Kaeans forbidden journal

The stories and lives of the Grim. ((Roleplaying Stories and In Character Interactions))

Kaeans forbidden journal

Unread post by Kaean »

Introduction (added):

I am Kaean, son of Araethil and I am a coward.  We are called Blood Elves now, to remember our fallen kin...even though none of us want to remember why they fell. I am releasing this journal from the dusty shelf it calls home , not to try and claim my place in history or prove my greatness but to simply provide the truth. I have fought many battles and killed many foe man, beast, dwarf, elf alike but this provides me no release from my pain. I battle with the scourge in the third war and watched as my home was burned to the ground like a dry leaf upon the shoulders of Ragnaros himself. I have seen my friends and family sliced to pieces and screams of their pain haunt my dreams. I charged into battle with the scourge with no thought of my own life, I prayed for death in battle but death has escaped me far to long. This journal is a testament to my pain, to my peoples pain, to my battles, to my glory and my failures. I did not die in battle, I survived only to be consumed by darkness and hungar. I seek death in battle and the revenge of my people, both of which I fear I will never be granted. I am a coward for not dying with my kin and I travel these lands seeking my revenge...seeking a warrior great enough to defeat me in battle and allow me pasaage to be with my kin once again. this is my story

Journal Entry 1

I dont know whats worse anymore...the fact I will awake tomorrow with these burning scars from the war or that I have to sleep to awake. This journal is the only thing keeping me from going over the edge and I carry it with me every where I go. My lust for arcane energy is not as strong as some of the others in my party but it still causes me to shake and grasp my heart. The mages and warlocks scream at night, tossing and turning like a child who hasnt been given food. At times I wonder if it was all a dream, if the thousands of dead that I see in my sleep was infact a dream. But that notion is quickly smashed into a bloody pulp of a thought when I see the scars upon my arms and body given to me by the scourge. Nightmares haunt me in the dark and the lust for the arcane and the scars haunt me during the day. Our people were almost competely destroyed in the war against the scourge, our party set out in search of a new source of power since the sunwells destruction. Our commander Kael`Thas SunStrider has allied us with the Humans and the Naga, with this new idea of siphoning the arcane energy from beings we are able to control our urges but the powerful mages and warlocks still suffer. The Humans dont seem to like the Naga...I feel as if something is brewing with the humans. They are a weak race, not willing to search for the power they could obtain.

I am tired now and this entry will fall short. There is one benefit of the Humans..there alliance with the Dwarves as they are called. The ugly beings make a good brew...I guess every being no matter how weak has a purpose. I am traveling to town tomorrow to refill my mug..its the only thing that allows me to drift into my nightmares anymore.
Last edited by Kaean on Thu Aug 21, 2008 12:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Kaeans forbidden journal

Unread post by Kaean »

Journey entry 2

Wretched humans! I knew something is boiling within their minds! It has been over a weeks time since my last entry, I was in Stormwind heading for the inn to partake in my daily brew of Boars Lager when they grabbed me. When I walked into stormwind I noticed a young guard rise to his feet poking his partner as they glanced in my direction. The citizens were oddly distant from me that morning...more than normal. I was a fool for ignoring the signs, my lust for arcane and Boars Lager clouded my judgement. They siezed me shortly after I entered Stormwind, a guard emerged from the corner and quickly hit me with his club. I feel to my knee grabbing my sword with my right hand, I took the handle and slammed it into the guards jaw dazing him for a moment which was enough time for me to gather my feet. As soon as I sprinted for the ally I felt a sharp and searing pain in my side...a archer had shot me from the tower. I continued to sprint down the ally in an attempt to vanish into the darkness and slip out of Stormwind stealthed and unnoticed to warn my commander of the treachery. But as I continued to move I felt like my soul was bein drained, I pulled the arrow from my side and saw a blue haze...magic. What was left of my abilitys had almost been drained by the arrow, I havent siphoned arcane in days and the arrow only worsened this reality. Three more guards lept from the shadows and grabbed me, kicking and punching me until I faded into the dark.

I awakened in a large room, Armas a Warrior and Astla a mage were laying to my right. Soliders surrounded us with weapons drawn, they kicked Armas and Astla to awaken them from the slumber they beat into them. The room was blurry and spinning from the beating I had recieved and lack of noushiment, the arrow tipped with magic didnt help either. I barely made out what the man standing on the pillar said, something about the naga and us betraying the Humans kindness. He spoke of our dark magic and lust for power and how it needed to be stopped. They grabbed Astla and drug her infront of me and Armas, grabbing her by the hair a large human with an axe took one swip right above the shoulders and sliced her head clean off. The blood sprayed on me and Armas face as they dropped her lifeless body to the ground tossing her head at my knees. The site of our own kind being murdered before our eyes didnt surprise us anymore...Armas as well just stared with a lifeless look in our eyes we looked at the body of Astla. I felt as if this was  my last moment, finally my nightmares and thoughts of the thousands slain before my eyes would be gone...but I wasnt that lucky. A guard burst into the room saying Kael`Thas was in Stormwind, the man in charge ordered his guards to lock us in the stockades and get Kael`Thas.

