The Supplicant's Handbook

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The Supplicant's Handbook

Post by Qabian »

Given the opportunity to explore the Grim's library, even in its scattered state, placed in prominent locations and easily accessible are copies of a particular tome. The front is embossed with the red skull and daggers of The Grim and the words "Inquisition" run down its spine. A sharp observer would notice that the binding is not of simple animal hide, but rather of dwarven origin. Upon opening the book, you discover a manual for the use of fresh Supplicants written in clear, concise orcish. The words are clearly derived from the work of many authors, and yet they always take the same tone as that of the current High Inquisitor. Littered throughout the text are various quotations from Grim past. Wise Supplicants would heed their warnings and treasure any advice. The tome reads:



Welcome to The Grim.

Within this tome, you will find much information about your new guild, as well as a key-rune to the halls:


The guild hall ((forums)) is where you will find any Grim news, announcements, information about upcoming battles or events. It also houses your new quarters, where you will pick up your guild mail and meet with your brothers and sisters in arms. You are expected to check in here regularly. Within one day of swearing your honor to the Mandate, you should have access to most of the guild hall. Notify an officer if there are still places you cannot see. The wards that guard the inner sanctum are strong, and the key-rune requires time to take effect. ((If you can see the forum called "Inner Grim" you're good. If not, let us know.))

There is an arcane calendar ((in-game calendar)) in the great hall where you can sign your name for battles and events. While you may do so, it is not expected, and it is important to inform the leader of said events of your intention to attend. If you turn coward or otherwise lose your capacity for competence, you must immediately inform the leader that they will be short one soldier.

Grim forces are rallied to meet the Alliance on the battlefield at least once a week on Wednesdays. If you possess the will to destroy them in the field, contact Irredeemables Feyde or Syreena.

When other menacing threats push on our second front, the Grim will send raiding parties to slaughter our foes at dusk on Tuesday and Thursday. To accompany these raids, send word to Irredeemables Riplie or Canaie.

You will be expected to keep your armor and weapons in good repair and equipped with all the appropriate gems and magical enhancements. ((Please have Mumble installed and configured before the night of the event you're attending. See the link for it at the bottom of this letter.))

"Feed all prejudice you know, Love all the mirrors show.
Covet only your darker self, Breed only fear itself.
Hunt all there is to see, Silence all of life's melody.
Feel only agonizing sensation, Kill only without reservation,
Be free."

- Grainger the Butler, former Steward of the Mandate.


You are a mere Supplicant. In order to advance beyond that rank and remain a Grim, you must complete three trials. Your first test is a Trial of Combat. You have one month to complete it.

The Grim do not resolve issues with simple words, but with forceful action. When Thrall called to the members of the Horde to defend against the threats to its existence, The Grim were among the first to answer that call. In every campaign and every conflict since then, The Grim have been in the vanguard of the fight. From the beginning, we have known there is only one way to succeed – Peace Through Annihilation.

In the Trial of Combat, a Supplicant must prove their worth to the Mandate in a fight against an enemy or enemies of equal or greater standing to their current level of experience. You must fight in the field alongside fellow Grim and you must earn the approval of those Grim in order to complete the task, and then present a report for the guild hall about your experience. You may be assigned other feats for you to perform. It is not wise to question the orders of the Inquisition.

If found worthy, a Supplicant will begin their next Trial. If found unworthy, the Supplicant will be given a single chance to redeem themselves or be removed from The Grim and hunted down.

"Remember, you do very little service to us dead."
- Pincus the Archivist


If you are not seen or heard from for two months, you will be assumed dead and may be removed from our roster. If you return, you may swear again to the Mandate, but only as a Supplicant until you have satisfied the Inquisition.

"We are here because we have chosen to act, rather than react."
- Melchisedech, whereabouts unknown, presumed dead.


The Inquisition
Khorvis Bloodstar, the Lasher - High Inquisitor
Zalanjo – Inquisitor

Battleground Leaders
Feyde – PVP Leader
Syreena, the Shadowblade – PVP Assistant

Raid Leaders
Riplie Battre, the Butcher – Raid Leader
Canaie, the Shade – Raid Assistant

"Do not press the big red button."
- Angaroth Arnursson, dread mage, whereabouts unknown.


