Logging started on 03/08/2021 at 20:26:39.
Syreenna peers at Ulrezaj searchingly.
[Syreenna]: Elinel will be here shortly.
[Ulrezaj]: Ah, Qabian. Ya looked like one o' de Venthyr minus de sinstone strapped ta ya back.
You smirk slyly at Ulrezaj.
[Syreenna]: Come to set the void elf on fire?
[Ulrezaj]: Have ya eveh considered one?
Syreenna grins at you wickedly.
[Qabian]: Yes to the sinstone. I will set the elf on fire if no one else has that booked.
[Ulrezaj]: What be de significance o' dis prisoner?
[Syreenna]: Play with fire all your want, but don't kill it. Ristikus gets that honor.
[Sidad]: Shame.
[Syreenna]: Khorvis went missing. Despite wild accusations otherwise, I did not kill him.
Qabian shakes his head. "I don't play with people like that. Death or nothing. I'm only here for... moral support."
Sidad whispers, "We will see what the diary has to say..."
[Syreenna]: Elinel found traces of portal magic, and dark hair. She traced the portal signature to the Dalaran sewers.
[Qabian]: This thing had a diary, too?
[Ulrezaj]: Ahhh, ahh. Ahm understandin' it now.
[Syreenna]: We sent Si'dad and Raix to go check it out, and they brought this back.
Ulrezaj peers inside the cage. "De evidence be too circumstantial ta not sufficiently prove guilt."
[Qabian]: Syreena's guilt?
A sly smirk spreads across your face.
[Syreenna]: So we need to find out why she was poking around in our garrison.
[Ulrezaj]: What was it?
Syreenna sighs at you.
[Syreenna]: What was what?
[Ulrezaj]: Ya found otha evidence, ya said?
[Syreenna]: Si'dad, tell them about the evidence you found.
[Sidad]: Evidence for?
Nalaea Orileth shifts just barely as the lot of them talk. Hands coming together as a pillow perhaps.
[Sidad]: Ma'am.
Syreenna sighs at Sidad.
Sidad speaks in Common, "If you do that your neck will get stiff...."
[Syreenna]: They found on the elf.... *She pulls out a list and checks it*
Nalaea Orileth doesn't even seem to react to the advice.
Sidad looks back at the group. "Oh! Was that evidence?" she asks in Orcish.
[Syreenna]: A hearthstone, a letter talking about some kind of power source for a weapon, and...some other trivial items.
[Sidad]: We found the elf in the sewers next to the portal. The hair matches the troll matches the hair found in our home.
[Ulrezaj]: Not enough ta prove motive fo' goin' afta Khorvis.
[Syreenna]: So we need to find out where the hearthstone leads to, and more information about this weapon they mention.
[Sidad]: Does anyone else speak Common here?
[Qabian]: We don't need proof of anything to kill a void elf, but whether or not it will have anything helpful...
[Ulrezaj]: Common be a filthy language.
Qabian shakes his head. "Not willingly."
Sidad looks at Ulrezaj.
[Qabian]: Void elves know Thalassian.
A sly smirk spreads across your face.
[Sidad]: Well. How do you expect to ask then?
[Syreenna]: I can speak Common.
[Ulrezaj]: Elves have been on de Horde fo' ten years.
Sidad nods at Syreenna.
Nalaea Orileth twitches at the familiar language but then goes still again.
[Ulrezaj]: Mosta dem took up orcish as a tertiary language.
[Syreenna]: But void elves used to be blood elves, so it should be able to speak orcish.
[Syreenna]: Right?
Ulrezaj peers inside the cage again.
[Syreenna]: Just elves gone bad.... Not that they were ever good to begin with.
[Qabian]: They could be pulling void through traitors who never tasted fel and never learned orcish, but that does seem unlikely.
[Ulrezaj]: Ah'll pull somethin'. Who be dis Elinel?
[Sidad]: The fairest of them all.
You roll your eyes.
[Ulrezaj]: Very descriptive.
Sidad bows down graciously.
[Qabian]: Certainly talkative enough to finish this task.
[Syreenna]: Elinel is a mage. She's an elf, but with ragged ears.
Syreenna grins wickedly.
[Ulrezaj]: No doubt.
[Sidad]: Can't we just... decipher the hearthstone?
[Sidad]: Do we even have to ask?
[Syreenna]: Ulrezaj, go ask it where the hearthstone leads to.
[Ulrezaj]: Ah'll jus' tell Elinel what happened.
[Sidad]: Also, who knows if she could speak Orcish. Like. Maybe we already told her everything.
Ulrezaj turns towards the gate, steps forward, and kicks the door open.
[Sidad]: If that's the case can I just slice her throat?
[Ulrezaj]: Wakey wakey.
[Syreenna]: No, I promised Ristikus the honor of killing it.
Nalaea Orileth stays still.
[Sidad]: Just a little?
[Qabian]: I'm not sure if that's an honor. More like taking out the trash.
Sidad waves at Mellinoe.
Mellinoe looks the cell over, giving a rather disgusted look at the... accomodations.
Mellinoe hails Sidad.
[Sidad]: How are you this fine afternoon?
Sidad waves at Canaie.
[Mellinoe]: I am well, and yourself?
[Mellinoe]: Sidad, was it?
Canaie waves at Nalaea Orileth.
[Canaie]: So how goes the questioning?
[Sidad]: Very excited! Oh yes! Si'dad! Si and then dad. Or Sid and then ad.
Ulrezaj looms over the prisoner as a masked figure, towering in stature. He reaches down to grab the elf by the ear.
Syreenna remembers that somewhere on the walls down here, an armless Forsaken is pinned up, surely dessicated by now.
[Sidad]: She is pretending to sleep.
Mellinoe nods, "Apologies."
Nalaea Orileth springs up and reels around, stabbing at the troll with a large sharp shard of wood!
Syreenna sighs at Nalaea Orileth.
[Mellinoe]: Oh. Spicey.
Sidad speaks in Common, "Well that was a mistake."
A sly smirk spreads across your face.
[Mellinoe]: Has she said anything other than pig-squealing at all?
Ulrezaj takes a blow to the gut from the wood. He reaches out to swipe the wood from her. "Careful now, dat stuff be dangerous. Could ... set ya on fire." A glint of rage is suppressed in his expression.
[Ulrezaj]: Syreena, cuff her by de wrists if ya would be so gracious.
[Qabian]: She's not spoken since I've been here.
Sidad looks at you.
[Sidad]: Would you?
[Qabian]: I wouldn't have squealed, either.
