A Rogue's Diary

The stories and lives of the Grim. ((Roleplaying Stories and In Character Interactions))
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Re: A Rogue's Diary

Post by Syreenna »


Gruk was taken. By a “MADMAN” is all I know. Someone invaded Dragon’s Roost Port and took some prisoners, and he was one of them. Cobrak said he would let me help the rescue team get him back. But he hasn’t summoned me yet, and by now, I don’t expect him to. Selash probably talked him out of it. Maybe because I suggested we use his wife as bait. I just hope they get him back in one piece.

There’s a new Grim elf. Vyalis. I think he will be very useful. I think I threw him off balance the first time we met, when I threw my rank around and had a taste of his ear. Even after last night, I think I can still pull his strings. So far, he’s been good at collecting information, but not jewelry. He paid for that failure in the barn, by providing me with a necklace more personal to him than the one I asked him to retrieve for me. Symorick was all too happy to help with that.

Vyalis didn’t even fight. I could tell he knew something was going on, but he sat in the chair and let Sym strap him in like a good little elf. And he screamed when Sym used his teeth to tear his ear off after starting the cut with a rusty knife. But he never begged us not to do it. He didn’t even object. Because he believed he deserved it, or because he knew it wouldn’t do any good? The look in his eyes though. He does have some fight in him somewhere. Yes, I think he will be very useful. Spirited, but controllable.

Symorick is still the perfectly obedient pet. Whatever magic Malkaris wove on him still seems to be working. I fear what will happen if it ever stops working. So much riding on the placement of one little gem. I wonder what Lomani would think if she knew her gift to me had been used in that way. I’ll have a few more lessons from the good doctor. Then I suppose I should kill him before the gem gets dislodged or Malk’s magic stops working.

It is a shame about the necklace. How would it feel to have so much power over at least a few Sanctuary members right in the palm of my hand? To be able to make her pay for what she did to Qabian’s arm, or to use it as leverage with other purple people who care about her. Getting it now though will not be easy. Vyalis’ failure has put her guard up now.

Qabian knew the plan. I didn’t tell him I had sent Vyalis to retrieve the crystal. I don’t think I did. I told Vyalis to keep it our secret. But he knew. Mages are tricksy. I’ve always known this, ever since Lucion and I hunted them together in Felwood. The Magister definitely seems to have more up his sleeve than just an invisible magical arm. It seems every day I learn something new about him. So far, it’s all been mildly interesting, but I can’t help but wonder if he’s up to something more than rekindling old flames and starting new fires. I wonder, how does he even manage that many?

Tahz hired a new waitress at the Wyvern’s Tail. She’s in Sanctuary. I can’t help but think that’s going to bring him trouble eventually. I hope I’m wrong.

I saw a ghost there last night. I haven’t seen Lord Dorian in years. I wonder what he’ll think of things now if he sticks around for a while.
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Re: A Rogue's Diary

Post by Syreenna »


I don’t go to the cabin much anymore. Not while the girl is still there. However, sources say she is seen around Dalaran sometimes, so she’s not there all the time. Baal came to Cantina last night though. What he wants to do is crazy. Some things just can’t be made whole again after they’re broken apart, and we were broken long before she was taken away. I nearly destroyed her then. If this happens, I can probably still do that. But I’m not going to take that risk. I need to change his mind. And if I can’t talk him out of it, I’ll have to go against his wishes. If she’s dead, it won’t be an option anymore. I’m sure Qabian would help with that. But maybe I’ll give the task to Vyalis and give him a chance to save his other ear.

The topic of family came up tonight. I don’t even know what it means anymore. I have a sister that I don’t know these days, but we were close once, and we killed the rest of them. They deserved it. But that wasn’t the kind of family he was talking about. He was talking about the family you choose. I’ve had family like that before too. But what’s the point? Eventually, one by one, they all die or leave or betray you. I once had many people I considered close enough to call family. I used to think of all the Grims as one big family. Now there are only two, and oddly enough neither are Grim.