Somoene is coming so I must hide my journal..if they find this forbidden thing I will be executed. But I am to be executed anyways so what does it matter...this may be my last entry and if anyone find thi

Re: Kaeans forbidden journal

Unread post by Kaean »

Journal entry 3

It has been...I'm not sure how long since my last entry. The jailor almost found me with my journal last I wrote in it. I wanted to allow him to find it so he would kill me and release me from my own thoughts...but I couldnt. This journal gives me hope, gives me hope of escaping and finding my people and telling them of the humans treachery. The humans...a greedy and weak race, I hate them. They have turned their backs on us, killing the mage infront of me like the scourge. The jailor who has been charged with the "block" as he called it is an older and fragile Human. I think of gathering the power to stealth and confuse the Human to stumble into my cage so that I can kill him...it wouldnt be very hard. He is probably in his 50s and drinks heavily, not only frequency but also the brew he drinks. He drinks Snout as the innkeeper introduced it to me, its a thick and bitter drink. They call it Snout because after a few mugs of the stuff you are on your knees like a pig with his snout in the mud. The jailor checks on me rarely, days and nights have blended together and I am given molded bread and rotten meats. I have been sick since almost the moment I have been here and my corner is filled with feces from myself and the previous prisoners.

Thinking back to my childhood with my father, training in the forests with him comforts me. Learning the arts of a Rogue and how to siphon arcane energy from magical beings, sitting by the fire staring into the sky hearing stories of the magics of our mages and warlocks. Life was good until the scourge arrived, killing everything. I remember the first sighting...a young elf was found in the fields with her body tied to a tree and the limbs hanging from the branches. We battled the scourge for what seemed like forever, never gaining ground, never killing enough. They kept coming and coming, I watched my friends die before my eyes, I charged into battle almost praying for death but death never found me. Why didnt I die with my kin...am I a coward for not finding death in battle? Why did I survive to only die alone in this jail...what kind of life is this for a Blood Elf...for me

Re: Kaeans forbidden journal

Unread post by Kaean »

Journal entry 4

I have devised a method of tracking time when the sky is brick and the sunlight is only revealed through the small hole in the ceiling and when new prisoners are dragged kicking and screaming into this place of death. The jailor only checks on me to give me food but I have noticed his beard, time always has a way of revealing itself. A humans beard typically grows per day, if not shaved it will grow longer and thicker and this is what I now base my time on. From my calculations which are crude at best it has been 8 days since my last entry, the jailors face was hairless the day of my last entry. But when he retruned again he had a slight ruff upon his face, meaning it had been roughly 1-2 days. When the jailor returned again to give me my normal meal of molded bread and either rotten meat or some type of soup it was nearly smooth again...meaning it had been less than a day. I have been tracking my time this way ever since, but now time is of my least concern compared to recent events. One may consider it a blessing or a curse but the jailor today brought more hay for my cell...why was he bringing more hay? The Jailor went from a smooth face to a farily thick beard meaning it had been 3-4 days since my last meeting with him. But he came with more hay and placed it on the oppsite side of my cell...I didnt dare speak when he entered but I did dream of killing when he entered that evening. Why is he placing more hay in my cell...am I expecting a guest? Will there now be another prisoner to accompany me and misery...are they finally going to rid me from this earth? Light is shining down this dark and damp hallway meaning someone is coming...is this my new companion to misery? Will it be another blood elf...or will it be a human...time will tell

Re: Kaeans forbidden journal

Unread post by Kaean »

Journal entry 5

A human...a weak, greedy and untrustworthy HUMAN. I am not sure how long it has been since my last entry, the jailor has been maintaining his beard rather well lately probably a request handed down from his superior. The human who shares my fate is rather young, probably in his 20s if I had to guess. He has been beatin rather badly and smells of feces and mud, I often dream of what he did to receive such a punishment. These humans are a weird race, they enslave their own people and wonder why they have so much turmoil. But this human is...was a mage, he has a slight feel of magic upon him that makes my heart pound and my hair stand at attention. The arcane energy gets weaker and weaker by the passing day and I dont have much time before he fades into the darkness and is nothing more than a dry and battered corpse...I must siphon this arcane while I can. He spoke to me today...asking me why I cried at night and shivered in my sleep.

