meat the very pinnacle to which the Grim could mount.
Syreena watches Ruuki and Lilly a moment, then looks back at Khorvis.
Kerala was not here last week. She doesn't remember.
Awatu tilts his head in confusion at that statement...
Khorvis barks, "Well?!" He turns and gestures to the glorious fel-sky.
Shaelie looked depressed.
Ruuki frowns deeply, flicking a glance to Awatu, then back to Khorvis. "... this?"
Awatu looks at the fel-torn sky, expecting to see something.
Akorharil looks on, amused.
Sunderpalm 's eyes narrow as he drinks.
[Khorvis]: The peak of annihilation! True peace!
Orphyn looks up at the fel sky then back to Khorvis
Kerala glances up, at the rocks above where they stand now. They are not at the highest point.
Orphyn whispers to Syreena
Lupinum swallows.
Malhavik fidgets in his robes.
[Ulrezaj]: Dis'd be a lovely place, Khorvis. A jungle canopy'd be much more equipped fo' a savage hunt, but lovely nonetheless.
[Zelby]: Well. I would say I am surprised. But that would be ironically moot.
Shaelie slouched against the tree, shoulders hunching and her hands stuffed in her pockets.
[Ruuki]: At the destruction of the self and soul, perhaps. Without either, we'd be useless to the Mandate.
Tazzuk hocks a disgusting brown loogie to his side.
[Gazreeth]: This kind of sky is what destroyed your homeworld Lasher, this is not peace.
[Awatu]: Enemies of The Horde... Enemies of The Mandate.
[Zelby]: Dont get all uppity Gaz
Awatu peers at you searchingly.
Khorvis turns with a glare to Ruuki. "Miserable cow ... a wonder that I ever did raise you up above the stables..."
Ulrezaj chuckles at Gazreeth. "The sky, you say?"
[Zelby]: Kazan didnt look much better when deathwing came to make it his new summerhome.
[Ruuki]: A good thing you did, since I see where you weaknesses lie.
Sunderpalm coughs in his drink, mid-sip.
Tazzuk smiles as he sense a fight brewing.
Zelby elbows gaz gently in the side.
[Zelby]: You pud.
Lupinum glances over his shoulder at Malhavik for a moment.
[Khorvis]: Weakness? May be you did then see the strength that I did show to the murders of Tirisfal this past evening?!
Syreena watches Ruuki, her hands resting lightly on the hilts of her swords.
Awatu snorts.
[Awatu]: Yes. "Strength."
[Awatu]: Upon the unwitting and fearful. The weak and confused. The Horde...
Malhavik whispers quietly.
[Khorvis]: Guilty!
[Ruuki]: The slaughter of gore? Yes, I saw it.
Orphyn shifts anxiously

The Commander Awatu confronts the High Inquisitor over the orc’s alleged treason.

Awatu steps forward. "Enough words."
Akorharil listens, then nods as Malhavik speaks.
[Khorvis]: Guilt ridden pests, purged from our -
[Khorvis]: What is this, Sunwalker?
Kerala notes that Malhavik has moved up to stand next to Akorharil.
[Ruuki]: Instead of bringing the gift of the Mandate to the unknowing, you killed them before they could draw breath to ask.
Tazzuk blinks at you.
[Khorvis]: I did what you do not have the stomach to do. Of your many.
Lupinum keeps very silent. He doesn't even breath.
Ulrezaj winces, his lips pursing and his brow creases in slight hostility.
Malhavik sighs at Akorharil.
Khorvis unsheathes the Lash. The chains begin their frenzied whipping and clawing at the fel-scorched earth.
Ruuki moves from her traditional spot at Khorvis' left to stand at Awatu's left.
Akorharil speaks quietly to Malhavik in a strange language.
Kerala eyes Akorharil up and down.
Lupinum glances over as well.
Tazzuk glares angrily at Akorharil.
Awatu eyes the Lash in its eldritch fits. "Tell me, "High Inquisitor"..."
Kerala looks at you.
Shaelie fisted her hands in her pockets, watching things unfold.
[Awatu]: How do you judge me?
Orphyn looks at Malhavik, noting him
Lupinum shoots Shaelie a glance, attempting to lock eyes with her.

Called to judge the Commander, Khorvis spits verbal venom and insult while others move to surround the warlocks. Awatu responds with an ultimatum.

Khorvis judges Awatu with a blank look. For a moment a flicker of recognition and brotherhood coats his gaze. Then he sneers and the fel light burns out any friendship.
[Malhavik]: Oh dear.
Awatu watches the expressions on Khorvis' face.
Shaelie glanced at Lupinum only briefly, her eyes were busy sweeping the crowd at large, watching. Though most of her attention seemed to most often return to Malhavik and Akorharil.
[Khorvis]: Brother Malhavik? Your eye does give me great insight into our 'Commander'.
Syreena watchest Khorvis closely, from the shadows, her swords drawn.
[Khorvis]: One who would let a murderer run amok in our ranks.
[Ruuki]: No wonder your face glows as bright as the corrupted rivers that span this land...
Orphyn shoots his gaze to Malhavik
Malhavik remains motionless and quiet.
[Akorharil]: Mmmm? What see you, Lash?
[Awatu]: Yes. Enlighten us.
Lupinum clenches his jaw.
Kerala glances to Awatu, standing there with Syreena, then to Malhavik, and back to Khorvis and that Lash.
Zelby glares angrily at Syreena.
[Khorvis]: I do see a great lie. An aging Sunwalker, terrified of his own bloody choices. If only one pure. A Shu'halo, could be turned to the Mandate. Justify his own goatsucking choices!
Orphyn looks at Gazreeth and motions back at Malhavik
You cackle maniacally at Awatu.
Syreena glares angrily at you.
Tazzuk blinks at Khorvis as though he has gone completely mad.
Akorharil smiles at Awatu.
Zelby snickers. Since she only considers one sunwalker worth anything.
Zelby never got his name though.
Awatu bows his head, and smiles. "Your judgment is final. As is mine:"
Lupinum is desperately avoiding Khorvis' gaze. He's looking at the backs of heads, the sky, the stone around them, anything.
[Malhavik]: Syreena I think now would be a good time to reveal our interaction with Kerala!
[Awatu]: Do you wish to know what I see?
Gazreeth clenches a wrench in his hand the belonged to the dead goblin no one else cares about.
Zelby readies her gadget belt.
[Khorvis]: Tell the committed Grim, Stonespire. Speak the words of your failings.
Syreena ignores Mal for the moment, her swords at the ready as she studies Khorvis.
Nathandiel glares angrily at Outcast Talonpriest.
Ruuki glances to Sunderpalm, since Syreena is in hiding at the moment. Lilliana stands on the other side of Awatu, showing their allegiance.
Kerala glances to the summoning. She is -not- going to do anything regarding warlocks again.
Zelby giggles remembering a rather psychotic even for a warlock, worgen she once fought. Lina Inversia. The mad fel wolf.
[Awatu]: The words of my failings...? Very well... You. You are my failure.
Gazreeth gasps at Awatu.
Ulrezaj gasps.
Tazzuk blinks at Awatu.
Ruuki crosses her arms.
Akorharil watches at Khorvis' reaction.
Sunderpalm , catching Ruuki's glance, finishes his drink and put his mug away.
Awatu watches Khorvis.
Kerala glances to Lupinum, then steps a bit away from him.
Dorgot waves at Supreme Lord Kazzak.
Awatu nods at Dorgot.

