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Re: A Rogue's Diary

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 4:55 am
by Syreenna
January 17, 2008

Malethia threatened Cessily the other day over the hearthstone for everyone to hear. Stupid elves. I don't really care much if something happens to Cessily, but I'm not going to stand by and let someone act like that to one of the rogues. I told Malethia that if she went after Cessily, then we would have a problem. Mr. Brig kind of told Malethia to back off.

Then Cessily told me privately that she wouldn't have fought back. Weak. I don't know what they were arguing about in the first place. They're elves. Probably fighting over something like which wine was best to serve at different types of parties or something silly like that. For such an ancient race, you'd think they'd be more....something. I don't know what.

I wonder if Aleister found her yet, or if the wolves ate her all up.

I saw him with his little troll girl yesterday. He was teaching her how to pick pockets, right there in the Lower City. Every evening, I see the girl going out into the forest. I followed her once and watched her pick herbs. His little prize had to earn her keep!

Last night, I waited for her in the forest, just outside the tunnel she always used. Peacekeepers patrol the road there, but she didn't seem any more eager than I was to have their attention. They're easy enough to avoid.

I left her there, lying on the ground. She stared up at the treetops with a look of surprise still on her face. Her own blood pooled around her neck and head and coated her silver-gold hair, and the red slit across her throat looked bright against the pale blue of her skin.

I know what her life would have been like as the old man's little prize.

I did her a favor.

Re: A Rogue's Diary

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 4:55 am
by Syreenna
January 21, 2008

I left a gift outside Aleister's tent this morning. I waited, unseen, until I saw him open it up. First his shoulders sagged, then he got mad. His empty hand clenched into a fist as he stared at the little blue hand he held. Then he looked around like he expected his prize's killer to still be there, though the blood was already all dried up on the troll's wrist.

I didn't want to disappoint him, so I came out from my hiding place and walked away. I know he saw me. He started yelling loud threats, and he chased me. He had a little knife in his hand now that almost made me laugh. Then I heard Peacekeepers yelling at him.

I hid again and watched. The Peacekeepers dragged him away, little blue hand and all.

Re: A Rogue's Diary

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 4:56 am
by Syreenna
January 23, 2008

Peacekeepers stopped me near the flight master last night. There were four of them. They led me away and questioned me about Aleister and the troll girl.

I weighed my options, but I decided to go along with them rather than become unable to show myself again in the city. If they were anything like the law enforcement men I dealt with in life, they'd be easy enough to fool.

"Are you Syreena of The Grim?"

"No, Syreena's my sistah."

"Do you know know a man named Aleister?"

"Not personal. My sistah knew 'im a long time ago, I think."

They asked about my sister of course.

"Her name is Syreena. She left late last night to go back to Azeroth. Ah think she said she was 'eaded fer Booty Bay. She seemed ta be in a hurry and didn't have much time ta talk."

They asked me my name, and I told them Anaie. I hope I don't get Anaie in trouble with them, but she didn't do anything to Aleister, so she should be safe. They asked me more questions about Aleister, the troll girl, my relationship with Aleister, but I pretended I didn't know anything.

They asked the same questions over and over again in different ways, like trying to trick me into telling them something. Finally, after a couple hours, they let me go with instructions that I should notify one of them when my sister returns to Shattrath.

Re: A Rogue's Diary

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 4:56 am
by Syreenna
January 24, 2008

We killed trolls in Zul'Aman last night. We'll kill someone else tonight. It seems there is always killing to be done.

I wonder what I would do if someday all these wars are over and there is nobody left who needs to be killed. No Alliance, no scourge, no demons, no naga, no corrupted dragons, no traitorous blood elves. What would I do then?

Skumm, no--Atticuss--said he wants to be a farmer. I almost laughed at him at first. I thought he was joking. He's a killer, not a farmer. Farmers make things grow and live. Rogues like us take life, not grow it. Forsaken rogues, like me and Skumm don't even have our own life within us anymore.

I can't imagine existing without wars to fight. What would people do? Just grow their farms, and tend their cows and chickens, and sit in their safe little houses all day? Maybe fish or make things, and run their little shops to sell their goods. I guess I could learn new potions and have a potion shop. I don't think that would be very much fun though, sitting in the same shop in the same town, all day every day.

I'm not going to worry about that now. For now, there is always killing to be done.

Re: A Rogue's Diary

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 4:56 am
by Syreenna
January 30, 2008

Sometimes I think I should be two people instead of just one.