Umbral asked Baal why he’s so big, and he started telling her how he was infected with fel. Then he asked me to explain. So I told Umbral how Baal used to be a Grim, and when he was a Supplicant, one of the warlocks experimented on him with a drug called Wreave. I know Baal still hates Ul’rezaj for that. And I still silently carry the guilt with me for my part in it. Does he know? Can he feel my guilt when the subject comes up? Does he already know? Is that why he asked me to explain it? Will he shut me out if he learns the truth? But he was just a cocky Supplicant elf back then.

Apparently, Commander Stick-Up-Her-Butt let herself be goaded into a fight with Nero. I’d love to know what he said to get under her skin enough to make her throw the first punch. The fight was bad enough that Fhenrir stepped in, and she punched him too! I wish I had seen it. Miss High and Mighty lowering herself enough to start a barfight. Justice and mercy and blah blah blah.
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Re: A Rogue's Diary

Post by Syreenna »


Damn elves.

What the fel happened tonight? That did not go at all the way I had planned.

I think someone cut my puppet’s strings and replaced them with a spine and some guts. And I think I know who it was. What, they’re best buds now, because they’re both elves and both missing an ear? He wasn’t going to be pushed around tonight, I could tell. One power play after another. Questioning the purpose of my orders, demanding the ear back, and then that little stand off before he left. I gave him a vague reason for the job, but I still have the ear, and he walked away first. So go me, I won the power struggle, but in the process, I lost my puppet.

I should have stabbed him. I probably would have if I wasn’t so surprised about what I learned tonight. Would it have made a difference if I stabbed him? Would he have backed down again, like he did in the inn?

Damn elves.

He warned her. It had to be him. He knew. We didn’t tell anyone else. He warned her, and in doing so, he set Vyalis up for failure. Then he stood by without objection when he learned of what his actions had cost the puppet. But Vyalis suspects me. That little red bird whispering in his ear somehow made it point back to me.

And then he cut the puppet’s strings, and ruined my plans for the girl. He must have. He knew my plans. Why? To protect a fellow one-eared elf Grim from little old me? To get back at me for reading his love letters? To go after her himself?

Whatever the reason, it’s not good enough. Someone will pay for this. And I’ve learned enough over the last few weeks to have quite a few to choose from. I think I know just the one.

Damn elves. Just when I think I can trust one. Without fail, they prove me wrong.

All but one.
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Re: A Rogue's Diary

Post by Syreenna »


I haven’t seen Vyalis since that night. I sent a message for him to come see me, but apparently, he is ignoring me. He didn’t respond to the message. I guess I’ll have to go correct that mistake.

Qabian doesn’t seem to suspect anything. I even sold him two books for half the cost of the contract I took out to beat up a few people he seems to care about. A nice pretty bank note with his name on it, that I’ll hand over to the mercs as payment. That way, if there’s any trouble, it will be traced back to him. That’s the least he deserves for interfering with my plans.

Tahz is in trouble again. He made another deal with the troll spirits or whatever. He changed his mind, but now he’s still expected to hold up his end of the bargain. He doesn’t want to do his part, because he thinks it’s too dangerous. I think it’s wonderful. Somewhere out of the way, far from Horde lands, I’m sure it would be fine. It’s been a while since I’ve visited Eastvale. Too bad Xek isn’t still around. He would have loved this. But either way, I offered to take it from Tahz. If he gave it to RAS like he planned, there’s no way they wouldn’t do something with it. If he gives it to me, well, I haven’t decided yet if I’ll use it, but if I do, at least I’ll take more caution than they would to keep it away from Horde. If I don’t, well, I have one of the Supplicants researching the Mossflayers for me. If someone’s going to come after me, I want to know something about him.

I saw that mage at Cantina the other night. The Sanctuary one that was in....wherever the fel that place was that Karthok shot himself. The confusion of the Nightmare was still with me then, but I knew better than to get on either of the two departing airships. One was filled with Alliance, and the other with Sanctuary. This mage saw me abandon the ship I boarded when Sanctuary started pouring in, and he opened a portal for me out of that place. I always wondered why, especially after I nearly got in a fight with him at the Winter Veil party. Or maybe I was going to get into a fight with T’suro and this guy interfered.