The High Inquisitor disagrees with the Commander. Chaos ensues.

Khorvis turns his back on Awatu and steps towards the dae'monic light.
Awatu peers at you searchingly.
[Khorvis]: What was it that you said, brother?
Lupinum stands near Shaelie and watches.
Orphyn swears his fingers at his side, coiling a smokey purple death grip in preparation
Kerala 's Spirit is frightened of this place, and all this tension. When Lupinum steps away, taking his protective skirts with him, it dissipates.
Awatu tilts his head, but hardens his gaze. "You heard."
Nathandiel smiles at Drinn.
Nathandiel takes Drinn's hand.
[Khorvis]: Yes. I will find you on the other side.
Khorvis turns and unclasps the Lash in one fluid motion, the nine barbed chains flying forward with lightninged runes towards Awatu’s chest.
Drinn side glances to Nathaniel and smiles, lowering her chin to hide it.
Tazzuk sneers darkly, blood calls to be spilt.
Lupinum roars ands sends a basic shield to cover Awatu.
Gazreeth draws blades in preperation.
Ulrezaj withdraws a quill from his pouch and shoves it like a needle into a vein along the forearm. Gradually, his turban wraps into feathers and his beady eyes take on a more ambient red. The nose becomes a beak.
Zelby will the ropes!
Nathandiel leans in and kisses Drinn's temple. "I have no idea what's going on..."
Malhavik plucks a soul shard out of the air with each hand.
Awatu raises his shield, as the Lash lunges. Barbs grip at his armor, shield, and bites at his flesh. "So be it."
Orphyn cold frost swirls around him
[Awatu]: Bring him alive, Grim.
Drinn replies in an almost whisper, "I was about to ask..."
Shaelie was keenly aware of Lupinum at her side. She tried to edge away. But in that moment, Khorvis's lash bit towards Awatu. The sound of steel rang from all directs as weapons ere unsheathed. Shaelie watched the warlocks. When Malkhavik moved for the shards,
Ulrezaj chuckles under his breath.
Syreena tilts her head, giving Khorvis a sad look before moving towards him.
[Khorvis]: You do all be fools! The Legion do be a weapon for our own!
Shaelie drew her fist from her pocket- tossing a Stun Grenade towards the feet of Malhavik and Akorharil.
[Awatu]: Words spoken once before. Do you not recall?
Khorvis howls in fury as the Grim assault him, flinging the Lash in circles around his person.
[Gazreeth]: You sound like Gul'dan, you traitor!
[Zelby]: I ment get ropes for us. So we wont get knocked into that ugly hell pit.
Zelby slaps Gazreeth across the face. Ouch!
[Ruuki]: Hell, he sounds like Garrosh.
[Zelby]: You watch it!
Lupinum 's eyes flash.
Tazzuk dashes in, only to be flung aside by Khorvis' lash!
Orphyn looks to Awatu
[Gazreeth]: Don't make me remove your hands from your arms Zelby.
Zelby spits and marches next to Khorvis
[Zelby]: MORONS!
[Gazreeth]: Do we have to take the goblin alive?
Malhavik shatters both shards and brings forth two voidwalkers to protect him.
[Gazreeth]: This one seems like it wants to die.
Syreena waits for the lash spinning to stop, then jumps at the back of Khorvis's neck.
Tazzuk wipes blood from his face, licking his finger and tasting his own life essence.
Lupinum swivels his neck to watch Malhavik.
Nathandiel whispers to Drinn.
[Zelby]: I'll Stand With Khorvis because I believe in what he said and taught me about the grim
[Zelby]: He is no traitor
Ruuki steps forward, sword drawn. "I will be your opponent, Khorvis. To restore faith in the Mandate and in the Inquisition."
Awatu raises his axe, a blaze of light breaking the fel energies around them. He tosses it at Khorvis' feet.
[Lupinum]: Brother Mal! What did you do!
Drinn can't help but roll her eyes before whispering back.
Khorvis moves to backhand Syreena and activates three gems in his gauntlet.
[Malhavik]: I did nothing!
Syreena gets knocked to the ground, and rolls quickly to avoid the explosives.
Drinn pulls in close a the explosions.
Ruuki takes the chance to jump into the fray, her sword swinging in an upward arc to knock the lash from his grip.
Orphyn throws his deathgrip snaking across the ground to grab at Zelby's leg
You kneel before Awatu.
Nathandiel likes bright, loud things.
Tazzuk slashes at one of the summoned void tendrils, scowling at the warlocks. "Lock down tha felmancers!"
Lupinum glares at the Warlock.
[Khorvis]: Gah! Do you have no vision, Stonespire?!
Gazreeth sends a hand of dark energy to strangle Zelby for talking too much.
Ulrezaj glares at Tazzuk and calls down an inferno for dramatic flare.
Kerala watches everything from back here, noting the frequent use of 'brother'. She has not done anything yet... no one is in dire need of healing.
Ulrezaj mutters an incantation.
Shaelie recoiled from the tentacles that were rising up from the ground. Hearing Tazzuk, she threw another grenadea t the warlocks. They wouldn't permanently injure them- just stun them. Hopefully. Her goal was to keep them from attempting to escape.
Tazzuk leaps at Akorharil before the fire rains down upon him. A chi-infused shield wraps around him.
Malhavik remains motionless behind his VoidGaurds.
Zelby looks down and snickers. "Shadow cloak!" And soon the cloak on her back fades to shadow. "Vanish!". In a cloud she is gone again.

In the midst of the battle, Khorvis is brought to his knees and pummeled by the words of Awatu.

Awatu slams his shield down upon a chain fragment of the Lash.
[Awatu]: I have vision.
Khorvis screams as if part of his own soul was severed.
Sunderpalm nods at Tazzuk, protecting him from harm with his own Chi as well.
[Awatu]: A vision of a world in which the Horde survives.
Ulrezaj hesitates and blinks at Awatu.
Zelby tosses out several distractive items.
Tazzuk dashes through the flames and primes a powerful chi strike to Akor's gut.
[Awatu]: A vision of a world where the Horde is free of Alliance supremacy and conquest.
Akorharil grunts in pain.
Akorharil falls asleep. Zzzzzzz.
Orphyn confused by the cantrips of the rogue, takes out a dagger and slashes his hand throwing blood on the ground "...Rise"
Gazreeth places Zelby in a prison of ice.
[Awatu]: A vision of a world where we are the rightful rulers. Where Shy'halo, Orc, Troll, and all other members may sleep and night and not live in fear of what enemies may arrive upon the next day.
Sunderpalm bolts behind Malhavik, striking his in the neck. A pressure point srike.
Zelby Gasps as ice encases her and Is able to mutter one word. "Preperation"
Shaelie saw Tazzuk move towards the warlocks, and stepped over to his side. She gripped another grenade in hand but looked unsure. This was a tricky situation and she'd prefer not to see Grim blood spilt. Even theirs.
Tazzuk leaps upon Akor, pinning him down with his blades scissoring his jugular.
Malhavik falls to a knee.
Malhavik kneels down.
[Malhavik]: Gentleman I assure you...
Awatu stomps upon another chain.
[Tazzuk]: Ya so much as breathe wrong an' I be spillin' ya blood ovah dese rocks.
[Khorvis]: You would live in a world without Peace. Do you not hear the voice of Gul'Dan? The voice of Wren? There do be no time any longer for this wait!
Zelby relays her same stage of escape moves and dashes to a safe place to observe with a smoke bomb. "I wont give up sir. I will free you!"
Drinn rests her temple on Nathandiel's shoulder. "You think we should throw some fists?"
[Awatu]: SILENCE!
Lupinum yells a word of chastisement onto Malhavik.
Nathandiel kisses her crown. "For who? They don't like elves..."
[Awatu]: You speak of annihilation of everything we work towards!
Malhavik 's voidwalker turns and attempts to bear hug Sunderpalm.