There are no rogues of Lore. Rogues are for killing, not lore keeping or story telling or party planning.

I know the rogues of Ruin well. I fight alongside them in the deep dark places of the world and observe them. They talk to me about armor and weapons and killing techniques.

But I feel distanced from the rogues of Vengeance. At least I know they are working with Drinn and Atticuss.

Sometimes I envy them.

I miss the bloody glory of the battlegrounds, the value of being sneaky and patient, the feeling of anticipation just before I jump an unsuspecting human or other Alliance, the excitement that fills me at the sound of the battle horns.

I miss having the freedom and time to invade towns, or stalk Alliance through Outland, or patrol areas like Stranglethorn to protect the younger Horde.

I miss being an assassin rather than a soldier.

And yet, I do not regret my decision to fight with the Grims of Ruin in the deep dark places against giant monsters and powerful evil people.

This separation is only natural, I suppose. It's more efficient to focus on one front than several. Where once all the Grims fought together, there are now enough fighters to split up and specialize on separate enemies. It seems to be working. Both those of Vengeance and of Ruin are seeing progress, more so than when we all fought together.

But still, sometimes I wish I could be two people instead of one.

Re: A Rogue's Diary

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 4:57 am
by Syreenna
February 11, 2008

I don't think of him often. I'm usually too busy to spend much time thinking about the past. Besides, what was it Muatah told me once? We were in Azshara, swimming out to an island to talk to the water elemental lords. I remember that, but I can't remember his exact words. Something about not wasting time wishing for the past.

But sometimes, I think of him. Though I know it's wrong, sometimes I wish he was still here. I miss him. I wonder if he would still be here if I had said yes. I don't regret that decision though. Nothing would ever be more important to me than The Grim. He understood that, and accepted it, just as I understood and accepted that he could never be a follower under anyone's banner but his own. But I still miss him.

It's Lunar Festival time again. Grims will fight Omen this week. The first time I went with the Grims to that battle, I was not strong enough to be there. I was there anyway. I fell with each explosion of star shards, but I kept getting up again, thrilled to even pretend to be part of a battle alongside Grims. Last year was much different. This year will be just like last year, I expect.

I should visit the Elders and collect my coins. Every time I think about it though, I remember sneaking through Ironforge last year to collect coins, and running through the Stormwind park. With him. We collected our coins together and toyed with Alliance, and then went to Moonglade to spend them and harrass the Alliance some more.

Maybe I'll collect my coins tonight. More likely, I'll just slaughter some more elves for the Scryers.

I miss you.

Re: A Rogue's Diary

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 4:58 am
by Syreenna
February 12, 2008

My tent is filled with leather balls. Deathshadow threw them all at Coyotl and Guduk, so they sent them to me. It's funny, but what will I do with them all?

I gave some to the orphan kids next door.

I threw a few at Fhenrir, but I don't think he noticed. He looked like he was daydreaming like he often looks when he sits there at the edge of the Scryer Tier.

I took a bunch with me to the tower last night and threw them at people.

Maybe I will just sit outside my tent and throw them at everyone who passes by.

Grog sent me candy shaped like little hearts.

Me and Guduk went to the arena last night. I was tired. People who fight in the arena are much harder to beat than people I fight out in the open. I don't know why. We need to practice more.

Maurt is nice to me. He gives me herbs sometimes, and he always talks nice to me, and he apologizes to me when I get hurt in battle even though it's not his fault.

Greebo has a pretty purple dress. It's not as pretty as Lupen's pink one, but it's still pretty.

I wonder where Lupen went. I wonder if he'd be jealous of Greebo's pretty purple dress. I bet he would give Maurt dirty looks when he whispers to me.

Re: A Rogue's Diary

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 4:58 am
by Syreenna
February 25, 2008

::A letter from Qabian is tucked in the book in front of this page::

Sometimes I wonder why Lascivious made me a Dreadweaver. I never minded it before, because the rogues were always easy to deal with. It has mostly been an easy job. All the rogues have most always been friends with each other, except Abric, but I don't think he's friends with anyone. None of them caused too much trouble that I had to deal with. We've always behaved according to the Mandate or were smart enough to not get caught.

Except Cessily. She is nothing but trouble. She has never been anything but trouble. It's a shame. She has the skill to be a good killer for The Grim. But in all this time, she still hasn't learned to control her tongue as well as she controls her blades. It's almost like she doesn't want to be a Grim. Or maybe it's just not in her to be one of us.