Syreenna reaches to grab hold of the mage and drag her to the shackles hanging on the wall.
[Qabian]: But I also would have cut my own throat if I didn't already have an escape plan.
Nalaea Orileth continues to scream and curse and genrally make this all very difficult. Despite this she wasn't quite in shape enough to actually manage too much of a fight.
[Sidad]: Maybe she wants to talk but doesn't want to make it easy either.
[Ulrezaj]: Perhaps, Qabian, she shoulda cut her own throat wit' de wood.
Nalaea Orileth did still throw a few kicks that might have been irritating at least.
[Ulrezaj]: Welcome ta de great show, friends.
Syreenna fastens the shackles around her wrists and shoves her against the wall. "Stay."
[Mellinoe]: Does she fancy herself a martial artist?
[Qabian]: Mages have ways to dramatically end themselves that are more difficult to take away.
[Ulrezaj]: Step right in. Plenty a room hosted by our gracious host.
Mellinoe watches the void elf's flailing, judging harshly
[Syreenna]: What's your name?
Nalaea Orileth just spits in Syreena's face.
Sidad moves in quietly and in stealth. Anyone near the prisoner would hear a sniffing sound on her right side.
[Nalaea Orileth]: "My name is Fuck You"
[Canaie]: What does that mean?
Ulrezaj picks up the wooden block that was used offensively against him and he slams it into the back of her head. "TALK RIGHT."
Syreenna blinks once, slowly as she wipes the spit off her face.
Mellinoe makes sure to be extra careful not to step in anything... "...this place is a sty." She mutters
Qabian grins.
[Syreenna]: Qabian? Translate?
[Qabian]: She told you to go fuck yourself.
Sidad slowly reaches her paw to the prisoner, lifting a lock of her hair.
[Syreenna]: Oh did she now?
[Ulrezaj]: Dat ain't no Common. It makes me think maybe she's got somethin' alternative ta de Alliance's agenda at play here.
Syreenna glances at Ulrezaj. "Hold her head."
Mellinoe raises an eyebrow, anticipating what's coming next
Ulrezaj steps forward and grabs her throat and keeps her head pinned up against the wall. Barely any room to budge, and just barely enough pressure to take anything more than short breaths.
Syreenna draws a dagger, tilting her head as she stares at the elf's left ear. "One more chance.. What is your name?"
Sidad shifts in a way that becomes more noticiable, "Have you met an elf that didn't prefer their own language? ... no offence."
Nalaea Orileth glraed angrily. There was a clear attempt to steel herself for what was coming. The troll hand had one snap of the teeth before he had her throat and that was impossible. Her eyes went to the knife. The light in the faded, then became fire.
[Nalaea Orileth]: Go to whatever hell is ready for you.
Tweezle tilts her head toward Qabian. "We on the inside or the outside?"
[Qabian]: If she says anything other than an insult, I'll let you know.
Sidad frowns, "If she expects a knife we should do something else instead."
Syreenna smirks, hearing Qabian.
[Sidad]: Like hug.
[Qabian]: Outside. I'd prefer to keep my distance. Those things smell.
[Sidad]: So many say my hugs are unnerving for some reason.
Tweezle sniffs, wrinkles her nose.
[Canaie]: It is a little cramped in here.
[Ulrezaj]: Qabian, we will need ya ta translate.
Syreenna grabs the left ear in her empty hand, gives a sweet smile, then slices her blade through the ear, just above where it connects to the head, so she could still hear.
[Syreenna]: You can scream now.
[Tweezle]: Nobody warned me.
[Ulrezaj]: Not fo' her, though. *He grins deviously.*
Qabian sighs. "This time she wants you to go to whatever hell is ready for you. I suppose you can pleasure yourself while you're there."
Mellinoe crosses her arms, "Some spiral fractures of her limbs might make her a little less eager to flail about." She watched impassively as the ear was sliced off.
Qabian raises an eyebrow. "No one warned you about the smell?"
Sidad hops down and skips happily to the door. She opens it with a creak and leans against the metal. "Would you like to come in Miss Tweezle?"
Tweezle murmurs under her breath something that sounds like "Not that any of them would wait to get there for *that*."
[Ulrezaj]: Oh, ain't no hell waitin' fo' me. Mueh'zala and Bwonsamdi gonna take care o' me soul, it's de others who should be worried.
[Syreenna]: Hm, I'd rather have a snack while I'm there. *She backs up a step, bringing the ear to her lips, then takes a bite out of it with filed pointy teeth.*
Tweezle mmhmmms at Qabian.
Nalaea Orileth tried to stifle it but did in fact scream. Loud, piercing for a split second, then garbled as she had to struggle for air. After a moent of panic, the elf brought her knee up. Trying to jam it into the forsaken woman's sides or put distance between the
Qabian says quietly, "Ew."
Sidad frowns at Syreena. "Do you want pepper?"
Ulrezaj let go of the elf's throat and stepped back. His gaze never leaving the prisoner's. He snaps his fingers. "Ah want ta show ya somethin'."
Tweezle eyes Ulrezaj up and down.
Sidad claps excitedly for Ulrezaj.
Ulrezaj thanks Sidad.
Syreenna grins and moves back with the knee shove.
[Syreenna]: You do have another ear... Do you want to keep it? Your name...
[Ulrezaj]: Since ya ain't talkin', dat's okay. Ah can see ya really resistant ta any kinda torture and, quite frankly, we haven't done too much ta establish much trust wit' ya. Afta all, why would ya tell us anythin'?
[Ulrezaj]: Good news be dat ah like ta talk. A lot.
[Canaie]: Are we certain that she can understand us?
[Qabian]: I was wondering if anyone would attempt the good cop.
[Tweezle]: Usually that requires dinner first.
[Sidad]: Can we just claim parts and carve from her?
Tweezle glances over her shoulder at Qabian.
[Sidad]: I claim left boob!
[Syreenna]: You can be the good cop, Qabian.
[Ulrezaj]: Dat's a good choice.
Tweezle cackles at Syreena.
[Qabian]: Mm, I don't think that would go well.
Syreenna almost managed to say that with a straight face.
Ulrezaj stares the elven prisoner down. His expression totally devoid of any emotion.
Nalaea Orileth clenched her teeth hard and grimaced. "You cut my other ear off and I won't be able to hear you. Do it and be done with this." SHe said in perfect orcish. "You can say whatever you like. I know all about the Grim. I don't get to leave."
Qabian laughs.
[Nalaea Orileth]: So I'm not going to make this easy...