Despite the chaos, Inquisitor Ruuki has the wisdom to detain the felmancers.

[Ruuki]: Tazzuk, Shaelie, Orphyn, keep Akorharil pinned. Sunderpalm, Syreena, control Malhavik.
[Awatu]: You speak of total destruction, from mountain to shore!
Khorvis gestures frantically towards his felmancer brothers as more of his Lashes are severed.
Sunderpalm attempts a form of paralysis on the voidwalker.
Syreena looks at Ruuki, then reluctantly turns away from Khorvis to seek out mal.
Awatu brings his shield down upon another chain link.
Shaelie wouldn't open fire on a Grim. But demons didn't count. When the voidwalker went for Sunderpalm, Shaelie swung her rifle to her shoulder and opened up a barrage on the demon.
Zelby tries to find a good point to toss some knives to cut the bindings. But the landscape does not give well to the plan
Syreena looks at Malhavik.
[Khorvis]: Ul'rezaj?! Did we not seal a bond in blood?!
Gazreeth places down a nullification field temporaraly blocking out the warlocks from khorivs.
[Nathandiel]: I don't like spiders.
Ulrezaj grinds his teeth.
Tazzuk grins mad with bloodlust as he sits atop the orc. "C'mon, try sumthin'....I not kill nuff today."
Sunderpalm , eyes wide at the shots fired, nods at Shaelie in thanks.
[Drinn]: Squish them.
Malhavik 's voidwalker shutters and is stalled by the monk. Malhavik speaks calmly. " I do not share Khorvis' beleifs.".
[Nathandiel]: I dont' think they have souls...
Awatu does not take his eyes off of Khorvis, but does not continue speaking.
Nathandiel urges his dog to get the spiders.

Ul’rezaj distances himself from Khorvis’s downfall. Malhavik and Akorharil are not so fortunate.

[Ulrezaj]: Khorvis, ahm not sure what's happened as o' late. Dis'd be a controlled change and you mebbe fallin' captive.
[Orphyn]: ...Do we trust him?
Syreena leans in and whispers to Malhavik.
[Drinn]: What's that have to do with squishing them?
[Sunderpalm]: Then you will stay where you are.
[Ulrezaj]: Otheh den dat, ah've capitulated your orcish tendencies in de form o' mojo durin' your would-be burial rites, per'aps you'd see dose. Otheh den dat...
Ulrezaj looks at Malhavik.
Drinn lifts a hand and gestures to Orphyn while speaking softly to Nathandiel.
[Gazreeth]: Commander, I do not fully trust our warlocks, but what Khorvis has seems to have in mind wouldn't be good for them either.
Lupinum glances over his shoulder to Kerala while things with the warloks are handled.
[Ulrezaj]: Ahm thinkin' you have some'tin to do wit' it.
Ulrezaj points at Malhavik.
Malhavik nods at Syreena, and both of his void walkers vanish into trails of shadow.
Kerala looks at Lupinum.
Nathandiel points at Kerala.
Syreena nods to Mal. "Thank you."
[Nathandiel]: That one?
Khorvis tilts his head back and howls, "Gor'om haguul!"
Drinn nods.
Kerala eyes Nathandiel up and down.
Shaelie lowered her gun to the ground when the voidwalkers were dismissed. Sunderpalm and Tazzuk seemed to have the two warlocks under control for now, so she stood down, but remained watchful.
Nathandiel holds Drinn's hand.
Awatu looks around in confusion for a moment. He slams a hammer of light down upon the ground once more.
[Akorharil]: Gor'om haguul, Bloodstar. Naogiza kazzak aldac.
[Ulrezaj]: But ah, ... kinna reason what to what end. Your meanderin' and meticulatin' brings rumors to de Brokenspear Tavern as o' late. What are you doin' Malhavik?
Tazzuk punches Akorharil in the jaw. "No one said ya kin speak."
Syreena backs away from the Light, still watching Mal.
Ruuki snarls, and flips her sword on a stick so that the handle was now a bashing tool, and she swings, aiming to smack Khorvis upside the head... literally.
Orphyn grips his greatsword, ready for the command to strike if needed
Shaelie grins wickedly at Tazzuk.
Akorharil snarls at the troll.
Drinn says under her breath, "When have Grim gone against Grim?" She looks on with confusion and disdain.
[Ulrezaj]: Learn your place, Supplicant. Your attitude against de Reapehs borderlines insubordination.
[Tazzuk]: Go fuck yerself, Sandfury scum.
Shaelie finally turned a bit, glancing to see what was happening behind them. She spotted Ulrezaj standing in the open and tensed.
Ulrezaj offers a tense glare and curls his fists.
Awatu brings his shield down upon an encroaching chain. "What is this... Why is this... Why this fighting?"
Ulrezaj looks at Awatu.
[Sunderpalm]: Calm down, Taz.
Sunderpalm puts a hand on his shoulder.
Nathandiel kissed Drinn's shoulder.

The Commander realizes the madness that this battle has brought upon the Grim and orders a halt. Just before the dust settles, one final Lash streaks out and takes Kerala in the spine and head. Ruuki’s blow puts Khorvis unconscious.

Khorvis lifts the Lash one more time, only one chain remaining, and it flies forward in wild aim, somewhere near Lupinum. Ruuki's blow takes him in the back of the skull and puts him facefirst in the dirt.
Zelby snickers.
[Ulrezaj]: Our rank-and-file be broken fo' de moment, let us clean up from major priority down. Dis inquisition has descended into chaos.
Ulrezaj 's eyes grow wide at the Khorvis conflict.
[Awatu]: It has.
Lupinum blinks when Kerala rushes toward him.
Kerala sees the chain, and she flies in front of Lupinum!
Tazzuk snarls again like a caged beast, blade in his hand itching to spill someone's blood.
Shaelie narrowed her eyes suspiciously at Ul-Rezaj. But so far, he didn't seem to be interfering, so she stayed her hand.
Ruuki quickly rights her weapon in her hand, and places a hoof on Khorvis' back, between his shoulderblades to keep him pinned there.
Awatu lunges forward and raises a hoof near Khorvis' skull...
[Gazreeth]: Commander!
Awatu brings his hoof down upon the coiling mechanism of the Lash, likely catching Khorvis' hand.

The Lash is destroyed, along with Khorvis’s right hand.