I am so tired of hearing complaints about her. I am tired of having to worry what to do with her. If Lascivious were still Mistress, I'm sure I'd get another whipping over it, or worse.

I also wonder, is this Cessily's failure or mine? If I was meaner or bossier with the rogues, would I have been able to make Cessily be a better Grim?

If I was a better leader, maybe I would know what to do about her now.

Re: A Rogue's Diary

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 4:59 am
by Syreenna
March 7, 2008

Last night, we went to Tempest Keep. It was fun to kill blood elves. We killed some dragonhawks too and robots. There was a bright colorful bird flying around one room. As we walked past it, I said "Pretty birdie." Someone, I think it was one of the elves, went on about how it's not a birdie, but a phoenix and blah blah blah. Then Kelven agreed and said to be more precise, it's a fire birdie. Kelven is now on the list of elves I like.

I pulled Coy's tail last night. Anaie always does it, but she wasn't with us last night, so I did it. And then I ran away and hid behind Muatah. Coy yelled "Damn twins!" I think pulling his tail has become our good luck thing to do now. I will make sure to always do it when Anaie's not there.

I like Malstrom. He makes the wind help us fight faster when Hektar isn't there and he helps keep us alive. Sometimes he teases us and says we don't need the power of the wind tonight, right? I never worry too much about staying alive when he's nearby.

Re: A Rogue's Diary

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 4:59 am
by Syreenna
March 28, 2008

I bought a new wyvern last night. I set Mossy free in Nagrand. I'll miss him, but I think he'll be happy. The new wyvern is much faster! She doesn't have a name yet though. Her armor is yellow like dreaming glories. Maybe I'll call her Glory.

Now I have no gold left. I had to have lessons in wyvern care and riding before they would let me buy Glory, and those lessons cost all the money I had. I have to keep doing work for the Skyguard and ogres to make some more gold. I also heard that the Netherwing are looking for people to do jobs for them.

Some Grims have been exploring an island or some other place in the elf lands. I haven't gone there yet. I heard a rumor that Kael'thas is there now, but I also heard he's still in his Keep in Netherstorm. I wonder if he's just moving between the two places, or if maybe Cessily was right with her imposter ideas. It doesn't really matter to me though. I kill whatever Abric tells us to kill, imposter or not. One dead elf is as good as another.

Emmons told me he found a new way of making lots of gold. Elf organs. He said they sell for a lot of gold, and elves have two kidneys, so we should take one from some elves to make gold. I wondered why we just don't take both of them and make twice as much gold from each elf. Then today, I found a flier that the guards in Silvermoon are looking for him. I don't know why he goes to Silvermoon so much. I never go there unless I have to.

Re: A Rogue's Diary

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 5:00 am
by Syreenna
April 18, 2008

I haven't seen Aleister in a while, and it doesn't look like he's been to his tent in weeks. I wonder what he's up to. Maybe the wolves or warp stalkers outside the city ate him while he was gathering herbs.

We went to a terrace on the elf isle the other day. There's a dragon in there who looks like a human. And I looked in an orb and saw a dark naaru, a human in a floating bubble that looked like a sleeping paladin, and a big red face with glowing yellow eyes. We went back in again later, but we still didn't see any of that stuff that I saw in the orb. We found Kael'thas there. Maybe he's an imposter like Cessily says, or maybe he moves back and forth between there and Tempest Keep. It doesn't matter much to me either way. He bled like any other elf.

Me and Anaie made up a new dance that night while we were waiting for Gex. I think it might look weird, because Nymare kept making faces and she seemed freaked out. So last night, we danced for her again, and later we snuck up behind her on each side. I'm not sure why we decided to be creepy to her. I think we were both just bored and now it's a game like pulling Coy's tail.

We killed a giant bird last night so Coy can learn to fly faster. I'm not sure how killing a bird teaches another bird to fly faster, but druids are weird, so I don't try to understand them. Anaie wants to go back there again and try to find a riding bird there. I don't think I would trust riding a bird that can't fly. I'll stick with Gilly and Bones and Snowball for my ground mounts for now.

Re: A Rogue's Diary

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 5:00 am
by Syreenna
May 5, 2008

I let a dwarf live last week. I know I shouldn't have, especially after the Grim meeting we just had where Abric gave us orders to kill every Alliance we see. But I didn't try to kill him. Well, actually, I did, but he got away, and then I didn't try to kill him again when I saw him.