[Ulrezaj]: Den ya don't really know de Grim, my friend.
[Syreenna]: If anyone else wants to try to get her name.... *Motions to the prisoner with one hand, while raising the ear to her mouth for another bite. Then she holds it toward the elf, but not quite in reach* Want a bite?
Nalaea Orileth again spat. This time at their feet.
Sidad looks to the prisoner and then to the group watching her. She hmms before she crawls over on the bed on her hands and knees. Nubtail wiggling, she slowly sticks out her tongue and licks the prisoner's cheek.
Sidad kneels before Nalaea Orileth.
Ulrezaj pulls out a severed hand. "Do ya know who be de owner o' dis hand?"
Mellinoe shrugs, "Why does her name matter?"
Qabian nods at Mellinoe. "It probably does not."
[Mellinoe]: Are you planning on delivering her remains to a loved one?
[Qabian]: Though if she were prone to being broken, and she gave it to us, we might find more from there.
Tweezle tilts her head toward Mellinoe. "I didn't think anyone here was quite that considerate."
Mellinoe shrugs again, "A waste of postage."
Sidad pushes herself back, sitting comfortably on the bed. She shifts the bag on her waist to her lap and sifts through it, taking out small jars of spices. She considers carefully.
Tweezle whispers, though hardly quietly, "This the little bit leaving arcane pooplettes here?"
Tweezle adjusts her goggles slightly.
[Ulrezaj]: Dis limb belonged ta Skylah. A member o' de Alliance just like yaself, in a prisoner situation just like yaself.
[Mellinoe]: I say the sooner she recognizes she is now a plaything to have the stuffing torn out of, the sooner she might talk just so it ends quicker.
Syreenna blinks at Ulrezaj. "I always wondered what happened to that hand."
Sidad mumbles, "White pepper? No... Saffron maybe? ... nah. Nutmeg? Hmmm...."
Tweezle does *not* wanna know what that hand's been up to since being seperated from its original owner. Nope. Not even remotely.
[Qabian]: She seems to know who we are and what we do. I'm not sure what would push her to break, but that's never been my... area of expertise.
Tweezle has an imagination and that's more than enough.
[Ulrezaj]: We captured her, and my good friend Filora Livlet carved her hand off. But ahm merciful, gracious even. Ah advocated fo' her release.
Tweezle says back over her shoudler to Qabian, "You just like your marhmallows toasted."
[Ulrezaj]: And now Skylah lives free, my friend. Dis could be you, too!
[Qabian]: Mm.
Mellinoe eyes Ulrezaj up and down.
Nalaea Orileth just looked at the troll. Clearly not believing him.
[Nalaea Orileth]: You can go fornicate yourself as well
[Qabian]: Well, she's upgrading the language. She's requested you fornicate yourself.
Ulrezaj steps closer. "But life came at a cost." He says, breathing down her face.
Tweezle glances down at Mechabun, then up at the elf.
[Ulrezaj]: Inappropriate fo' de setting, but okay, Qabian.
Tweezle mutters softly, "Someone's got a pretty mouth."
Qabian shrugs.
Tweezle glares at Ulrezaj. "If it includes the hand, I *definitely* don't wanna know about it."
Nalaea Orileth tried to ram her forehead into his mouth just not enough give with the chains. Something popped and she screamed. Oh fun, dislocated shoulder.
[Qabian]: If any of us start following through with her requests, I am leaving, yes.
[Tweezle]: She might be a fighter, rather than a lover.
Tweezle tilts her head.
Tweezle eyes Nalaea Orileth up and down.
Mellinoe shakes her head at the void elf, "The little toy is breaking itself."
[Ulrezaj]: Definitely not. She hasn't said a single thing which resembles anythin' intelligent.
[Tweezle]: At the very least, she's fiesty.
[Tweezle]: Which is a thing I can appreciate.
[Ulrezaj]: Skylah, well, she bought her freedom. We bargained wit' her and posted fo' her friends ta come ta Eastern Plaguelands.
[Qabian]: That may be all she is.
[Ulrezaj]: There, we were ta hang her, if dey did not come.
[Qabian]: And then literally spicy, if Si'dad has anything to say about it.
[Ulrezaj]: And when de Alliance marched on de plaguelands, we slaughtered her friends in front o' her, den set her free.
[Tweezle]: Hmm. Stubborn. Fiesty. Who else do I know like that--
Syreenna scowls, hearing the tale, and violently rips off another bite of the ear in her hand.
Tweezle looks over her shoulder at Qabian. "Is that an elf thing? Like, just in general?"
Qabian taps his chin thoughtfully. "Often, yes."
[Nalaea Orileth]: Bastards. Cruel cowardly bastards all of you.
Sidad frowns, "Maybe red pepper though?" she asks, turning to Qabian.
[Qabian]: We're all cruel cowardly bastards, according to our lyrical guest.
[Sidad]: Aren't we all?
[Sidad]: According to SOMEONE.
[Tweezle]: I beg to differ. I know who my parents are.
[Sidad]: Doesn't mean everyone does.
Ulrezaj takes a deep breath, sighing. "Ah can tell ya jus' some nobody. Someone's pet. Ya were probably sent ta us as fodda fo' your Master. Who, if he sent ya ta us, be infinitely more wicked."
[Sidad]: Unless they do.
Qabian chuckles. "I knew who they were, but I'd say the distinction still applies."
[Sidad]: but they don'
[Sidad]: Cuz' I don'
Tweezle sighs dramatically at Qabian.
[Sidad]: So it's not everyone
[Sidad]: Therefore.
[Mellinoe]: I know my lineage dating back to before The Sundering. That shadow mutt probably has none.
Mellinoe looks indignant
[Qabian]: She certainly has none now.
[Syreenna]: Where does the hearthstone go to?
[Syreenna]: What is the weapon mentioned in the note?
Nalaea Orileth flicks a burning glance to the two elves. She absolutely ignores Syreena's question.
[Ulrezaj]: Syreena, dis one be a waste o' breath. She does not value life, has no name, not title, no decency.
[Tweezle]: And only one ear.
Mellinoe just coldly looks at the void elf.
[Tweezle]: Symmetry is out of fashion.
A sly smirk spreads across your face.
[Ulrezaj]: Please, let me help loosen her up while we wait fo' de executioner.
Tweezle glances up at Qabian and smirks.
Sidad frowns, watchihng the prisoner for a second. "I think the elves should try."
Syreenna nods at Ulrezaj.
Sidad looks at Nalaea Orileth.