Syreena watches Khorvis and Awatu.
[Syreena]: Gaz...
Lupinum watches the lone Lash dig into Kerala's flesh and rip downwards, spliting her back wide.
Drinn rushes forward, letting go of Nathandiel's hand and tackles Lupinum to get him out of the way. She starts showving and herding him away. "Go priest.. don't be in this."
Ulrezaj closes his eyes to divert them from the sight of Khorvis' smashing.
Sunderpalm winces at the Commanders mighty stomp.
Ulrezaj scans the crowd.
[Gazreeth]: Thought he was gonna bash his skull, that wouldn't help us find out who did this to him.
Khorvis is rendered completely unconscious as the entire encasement of the Lash shatters and the fel light fades from his aperture.
Kerala hadn't screamed when Syreena cut her earlier. Now she does "Ah!"
Kerala lies down before Lupinum.
Orphyn looks down at the collapsed Khorvis
Awatu watches Khorvis, his breathing heavy.
Tazzuk keeps his eyes on his prey, unwilling to let anything distract him from the warlock pinned beneath him.
Lupinum collapses with Kerala onto the ground.
[Ulrezaj]: No, no!
You lie down before Awatu.
Lupinum kneels down.
Lupinum kneels before Kerala.
Ruuki didn't move a muscle as Khorvis went unconscious. Lilliana scowls like an impertinent child, but she goes over to at least stop her Supplicant from bleeding out.
[Ulrezaj]: We risk wipin' out de mechanism keepin' his blood flowin'.
[Akorharil]: Bah! Stinking Troll scum...
[Awatu]: He must remain alive.
Drinn moves back to the other Elf once Lupinum is out of harms way. Her hand touches his back as she turns to whisper.
[Ulrezaj]: Aye, good.
[Sunderpalm]: It's over, Taz. Have a drink.
Ulrezaj kneels down.
Lupinum pulls the leather out of the way and looks at the gash along her back.
Sunderpalm hands Tazzuk a drink, with an added tranquilizer.
Awatu glances behind him.
You lie down before Awatu.
Shaelie flanked Ul-Rezaj, standing in his personal space as he leaned over Khorvis. She didn't stop him, but she watched him hard.
[Tazzuk]: Enough is when I am ordered it is enough....I not trust dis one fartha den I kin throw'im.
Kerala is totally unconscious. The Lash slashed up her back and got her in the head with the tip.
Lupinum whispers almost to himself, "My turn, huh?"
Tazzuk keeps his blades primed on Akorharil, unwilling to release him.
Awatu looks around, his anger mounting. "Be still... all of you..."
[Malhavik]: Indeed I don't imagine you could throw that one far.
Malhavik chuckles at Syreena.
Syreena tells Malhavik to be quiet. Shhh!
Orphyn looks to Awatu, silently
Lupinum breathes out and starts a soft prayer, gathering the Light into his fingers. Fel shadows fall away and the edges of the wound stop bleeding.
Tazzuk looks at Syreena.
Tazzuk looks at Awatu.
Sunderpalm ,now after Awatu's command, offers Tazzuk the drink again.
Awatu watches Lupinum's healing.
Tazzuk acquieces to Awatu's command and backs off the warlock.
Drinn shakes her head. Her expressiong disapproving.
Ruuki busies herself with liberating Khorvis of any weapons he has since the lash is now destroyed.
Akorharil glares angrily at Tazzuk.
Ulrezaj withdraws a Farraki ritual dagger and reaches it towards Khorvis' fist. He gently applies pressure and places a hand on it, then breathes out a vein pulse of singing green fire to cauterize and heal the bones.
Gazreeth places the wrench of the goblin that Khorvis slaughter on Khorvis' chest.
Lupinum clenches his jaw and holds the large flaps together with one hand and will the magic into the wound.
Tazzuk grins wickedly at Akorharil.
Awatu watches the healing. He then conjures a hammer once more, and slams it upon the ground.
Zelby sneaks about the group as the sounds of tiny electrical sparks sound.
[Shaelie]: Commander! Is this ok? *She nodded, indicating whatever Ulrezaj was doing.*
Malhavik stands slowly, and stretches his neck.
Ulrezaj retracts the dagger and scans over the body. His normal blood has been united with the pulsing fel flame energies.
Nathandiel pulls on Drinns hand "lets go get busy. This is...no place for elves."
Syreena watches Lupin and Kerala, then jumps, moving away from the Light again.
Nathandiel yanks.
Ulrezaj rises and mutters lightly, somewhat directed at Awatu. "His pulse goin' to be lively, which means de blood may flow and consciousness'll be comin' back. Impossible to say fo' how long, though."
Lupinum is oblivious to the other goings on and concentrates on Kerala. The broken muscle and sinew are slowly stitched together and fused with cauterizing heat.
Awatu watches at the light pushes the fel away, and relief overcomes his features. His senses return and his fatigue is renewed.
Drinn blinks as she's yanked but follows. "You don't need to pull my arm from the socket."

Drinn and Nathandiel depart, distressed by the events. Awatu determines that Tanaan and the fel energies are corrupting his guildmates and orders an evacuation.

[Awatu]: It is this place... All of this.
Ulrezaj raises a curious brow at Awatu.
Shaelie frowned and stepped back, a stormy scowl on her face. Since when were warlocks menders? Hmph.
[Nathandiel]: Cmon!
[Sunderpalm]: I can make a brew to help keep him 'subdued' when he wakes.
[Gazreeth]: The orcs were effected once before, it makes sense they would be the first and the worst, more will follow if it is not taken care of.
Ulrezaj bites his lower lip and peers at Shaelie. "Harumph. Since we liked our officehs alive."
Akorharil laughs at Ulrezaj.
Lupinum lets Lilliana hold the bottom end and Lupinum knits it together. The only mark left is a dark scar following her spine.
[Orphyn]: Is he beyond saving?
Awatu nods. "The fel... All of the fel... It eats away at us." Awatu sighs.
Awatu peers at you searchingly.
Syreena listens intently to Awatu.
Lupinum gasps when he lets go of the Light and lays back.
[Gazreeth]: He survived the blood of mannoroth, he is strong enough for this I would think.
[Ruuki]: He draws breath still... there may yet be hope for him, but the damage he's caused may take much longer to recover.
[Awatu]: That device... Once before, he was taken over. Accalia overcame him.
Awatu nods at Ruuki.
[Lupinum]: She'll.. she'll be fine..
Tazzuk keeps a wary eye on the warlocks gathered.
[Gazreeth]: Still, he must be held accountable for what he did, shouldn't he?
[Awatu]: He should.
[Awatu]: He will.
Sunderpalm helps Lupinum tend to Kerala's wounds.
[Ulrezaj]: And what'd you s'ppose?
Sunderpalm kneels before Kerala.
Shaelie stood back. Her nostrils flared at the scent of blood. She flicked a glance from Khorvis, to Kerala, and glanced around to see who else was injured.
[Ruuki]: Commander... *She looked up at him from where she was still pinning Khorvis down* We should move him from this place. My skin is crawling with the energies here... I don't think it's a good idea for us to stay here oo long.
Syreena looks at you.
[Gazreeth]: I say remove any devices from his eye, and fill it in with metal.
[Gazreeth]: While he is awake.
[Awatu]: Agreed. We return to the garrison.
[Awatu]: No more fighting. We do not fight each other...
Syreena looks from Khorvis to Malhavik, studying the warlock.
Khorvis stirs in his comatose state, mouthing words in Eredun.
Malhavik 's fingers twitch, as if in preperation to cast.
Lupinum gently pats Kerala's face with some Draenic water.
[Gazreeth]: Commander, Please allow mself and my fellow death knight to bring Khorivs back to the garrison.
Syreena tilts her head, noticing his fingersmoving, and pelts a snowball at Mal's face.
[Shaelie]: What of the warlocks?
Orphyn looks at Awatu and nods
[Lupinum]: If she can wake, we can bring her to the Grim hospice, Sunder.
Kerala stirs and slowly opens her eyes, then blinks. Then she jerks back, from everyone, confused.
[Sunderpalm]: Indeed.
[Ulrezaj]: You ain't got nothin' to fear, except fear, Shaelie.
Malhavik jumps as he's pelted clearly startled.
[Malhavik]: That was hardly necessary!
[Awatu]: Ruuki, can you carry him?
Syreena stares at Malhavik.
[Lupinum]: Kerala, we're going back to the Garrison.
[Orphyn]: We can
[Lupinum]: Sunderpalm and myself are going to carry you.
Ruuki nods her head, sheathing her weapon. She grabs his arm and leg, and with a massive bovine grunt, hefts him onto her shoulders, his arm under her left arm, and his leg under her right arm. "Ugh, he's heavier than he looks..."
[Gazreeth]: Or we can escort Ruuki, we will make sure they are both safe.
Kerala swiftly glances around, looking at everyone, and then back to Lupinum.
[Ulrezaj]: Dis'd be a careful task. It may be a good idea to apply a ritual daggeh to keep his rites preserved in de mind o' a trusty scribe. You wouldn't want to gamble a mos' qualitative inquisitor.
[Orphyn]: We are at your disposal Inquisitor
Lupinum brushes some her mane out of her face.
[Shaelie]: I think Khorvis has had more than enough rituals!
Kerala takes quick stock of herself during the looking.
Khorvis is like a sack of potatoes. A few even fall out of his armor as he is hoisted. Those might not be potatoes.
[Kerala]: ... okay.
[Ulrezaj]: What's your line fo' enough? All we do is keep his body alive.
Lupinum stands with an arm under Kerala's, hoisting hr up.
Ruuki blinks as what appears to be, uh.. orc oysters come falling out of Khorvis' armor. "... well then. Definitely getting out of here."
Awatu nods at Ruuki. "They will aid you if you require it. Take him to the infirmary to make sure he will not pass."
Kerala is pretty sure she's fine, but she lets Lupinum help her.
Sunderpalm follows in suit, getting under Kerala's other arm
[Gazreeth]: Orphyn your grab his legs, Rukki if you would grab his head, and i will squeeze under and hold him up.
[Awatu]: Everyone else, return to our garrison.
Ruuki starts the walk back, at least until they can get him on a sturdy enough mount.
Malhavik looks to Syreena, may I open a portal?
Orphyn takes Khorvis' legs to help steady him while they carry him
[Awatu]: We will resume the meeting of the Inquistion there.
Kerala doesn't want to be around all these people anymore. SHe whispers to Lupinum.
Syreena nods at Malhavik.
Shaelie would find her own way. She was NOT going th rough any warlock portals.