I have never spoken of the incident to anyone, not even to myself. I dont know what it was about this sad human that made me reveal my pain, maybe it was my lust for the arcane energy that boiled insiide him...maybe it was because I knew I was going to kill him so who cared if he knew. But I told him of my story, of my battles with the scourge and of the humans treachery against me. I told him why I seek death, how I laid in my peoples blood and laid there hiding from death itself. We had battled with the scourge for so long and so many had died it was like my mind went blank, I simply battled and followed orders without giving a thought to my actions. My sword became a part of my body and blood became apart of my skin. As I slayed more and more of the scrouge it seemed as if they would never stop, If I killed 5 then 10 more would charge. But as I saw my people slain before my eyes I began to accept death, I knew I was going to die in battle and I was glad. But as I stood upon that field shoving my swords into the back of an undead beast I saw a wave of the scourge charging my location and...I felt fear. I felt fear like I had never felt before, I heard the screams of my fellow warriors, I felt the pain of the blades and claws slicing my body to pieces and I felt...fear. The glorious death in battle I had prayed for was here but...I was scared of it. So I fell to my knees and laid down with the dead surrounding me, covering myself with the arms and blood of my kin and of the scourge and I laid there hiding from the enemy as they destroyed my home.

I told this human my story, I told him of my battles and my skills but I more importantly I told him of my failure and my fear. I am a coward and a failure to my people and now I am serving my punishment. But this cannot be! I will not die in shame, I will revenge my kin and prove my worth! I will seek the more powerful warriors the scourge have to offer and pray one is great enough to grant me my death in battle. I will kill the alliance for betraying our trust and prove to the dead I am a great Rogue, I am worthy of being a Blood Elf. I will siphon the arcane from this human and slay him where he sleeps, I will escape this place and begin my journey. If this journal is found then I did not succeed, I failed and died in this cage...died a coward.

Re: Kaeans forbidden journal

Unread post by Kaean »

Journal entry 6

My plan was set, to kill the human laying in my cell and overcome the weak jailor and escape from this place to warn my people. But the jailor appeared early this time, but he didnt just bring us food the following day...he brought us fresh and ripe fruits, meats and water. Ofcourse I ate the food and drank the water, rotten meats and moldy bread can only be survived on for so long...but why is he doing this? The older jailor appeared shortly after I slipped into a sleep, a sleep free of nightmares, I havent had such a sleep in...I do not know how long. He tied me and the weak human together with a large chain, as he reached around my sides to strap the chain I could have easily grasped his sword and kill him where he stood. They proceeded to lock us to the outside gate of our cell, the cells were split into two sections for the most part. You entered the first gate and were within a small room, mainly where the jailor sat and/or placed our food through the second gate which inclosed us..the prisoners. After he tied us to the outside gate of our cell he proceeded to clean it...he cleaned our cell. I was confused at first, confused as to why I was allowed to survive this long and now given fresh foods. But then it became clear, he wants me to gain my strength, he is preparing me for something.
Last edited by Kaean on Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Kaeans forbidden journal

Unread post by Kaean »

Journal entry 7

It has been a long time since my last entry, the weeks were filled with sleepless nights and travel. I escaped from the jail the humans placed me in, my quest for revenge has begun.

The humans began to feed me and the dirty human who shared that death cell with me daily, I feared we were being groomed for something but yet that something never came. As I lay on my cold floor, the hay flattened and feces began to pile up once again since our last cleaning the jailor and another human emerged from the entrance. The other human was a large man, most likely a retired warrior like our jailor but did not seem to be weathered and broken. He stood taller than both the jailor and the prisoner sharing my cell, his shoulders were rather broad for a human and his hair dark as night. He carried in his right hand a weapon, the handle built from some time of smelted iron, dark in color and about the size of a humans forearm. Attached to the handle were 5 chains, connected to the ends of these chains were 5 hooks. The hooks were not that of a fishing hook or a hook used for some type of hunting trap, more like small blades meant to slash rather than tear or hook. He glanced in our direction and the human with me stepped back in fear, what a mistake I remember thinking to myself...showing fear.

The jailor unlocked the cell 2 down and across the hall from ours, they dragged an older female from the cell. She kicked and screamed for a brief moment, she then began to thrash wildly and scream in pain as the human beat her with his weapon. The blades slashed through her legs, arms and head like a knife would through freshly cooked meat. I lost count of the times the human beat her, she went limp long before he stopped slashing her body to pieces. He then ordered the jailor to take her body to the hole and prepare the cell, I assumed for another prisoner.