I spent the day picking herbs. I killed a spaceman hunter in Shadowmoon, and all the other Alliance I could get. Then I went to Hellfire. As I was approaching a flower, a dwarf landed next to it. He set a trap right next to my flower, and then climbed atop his gryphon again.

I sapped him. Then I started slicing into him, careful to avoid the gryphon's beak and claws. He seemed familiar. Then the gryphon flew up beyond my reach. After a moment, I picked my flowers, trying to remember where I saw that hunter before.


Two years ago, at Hallow's End. I had stink bombs and some kind of poison, and I took them to South Shore. I snuck into the inn to ruin a keg of ale with the poison. I was in the basement, looking for a keg that I could open easily, and dump the poison into.

I heard someone coming down the stairs, so I hid in the shadows behind some kegs. A flare landed at my feet and lit up my hiding place. I looked up to find a very large Scourge...that smelled like a dwarf. I felt panic rising, even though I knew it must be a costume, or the night elf priestess wouldn't be so calm beside him. I fled, throwing blinding powder in the hunter's face as I bolted to the stairs. Halfway up the stairs, without even seeing it in my mad dash, I triggered a trap and became frozen in a block of ice.

They kept sniffing me and pointing at me while I was trapped. Then the priest smacked my ice block with her staff, and the ice broke, freeing me. They continued to sniff and point at me. What did they want? I ran up the steps only to find more Alliance in the main room of the inn. I retreated to the kitchen. I was trapped!

Suddenly, I no longer had control of my own body. I found myself running through the inn, across the street, and into the magistrate's building. In a corner of the main room there, in a place where the guards wouldn't notice me, the priestess's grip on my mind was released. The pair was there with me, still sniffing and pointing.

What did they want??? Why did they keep sniffing me? Maybe they smelled the stink bombs I had with me. And then I realized. For some reason, they wanted me to throw the stink bombs. I nodded repeatedly to let them know I understood. I pointed at the door; I had to go outside to use the stink bombs. The hunter marked me, and I didn't try to remove it. I stealthed, knowing his mark would allow him to track me, and I went outside, behind the building. I threw the stink bomb, which immediately got the attention of the guards, and then I ran away while the dwarf and elf cheered at me.

As I was running, arrows were being shot at me. I should have known not to trust them! When I got far enough away, I looked back. The Scourge hunter was shaking his head no at another hunter.


The dwarf hunter landed his gryphon again after I had carefully packed up my flowers. He marked me, and his cat bounded at me with its fangs bared. I threw a handful of dirt in the cat's eyes, and then I threw a couple snowballs at the dwarf, and I waved to him. He lowered his weapon and threw a flare near my feet. I stood in it's glow to show I was no threat, even though I had just tried to kill him a few minutes ago! We looked at each other for a while, and then he setup a picnic lunch within the flare's range. He flew away again, leaving the picnic basket for me.

I wonder if it was the same dwarf from two years ago. I can't be sure, because he was wearing a costume then, but he did remind me of him. I like to think it's the same one. All the Alliance must be killed, I know, but maybe that one can be killed last.

Re: A Rogue's Diary

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 5:01 am
by Syreenna
January 20, 2009

::The long ago dried up petals of a black lotus are smashed in the book at this page::

It's been a long time since I have opened this book. It's been nearly a year since I wrote about him. Much less time has passed since I've thought of him last. Much, much less.

So many people have faded into the past since I received orders to move to Northrend. But sometimes the past comes back. He's different now. But it is him.

The Alliance have been attacking Orgrimmar nearly daily. This call we got yesterday, I expected, would be like every other. I met Cristok and Nymare and some other Grims near the entrance to Grommash Hold. Most of the Alliance were already dead. Those still alive were being cut down as they tried to escape. I joined in the clean up, but something about one of the men there made me pause.

Forsaken. His posture, the tilt of his head, the way he moved. How many hours had I spent, years ago, watching him? Hunting with him? Fighting with him? Playing with him? It was him. I had no doubt, even though I hadn't seen him in nearly two years. But he was not the same. I was surprised to feel nervous as I approached him.

His daggers were replaced by a large sword, his supple leather by plate armor. His eyes, once bright gold, were now cold blue. He was no longer a rogue like me. He was one of them now. Broken free from the Lich King. A second time. He recognized me, I could tell. But did he remember me, as I remembered him?