If you require anything from the guild's vault, you must beg a comrade ranked Warbringer or higher to fetch it for you. Once you have completed your trials and won the trust of the vault's corehound guardians, you may enter it on your own. Anything taken from the vault is for your own immediate use or for other Grims. You are not to take things out of the vault for distant relations or to sell by goblin auction or to hoard in your personal stores. The punishment will be the stripping of all rank and the value of all stolen goods will be forcibly extracted from your person.

"I can’t stop now. The War demands much of us all, and this is no time to falter."
- Cristok, former Hand of the Mandate.


The Grim is an important force on Azeroth, and we expect those under our banner to carry themselves with pride. Respect is to be given to all members of the Horde whether or not they have earned it. You will not harass them in any manner, unless they shown themselves to be traitors. You will not make a fool of yourself in public and excessive nonsense will not be tolerated. If you need any of this explained to you, see the High Inquisitor and be prepared for extended instruction.

"Only the weak hide from the Truth."
- Abric the Enforcer, former leader of the Grim.


If you have any questions, you may contact the High Inquisitor or another officer, or leave a general message in the guild hall.

"Walk among us."
- Syreena Shadowblade, former High Inquisitor, master rogue

Peace through annihilation.

Khorvis Bloodstar
High Inquisitor

The mark of a fiery mountain overlaid with the Grim's red skull and daggers is stamped in a seal beneath the signature.



/guild, /say, /yell and the The Grim Community's GrimIC-General channel are always IC, no exceptions, not even for typo corrections.

The Grim Community's GrimIC-OOC channel is always OOC. This channel is optional and it's possible not everyone is paying attention to it. Anything that can be said IC should be said in the General IC channel, i.e. looking for a group, asking if anyone can do a particular trade skill, etc. Be considerate of other members in the OOC channel. The topics of politics and religion are off limits.

/party, /raid, /instance are always IC if it is a Grim group. If it is a PUG, use your judgment.

For any Grim raids or organized PVP events, voicechat is required, at least to listen. You don't have to talk if you don't want to. We use Mumble for raids, PvP and events. Download and setup information can be found here. Voicechat is OOC.

Many Grims hang out in our Discord while they're at work and throughout the day. Information can be found here. Discord is mainly OOC, but also provides specific channels for IC interaction for those who cannot meet in game for whatever reason.

After your character has passed the Supplicant trials, you may bring alts into the guild. You don't have to fill out an application for them; just introduce them in a Letter of Intent. They will be considered to be sponsored by your character. They do not have to do the Trials. Their rank will forever be Minion. You may switch mains. If you have an alt that you really want to bring into The Grim, you may be permitted to bring it in early, if you are very active on your Grim main. This is up to the discretion of the Inquisition.

We play evil characters. Because of this, most have very anti-social qualities. While role playing should never be restricted, it should never reach a point where your character is unapproachable without drama. Conflict will happen, but remember to keep it in character. If you feel that something your character will do may offend or otherwise come off as very bad, give the person(s) you are role playing with an OOC whisper, just to give them a warning and that it’s nothing personal. A little OOC reminder goes a long way to prevent miscommunication.

Any moderately sized guild has many personalities and opinions, which increases the chance of OOC conflict. There are too many people here to have a guild free from any disagreements. If you feel someone is not treating you with proper OOC respect, let them know specifically what it was you found offensive. They might not know they have offended you.

Continued out of character disrespect between members is not acceptable. While many people have different views, we are all here to play a game. Guild leaders will not babysit you, and we will cut the bad grape from the vine if you cannot get along with your fellow players. Racism and/or sexual harassment will never be tolerated and will lead to immediate guild removal.

The Grim do not condone situations that can be considered griefing. While our characters believe no Alliance should live to see the light of day, we as players need to remember that this is a multi-player game. Grim members should avoid killing Alliance under level 20, unless provoked or defending in Horde or contested territory. Corpse camping is also frowned upon, and is defined as sticking around the body of an Alliance member for the single purpose of disrupting their gameplay. Any Grim who engages in these situations without good cause can face demotion or expulsion.

Character Biography
At some point in the near future, please post a biography of your character here. You can follow the template others have used, or create your own!

"While our enemies remain, peace is not victory." ~Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner
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