I asked him at Cantina why he opened the portal for me, after I realized he did know who I am. He’s young for an elf, but he’s not all elf. He is one of those people that still thinks there is good in everyone, and everyone can be redeemed, and blah blah blah. Silly boy. Well, he’s young. Life will beat that attitude out of him eventually, if Sanctuary doesn’t first. For all his silly notions though, he must be skilled. He bested Khorvis in combat at that party. I’ll have to keep that in mind. Tricksy mages.

He said there’s some conflict in the purple palace over those void elf creatures. Some kind of disagreement that is splitting some people apart there. He said it even split up Kex’ti and Julilee. Kex’ti left Sanctuary over it. I wonder where he is and what he’s going to do now. I always knew he wasn’t suited for Sanctuary. Not for long. I’ve seen him do things that would make the purple people puke. He has a dark side. I’ve seen it. I even learned a new trick from him in Grim Batol. If he stays away from Sanctuary, will he finally give in to it? And if he does, who will he turn it on?
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Re: A Rogue's Diary

Post by Syreenna »


I went visiting this week to collect money for Tahz’s boat fund.

I went to Borrowed Time first. Megeda met me at the gates. I haven’t seen him since Thunder Bluff, I think, when he was guarding that dead human who slaughtered that Tauren village. He doesn’t look well now. He’s too skinny. But he agreed to take up a collection among Borrowed Time to help raise money for the boat. He asked a favor in return.

He wanted me to try to sneak past the gate to test his guards. He promised I wouldn’t get hurt if I got caught, and I’ve never known a Tauren to go back on their word, so I agreed. It was easy. I toyed with them a bit, and eventually I became visible to ring a bell outside their tavern. A goblin shot himself at me with some kind of rocket pack, but Megeda was true to his word and stepped in right away. He asked if I would be willing to do it again, to help train his guards.

To be honest, it wasn’t a fair test. I can sneak into just about anywhere without being detected. But it was fun. Their base is lively and active, lots of people living and working together. Yes, I will go back and help again when he asks. Maybe I’ll bring a few things to make it more interesting.

Then I went to Sanctuary’s hall in Dalaran. I didn’t go in, of course. Nobody’s word would convince me I’d be safe inside that guild base. But that short-eared elf mage and a Tauren came out to talk to me. I don’t think I ever met that Tauren, but apparently, he’s heard about me. It was clear by the way he held his axe that he expected trouble. As if I’d come knocking at the front door if I were there for blood. Anyway, he agreed to collect donations, but he said he would send them to the Cantina rather than trust me with Sanctuary’s money. Whatever.

The young mage though, gave me a bag of coins and said he trusted me to use the gold for what I said. Silly elfling. He said he’s heard about me and what I’ve done. Why the fel would he trust someone like me while he wears their colors?

Then Aaren showed up to be annoying. She was drunk, so extra annoying. I did learn, however, that she lives in the Purple Palace now. That could be a useful tidbit.

Then I went to the cabin and asked Baal if Rutilus would donate. He said he’d give me some special mushrooms that I could sell for a good price. I’m sure he’ll ask around Rutilus too.

Vyalis said he never got my message. If I believe him, then I guess I need to have words with my messenger.
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Re: A Rogue's Diary

Post by Syreenna »

I think I killed a Grim. Maybe two. Stupid mercenaries. I never should have trusted a strange merc with a job like this. It was only supposed to be a beating, not a murder. It wasn’t anyone important—just a couple elves. But still, they were Grim.

At least Awatu doesn’t know. I don’t think he does. The only way he would find out is if Qabian told him, and even then, Qabian has no proof. But does he need it? Lying to an elf is one thing. Lying to a Tauren, the Grim commander, is very risky business.

Could I turn it around though? Could I make Qabian be the liar? The guild meeting is tomorrow. I have until then to have something prepared, just in case.

Or maybe I’m looking at this all wrong. Maybe it’s no big deal. Will Awatu even care about a couple Grim who couldn’t hold their own in a fight against a common thug?

I don’t know what Qabian has done about it, if anything, or if he plans to do anything. He might just plan to hold it over my head. He hasn’t made any demands yet though if that’s the case. I’ve been avoiding him. I stayed at the cabin for a few days, but it’s too quiet there. It’s usually just the kids there now. I don’t belong there anymore. I went to Dragonsroost to play with the guards there. That’s always fun, but doesn’t last very long. The farm is peaceful, but I don’t do well with peace for more than a couple days at a time. I went back to the Grim hall, but it’s quiet there lately too and filled with mostly elves.