[Ulrezaj]: Ahm gonna offer ya a deal now.
[Sidad]: I think she cares more about what they have to say.
[Qabian]: I could probably get answers out of her given time and privacy, but I have neither of those nor the inclination.
Sidad looks at Mellinoe.
[Tweezle]: Qabian, a lover *and* a fighter.
[Qabian]: Mm.
[Ulrezaj]: When ya die, all souls go ta de hell called de Maw lest ya bargain wit' Bwonsamdi. Ah can save ya soul before we kill ya. If ya don't want dat, we'll kill ya quickly ta send ya ta de Jailer, who'd be more den happy ta handle ya.
Tweezle grins at Qabian.
[Mellinoe]: She's unworthy of my preferred method of dispatch.
Tweezle pops out a notebook, scribbles something down.
[Syreenna]: What's your preferred method of dispatch?
Ulrezaj looks at Mellinoe.
[Ulrezaj]: Ahm also interested in dis.
Nalaea Orileth grimaced as she righted herself. The arm now painfully out of place.
[Qabian]: Our best bet for actual answers is probably the Nevvarine's suggestion. Harm her endlessly hoping eventually she will say anything to make it stop. Which will probably be lies.
[Qabian]: Otherwise, I doubt we have anything to offer her to coax her to spit anything other than insults.
Mellinoe looks over her nails, bored with looking at the half earless void elf, "The way I killed my inlaws..."
[Ulrezaj]: You're right, and ah agree.
[Sidad]: I honestly think she's too unimportant to know anything anyway.
[Qabian]: That may also be true, but one would hope she knows her own name.
[Nalaea Orileth]: Then just kill me and be done with it.
[Sidad]: Wait, why?
Qabian grins.
[Nalaea Orileth]: Save us all time
[Sidad]: It's funner keeping you alive.
[Sidad]: I say you become a Grim attraction
[Qabian]: Oh, I don't think you're down here because anyone other than me is interested in saving time.
Syreenna listens intently to Mellinoe.
[Sidad]: Like a dummy in training
[Sidad]: That could SCREAM
[Mellinoe]: Tch. You've been promised to someone, shadow mutt.
Sidad claps excitedly for Nalaea Orileth.
Ulrezaj reaches for his belt and pops a green, acidic looking vial off it. He nods at Si'dad. "Low intelligence underling to somebody." He pulls out his dagger and coats it. "De pandaren has a great point. Maybe we should forbid de Executioner his duty."
[Syreenna]: How did you kill your in-laws?
Mellinoe looks over the nails of her other hand, before looking back at the void elf.
Sidad nods at Ulrezaj.
Mellinoe looks to Syreena, "Distill some particular herbs in a tea or wine, and the mind becomes... sensitive to certain sounds."
You raise your eyebrow inquisitively at Mellinoe.
Tweezle oohs.
Tweezle is not taking notes. Actually, she's totally taking notes.
Mellinoe smiles, "Enchant a violin to amplify that effect, and the results are slow, but keep the body preserved."
[Sidad]: Oooh. That sounds wonderful.
[Ulrezaj]: Dis vial be de blood o' de spider loa, Shadra. Ah pulled it from de dead god in de Maw myself. It won't kill ya, so don't worry 'bout dat, it'll jus' let me live in ya head.
[Syreenna]: Huh. Interesting.
You peer at Ulrezaj searchingly.
Mellinoe looks thoughtful, as if musing on a particular memory
[Ulrezaj]: Till de Executioner comes, ah'll always be wit' ya.
[Tweezle]: Whoooboy, today on Things I Would Totally Pass on...
[Mellinoe]: I would neither expend the cost of materials or give this one the pleasure of a performance.
Qabian looks around. "I suppose we could have thought to have a priest down here for some puppetry."
Tweezle gives the elf an almost piting look.
You smirk slyly at Mellinoe.
Nalaea Orileth glared at the troll and then tensed. Like she was coiling to strike at it. It was becoming predictable but its what she had.
Ulrezaj looks at her with contempt. His nostrils flaring. He pulls her hand and cuts her wrist to sever the nerves. "You thought ta stab me wit' wood. Now ya will neveh use dat limb again."
Ulrezaj lets the toxic agent from the blade seep into the wound.
[Qabian]: Or someone with expertise in concoctions that reduce inhibitions. Make her more pliant. I think at this point we're simply... toying, given she's shown no likelihood of willingly saying anything.
[Sidad]: Or we can set a fire and slowly burn her toes with heated metal sticks.
[Tweezle]: Nobody said that my bartending skills would be required.
[Sidad]: Maybe even pop off a nail or two.
Nalaea Orileth tried to struggle but faltered. Too much pain. Too little hope. Her other arm now also useless. This pain was subtler. No scream. Just attempts not to start crying.
[Tweezle]: Not that I'm unprepared.
Qabian chuckles, then nods at Sidad. "You might as well. She's as good as dead anyway."
[Ulrezaj]: Qabian, my recommendation movin' forward we don't even botha ta ask questions. Let someone mend her up and make Supplicants interrogate her.
[Sidad]: OH! Or carve Horde symbols into her so she is forever marked. Then set her free, forever to promote our mighty cause!
[Ulrezaj]: Den mend her up again, no questions. She wants ta be a trainin' dummy.
Tweezle blinks at Ulrezaj. "Don't ask questions, just ask questions?"
Ulrezaj agrees with Sidad.
[Qabian]: Supplicants? I suppose there would be use in them getting the practice.
Syreenna nods at Si'dad. "We took a few of Skylah's nails before we were done with her."
[Ulrezaj]: Don't ask questions, just use de trainin' dummy fo' what she be.
[Ulrezaj]: Not too much in de head o' dis one ta really interrogate. Sweet dreams, by de way.
Ulrezaj winks slyly at Nalaea Orileth.
Nalaea Orileth looked up at the troll. The last embers of spite still trying to hang on.
[Sidad]: I could also claw her eye out. Just one.
Sidad looks at Syreenna.
[Sidad]: A SNACK!
[Qabian]: Does she need to see? You could take both
[Ulrezaj]: Syreena, ah've done my part here. If we got othas who want ta try a hand, ah welcome it. Ah did what ah came ta do before de Executioner came.
Syreenna shrugs at Si'dad. "If you want. Just one though."
[Qabian]: What happened to Elinel?
Sidad claps excitedly for Syreenna.
[Syreenna]: I guess she's busy?
Ulrezaj glances over at the elf. "Fo' me, it was never about de questions, mon. Heh. Heh. Heh."
