Wanted! Katrynne Simms

The stories and lives of the Grim. ((Roleplaying Stories and In Character Interactions))
Posts: 151

Wanted! Katrynne Simms

Unread post by Kiannis »

As you pass one of the many notice boards strewn about the compound- perhaps at the main gate, or a well traveled common area- you may notice a new posting that catches your eye. Crisp, off-white parchment impaled on the board with a simple steel dagger. The Parchment seems to have some neatly written orcish, but much of the sheet seems to be a rough sketch of a human woman.
Wanted: Katrynne Simms
10,000 Gold Pieces
Must be captured ALIVE
KatSketch.jpg (152.7 KiB) Viewed 5967 times
This cursed human has been profiled as a moderate threat to the Horde operations in the broken isles. It has been reported that several Grim have had encounters with this assassin, and it is possible that the woman may be seeking out The Grim specifically. Subject must be captured ALIVE, and able to speak. Seek out Kiannis Ash'Therod for possible locations of the target, as well as bounty reclamation.
((Hello! There will be a few small conditions to be met, to claim this bounty!
1. First, and foremost- the action must take place as Wpvp on the Broken Isles or otherwise. This being the case, you have been warned that anything goes, from special potions or flasks, to toys and special use items.
2. If you die against Katrynne, you are repelled- possibly wounded enough so that you cannot press the attack.. for now (PST if you wish to make multiple attempts)
3. Winning conditions are simple. Confirm an in-game kill on Katrynne (A screenshot never hurts here!) to represent your character subdueing and capturing her. After you have confirmed the kill, respond here or message myself in game.
4. A draw (A situation where both parties die or flee) will defer to Katrynne, in that the hunt continues.))
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Re: Wanted! Katrynne Simms

Unread post by Canaie »

((Hey, that human looks familiar somehow!))
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Re: Wanted! Katrynne Simms

Unread post by Ulrezaj »

((This is an excellent drawing.))
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Re: Wanted! Katrynne Simms

Unread post by Aureilya »

Canai wrote:((Hey, that human looks familiar somehow!))
(It's because they all look alike.)
Posts: 151

Re: Wanted! Katrynne Simms

Unread post by Kiannis »

(I can help arrange a little skirmish if anyone wants to take a shot!

It was just screenshot edit Ul hah)
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Re: Wanted! Katrynne Simms

Unread post by Maikull »

“Tisk Tisk Tisk Little Kitten…What have you done?”

Mai’kull reviewed the poster hanging in the Guild hall, reflecting to his own clash with the woman not too long ago. He considered it just an act of random horde/alliance relations rearing its head, or retaliation for their incursion into alliance territory. He didn’t realize she was proving to be THIS much of a problem. Maybe he should have killed her when he had the chance.

It didn’t matter anymore. She tried to hit them at home, her death was imminent. He scoffed at the comment “Must be captured Alive”. Fuck that! If he caught up with the bitch again he was going to burn bodies and consort with the spirits second, interrogation didn’t require a life. The Prize money only made him chuckle. Enticing her capture with gold? This wasn’t retaliation, it was sport; but he would play none the less.

The Maleficar recently had several documents regarding prominent Alliance Guilds procured for him from Stormwind, perhaps he could find her in them somewhere; give him an extra edge on his pray. He had other avenues to venture down that route as well…

The forsaken turned and headed down into the Dungeons where he had turned his own living space into an archive and workstation. He left but a small Signature on the poster, noting his acknowledgement and interest in this target.
Posts: 111

Re: Wanted! Katrynne Simms

Unread post by Nithlid »

Jorlkal stares at the notice for a long time.

"Ah-L-eye-v..." She sounded out the word piece by piece, not being the most literate troll in the Grim.
A wretched cackle escapes the fetid hole that houses her large sharp tusks.

"She'll walk and she'll moan... I'm sure that will suit the elf's needs!"
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Re: Wanted! Katrynne Simms

Unread post by Qabian »

Qabian had passed by the notice several times. The word "Alive" on it offended him. It still did, but he found himself reading the details in a quiet moment. "Assassin," he murmured, talking to himself, a habit he'd developed the first time he'd been Grim and found himself growing into yet again. "Those ones never play nice. I think this one will need some kind of incentive, a lure perhaps." He started as he realized what he'd said, paused, then looked around to see if anyone had heard him before finding an excuse to be nowhere nearby.
"While our enemies remain, peace is not victory." ~Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner
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Re: Wanted! Katrynne Simms

Unread post by Maikull »

((The note seems to have been ripped off the Guild Hall Board. Several words are crossed out and a few new ones etched out in what appears to be inked blood, then the page replaced atop all other notices))

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