One Step Closer

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Re: One Step Closer

Post by Cristok »

Therean wrote:
Cristok wrote:I think the legalization of weed should be considered from a social justice perspective, not as a jobs program. There are certainly sectors of the economy that would be harmed/benefit but overall the prohibition effort is a drain on our people and this is something I think everyone agrees (in this thread so far).
I'm not sure I believe in social justice. But that is more of a taxonomical dispute. I do agree that the legalisation of drugs is a human problem. That said, I think it is the economics of the matter (as always), that will yield solutions. If anything is to pry open the giant clusterfuck of circular crap that is the government led, enforced, funded, and perpetuated war on drugs- it will be the vast economic incentives for it to end.
Dont believe in social justice? Thats crazy talk. Economics is just another way to describe human behavior. Call it whatever you like, but we are social and emotional beings and even when you get millions of us clustered together we remain such. You may not like govornment, but if you have millions of humans, or even 300 humans, you.will.have.government. You may not call it govornment. You may find some other word for it, but the fact remains that we organize our selves and compromise our interests in this way and we always have and we always will. I dont blame some ethereal 'govt/corporate/clusterfuck of mysterious interests' for the 'War on Drugs'. I blame the people of the United States for not being outraged at injustice. In fact I blame Therean for example for not being outraged that I can, and have been arrested, for smoking herb and not considering it a social imperative of justice that it should be stopped until some economic incentive makes it so. Wrong is wrong! Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere! -Insert hippie ass protest chant here-!

I also love this discussion! Keep it coming until the govt/Abric shuts us down!
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Re: One Step Closer

Post by Guduk »

Social Justice is different for every human being though, it's based on social upbringing and your own personal beliefs, Heavily influenced by what people call 'Social norm' which is different where you live in the world.

Example... here, Kiddy porn is frowned on and also Illegal. But go over to Asia and see how frowned on or Illegal it is.. because its socially acceptable.

You can make the same argument with drugs and Holland.

Social justice is not going to do anything until you change whats socially accepted, and some people are just going to be too 'brought up in their ways' to change anything.
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Re: One Step Closer

Post by Bloodscream »

Well looky here! My favorite topic!

I think my status as a hard core hippy is secure. However I would be remiss if I didn't point out that Weed... being illegal... is ALL KINDS OF FUCKED UP.

1st: Hemp was the #1 crop on this planet for 10 000 years. it literally IS a wonder plant. It can be used to make fibre for ropes and cloth. It can be made into panels for construction ( it is naturally rot resistant ) and it can be eaten. ONE plant can shelter you, clothes you and feed you.

Hemp paper is of MUCH higher quality than wood pulp. Manufacturing hemp paper produces 80% less pollution and waste than wood pulp.

Hemp can be grown in the same spot over and over and over... using a simple medieval 3 field system in which 2 fields are cultivated and one is left fallow with a yearly rotation means you can keep growing it in the SAME spot and not have to keep cutting trees down.

How long does it take for a tree to grow to a size that it can be harvested for the paper industry? Probably around 10-15 years... so you have to keep cutting more and more and more and more... it fucking sucks.

Every empire in the history of the human race became an empire because of.... wait for it... WEED!

The Romans... weed. The British? Weed... The French? Russians? WEED WEED WEED. SPanish Armada? WTF do you think all those sails and ropes were made of? What do you think they used as the primary building materials for their ships? WEED... that's right... more WEED than WOOD... WEED!

So what happened to weed? THE AMERICANS! YOU BASTARDS!!

Americans grew cotton instead of hemp. They vilified the hemp industry to prevent it from moving into the US and bankrupting their fat useless slave owning asses.

Why did the British go to India? They were looking for WEED! They found it too... they used to grow hemp on the shores of the Thames... but it wasn't enough... they tried buying it from the Russians but this caused bit strife with the French who did not want the Russians selling hemp to the British. Russians even had a treaty with the French contigent on them not selling hemp to the British... the Russians cheated and sold hemp to the British anyways and THAT is why Napoleon declared war on Russia.