[Qabian]: Hm.
[Syreenna]: Yes, we aren't likely to get answers tonight. But a few days in here without food, and it may be feeling more talkative next time.
[Qabian]: Keep the lights on. Play loud music.
[Syreenna]: Here, I'll even be nice, and leave you a snack. *She tosses the half eaten ear on the floor by the prisoner's feet*
Tweezle wrinkles her nose.
Sidad hops up merrily. She walks in front of the creature and blows on her right eye. Slowly, she lifts a paw to her cheek, claws retracted. At the very edge, she slowly releases them, making sure to take her time diffing into the elf's socket. With a slow »
Sidad » swipe and a final pop, the eye pops out. Expertly, she catches it with the other hand, smiling joyfully as she does.
Syreenna snickers at Sidad.
Sidad grins as she turns to Syreena and tosses her the eye. "They are good!"
Nalaea Orileth looks curiously at the pandaren. Then horror hit her and the screaming resumed. This time she did start to sob. Crying and unintelligible Thalassian.
[Tweezle]: Welp. Who else needs a drink.
Qabian flinches, remembering what that feels like from the other side, then frowns.
Tweezle pulls a flask out of her hip pouch, pops the stopper and takes a sip, offers it up to Qabian.
Mellinoe raises her eyebrows at Si'dad.
Syreenna catches the eye and looks at it. "Thanks, but ears are more my thing. Give it to Meriette if you don't want it. I'm sure she can make use of it." She hands it back.
[Mellinoe]: The liklihood of infection from this filth pit will probably kill the mutt now.
Sidad looks at the eye. "I mean..." she takes a bite of the eye, leaving half. It squishes in her teeth, elven eye goop squirting from her mouth. "I bet...half is fine." she says as she chews.
[Qabian]: I suppose she wouldn't take us on if she had family or anyone to worry about her, anyone who would want news of her death. Because she is dead. Essentially.
Nalaea Orileth collapsed. Pained cries and slowly fading wails.
[Qabian]: We're better off following other evidence. The things found on her, perhaps clues near where she was found, who else might be noticing her absence.
[Syreenna]: Qabian, if I give you the hearthstone can you trace it to it's location?
[Syreenna]: Like though your... *she wiggles her fingers* ...some spell or something?
Qabian says, "No," then sighs. "Maybe. But perhaps you should let Elinel take first crack at that."
[Syreenna]: Why?
Tweezle does not mutter, "Amateur," but she thinks it pretty loudly.
[Qabian]: She's been tracing your magic all along. I would need... time to research methods.
[Syreenna]: Uh huh
Qabian smirks at Tweezle. "I have specialties. Following peasants are not among them."
Sidad bows before Mellinoe.
You grin wickedly at Tweezle.
[Syreenna]: Malhavik is on his way.
Syreenna grins wickedly.
Mellinoe looks at Si'dad, "Hm?"
Sidad hands the half eye to Mellinoe with both hands, "Before I forget."
Syreenna peers at Nalaea Orileth searchingly.
[Syreenna]: Do you like your soul?
Tweezle gives a litlte shrug to Qabian then takes another sip from her flask.
[Tweezle]: Do elves have souls?
[Qabian]: Some.
[Syreenna]: Malhavik is good at drawing out souls....whole ones, partial ones... He can even snap them in half.
Mellinoe blinks, looking at the... half eaten eyeball, "Oh..." Takes it, though she doesn't want to, "... Thank you."
[Qabian]: The kind that waltz into Stormwind full of tentacles? Seems less likely.
Sidad grins wickedly at Mellinoe.
[Tweezle]: Philisophical question, since I'm not sure how one goes about measuring that empircally, really.
Nalaea Orileth looked at the forsaken woman a moment but then simply slumped back against the chains. A soft sigh exclaiming clearly, 'oh joy another psychopath'.
Mellinoe is touching as little of it as possible... as she finds a piece of spare cloth to wrap it up in... that she can throw in a fire later.
[Sidad]: Oh! Did I miss the first one?
Qabian nods. "There are apparently ways to measure that, but none of my specialties are useful today it seems."
Tweezle cackles maniacally at you.
[Tweezle]: If your specialties didn't require quiet and privacy I'm sure you'd get more requests for assitance this evening.
Nalaea Orileth seemed to relax against the chains a moment then righter herself. At least standing back up onto her feet.
Sidad stands, bowing to the room. "Have fun everyone! That treat made me hungry for dinner. So I'm going to leave. I hope we have another family gathering like this one again." She eyes the chained elf. "Let me know if I can come for a midnight snack »
Sidad » later..." she says, winking at the being.
Sidad bows down graciously.
Sidad fingerguns everyone.
Nalaea Orileth looked like she was about to insult the pandaren but then she just didn't.
Sidad blows Nalaea Orileth a kiss.
Malhavak thanks everyone.
[Qabian]: Given that we've all given up on her, you might as well go in and say hello, hm?
You smirk slyly at Malhavak.
Tweezle hasn't given up on the pretty--well, possibly less pretty now with the ~attention~ she's been getting--little wisp of a thing!
[Malhavak]: What do we want to know? I'm afraid I'm just a wee bit out of the loop.
[Mellinoe]: I never had any expectations of her to begin with
Mellinoe shrugs. Who knows?
[Qabian]: Start with her name.
Tweezle eyes Malhavak up and down.
[Syreenna]: Come in, Malhavik. I'm sure you will prove to be more useful than Qabian.
[Qabian]: She won't tell us anything, so it's just... play.
Malhavak waves.
[Malhavak]: Hello everyone!
Syreenna grins wickedly at the prisoner.
Mellinoe hails Malhavak.
[Malhavak]: You must be the stranger?
Nalaea Orileth grimaces at the clearly fel focused forsaken.
[Nalaea Orileth]: Oh fel...
[Malhavak]: Oh my. I don't speak that.
[Qabian]: She likes your eyes.
[Syreenna]: Qabian can translate. Maybe.
[Malhavak]: My eyes? You like Fel?
[Elinel]: I apologize for my tardiness - I arrived as quickly as I could.
Qabian frowns.
Syreenna nods at Elinel.
Nalaea Orileth weakly stood up again and tried to square herself away for what was coming. She was starting to look woozy though. Blood loss? Poison? Exhaustion? Who knew.
Tweezle eyes Elinel up and down.
Malhavak leans in close enough to let the black fluid ripping from his helmet to land on the prisoner.
[Elinel]: Has she talked?
[Malhavak]: Do you understand me?