The Legion is defeated. The Alliance is quiet. I haven’t had trouble with Sanctuary since the Ghostlands. I’m not sure what my purpose is these days. Maybe it’s time to get back to my experiments.
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Re: A Rogue's Diary

Post by Syreenna »


The Grim elf I thought I killed through the mercenary is alive and well. So Qabian is a liar. Surprise, surprise, another elf I can’t trust. That leaves one.

Tahz finally handed over his troubles to me. I’m not sure yet what to do with it. I’ll have to wait, see how bad it gets. If it gets too bad, well, it’s been a while since I visited Eastvale.

I’m still helping Megeda train the guards at Dragon’s Roost. It’s a fun game to go in there and stir up trouble for as long as I can before I get caught. And hopefully, it will improve things between me and some of them.

I burned a lot of bridges over the past couple years. Maybe it’s time to try to rebuild some of them. Still, the price for this particular bridge is going to be a very bitter pill to swallow.

I still remember the feel of that knee crunching under the weight of Baal’s hammer. Over and over again. I remember imagining it was Cobrak’s knee, and at the same time, I knew that hurting her would cause him more pain than if I’d managed to hurt him directly. Sure, she didn’t do anything to deserve it. But neither did I.

That was all a long time ago though, just after I escaped from Stormwind. Maybe it’s time to let it go. Maybe…
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Re: A Rogue's Diary

Post by Syreenna »


Well, I did it. After many drafts burned in the fireplace, I finally had the letter he asked for. And I actually went and gave it to him. I still don’t know why.

Maybe because I’m there more and more, playing games with his guards, and I should be on at least civil terms with the leader there? Maybe because The Grim is lacking numbers in certain areas, and it wouldn’t hurt to be on speaking terms with the leader of a bunch of mercs who might be able to fill in the gaps in our ranks? I think I’ll go with that reason. It’s certainly better than the thinking it might be because a short-eared elf put the crazy idea in my head that everyone’s redeemable, even me.

What did I accomplish by doing this? I don’t know that either. So far, nothing. He made it clear we would never be friends again. I was surprised at my disappointment when he said that, but I guess I should have expected it.

I wonder if things would have gotten this bad if I never got involved in the conflict between Konro and Breygrah. It was when I threatened her that he turned on me, I think. I can’t blame him for that. He was just protecting his own. It was no different than what I did, turning against Brey for threatening a Grim. Lotta good I did there. Konro still ended up dying by her hand anyway.

That short-eared elf…. He’s still a curiosity to me. He reminds me of when I first met Aruku. I will have to investigate him some more. I probably shouldn’t though. He’s an elf, and he’s Sanctuary, and he’s a mage. There is only one thing worse than that. Still…curious.
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Re: A Rogue's Diary

Post by Syreenna »


I used to say Sanctuary had tea parties with the Alliance. Yesterday, I had coffee with one of the purple people. That short-eared elf, who is half human and a mage and Sanctuary—everything I hate—so why didn’t I feel the urge to stab him repeatedly? Maybe because he didn’t act like any of those things.

I learned that the leadership has changed among the purple people. Julilee, Kex’ti, and Shokkra are all gone from there now. Just Cerryan left, and though I hate him for what he did to me, what his actions turned me into, I can’t say I wouldn’t have done the same in his position. Maybe it’s time for my war with them to end for good. The Grim and Sanctuary worked alongside each other once, a long time ago, when Vilmah was in charge. Maybe that is an option again if we are in need of more bodies for an assault someday. I doubt Vilmah would talk with me though. I could send a Supplicant if necessary, or better yet, maybe I’ll just stay in contact with the short-eared elf. He’s easy to talk to.

I wonder if there’s something with mixing elf blood with another bad blood, that makes the two bads cancel each other out. Baal has demon blood in him, thanks to the Grim warlocks, and he’s nice. And Mard has human in him, and he seems nice….so far. There’s no question that demons, humans, and elves are all vile and cruel, but maybe mixing two bad races together somehow makes something good.