Nevermind the fact that the female plant of Canabis has been used in religious rituals for thousands of years...but not in CHRISTIAN rituals... so they went out of their way to declare war on it.

The Mexicans used to bring it in with them so it became "dirty" something illegal immigrant brought in along with their evil desire to take your job and stab your babies.

Enter a bible thumping jackass whose name escapes me. American politician who, in his war against the Mexicans and their filthy weed, created a FEDERAL agency with the ability and rights to wage said war on weed.

Fast forward to Ronald Reagan. His campaign is not going well. He needs something... anything... to polarize the populace. He would have loved to go after drugs but drugs are handled at a STATE level... but wait whats this? An old FEDERAL agency from crusty old Mexican hating dufus... it's federal... I can use it.

Nancy Reagans "Just Say No" campaign is born. Ronnie has found his weapon.
He won the election and later that year, at a global conference on drug trafficking, manages to get Canabis included on the same list as Cocaine and Heroin... and whammo.

Welcome to the future, shitheads.

In 1972, Weed was legal in 13 states.
There are videos (on you tube) of the governor of New-York at a Rally assuring the thousands of people that he will never inforce a law that the people do not want.
In 1985, Reagan brought down the hammer, why? Cause he hates weed and loves the little children? Nope... cause he really wanted to get re-elected, no other reason.

Weed being illegal is actually religious discrimination against pretty much every eastern religion.

Weed should be legal. It should be government controlled. Quality and weight guaranteed, and taxed.
Use NOTHING but the profits you make selling the weed to fight hard drugs.

a) You will deliver a VICIOUS kick to the groin of crime cartels by stealing the Canabis market from them.
b) You will now have LOTS of money to fight those other drugs with.
c) It is a well known statistical fact that when something becomes legal, consumption DROPS.

Everyone wins and I can smoke in peace.
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Re: One Step Closer

Post by Ashenfury »

It needs to be pointed out that you cannot get high from hemp

and that marijuana cannabis can not produce paper, rope, etc...

They should both be legal. You're right that hemp being illegal is such a and a crime to our economy and the people that fuel it.
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Re: One Step Closer

Post by Cristok »

Guduk wrote:Social Justice is different for every human being though, it's based on social upbringing and your own personal beliefs, Heavily influenced by what people call 'Social norm' which is different where you live in the world.
And thats the problem Guduk. Most -every- American agrees that arresting me for smoking pot in my living room is wrong, but somehow it remains the law of the land. There are a myriad of reasons that this is, but while it is, it should be considered an injustice.

In fact if I read this thread right, not one of us think it should be the 'norm' to arrest me for smoking pot? We are just jerking each other off over the why it got this way, how we should fix it, and what will it look like?
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Re: One Step Closer

Post by Hektar »

I've informed the authorities, they are on their way to kick in your door and arrest you as we speak. You can't fight justice Cristok!!!!!!!!!
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Re: One Step Closer

Post by Cristok »

Pot heads in particular are bad at fighting anything...cept Alliance.
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Re: One Step Closer

Post by Bloodscream »

Indeed Ash but both plants are irrevocably tied one to the other. As far as male and female plants being completely different.. it is called CannaBIS... it's in the name!

They have started growing it again in the UK. I saw a special on the return of the industry to England.

Obviously they are not growing female plants.

The female plants were the religious side of the equation.
Pretty much every Eastern religion has used weed in their religious rights.
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Re: One Step Closer

Post by Therean »

Cristok wrote:Dont believe in social justice? Thats crazy talk. Economics is just another way to describe human behavior. Call it whatever you like, but we are social and emotional beings and even when you get millions of us clustered together we remain such.
Absolutely You've struck right at the heart of my issue with 'social justice'; terminology. Economics is a social science, no doubt. 'Social justice' however is a vague pseudo-concept bandied about essentially for self-vindication. It has a flexible definition depending on what it means to the user of the word. You ask a libertarian what social justice is, and they will talk about civil liberties and freedom from coercive force. You ask a communist, and they will instead discuss equality of opportunity and an open society.