[Qabian]: She has only told us what we can do with ourselves and otherwise cussed.
[Syreenna]: Only to give us rude suggestions of how to pleasure ourselves.
Malhavak looks at Syreenna.
Nalaea Orileth just stared at the warlock.
[Qabian]: She has said she knows who the Grim are and what we do, so it seems unlikely that she'll tell us anything without some kind of severe coercion.
[Elinel]: Strong little elf isn't she?
[Syreenna]: More severe than what we've already done?
[Qabian]: Mm, like mind control.
[Syreenna]: I told her you were good at cutting souls apart.
Elinel looks at her right hand as it begins to glow purple.
[Qabian]: Barring that, might as well make her hurt and hope she cracks.
[Malhavak]: It might be easier with a priest. playing with the soul takes time.
Syreenna smirks. "It didn't take that long just to cut part of it out."
[Elinel]: Her complexion looks a little...off. Is she fighting off a poison?
[Tweezle]: And yet we seem to be long on time and short on priests. Lupi off drinking somewhere?
[Qabian]: Ulrezaj gave her something questionable.
[Malhavak]: Exactly what a assasin would say.
Malhavak laughs at Syreenna.
[Elinel]: Hmm. Her body appears to be handling it rather well.
Tweezle does not say *you can say _that_* again, but she thinks it pretty loudly.
Elinel waves her glowing hand an a small portal appears in front of her. "Malhavak, would you mind holding her still for a moment?"
[Malhavak]: Do you have anything to add my dear? telling me your name would be so much nicer than the alternatives.
[Malhavak]: Maybe some tea?
Malhavak blinks at Nalaea Orileth.
[Syreenna]: Speaking of tea, anyone have any salt?
Nalaea Orileth grimaces. Her mouth seals shut. Not as fiery as before but still intent on resisting.
[Elinel]: There should be some salt on the table next to the oranges.
[Malhavak]: Very will. I'll try something quick then.
Malhavak winks slyly at Syreenna.
Tweezle eyes Elinel up and down.
[Syreenna]: Excellent. *She takes the salt shaker* If that doesn't work, Mal, I know a trick Kex'ti taught me.
[Syreenna]: I used it on Kerala once. It was very effective.
Malhavak extends a hand towards the elf, his hand glows a faint green as he begins to work fel magic to fatigue the prisoners soul.
[Malhavak]: Let's get just a taste...
Syreenna grins wickedly as she watches Malhavik.
Nalaea Orileth was already starting to look shaky and weak. A little bit of soul magic went along way and a lot of the fight fled her. Nalea's knees buckled again and the chains caught her arms. She gave out a cry but mostly just began to gasp as drowning.
You raise your eyebrow inquisitively.
Malhavak 's hand dims as he slows the hostile magics. "Are you sure you don't want to tell us your name? It doesn't have to be so troublesome for you".
Elinel speaks calmly, in the prisoner's voice. "It's OK, darling. You can tell him."
Malhavak nods at Elinel.
Nalaea Orileth lets out a sob. This was...wait. What? She was standing next to the forsaken? She'd gone round the bend.
[Elinel]: Once we tell him, it'll all be over. And we can go home.
Tweezle wishes she had some popcorn. She settles for another sip from her flask.
[Nalaea Orileth]: Home...there is no going home.
[Malhavak]: She may black out soon. Shall I fill another stone with her essence?
[Malhavak]: Oh wait... What was that?
[Syreenna]: What did she say?
Malhavak looks at Elinel.
Qabian glances at Elinel.
[Elinel]: She said "Home, there is no going home."
Malhavak frowns with disappointment at Nalaea Orileth.
[Nalaea Orileth]: I'm not living through this. I know that. I know...
[Elinel]: She knows she's not living through this.
[Qabian]: She has a death wish. Difficult to peel answers from those who welcome death.
[Syreenna]: YOUR NAME!
Nalaea Orileth seemed to be losing consciousness. Fatigue catching her slowly.
Tweezle tilts her head, taps her fingertips against her flask.
[Syreenna]: Canaie, can you revive her? She's no fun if she's asleep.
Canaie eyes Nalaea Orileth up and down.
Syreenna glances at Malhavik. "Were you at Grim Batol with Kex'ti for that attack we did there once?"
[Malhavak]: A few times if I racall...
Tweezle watches Canaie curiously.
[Syreenna]: Do you remember what he did with the salt?
[Malhavak]: Not particularly no.
[Canaie]: I suppose I can try... if I must
Syreenna grins wickedly at Nalaea Orileth.
Syreenna nods to Canaie. "Stay here a minute. I'll need you to help with this."
Tweezle pinches the bridge of her nose and gives a little shake of her head.
[Canaie]: Hmm... did that work? I'm a little out of practice.
Syreenna nudges the elf with her dagger. "Are you awake?"
Nalaea Orileth looked up. How long? No. No more than a few moments. She looked up weakly at...the forsaken woman? It was hard to tell. Her vision was blurry. She was awake though.
[Nalaea Orileth]: Damn psychos...
A sly smirk spreads across your face.
Tweezle tilts her head back toward Qabian. "She sweet-talking again?"
[Qabian]: I doubt her name is 'Damn psychos', so yes.
[Syreenna]: Good. *She uses one of her blades to slice away the cloth of the dress away from her stomach.* Canaie, make sure she doesn't bleed to death.
Tweezle cackles maniacally at you.
[Elinel]: I assure you, my dear, we are quite sane. You, however, are beginning to lose your own sanity.
[Canaie]: I can try but I make no promises.
Malhavak grins and prepares a soulstone in case he gets lucky.
Syreenna places the blade of her dagger against the flesh and fillets a bit of the skin and muscle, so a flap of it falls down, but is still attached.
[Elinel]: Would it help to talk to a doctor?
Syreenna dumps the salt from Elinel's banquet into the wound, and places the flap over it. "Heal just the outside, so it stays closed."
Syreenna smiles at the elf, showing all her pointy teeth.
Canaie focuses her healing magics into the elf
Nalaea Orileth winces then screams in pain. There wasn't strength enough to keep stood up but there was no way she could fall unconscious like this again. The burning from the salt was maddening. Even as the wound closed over.
[Nalaea Orileth]: S-Ssstop! Stop
[Syreenna]: Your name...
[Nalaea Orileth]: Enough! You sadistic bitch! STORMWIND! THE MEETING IS IN STORMWIND!
Tweezle absently sketches? Makes notes? Something with that pencil and that notebook.
You raise your eyebrow inquisitively.
[Elinel]: There is a meeting in Stormwind...
