Graphics fun

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Graphics fun

Unread post by Amaurn »

Well guys as soime of you may be aware from what I have mentioned that I have been having certain graphics issues off and on. Well yesterday its came to a head. Now never mind if I run games logging into windows makes the graphics go all screwy and then crash. Only way it now works is after running a start up repair and deleting the drivers Im now in windows using the basic VGA graphics driver and theres no graphics glih. Course this means I cant play any games.

So essentially im thinking the graphics card is screwy as the nvidia driver will attempt to use the cards full resources and when it tries it goes belly up. The basic driver is only trying for minimal things so thats why its ok.

And just in case you tech heads have any ideas:

The error that message that pops up is "The nvlddmkm driver has stopped responding and has recovered" Assuming it does recover. My card is an Nvidia Geforce 8600 GTS. And im using windows vista with SP1 which was supposed to fix the problem but ive had it before and after SP1. I used the latest drivers and all that jazz.

Hmm some little glitches have appeared even now with the basic driver. Making me think for sure that the card is screeeeeewed. Stll under DELL warrenty though.

So yes in short. Dunno if or when ill be back on WOW.
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Re: Graphics fun

Unread post by Greebo »

You'll be back when you whip those bastards from Dell into shape and they send you a whole new system. Great news about the warranty.

The fun thing about problems like this?  It could be anything. it might have started as a power problem but now have screwed up anything in the path between power and video card.
Grisbault, Twice-Made.
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Re: Graphics fun

Unread post by Amaurn »

Got the call from DELL and they agreed after doing their checks that the card was fried. So they are sending a new one on tuesday, so i'll be back soon! That dragon shall be miiiiine!

I can help but wonder if the problem has been my card all allong or if vista has steadily fecked it up. Since the driver issue was fairly common not a unique thing, could all those people have had a broken card?

*stares at Grainger waiting for an answer to all these magic questions!*

Re: Graphics fun

Unread post by Gorvena »

Vista is the devil. That is all.
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Re: Graphics fun

Unread post by Amaurn »

Can't disagree with you there! Its a devil I have to live with though!

Re: Graphics fun

Unread post by Esrythalon »

Gorvena wrote: Vista is the devil. That is all.
All a matter of opinion.  I've had fewer problems with Vista than I had with XP.

The only true issue I had was getting my mic to work, and for all I know that could have been due to my choice of soundcards, since I was forced to go to a USB headset.

You'd better get back soon, Amaurn!  I'm missing your sense of humor.  :P
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Re: Graphics fun

Unread post by Amaurn »

Dont worry I shall retuuuuuurn! And actually you have a point. Only issue ive actually had with vista is graphics - and if its been my card steadily getting worse over the 10-11 months ive had it that could make sense.... tuesday shall tell all!
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