I also learned that Shaelie has joined Sanctuary. I wasn’t planning to attack her. I really wasn’t. We used to pick on the purple people together in Warspear, we tortured that human Ambassador lady together. Shaelie always had my back. For a long time, I thought she was a decent person….for an elf….a friend even. But when I saw her in the Wyvern’s Tail yesterday, she didn’t seem to care about any of that. She actually said she thought it was totally justified that they attacked us at Aerie Peak, and Grim should stay in their own yard and not bother Alliance. I don’t know what the fel happened to the Shaelie I knew, but this one is a traitor to the Horde, as far as I’m concerned. But she is human after all, so I shouldn’t be surprised.
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Re: A Rogue's Diary

Post by Syreenna »


I haven’t seen Shaelie since that day. I haven’t seen anyone from Sanctuary since then. It’s been a quiet few weeks, other than continuing to clean up the remaining Legion forces in Antorus.

I did catch sight of a human woman who matches the description of the woman who killed my messenger in Tirisfal. She also matches the description of a killer responsible for some other murders in the area over the past couple years. I saw her in Dalaran, and guards were nearby, so there wasn’t much I could do other than talk to her. She lied to me about her name, but someone else called her “Bronnie.” I will see if I can find someone with contacts in Stormwind to get more information.

The Magister continues to baffle me. After suggesting the Commander would hurt me badly for having an Alliance boyfriend, he gave me a gift. Why he thinks I would ever have a boyfriend at all, let alone an Alliance one, is beyond me, but the gift was very interesting. A vase with a contraption inside it that would release whatever was in it—poison, sleeping agents, whatever—when someone got close enough to smell the flowers in it. I usually don’t like traps where I can’t control exactly who the target is, but it may come in handy someday.

I have to take the potions more often. I know Tahz doesn’t want me to release it, but I can’t let it weaken me anymore. Eastvale is far enough from any Horde lands, and it won’t be the first time they’ve dealt with something like this there. I’ll take it there. Soon.

We have one active Supplicant right now, but she is enough trouble to be three usual Supplicants. Umbral continues to keep digging herself deeper into a hole. Even the Commander has noticed it, and spoke to Qabian and me about her. The last time the Grim leader spoke to me about an unruly Supplicant was Cessily. Other than general lack of proper respect for the higher ranks of The Grim, even Awatu himself, she has called me a waitress, and now she’s bitten off a chunk of someone’s ear. Normally, I wouldn’t have a problem with that, but when it’s a friend, and further a friend of a very good friend, then it’s a problem. I still haven’t decided how much to protect her from any retaliation. Maybe she deserves what she gets. And the waitress comment, I’m sure she doesn’t realize the meaning behind it. How could she? She’s not smart enough to have done any research, and she doesn’t have the contacts to have had that information handed to her. No, it was just a rude comment, from a Supplicant to an Inquisitor, and that alone is enough to cost her an ear.

Luckily for her, she seems to have become more competent in her skill at killing. She’s provided me with many Alliance tabards in her search for the ones I sent her for. That isn’t enough to excuse her behavior though. After all, Cessily was a powerful killer too, and that didn’t save her ears.
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Re: A Rogue's Diary

Post by Syreenna »


People are liars, or maybe they’re just fools.

They claim to understand what The Grim is, what we do, and what our purpose is. Then, when they witness it in action, they are shocked and disappointed. It is clear to me now why members of The Grim have so few outside friendships.

Outsiders sometimes say they want to be friends with us. They say they understand us, and still want to be friends. But they don’t. Not really. They want to be friends with who they want us to be, not with who we really are. They want us to change, to fit into their idea of right and wrong, good and bad. They offer, in their kindness, their support and help if we choose to “improve” ourselves into what they think we should be.

To fel with that. I am Grim. I will not change. If people get upset because they see me attack humans, that is their problem. They obviously do not know what it is to be Grim, even though they claim to understand. I make no apology for my actions. I have no regrets. And I will not change.