Canaie sighs at Nalaea Orileth.
[Tweezle]: Isn't that just a day ending in Y?
Syreenna raises a brow. "When? Who?"
[Tweezle]: Wait, is that her name?
[Tweezle]: Who names their kid Meeting In Stormwind?
[Tweezle]: That's cruel.
[Qabian]: Agreed.
[Qabian]: Though she must be pretty broken to answer a question no one asked.
Nalaea Orileth tries to reach with her arms even despite the chains. Her attention on her stomach and the pain making it impossible to focus on the words asked of her.
[Syreenna]: I can do that again, to other places on your body. Tell us more about this meeting.
[Nalaea Orileth]: Please no more...its too much...
Nalaea Orileth was beginning to sob and plead. No strength to hold herself up. None to fight back.
[Qabian]: Then answer the questions.
[Nalaea Orileth]: The Slaughtered Lamb...Friday...thats when we meet...please...no more...
[Malhavak]: Well that sounds like something!
Malhavak smiles.
[Qabian]: She keeps her name, and either gives up acquaintances or conveniently directs us to... someone.
Syreenna nods, glancing at Elinel. "We need to send someone Friday."
[Elinel]: And you may even make an appearance.
Syreenna grins wickedly at Elinel.
[Elinel]: You are quite easy to transform into.
Qabian frowns.
Nalaea Orileth simply hangs there and cries. The breaking point had been found at last.
[Syreenna]: At last, some progress.
[Elinel]: What name do I go by?
[Syreenna]: Enjoy your stay as our guest these next few days. We'll be back after we verify this information.
Syreenna draws her dagger again and steps forward. "Your name?"
[Nalaea Orileth]: Orileth...
Nalaea Orileth glares at the forsaken. "Vallae Orileth."
Syreenna nods at Nalaea Orileth.
Malhavak claps excitedly.
[Syreenna]: Now, was that so hard?
Syreenna grins wickedly at Nalaea Orileth.
[Qabian]: I would... assume some if not all of what she's said is false, but test it anyway.
[Syreenna]: Sleep tight.
[Malhavak]: We could have been having tea.
[Malhavak]: Shame.
You smirk slyly at Malhavak.
[Syreenna]: If it's false, we'll be back.
[Elinel]: Sleep tight.
[Syreenna]: The guards will be instructed to give her only enough food and water to keep her alive.
[Elinel]: You'd be surprised at how long you can go without food as long as you have water.
[Syreenna]: If the meeting was a lie, we'll be back to do this all over again. And more.
[Elinel]: I'm sure Ristikus will enjoy meeting her.
Syreenna nods at Elinel.
[Elinel]: She is so lovely, he will appreciate that I'm sure.
[Syreenna]: We need to come up with a plan to spy on this meeting.
Interrogating a Prisoner
Interrogating a Prisoner
"While our enemies remain, peace is not victory." ~Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner
Re: Interrogating a Prisoner
[Qabian]: Cozy.
[Canaie]: Oh... she's still in there.
[Qabian]: Mm, same one. Looks like the Executioner didn't want to do his job.
[Syreenna]: Yeah, I guess someone fed her.
Nalaea Orileth looks entirely exhausted, malnourished, and absoltuely out of it. Who knows if she's even aware of her surroundings.
[Riana]: Someone forget to feed their pet?
[Syreenna]: I think it was fed....
Syreenna shrugs.
[Syreenna]: Let's go say hello.
Nalaea Orileth just keeps rubbing the arm poisoned by loa blood. It looks horrifically infected and she barely seems conscious of their presence.
[Syreenna]: You look comfy there in your chains.
Nalaea Orileth just looks up at the Forsaken then immediately down. What wasn't broken by the poison had fallen to resignation.
Malhavak waves.
Neevah peers through the bars of the cell, grinning.
[Syreenna]: Come on in, Grim. Don't be shy.
A sly smirk spreads across your face.
Malhavak pets Ber.
[Syreenna]: Anyone have any other questions for the prisoner? Or....other uses for it?
[Canaie]: I didn't even know she was still alive.
[Qabian]: Did anyone even go to Stormwind and confirm what little she gave us?
[Malhavak]: I did not.
[Syreenna]: I think Elinel sent someone.
Syreenna frowns. "Well, since our Executioner isn't here...."
[Syreenna]: Riana, you're in charge of killing Alliance. You can have the honors.
[Syreenna]: Any last words, prisoner?
Riana raises a hand poised to snap her fingers. Precious lowers herself. Waiting to spring.
Nalaea Orileth looks up and after a moment shakes her head. Seemingly intent on getting this over she just puts her head down.
Neevah whispers to Riana. "Make it fun!"
[Riana]: This is why you feed your pets. It already wants death.
[Riana]: You all will have a moment for me to call off Precious before the pet dies once she starts. But I would rather not stop her
Riana snaps her fingers. Before the echo stops the spider is on the prisoner. Cocooning her up.
[Canaie]: I think the druids would say something about the cycle of life at this point.
Canaie shrugs. Who knows?
Neevah giggles, nodding with Canaie. "It's only natural."
Nalaea Orileth doesn't scream but the experience is clearly still unpleasant. She can only really struggle weakly as it happens at this poitn anyhow.
Malhavak flicks a sould shard at the prisoner being cacooned.
Qabian frowns.
[Malhavak]: Can I keep a part of her soul?
[Malhavak]: I find it's sometimes useful...
[Syreenna]: I don't see why n ot.
Malhavak claps excitedly for Syreenna.
Riana | Precious doesn't seem to care that she is chained. Once wraped up. Her body contorted from being roughly handled by the large Precious. Eventually going to stick her huge fangs into the body. A spot of red would bleed through the silk.
Malhavak wiggles his fingers in tradional finger wiggler fashion, causing the soul shard to float off the ground and imbed itself into the cacoon.
[Riana]: Will be a minute of so before she is dead dead if you want to do some rituals. Just don't grab the body away from my pet.
Nalaea Orileth let out a muffled whine as the fangs went in. Instinctive squirming before the body stilled. Not dead but paralyzed clearly.
[Malhavak]: The shard should leech a portion of her soul as it leaves her body.
[Riana]: What did she tell you all anyways?
[Malhavak]: I'll come collect it later.
[Riana]: What do you want from the body Malhavak?
[Malhavak]: The body? Nothing at all.
[Riana]: No need to collect it
[Malhavak]: But who knows maybe we will find out something useful about this girl later.
Riana waves vaguely at the spider.
