Trial By Combat Kalodin's Tale

The stories and lives of the Grim. ((Roleplaying Stories and In Character Interactions))
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Trial By Combat Kalodin's Tale

Unread post by Kalodin »

As Kalodin meditates on The Mandate he receives a summons from his hearthstone, " Report to Highmaul immediately your trial begins now!". He is beckoned and without a moments hesitation he enters the summoning portal only to be greeted by fellows grim members fresh out of battle. Harbinger Liliana screeches, " Stand to Supplicant and be ready to face these horrors" as Kargrath himself crashes into the arena, As he fights his way through the arena and the twisted halls of Highmaul its self the Harbingers watch him. With each kill and skull he brings them to prove his worth, to show his dedication to the Mandate, to show that he is willing and ready to fight with the best of them.
They finally Reach the throne room of Imperator Mar'Gok, "This is it" he thinks to himself, "if I can stand my ground here They will have no choice but to accept me." With a war cry louder than any other they charge in to face what might be certain death, But they emerge victorious! Bringing the head of Mar"gok to the other members, Kalodin kneels and dons the Head as a offering, A testimonial to his will to the Mandate. Liliana grabs the head " you have done well supplicant report to Khorvis for your next task, till then out of my sight." he rises " yes Harbinger" he turns and disappears into the dark halls sheathing his massive sword to return into his mediation until his next task is received.
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Re: Trial By Combat Kalodin's Tale

Unread post by Khorvis »

A small crystal is cradled in a nest of crumpled parchment. It sits at the foot of Kalodin's assigned bunk in the Grim Hall, left by an unseen courier - possibly one of the the decrepit spirits of failed Supplicants that were at one time shackled in their unlife to the stone roots of the fortress.

The stone is carved with a curiously pronged end. Upon close examination, it is clear that it would fit perfectly into one of the sockets in the runestone given to every Supplicant to ease their passage through the Hall's arcane wards. Were one to insert the red crystal into their runestone, these are the words they would hear from a disembodied orc:

"Supplicant Kalodin,

Your exploits in the ogre capital of Highmaul have been recognized by the Mandate. They are ... satisfactory. It is no small feat to cleave the skulls of those giants, and yet I do know that your blade may still swing faster and cleave greater foes. Continue the onslaught and bring the Peace of the grave to the targets of The Insane.

With this throat-stone you will find written the Ogre battle hymns of our time. They were taught to me by my own clan on the march from the Black Morass to Stormwind, and I now pass them on to you. To learn the thoughts of your foes is to learn their next feint, the weakness of their flanks, and the timing of their riposte. Study the battle chants and sing the hymns over the broken corpses of Highmaul warriors.

In the same spirit of wisdom, you will learn the strengths of your new order. Three superiors in The Grim will you seek out in a Trial of Resolve:

Executioner Nathandiel the Watcher. He lurks in the shadows of the Wordbearer and captures the movements of our pink-skinned foes. Learn from him the glory of the Scalp Hunt and its value to the Mandate.

General Duranor. This legendary warrior has since passed from the sight of The Grim. He may lie entombed in Tirisfal, or imprisoned in some distant mage's dungeon. It is unknown. You will delve into the archives and discover what great weapon he did forge and wield under the banner of the Mandate.

Reaper Ruuki. She is a noble Tauren Sunwalker and your direct superior. There is much you could learn from her tenacity in combat, both in defense of the Mandate and in the onslaught of the blade. Report to her first and hear her wisdom.

Finish this Trial with an earnest will. I will know the truth of your words. Do not fail the Inquisition. Do not fail the Mandate.

Bloodstar, out."

[[ Well done and congratulations on completing the first and easiest of the three Trials. For your second task, the Trial of Resolve, you must interivew, in-character, three Grim: Nathandiel, Duranor, and Ruuki. Create a new post, noting that it is your second trial, and relate in a letter to Khorvis (or some other creative means) what Kalodin learned about The Mandate and what it means to those individuals. You may find it impossible to interview Duranor - seek out other Grim and learn about his story. Search through old Gallow's End threads and find out what weapon he created to use in defense of The Grim.

Good luck! You have one month. ]]
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