I turned back to Cristok to answer something he said to me, and when I turned back again, he was gone, disappeared in the crowd, lost to me again. But not for long this time.

Last evening, after my killing was done for the day, I found him near the battlemasters, freshly returned from battle and already preparing to go out again. I wasn't surprised to find him there. In fact, I expected to. I asked him if he remembered me.

"I remember I gave you a flower in Undercity. A lotus. I remember you wearing a black dress. You are all grown up now."

He told me what he remembered about his time away. It wasn't much. He was betrayed in Alterac shortly after the Dark Portal was opened. Something about a warlock, a crystal, and a priest with all the answers. Something about empowering the Forsaken. Empowering them to do what, he didn't know.

I will help him seek this priest and his answers. It might be important for the Forsaken, or for fighting the Lich King. At least, that is the reason I will give if anyone asks me about spending so much time with him.

Re: A Rogue's Diary

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 5:32 am
by Syreenna
April 20, 2009

I befriended a drake tonight.  Or rather, he befriended me.

When I went to the Wyrmrest Temple tonight, the guards on the ground floor greeted me by name.  Some had knowing looks on their faces when they regarded me, but of course, they didn't say anything.  The innkeeper told me I was expected on the top floor.   I paused, already looking for the nearest exit.  Surely, I was in trouble for getting so many drakes wounded at the Nexus.  The innkeeper must have seen my worry, because he laughed at me, and encouraged me to go up.

When I landed, Cielstrasza turned away from the drake she was talking to and waved me over to her.  The drake, she explained, was Agararstrasz, and he'd been watching me work with the reds at the Temple every day in the battle against the blues. (Apparently, he did not watch me battle them at the Nexus.)  He, like many of the reds, were very interested in the mortal races, and he wanted to spend some time with them.  With me.

Mortal races....but I'm Forsaken.  I've already lived, and I've already died.  Yet, even so, there have been many times the reds seemed to have not noticed that I'm undead rather than alive.  I can remember quite a few times they were kind and protective towards me.  And anyway, this drake--Agararstrasz--could swallow me in one bite if he wanted.  It wasn't as if I could easily refuse him if he wanted to travel around Northrend with me.

Agararstrasz arched his neck and lowered his head to be eye level with me.  He winked at me, and then he told me to climb onto his shoulders.  So I did, and I clung tightly to him when he dove off the top of the Temple.  I spent the rest of the evening in the skies, on the back of a red dragon who had chosen me to be his friend.

Re: A Rogue's Diary

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 11:52 pm
by Syreenna
August 11, 2014

Hello again, diary. It's been a very long time.

Reading this again brings back memories, some of which I haven't thought of in years.

Most of the people I wrote about in this book years ago are gone now.

I wonder where they are. Are they dead? Are they still fighting, or have they found peace outside The Grim? Will any come back someday? Why did they leave?

Did Atticuss ever manage to settle down somewhere and start a farm?

Is Muatah still tracking down the Pestilence somewhere far away?

Is Emmons still causing mischief everywhere he goes?

Did Sammuel and Lascivious run away together to live out their twisted love?

Is Yichi still on a spirit hunt, or did he reunite with Mohan and Ohoye?

Did Grog ever manage to learn how to ride his wyvern without falling off?

Is Hektar still fighting dragons?

Did Abric find someone else to boss around and speak riddles to?

Who do Guduk and Bloodscream and Skash protect now?

Who do Maurt and Malstrom heal now?

And Lucion. The only friend I've ever had who was not Grim. I remember the first time we met. We bumped into each other in Undercity, both trying to get the poison vendor's attention first. I remember hunting mages with him in Felwood, and sparring with him outside Undercity, and sneaking through Stormwind and Ironforge, and exploring the human lands where he once lived. I remember seeing him that day in Orgrimmar, after the Lich King had changed him. He said something about a warlock, a crystal, and a priest. I wanted to help him solve that mystery, but he disappeared again.

Sometimes I wonder, with all these good Grims gone now, why am I still here? I've been here too long. I've seen too many Grims come and go, Grims I got attached to and lost. Now there are so few left that I know well. The rest are gone. Why am I still here?

Then I wonder, where else would I go?

Lucion once said to me, "You are Grim through and through."

He knew me so well.

And now I am the High Inquisitor. Abric always used to say "You are Grim or you are nothing."

I am Grim. And now I get to decide who else is Grim and who is nothing.