The humans culture in the way of crime and punishment was similar to that of ours. I remember as a child my brother was found stealing from a mage, he was caught and punished on the spot. His hands were beaten and his thoughts were overtaken by a high ranking priest, he was taught physically and mentally of his wrong doing.

The human neared our cell, unlocking the first gate and making his way into the small room before unlocking our gate. I dared not flinch or move as he entered the room, I refused to show fear to this weak minded human. He slashed my fingers wide open upon my right hand, forcing me to step back and unlocking our cell. The memories of the pain from the war and the thirst for arcane began to creep up my spine, the world around me shrunk and my focus on the human. The next thing I remember is for a brief moment I was amoung the shadows, the world swirled around me, almost as if time stopped and spun like a tornado around me. The world materialized and I was...behind the human. Without another moments notice I grasped the human with my forums, grasping him in a choke my father had taught me as a young elf. The trick with chokes is the positioning, many focus on the breath of the enemy rather than the blood flow. A human can hold air from his lungs for over a minute without falling, but if you constrict the blood flow from his brain he will last only a brief moment before he passes out. The human fell to the ground shortly after and I used his weapon to slash his throat several times, blood filled our small cell and I felt a rush of power, a high in itself.

The human mage who laid like a scared child in the corner refused to move, the fear had overtaken him. The chance to escape was upon him but he refused to act, not like it mattered to me because I intended on killing him if he accompanied me anyways. Without a word to the human I sprinted for the door, the stupid humans never locked the main entrance to the jail. With the power I could gather I managed to stealth, not knowing how long I could hold it. As I raced through the courtyard and across the bridge I could smell arcane around me, the cravings I have taught myself to overcome rushed into my mind like a wild river. I ran from stormwind, into the woods as I broke my invisiable barrier hiding me from the world. I traveled for two days, keeping to the woods and avoided open plains. I must sleep now, I havent slept in days and the woods gain me cover from any passing by humans. I am going to seek food and a means of better travel upon sunrise, I notice smoke rishing in the distance and plan on discovering the source.

Re: Kaeans forbidden journal

Unread post by Kaean »

(( Please feel free to pm me or leave comments here on ways to improve my RP stories. Also if you see something that doesnt seem "right" by the lore please feel free to point it out, I try to keep my stories perfect with lore ))
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Re: Kaeans forbidden journal

Unread post by Syreenna »

((Very enjoyable!  Keep it up!))
Alts: Lirsha Deathwhistle & Ayidda

Re: Kaeans forbidden journal

Unread post by Cessily »

((I love it too! Keep it up! Rogue Power!))

Re: Kaeans forbidden journal

Unread post by Kaean »

Journal entry 8

It has been three days since my last entry, I have been studying the human these past three days and nights. I came across this small home after a days travel within the wilderness. The smoke rose from the small opening in the roof and I could smell meats and fruits being cooked within the home. Hungar for not only food but the arcane magics have become apart of daily life now, I began to control my urges for the arcane but I'm not sure how long I can last. I decided to observe this human for a short period before killing him. I wanted to be sure he was alone and to record his visitors so that when I do strike I will not be surprised by some local drunk or soliders seeking the escaped prisoner.

He received no visitors in three days, the sun rose and fell three times and he has yet to receive a visitor of any kind. Which isnt surprising really, humans enslave there own kind and at there roots are a weak minded and greedy race. He was most likely apart of the stormguard army, whether he was removed or on a type of reserve status I am not sure. He carried a small sword, about the length of a humans arm and he had a slight glow to it which meant it was...enchanted. He had a small limp to his left leg but it had no effect on his traveling or hunting. He was all alone in these woods...this interested me very much. I tracked the human on his daily hunts, which mostly consisted of checking traps and fishing in a small pond south of his small home. Upon the 2nd evening after the human had his nightly brew and laid next to the open fire I moved into the wilderness to raid his traps. It had been a day since my last meal and some fresh meat would do me good. His traps were actually very well made, surprising to me seeing as humans are such simple minded creatures. The first two traps laid empty, the bait still intact but the 3rd had a small boar trapped within. Barely enough for one person but I will not complain, I created a fire just out of site of the human and quickly cooked the meat not to draw any attention to my location. I have returned to my spot to watch over my future prey, he has retired to his bed within his home now and he will be dead before the sun rises. I plan to torture the human and gather any information I can about where my party may have went before I was captured. I will also be taking his weapon and food, both of which will be better served with me.

My thoughts of the scourge, the war and my lust for death fades slightly. Lust for revenge, for the death of the humans and any the ally with has begun to overtake the pain and sadness. My mistakes will be corrected and my death in battle will be granted, I will be with my kin once again...just not now...not before I prove my worth. I will not die a coward.
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