So why use such an inconsistent term? Because it confers righteousness to one's own ideaology through it's use. If you describe your agenda as social 'justice' to oppose it would be unjust. Thus I have a problem with the word. Moreover, the word itself is used far more by left wing statists than anyone else, and I reject the implicit notion that opposition to their ideology constituted social injustice.
You may not like govornment, but if you have millions of humans, or even 300 humans, you.will.have.government. You may not call it govornment. You may find some other word for it, but the fact remains that we organize our selves and compromise our interests in this way and we always have and we always will.
I can agree with this- I would say it is where I most come into conflict with left-anarchists. They seem to think a word can exist without authority. I would disagree that there specificlly has to be 'government', as in an organisation based solely around monopolising the provision of force, coercion, and authoritatively acting as society's arbiter. However, authority and social organisation are staples of human social groups, and I very much doubt we could exist without it. That said, authority doesn't have to be coercive. It can be consensual. If you get a job, you boss has nominal authority over you during work hours. However you agree to this on the taking of the job, and can arrange the terms and limits of this authority. Plus, if you don't like it, you can quit, unionise, renogotiate, or whatever else.
I dont blame some ethereal 'govt/corporate/clusterfuck of mysterious interests' for the 'War on Drugs'. I blame the people of the United States for not being outraged at injustice.
I disagree. While certainly mass public outrage can effect results in government, the public isn't responsible for the actions of the government simply because they could stop them. The war on drugs is very much a product of the government of the United States of America. The people didn't vote the initiative in via referendum. The people didn't sign an executive order allowing the CIA to reap profits off 'confiscated goods' from drug cartels in south america ultimately leading to an influx of USA taxpayer funded crack cocaine. The people are a mix of apathetic and gullible. People either know the war on drugs is BS but won't do much beyond try to vote for legalisation if and when the spectacularly narrow system of democratic illusory choice offers them such a cantidate- or they think drugs are bad and rightly illegal because that is what the government has been saying for several decades.
In fact I blame Therean for example for not being outraged that I can, and have been arrested, for smoking herb and not considering it a social imperative of justice that it should be stopped until some economic incentive makes it so. Wrong is wrong! Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere! -Insert hippie ass protest chant here-!
Should!=is. I think it is unjust that you and so many others have been arrested, incarcerated, or murdered by the state for partaking of some pleasant chemical abuse of your own body. That's actual justice, though, not social justice. It is actually unjust to prosecute people for 'victimless crimes'. I do think it should stopped. However I expect that it is the vast economic incentives for it to stop that will win out in the end. It's speculation, not my suggestion of the ideal outcome. Sure it'd be great if the people rose up in protest tomorrow for the right to use recreational drugs, and the goverment listened to them and changed the law. However, more often than not, it is money that effects results in politics.

Honestly I'm surprised the War on Drugs persists, especially given the current financial dire straits the USA is in. Imagine if you quit spending money on the war on drugs, legalised their sale, and slapped a 300% tax on over-the-counter sales (As is traditional for goods of inelastic demand, like petrol, alcohol, cigarettes, and pharmaceuticals- not actually a suggestion I'd principally endorse). That'd be a revenue raiser. Imagine purging the prisons of everyone serving a sentence for non-violent drug-related charges. Anyhow, your best bet at the moment would be registering as republican and voting for Ron Paul in the Primaries.
I also love this discussion! Keep it coming until the govt/Abric shuts us down!
Cheers, likewise.
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Re: One Step Closer

Post by Cristok »

I like you Therean. I think we could have some great discussions over a hookah ;)
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Re: One Step Closer

Post by Therean »

Cristok wrote:I like you Therean. I think we could have some great discussions over a hookah ;)
Or in a dutch-coffeeshop overlooking the canals. Do hit me up if you're ever in Europe, I'm not likely to find myself stateside in the forseeable future.
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