The Grim return to the Frostfire Ridge garrison. Khorvis is carried by Ruuki and escorted by the death knights. The broken Inquisition gathers in the torchlight of the late evening.

You lie down.
[Malhavik]: Oh, don't mind if I do!
You lie down.
Shaelie scowls at Malhavik.
Ruuki comes in some time later, frowning deeply. She looks to Awatu, and salutes him.
Awatu looks around.
Malhavik 's eyes slide towards Shaelie for the briefest of moments.
Gazreeth looks at Orphyn.
Awatu nods at Ruuki.
[Gazreeth]: Let no one other that the commander or the inquisitor over here until we are told otherwise.
Shaelie stared evenly at Malkhavik. She was well aware that she had made an enemy tonight.
[Awatu]: Now then- are there any Supplicants that have trials to report?

Despite Khorvis’s lack of focus upon Orphyn’s training, the Commander grants leniency to the death knight and assigns his Inquisition to Ruuki and Lilliana.

Orphyn steps forward
[Orphyn]: Commander
Awatu looks at Orphyn.
[Awatu]: Step forward.
[Orphyn]: This one is called Orphyn
Lupinum steps back in and shakes the snow from his robes.
[Orphyn]: I have completed my first trial, and judged worthy by my Inquisitor
Awatu nods, noting the odd name, but says nothing of it.
[Awatu]: Who is your Inquisitor?
Akorharil peers over at Khorvis, studying his condition.
Ruuki is prepared to fill in any information Awatu may need on the Supplicants.
Orphyn looks over at Khorvis
Lupinum pads over to Khorvis on the floor.
[Orphyn]: ....Khorvis acted as such, though never spoke for me as his official supplicant
Lupinum kneels down.
Orphyn looks back at Awatu
Awatu nods.
Gazreeth places his hands under Khorvis and not so gently rolls him forward, so Gaz can ehar what people are saying.
[Awatu]: Very well. What was your task?
[Gazreeth]: Back up Lup.
You lie down.
[Orphyn]: I, as well as Sir Brast, removed the heart of a Ogre leader. We presented it during the last trial.
Lupinum is pushed out of the way while Khorvis rolls down the steps.
[Orphyn]: However, I have no been assigned my next Trial
[Orphyn]: Nor have I an Inquisitor
Awatu nods.
Ruuki nods, vouching for Orphyn in that regard.
Akorharil speaks quietly to Malhavik in infernal as the rest go about the Inquisition.
Syreena looks at Khorvis, frowning.
[Awatu]: Very well. For the time-being, Ruuki and Lilliana will be heading the Inquisition.
Orphyn nods at Awatu.
[Orphyn]: By your command
[Awatu]: Report to them for any inqueries. I am certain you will receive a notice of your next task soon.
Orphyn salutes Awatu with respect.
[Ruuki]: Odd, though I suppose in Khorvis' fit of fel-induced madness he neglected to send. I will rifle through his desk and see if I find any notes on it.
[Tazzuk]: If I may, Inquisitor, Commander.
Gazreeth is shocked that Khorvis knew how to write.
Awatu nods at Tazzuk.
Shaelie watched Tazzuk approach. She often forgot he was still a supplicant. He did not carry himself as such.
Awatu looks at Tazzuk.
[Tazzuk]: My preperation for my final trial be hittin' a standstill....a letter to my master in Pandaria be not returned yet...so I be needin' ta be goin' there myself.
Ruuki scowls at Tazzuk, crossing her arms. He had not yet spoken to her on his trial, nor had Xek'anjo.
Syreena glances at Orphyn, then looks back towards the front of the room, but paying close attention to the warlocks in front of her.
Lupinum looks at Syreena over his shoulder.
[Tazzuk]: I fear sumthin' be happenin', he last be sayin' Zandalari be raidin' da shores...I would ask for a second to go wit me foh dis.
Akorharil does his best to look innocent and lovable.
Syreena ain't fallin' for it.
[Awatu]: I see no issue with this. Speak to those you wish to accompany you. No one will be conscripted into your service.
You lie down.
[Tazzuk]: Very well den, Commandah.
[Tazzuk]: An' I spoke ta Xek a few moons ago...he jus' say he's workin' on sum big bad mojo...
Ulrezaj bites his lip at the suggestion of fighting Zandalari
[Tazzuk]: Wut dat means I sunno.
[Ruuki]: Xek'anjo had better report to me soon. He does not want me hunting him down.
[Tazzuk]: *cough* dunno.
Tazzuk nods at Ruuki.
Awatu glances at Ruuki, then turns back to Tazzuk. "Is that all?"
[Tazzuk]: Dat be all.
Tazzuk salutes Awatu with respect.
Awatu nods, dismissing the Supplicant.
Shaelie didn't bother speaking up- her own trials were such a lost cause by now.
[Awatu]: Anyone else?
Malhavik looks at Lupinum.
[Ruuki]: Shaelie is our final Supplicant present.
Malhavik nods at Lupinum.
Shaelie frowned.
Lupinum nods to himself.

