Patch Notes 7.3.2

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Patch Notes 7.3.2

Unread post by Syreenna » ... atch-notes

Patch 7.3.2 includes:

General bug fixes and minor class balance changes.
Additional currency support in
Additional tuning in preparation for Antorus, the Burning Throne raid dungeon's release.

While this minor patch adds in additional tuning for Antorus, this raid won't be available with the release of patch 7.3.2, and will open at a later date.


Druid - Balance

Touch of the Moon trait redesigned. Now heals for an increasing amount per rank, with a fixed proc chance of 20% (was a fixed healing amount with a proc chance of 5% per rank). Additionally, will not proc if the caster is above 95% health.

Shaman - Elemental
Shamanistic Healing trait redesigned. Now heals for an increasing amount per rank, with a fixed cooldown of 30 seconds (was a fixed healing amount with a cooldown of [30 seconds minus 2 seconds] per rank).

Class Halls

Added three new missions: “ Scour the Surface”, “ Abandoned Armory”, and “ Feed the Furnaces”. All reward follower armor upgrades.
A Primal Sargerite vendor has been added to the Vindicaar.


Convergence of Fates now reduces the remaining cooldown on one of your powerful abilities by 4 seconds (was 5 seconds), and has 10% more primary stat.
A number of class set items from legacy content can now be sold to vendors.

Legion Companion App

Restored the mission-complete button on the map.
Updated to support 7.3.2 patch.

Player versus Player

The weekly quest “ Something Different” should now reward the correct Brawler's Footlocker based on the active season.
The Enchanter's Illusion - Primal Victory and Enchanter's Illusion - Glorious Tyranny Illusions are now purchasable for 10 Mark of Honor for players who earned at least one of the following Achievements:

Glorious Tyranny:
Duelist or Hero of the Horde/Alliance in Season 14.
Duelist or Hero of the Horde/Alliance in Season 15.

Primal Victory:

Duelist or Hero of the Horde/Alliance in Warlords Season 1.
Duelist or Hero of the Horde/Alliance in Warlords Season 2.
Duelist or Hero of the Horde/Alliance in Warlords Season 3.
Alts: Lirsha Deathwhistle & Ayidda
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