Peace through annihilation. By any means necessary.
Alts: Lirsha Deathwhistle & Ayidda
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Re: A Rogue's Diary

Post by Syreenna »


So much has happened since I last picked up this book. Teldrassil is burnt to ash. Undercity and Brill are lost to the Alliance. Twilight Empire cornered us in the guildhall, ran us out, and took over the place. Awatu picked Alterac to be our new home. So now we live in among ogres in the middle of nowhere instead of among Forsaken in a respectable town. A couple of the Empire followed me to the farm when I escaped Brill. They took my prisoner—the Tirisfal killer—from me and drove me off my own property. I’m sure they freed the prisoner. I guess they wouldn’t consider her guilty of murder for only killing Forsaken.

Since then, the Horde has moved out to Zandalar to make allies of the trolls there. There have been skirmishes here and there with the Alliance since then, in Arathi and Darkshore, and a few on the islands of Zandalar and Kul Tiras, but nothing major.

Awatu has named me Irredeemable. I’ve been kept busy organizing our attacks against the Alliance, and planning other hunts and events for Grim, whether for benefit or entertainment. Along with that, I’ve been playing politics with other organizations of the Horde both to make alliances with them and to bolster our own numbers.

It has been slow, tedious work to find other organizations like us, that are interested in joining together to hunt Alliance. Killing is so much easier than making friends. I told Canai I would speak to Cobrak and see if any of his company want to fight alongside us as some of them once did. It’s been a while since I visited the Port. I should stop somewhere and get some cookies for Gruk on the way.

Darrethy has joined The Grim. I have no doubt his viewpoints and actions are perfectly in line with the Mandate. I’m certain he will be successful here. I saw him at his interview, though I let Qabian do most of the talking, but I haven’t sought him out since. I remember long talks with him and a few others around the fire in the Brokenspear. I stabbed his wife in cold blood once, just to hurt him. I can’t remember now if he had done something to anger me that much, or if I felt too close to him and did it to make him hate me. Maybe a bit of both. Getting too close to someone gives them power over you. It also makes them a target for your enemies. I'm very interested to see how he fares in The Grim.
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Re: A Rogue's Diary

Post by Syreenna »


They say bad things come in three….

1 - I was fighting naga on the shoreline of one of the nameless islands, and I happened to spy a Twilight Empire warrior who was involved in both the House and the attack on our old guild hall. She taunted me, asking if we’ve found a new place yet. I told her we started clearing out a few places in Stormwind like the orphanage and emissary area, places we’ve attacked most recently. She didn’t like that. We fought. She doesn’t fight fair. That felling shield of hers. I ended up losing an arm--and one of my best swords!--to her attacks, so I retreated. I know just how to get back at her though.

2 - Ayidda returned from an errand at the Port with a letter from Cobrak. That ugly, stubborn, cycloptic, self-righteous kodo’s ass has declared war on me, even though I warned him and assured him I wasn’t looking for trouble with him or his people. He chose this. Anything that happens to his people now was by his choice. “Brought to trial and executed.” I’d like to see him try it! I should warn the others he mentioned in his letter to be on the lookout for his mercs. If he actually posted a copy of that bounty he sent me, it could make things very inconvenient. I’ve dealt with some of them before on various matters. They are not incompetent.

I could send Ayidda there more often to see what she might learn. Apparently she got into some shenanigans there with an elf last night. She said Cobrak told her she’s welcome to return. The girl was stupid and frivolous, but her silliness may be the key to getting some information, or at least having eyes there now and then.

3 - ? ? ? If troubles come in threes, what is going to happen next?

Things are not good among the Horde right now. Many have turned against the Warchief. Cobrak mentioned her in his letter even. Comparing me to "Sylvanas' madness" and blaming the Grim for Horde turning on itself instead of focusing on fighting the Alliance.

The Grim has lost many as well. Many fell in Uldir and then in the defense of Dazar'alor, but did we also lose some to treasonous beliefs about the Warchief? The thought crossed my mind, but in the end, it doesn't matter what caused it. Our assault force numbers are too low to face the next threat.

We have a Zandalari among us who stands out. He goes by the name of Zulric. He’s the best fighter The Grim has seen in quite a long time. He also seems to have a talent for diplomacy work. But I wonder--can he be trusted to carry out a sensitive job? Are his stomach and heart hardened enough to do what I have in mind? After all, I can’t let her think I forgot about her. And the timing for another visit couldn’t be more perfect. Yes, I think it’s time I test this witch doctor myself. The only warning sign with him is that Ul'rezaj has him working with him to try to put Wreave back into production.