Shaelie is called forward to answer for her trials, much to the annoyance of Akorharil. Her past efforts against Morinth win her a pass and she moves on to the third.

[Ruuki]: Shaelie, step forward.
Shaelie saw them looking at her, so she sighed faintly and stepped forward.
Akorharil looks at the Sindorei btich and rubs the powder burns at his temples.
[Shaelie]: I still have not made any progress on my second trial. I am supposed to interview some people. One of which my gift was destroyed. Beyond that, I've been too busy bringing war to Morinth, seeking out Lupinum, and chasing warlocks."
Syreena eyes Shaelie up and down.
[Ruuki]: I know Khorvis was your Inquisitor, and I know you have been to the maelstrom and back in service to the Mandate.
Malhavik chuckles at Shaelie.
Shaelie nodded to Ruuki.
[Ruuki]: You've focused your energies in recovering our kidnapped Grim brothers and sisters.
[Shaelie]: Hopefully all of that is at an end..
[Ruuki]: That in itself I believe teaches a great lesson. You've seen the lengths Grim will go to recover their own, because in truth, all followers of the Mandate are family.
[Ruuki]: When one suffers, we all hurt until the suffering is eased.
Malhavik nods at Ruuki.
[Ruuki]: For that work, I am willing to consider your second trial completed.
[Ruuki]: I will be your Inquisitor from here on out. Do you know of our third trial?
Shaelie nodded softly in agreement with Ruuki. She blinked at her next statement though and looked first surprised, and then relieved and grateful. Her head inclined to the tauren. "Thank you, Inquisitor. As for the third trial, I know I am to find something -
Shaelie worthy of sacrifice to the Mandate."
Ruuki nods. "The Trial of Sacrifice. It is to prove your devotion and steadfastness to the Mandate. It is not something that I can give suggestions on. Only you know what you are willing to surrender in order to carry the Mandate to the farthest reaches-
Gazreeth checks on Khorvis to make sure he is still breathing.
[Ruuki]: -of the land.
[Lupinum]: He's fine, Gaz.
Shaelie nodded. "I understand. I'll give it some thought to find something appropriate."
[Lupinum]: But the sooner we get that thing out of head, the better.
Orphyn motions at his ear
[Ruuki]: You will have a month from this day to complete this Trial.
Shaelie nods at Ruuki.
Khorvis vomits a little bubble of Observer goo that trickles onto his tabard.
[Gazreeth]: I can yank it out right now if someone gives me the word.
[Ruuki]: I have nothing further to add. You can step back.
Orphyn frowns
[Shaelie]: Thank you..
Awatu looks over at Khorvis, notices the drool, then looks away with a mild look of disgust and disapproval.
Gazreeth rolls Khorvis on his side, like he did for lup that one time he drank way too much and woke up next to a harpy.
[Awatu]: Are there any others?
Lupinum glares at Gazreeth, as though he heard his thought.
Lupinum leans in to whisper "It was just that one time... and she wasn't a harpy when I saw her!"
Gazreeth whisper back "That was some good booze."
Ulrezaj peers at Lupinum. "What was she?"
Ruuki looks around, seeing no other Supplicants present.
[Lupinum]: Nothing!
Lupinum looks grumpy for a moment.
Awatu looks at Ruuki.
[Ruuki]: Very well. This meeting is sealed to the Mandate.
Awatu nods.

The meeting officially ends. It is followed by much conjecture and plotting.

[Syreena]: Commander. I have news.
Shaelie looks at Syreena.
[Awatu]: Yes?
Khorvis mumbles in his delerium, "Menethil, Katra zil shukil..."
[Syreena]: I found who was responsible for the attack on Lupinum.
[Syreena]: It was Kerala.
Lupinum rubs his forehead. He had forgotten.
Awatu listens, then nods in recognition. "Yes, she told me just before the meeting."
Shaelie looked at Syreena and shuffled her feet. Oh yeah.
Syreena nods at Awatu.
[Awatu]: She made me aware that she an Lupinum had a... disagreement.
Gazreeth reaches into his pack and grabs a stick poking Khorvis.
Shaelie muttered something under her breath about warlocks.
Lupinum is stock still, watching Syreena and Awatu.
[Syreena]: I got that impression too.
Syreena looks down at the rabbit thing, nearly tripping over it.
Malhavik mutters to himself. "Who keeps sticks in there pack.."
Awatu glances at the priest before looking back at Syreena.
Khorvis exhales a new syllable in Eredun under each poke, the grunts following the tune of a popular song in Silvermoon City: "eep opp ork ah ah"
[Awatu]: I was also made aware that you and some others took matters into your own hands?
[Syreena]: Yes, sir. I punished her. Not severely, or permanently.
Lupinum swallows at that. He hadn't noticed anything at in Throne...
Awatu looks at Syreena, somewhat unreadable. He then sighs. "We will discuss this soon. The hour is late and the matter is dealt with. There are more pressing things, at the moment. Thank you for brining this news to me."
Syreena salutes Awatu with respect.
Awatu looks around at the remainders.
[Gazreeth]: So, this thing in his head, want me to just yank it out?
[Orphyn]: Do you need anything more from me M'lady?
[Awatu]: That will likely kill him.
[Lupinum]: I don't think yanking is a good idea, Gaz.
Syreena shakes her head at Orphyn.
[Gazreeth]: Works for most things doesn't it?
Gazreeth cackles maniacally at Lupinum.
Lupinum smirks slyly at Gazreeth.
[Orphyn]: Then I will take my leave...summon me if you need anything
Orphyn bows before Syreena.
Syreena nods at Orphyn.
[Lupinum]: Most things aren't our High Inquisitor, even if he's messed up.
[Gazreeth]: Would you like me to fashion a new eye for him? one thats not all working with stuff?
Awatu nods. "We will see if that title still applies to him in due time."
Lupinum nods at Awatu.
[Lupinum]: Of course, Commander.
[Awatu]: Possibly. We will pursue other means of... whatever that device does for him... in the near future.
Awatu mumbles. "...other than make him susceptable to fel influences..."
Syreena eyes the two warlocks in front of her.
Malhavik looks off inthe distance.
[Gazreeth]: Commander, let me know what you need from me in order to assist in this, perhaps this time people will listen.
[Shaelie]: Will the warlocks be detained?
Gazreeth waves goodbye to everyone. Farewell!
Lupinum turns his back to Khorvis for the moment and looks at Syreena.
Awatu looks at Akorharil and Malhavik.
Akorharil meets the Commanders gaze.
Syreena looks at Lupinum.
Malhavik looks to Awatu impassive behind his veil.
Shaelie looked between Awatu and the warlocks.
Lupinum turns back to Khorvis and kneels, close to his Fel stained wound.
Lupinum kneels down.
[Awatu]: I do not believe them to be guilty of directly manipulating the High Inquisitor. They are guilty of gross incompitence or negligence, though...
Lupinum kneels down.
Shaelie gave Awatu an incredulous look. "After what happened tonight??"
Awatu gives a hard glare at Shaelie. "Yes. Definitely after tonight."
[Akorharil]: Yes, let us speak of what happened this night.
Syreena looks sharply at the elf questioning the Commander.
[Malhavik]: Make intentions known...
[Akorharil]: That being an elven Supplicant attacking us completely unprovoked.
Shaelie was too baffled to be put off by the looks she was getting. She looked back at Akorharil.
[Awatu]: Speak your words. Quickly.
Lupinum snorts. "Unprovoked.."
Malhavik looks at Akorharil.
[Awatu]: Her devotion to the Mandate is to be commended. She did what she believed correct. She desired to help. You have not made sound arguments against your accusations.
[Akorharil]: And what am I being accused of, Paladin Commander?
Syreena looks at Akorharil.
Khorvis reaches out and grabs Lupinum by the robes. "Dae'mons! On every flank! Tha'kituun!" He turns a sightless and fearful gaze upon the felmancers and drops to the floor, comatose.
Lupinum sqwaks loudly when his robes are snatched.
[Awatu]: Of incompetence or negligence. Thought, your apathy and insipid words tell me that nothing will come of further words this evening.
[Awatu]: Perhaps the skin should be flayed from your back, and your front burned in divine fire?
[Awatu]: Or merely a strongly-worded letter of dismissal?
[Akorharil]: Tanaan was an....unforseen variable.
Awatu looks between the two, remaining silent.
[Lupinum]: Variable in what equation?
Lupinum closes his mouth shut, speaking out of turn.
[Malhavik]: I would like to make public that I have no insight into Akorharils works.
Awatu gestures at Malhavik. "You are in trouble for different reasons."
Syreena frowns at Malhavik.
[Akorharil]: In any even, Bloodstar will survive his condition.
Khorvis breathes pitifully.
Awatu nods. "So long as the effects upon his mind are reversed. We intend to repair this... mistaken equation."
Lupinum turns and looks at Khorvis' face. His face softens into a small frown.
Awatu looks at Syreena and nods. "They will be detained for tonight. We will look into it more closely in the morning."
Syreena nods to Awatu.
Malhavik lets out a long, drawn-out sigh.
Syreena tilts her head, eyeing the warlocks, then draws her swords in each hand.
[Lupinum]: No Vionora to spring ya, huh Mal?
Syreena brings a sword hilt down hard on each warlock head.
Akorharil falls asleep. Zzzzzzz.
[Syreena]: Huh. It's like playing that Hogger game at the Faire.
Malhavik begins to protest at Lupinum, but is interrupted with a hard 'thwak' against the base of his skull.
Shaelie looked over at Syreena. "Do you want any help moving them to the cells?"
Malhavik teeters and falls over.
Malhavik falls asleep. Zzzzzzz.
Awatu grins in mild amusement. He then motions for some guards to deposit the Warlocks into their cells.
[Syreena]: I'll give them some Dreamless Sleep potions to keep them quiet tonight. And I'll have the guards drag them to the cells.
Shaelie nodded.
Awatu nods.
[Awatu]: Very well.
Awatu looks at you.
Syreena looks at Shaelie. "Like either you or I could move a dead weight orc, little elf."
[Awatu]: He will be moved to the infirmery... and restrained very tightly.
Shaelie looked at Syreena and smiled sadly. "Well. That's why I offered the help."
[Awatu]: That is all... for this evening. Perhaps the dawn will bring brighter news.
Shaelie salutes Awatu with respect.
Syreena salutes Awatu with respect.
[Awatu]: Hunt well, Grim.

