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A book of the past (Scyphe's second task)

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 6:59 pm
by Scyphe
This task, assigned by his inquisitor, Ryanica, the rogue expected to appear at one time or another but despised the fact that he, himself, had to remember all that happened to him, before joining the Grim, which he found unimportant. The Rogue searched the ruins of Windrunner Spire in hopes of finding a tome which he documented and took into account partially all that had occurred in his life. The contents of the tome still appeared new and legible but its appearance gave it an ancient look with the dust and dirt enveloping the tome. This is what the rogue recorded during his younger years…

I was born in Windrunner Spire and spent most of my days having a sense of carefree knowing nothing horrendous could happen until one day fate proved me wrong. On a silent, ominous night, the tread of footsteps echoed throughout out the dome as the sound of clashing blades and spells had awoken me from my sleep. As I headed out into the open black folds of the night, I witnessed my family fighting against other races of the horde until when one was struck down; he turned out to be a skilled assassin, just like the rest, sent to eliminate members of my family including myself. As my family was being butchered one by one, my father was the last one alive and teleported to where I was crouched in fear on the highest point of the spire. The assassins were quickly moving up the spire where my father had temporarily opened a portal to Silvermoon city where he told gave me a farewell saying to fight for myself until his return. With that said, the portal was disrupted and I did what my father requested for my survival, however he never arrived to Silvermoon city where I spent most of my days stealing whatever it is that I needed or interested me from any “royal” citizens.

After many years of thievery, I came across a warlock who dressed in robes seemed to be tailor by a master of the trade with intricate designs enlaced in them. Interest quickly surrounded my thoughts in pondering at the fact at what he may have of value and I immediately began approaching him, walking along the walls in the shadows, where I then pinned him to the wall with two plain, worn daggers at his throat demanding what he had. However, what I learned is that anyone is deceiving, after the warlock brought me down with the help of his demons he offered to take me in where I began to study alchemy and intently train against his demons....

*The rest of the passage seemed to have been sliced and ripped apart only just recently*

….Soon thereafter joining the Horde Expedition I was assigned to steal supplies and kill any members of the Valliance Expedition that were located in a nearby campground. It was around midnight when I began the assassinations of Valliance members, cunningly hiding in the shadows, slitting the throats of those assigned to the night watch just as they had done with my family. However, I was unknowingly being watched by a Night elf druid who sounded an alarm to warn the remaining soldiers who were far off in the distance. Assessing the situation, I knew the druid wasn’t intending on holding back and transformed into his feral cat form where I readied my daggers as we charged at each other. This druid was intelligent and timed each assault on me to keep me from leading a deadly blow to his skull. Although the druid was cunning and strong, he disappeared as reinforcements arrived, surrounding me; weak from the battle until I heard a vicious roar and as I turned around, a claw slammed against my face and left me unconscious.

As I awoke, I saw two Stormwind guards dragging me into the prison of Stormwind, the Stockade where I discovered the name of the druid was Kryo Nightheart. I struggled to break free but it was useless and there I lay imprisoned for many months until one an opportunity presented itself. In the prison cell I was held captive in, there was a pipeline located in the far back corner completely hidden where a mysterious vial filled with this strange purple liquid, recently conjured, had fell out onto the floor. Before the thought of even drinking the vial, I had tested it on the other prisoners in the same cell, all with the same result of no change. However, shortly after I, myself, had drank the vial due to thirst, everything spun around as I let out a bestial roar as if my body was being taken control by some demon and everything turned dark…

*No further writing is etched into the remains of the book*