My writing is off. I’ll have to practice with this new hand and arm more. There were RAS representatives at the tournament last night. I spoke to a couple of them about my arm after, and they sent me to one of their fleshcrafters in Tarren Mill. An undead elf. His apprentice was also an undead elf, and his husband. I was suspicious, of course, but they were very professional and not unkind at all. Maybe something about death changes the elves. The undead ones I’ve known have always seemed a bit less arrogant and cruel than the live ones. Too bad I wasn’t sent to them instead of Nathandiel for my last repairs. That reminds me. I promised to send their payment today.
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Re: A Rogue's Diary

Post by Syreenna »


Well, the third thing was Baal finding out I had the human girl hurt again. Why the fel would he put her under his protection anyway? He had to know that wouldn’t stop me. He banished me from the cabin and his ship. I’m welcome back at the cabin now after we worked some things out, but not the ship. Things aren’t quite the same between us now, but we’ll get there. I hope.

The first of the bounty hunters came for me last night. Some stupid Nightborne mage. A stupid elf ARCANE mage! I still have a few scorch marks, but I cut her up good. She asked AFTER I had beaten her if I was guilty. Like she cares. If she did, she would have bothered to find that out before trying to kill me. I could have killed her. It was so tempting. Instead, I sent her back to Cobrak with a message that the next ones would not get off so easily. I doubt he’ll back off though. I wouldn’t. He’ll probably just send better hunters next time.

They’ll have to find me first, and I don’t make it a habit to be out in the open alone. Eventually, he’ll give up on it, and it will fade away. And oddly enough, I still don’t hate him. I haven’t gone after any of his people. I have Ayidda spying on them, but only to try to find out if they plan to pursue the bounty on me. Maybe I should put out a bounty on Cobrak. I’d offer a lot more than 5000. Keep him in a cage for a few days, just to knock him off his high horse for a little while.

I’m not even sure how things have gotten THIS BAD between us. Dora’s knee? Burning down that prissy goblin’s house? Attacking Sanctuary traitors? I regret that we can’t be friends--he's a good fighter, and he seems like an honorable orc--but I don’t regret any of my actions.

They all deserved what they got.
Alts: Lirsha Deathwhistle & Ayidda
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Posts: 4661

Re: A Rogue's Diary

Post by Syreenna »


Fifteen years. That’s how old The Grim is now.

Only four months after it was formed, I joined them. I never thought it would take this long to achieve the goal of peace through annihilation. I never thought I would last this long either.

We all got together tonight, those of us that are still here, and listened to Awatu talk about The Grim anniversary. I told the story of the King of Rats. And then we all named people we remembered who were lost to us. So many lost to us.

I have felt that loss keenly over the years, but to hear those names in so many other voices….. Sometimes, as I find myself looking more to the past than to the future, I wonder if I’ve been here too long.

Muatah would scold me for wasting time dwelling on the past. Yichimet would give me wise words of solace. Mohan and his wolf Ohoye would give comfort just in their strong, steady presence. I still miss them all. So much.

Sammuel, the first Grim I ever met. Ravovich, The Bear, who taught me how to fight as part of a team. Abric, the Enforcer, who trained me to be a better rogue. Grolish, who taught me how to read. Chavi, who showed me that even in undeath, there could still be wonder and joy. Cessily and the other early elves who formed my hatred of the race. Kiannis, Elek, Cen, and Orphyn, who proved there could be exceptions to that.

Bloodscream. Skash. Malstrom. Maurt. Regna’netah. Warneshi. Leyu’jin. Cristok. Laughingcrow. Chaindog. Hektar. Kaz. Emmons. Inzema. Atticus. Drinn. Trilok. The Triplets. Gex. Thrysta. Gazreeth. So many others.

Even my own twin, Anaie, hasn’t been seen in several months.

So many good Grims come and gone. Dead or in some other way, lost to us now.

And yet, the Mandate still stands as long as there are those who still believe in it’s purpose.
The Grim who remain, and the new ones who have joined in recent years, have taken up the call.

“PEACE THROUGH ANNIHILATION” still rings through the land.

And always will.
Alts: Lirsha Deathwhistle & Ayidda
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