[[ TL;DR - Khorvis, fully corrupted by the influence of Hellfire Citadel invading his mind through the eldritch device, calls the Inquisition to meet on the Throne of Kil'jaeden. Prepared for his madness by scouted reports of the slaughter in Tirisfal, the High Inquisitor is confronted by a host of the Grim. Khorvis pontificates upon the virtue of harnessing the power of Legion in service of the Mandate, but it falls upon deaf ears. In a pitched battle, he is defeated and the Lash (along with the orc's right hand) are destroyed by Awatu, but not before Kerala is injured. Malhavik and Akorharil are both detained by two fists of stalwart Grim, and the trio of traitors are transported to the Frostfire Garrison, due to suspicions of Tanaan's corrosive influence. The meeting ends with conjecture and a full dungeon. ]]
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Re: Fel Expansion

Post by Khorvis »

[[ I tend to annotate these logs based on the perspective of Khorvis and his relation to the Grim as a whole. There are a lot of characters all contributing to the plotline, but I do not have the resources to do full re-writes like others can (not to mention the office hours meetings would all become small novels). Please understand that I never intentionally exclude participants' input - rather I abbreviate for the sake of creating logical breaks. ]]
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Re: Fel Expansion

Post by Neevah »

((Eep, opp, ork, ah ah, that means I love you! Come on flyy with me...

Godsdamn but I'm old...))
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Re: Fel Expansion

Post by Khorvis »

The time spent behind Grim bars within the Frostfire garrison did little to ease the wickedness that had taken hold of Khorvis Bloodstar. Freezing nights found the orc tossing in the rotten straw that served as bedding; all the while the felmancers' device pulsed with malefic promise and tiny fractures in the brass plating revealed a strange midnight green growth. Like a spreading infection, the physical manifestation of Tanaan's corruption brought a fevered sweat to Khorvis's skin and the accompanying night terrors echoed throughout the dungeon.

By the third night, the screams had reached such a wild pitch that even the guards kept their watch outside the walls. They grumbled and hoped that the Commander did not catch them away from their charge, but the insane gurglings and otherworldly howls were at this point a greater menace than Stonespire's ire. So the night passed with an orcish banshee caged in the garrison and a felstorm of a blizzard pummeling the stone walls.

When the sun rose on a pristine landscape of unbroken snow drifts, blinding in the morning rays, all was silent. The guards cast worried glances at each other before venturing back within the dungeon and down the passageway into the most secure cellblock. There they found the fallen High Inquisitor aroused.

Sitting upon a three-legged stool of twisted briarwood, Khorvis stared unblinkingly to the East. The dead-eyed stare would be enough to unnerve even a stout veteran, but the true horror of the fel malady gaped sightlessly in mutant mockery. The aperture of the eldritch device had been forced to a diameter of at least a foot. Sagging under the weight of a black tumorous ring, the brazen metal formed a loose oval that framed what could only be described as a void. Fel shadows slipped hauntingly through that abyss and whispered dread messages in broken Eredun.

One of the guards stood staring for too long into that nothingness and sank to his knees. His gauntlets began clawing bloody channels where had once been eyes and the screams drowned out the footfalls of the other two watchmen's flight. The survivors waded frantically through the snowdrifts towards the town hall, screaming for Awatu.

"The High Inquisitor wakes!"

[[ I will be on vacation until about August 13th. While I am away, Khorvis will be in the 4-star care of the Grim garrison's dungeons. Should your character wish to interact with him, they will randomly find him in one of three states:

A) Khorvis sits on a stool, the only piece of furniture in his cell, staring Eastward towards Hellfire Citadel in Tanaan. Whispers can be heard coming from the grotesque orifice that was the left side of his face. They are in Eredun and, should they be translated, appear to be twisted prayers of the draenei of our timeline, just before their slaughter by the original Horde. Rather than beseeching the aid of the Naa'ru, they beg for the Legion to bring a quick death. Khorvis will not acknowledge your presence directly, but the prayers may change to suit your character's personal history - ie: a Blood Elf might evoke prayers for the Legion to burn Quel'thalas, etc.

B) Khorvis is fitfully asleep, ranting and raving almost incoherently, punctuated by moments of startling clarity. In those moments, your character might catch a glimpse of the old Khorvis and the more personable instances of camaraderie that they shared.

C) Khorvis is slumped with his back against a far corner of the cell, his face hidden in shadow. Any questions will result in vitriol and bile that target the most vulnerable aspects of your character's psyche that Khorvis might have an inkling of. You are free to verbally spar with him, but beware revealing too much where the shadows have ears...

In each case, I give the author permission to write for Khorvis in a way that reinforces the building threat that the Grim feel from Gul'dan and the Legion's invasion of Tanaan. I encourage using this plot device as a way to develop your characters in relation to the Mandate and your fellow Grim.

When I return, the gloves are off and the circus begins! ]]
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Re: Fel Expansion

Post by Akorharil »

(I will be on vacation next week as well. If anyone wants translations for any of Khorvis' demonic rantings, feel free to ask Akor, who will be locked up nearby. He will be paying careful attention to everything that Khorvis is doing, and will be scrawling notes into the walls and floor of his cell to aid in future projects/research. Assume that he is fascinated enough with what he sees that he is willing to talk without screwing with you too much. After reading this post, I'm glad I sarcastically asked Kerala for earplugs.)
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Re: Fel Expansion

Post by Kerala »

((Ha! Hey Malhavik, kerala has news of the high inquisitor to satisfy your request too- meet your new cell mate :P))
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Re: Fel Expansion

Post by Kerala »

Like the proverbial calm before the storm, there was an equal sort of stillness afterward. The build-up of pressure and electricity had finally exploded, the maelstrom happened, and now it was over. Khorvis was unconscious under the care of the healers, and two warlocks were imprisoned. Eventually, the orc was moved to his own cell with them.

Kerala went to visit a second time. She had been there once before already, to see Akorharil and Malhavik. Everyone else had also decided to come and gawk at the warlocks, so she wasn't surprised that the two treated her with just as much hostility. Still, she asked her one question. Did they need anything?

The orc felmancer had sarcastically requested earplugs, and the druid very seriously found a bit of paper in her pockets and rolled two squat little spirals that could be twisted into ears and block sound. She'd left them sitting on the iron bars.

The undead had only requested news of the high inquisitor. She didn't know anything unique that Syreena had not already told. After that, she left.

She didn't like being there. The entire place was underground, a detail she was keenly aware of. The walls and floor were stone, overlaid by the wooden floor above. The rough beams were held up with a net of iron sprawling from support pillars. The jail was cool, uncomfortably so. Light and not quite enough warmth came from lanterns hung overhead, and from torches set into the pillars.

The cells were gigantic. Straw littered the floors, thick enough to be insulating in some of them, though some of it was dirty. Each cell had at least one cot for prisoners to sleep on. It was a simple frame with rough hide stretched between the sides, but it would be a comfortable enough bed, she thought, and off the cold stone. There were cups for water, and stools to sit on. There was even a bucket to collect waste in. The space was large enough to pace and exercise in. Nine steps, easily.

Still, a cage was a cage no matter how extravagant the prison might be. She returned one more time, to ask the question of Khorvis. The guards didn't want to let her in. They didn't want to accompany her either. Finally, when it was clear that she wouldn't leave without seeing the afflicted orc, they stripped her of anything that could be considered a weapon or lock pick, and sent her in alone.

Malhavik and Akorharil were awake, and sullen. The undead nodded a polite greeting, but his silence made it clear he was not in the mood for talking. That was fine. She had nothing to say to him after his demons had helped let Syreena cut her. She was not here to comfort them, offer pity, or provide companionship. Lingering with those who were imprisoned was unwise. She stepped over to Khorvis' cell.

His was the darkest cell of the three. The orc sat in the corner, shrouded in shadows. He leaned, elbows on knees and head drooped down. They said he was Mad from the fel. They said he was possessed of a demon. They said a lot of things, and Kerala knew better than to listen to superstitious guards and gossiping peons. Khorvis wouldn't be the first crazy person she'd been around, if indeed he was. She was not afraid.

She didn't greet him. He knew she was there, her hooves had sounded on the stone and the wooden inlay of the floor. She didn't know what to call him, now. Surely he was no longer the high inquisitor. He seemed determined to ignore her, so she finally just asked quietly.

"Is there anything you need, that I can bring you?" He didn't answer, so she tried again.

Without looking up, he told her to go away, with some of his colorful cursing involving goats. He certainly seemed to be his usual self.

She didn't go away. She repeated the question a third time. Now both Malhavik and Akorharil were watching. Her voice was quiet enough they probably couldn't hear, but Khorvis wasn't curbing his own volume. He erupted in a litany of cursing that outlasted two intakes of breath and ended in a phrase she'd heard him utter once before, in that strange non-orcish language.

"He said he'll eat your heart," Akorharil called out from the far end of the jail, helpfully translating.

She ignored him, and stood simply staring at Khorvis. He was no longer hunched over, but he had not left the stool or the shadowed corner. Every so often, it seemed the weak torchlight gleamed from part of the device in his face. The question went unspoken, this time, but he knew she asked it again. Is there anything you need, that I can bring you? Specific words, unchanging. She would not leave without an answer.

She should have known, after that demonic comment, the direction his insults would take. He had been surprised, that day on the island of Azshara. He'd assumed, like most everyone else did, that she had honor. That the Debt she paid had to do with a moral code. It didn't, not at all. It was the utter lack of it. He thought to attack that perceived weakness. The absence of honor.

He called her names both colorful and crude. His imagination for such things went well beyond bloody things, sucking goats, and the fel. She listened calmly for the request that might be interjected between the bile he spouted. She had openly admitted that she had no honor. He could not harm her that way.

He realized that as well, and so he changed the angle of his attack. Closer to the mark, now, he spoke about eating hearts, asked how they had tasted, and if she had enjoyed the task he'd given her. Her teeth clamped tightly as she stood there letting his voice wash over her. She didn't say anything in return to encourage him, but her silence seemed to anyway. He said he regretted 'coddling' her. She didn't have what it took to be Grim, not like the Legion did. He said he'd throw her to fel demonhounds and watch while they ate her heart. He invited her to share his first meal when he got out of the stinking cell, her last one- a Shu'halo child. Then he said it. The request.

She should have known.

* * *

It was a full week, the following Monday after the events in Tanaan, when Kerala returned to the jail for the last time. It had been several days since Khorvis had answered her question. She didn't go in, but handed a hissing cast iron skillet to the guards. She left after they accepted it, not caring if they had to test for poisons, or whatever. They'd bring it to Khorvis.

Though the scent turned her stomach, she knew it would smell delicious to everyone else. The meat had been braised for hours to tenderize, then finished with fire. It was cut in thick slices. It would fill the jail with it's sizzling, and that smell. Khorvis would enjoy the meal, she knew, since he knew what it was.

The bastard had requested a tauren heart.

((I was too chicken to attempt being a real puppeteer for Khorvis, and glossed over his words. :P ))
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Re: Fel Expansion

Post by Cen »

Last edited by Cen on Thu Feb 02, 2017 12:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fel Expansion

Post by Khorvis »

[[ Continued in Sealed to the Mandate. ]]
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