[Malhavak]: I'll have a sort of 'echo' of her soul to use for what have you.
Nalaea Orileth spasms involuntarily.
[Malhavak]: The body is not needed.
[Riana]: Well I was going to leave the body to Precious
Malhavak nods at Riana.
Riana | Precious quickly sinks her fangs into the women again feeling the twitch.
[Riana]: Sorry if you were all hoping for something more dramatic
[Neevah]: Mm.. nah, she didn't put up a fight. It's totally her fault.
[Syreenna]: Well, I guess that's that.
Qabian mutters, "She should have been ashes on sight."
Riana nods at you.
[Malhavak]: Well, it's rather nice to not have to wash my robes after an execution.
Nalaea Orileth seems to have spit up something dark as the webbing where her mouth was stains. There wasn't anything left. Whether she was dead or alive no longer relevent.
[Riana]: Precious keeps things tidy
[Riana]: Non of you fed her?
[Qabian]: Maybe she's been eating rats. Or Elinel did, if Elinel's running the follow-up.
[Syreenna]: The guards had instructions tofeed her enough to keep her from dying.
Qabian frowns.
Riana snaps loudly twice to call of the spider. Who pauses for a moment as if considering before cowers off in a corner.
[Neevah]: She may have refused to eat.
Neevah shrugs. Who knows?
[Syreenna]: If the spider is finished, you can burn it now, Qabian.
[Riana]: See what it is she brought up
[Neevah]: Some are just stupid ike that.
[Malhavak]: wait!
Qabian shakes his head. "I don't care. Precious can keep it. I'm only disappointed in the length of time all of this has taken."
Malhavak 's filed bone fingers dig into the motionless lump of webbing.
[Riana]: I probably shouldnt let Precious eat the thing thinking on it.
You smirk slyly at Riana.
[Riana]: I would hate for her to get void tainted
[Qabian]: Didn't she eat the... other one? Umbral's?
Malhavak pulls out a wet faintly glowing purple stone.
Malhavak nods at you.
[Riana]: That was the other Precious.
[Malhavak]: I got what I wanted.
Qabian laughs.
Malhavak smiles.
Nalaea Orileth lies down.
Neevah peers at the stone, hoping to see the stupid elf's face pressed up against it from inside.
[Riana]: I killed that one for disobedience in Boralus
Nalaea Orileth slumps over, now just a bloody mess in cocoon of webbing.
[Riana]: I wonder if eating that traitor is what hurt her mind...
[Qabian]: Disobedience? Your spiders are capable of independent thought?
You are lost in thought.
Syreenna scowls at Qabian. "Fine. Someone else burn it then."
[Riana]: Sometimes they become tollerant of people and dont listen as quickly.
Qabian looks over at Malhavik, then steps inside, tilts his head at the bloody mess, and snaps his fingers, setting it alight.
Syreenna doesn't quite trust the reach of Qabian's fire.
Neevah sighs in disappointment. "I was hoping for some entertainment..."
Nalaea Orileth lies down.
Neevah pouts a little.
Riana makes her to let her spider out...
[Malhavak]: I was hoping one of you druids would eat her.
[Riana]: Exsuse me if I don't enjoy the smell of burning bodies
[Malhavak]: It's been a while since I've seent hat!
[Canaie]: Oh? But no, I would not do that.
Neevah perks up with a cheeky grin. "You need to spend more time with me, then."
[Malhavak]: Perhaps next time.
Malhavak grins wickedly at Neevah.
Nalaea Orileth lies down.
Qabian stares down at the flames for a while as everyone makes their way out. He warms his gloved hands over the blaze for a moment, then clasps his hands together and the flames burst high, finally leaving nothing but a pile of ash behind when he turns.
[Canaie]: Oh... she's still in there.
[Qabian]: Mm, same one. Looks like the Executioner didn't want to do his job.
[Syreenna]: Yeah, I guess someone fed her.
Nalaea Orileth looks entirely exhausted, malnourished, and absoltuely out of it. Who knows if she's even aware of her surroundings.
[Riana]: Someone forget to feed their pet?
[Syreenna]: I think it was fed....
Syreenna shrugs.
[Syreenna]: Let's go say hello.
Nalaea Orileth just keeps rubbing the arm poisoned by loa blood. It looks horrifically infected and she barely seems conscious of their presence.
[Syreenna]: You look comfy there in your chains.
Nalaea Orileth just looks up at the Forsaken then immediately down. What wasn't broken by the poison had fallen to resignation.
Malhavak waves.
Neevah peers through the bars of the cell, grinning.
[Syreenna]: Come on in, Grim. Don't be shy.
A sly smirk spreads across your face.
Malhavak pets Ber.
[Syreenna]: Anyone have any other questions for the prisoner? Or....other uses for it?
[Canaie]: I didn't even know she was still alive.
[Qabian]: Did anyone even go to Stormwind and confirm what little she gave us?
[Malhavak]: I did not.
[Syreenna]: I think Elinel sent someone.
Syreenna frowns. "Well, since our Executioner isn't here...."
[Syreenna]: Riana, you're in charge of killing Alliance. You can have the honors.
[Syreenna]: Any last words, prisoner?
Riana raises a hand poised to snap her fingers. Precious lowers herself. Waiting to spring.
Nalaea Orileth looks up and after a moment shakes her head. Seemingly intent on getting this over she just puts her head down.
Neevah whispers to Riana. "Make it fun!"
[Riana]: This is why you feed your pets. It already wants death.
[Riana]: You all will have a moment for me to call off Precious before the pet dies once she starts. But I would rather not stop her
Riana snaps her fingers. Before the echo stops the spider is on the prisoner. Cocooning her up.
[Canaie]: I think the druids would say something about the cycle of life at this point.
Canaie shrugs. Who knows?
Neevah giggles, nodding with Canaie. "It's only natural."
Nalaea Orileth doesn't scream but the experience is clearly still unpleasant. She can only really struggle weakly as it happens at this poitn anyhow.
Malhavak flicks a sould shard at the prisoner being cacooned.
Qabian frowns.
[Malhavak]: Can I keep a part of her soul?
[Malhavak]: I find it's sometimes useful...
[Syreenna]: I don't see why n ot.
Malhavak claps excitedly for Syreenna.
Riana | Precious doesn't seem to care that she is chained. Once wraped up. Her body contorted from being roughly handled by the large Precious. Eventually going to stick her huge fangs into the body. A spot of red would bleed through the silk.
Malhavak wiggles his fingers in tradional finger wiggler fashion, causing the soul shard to float off the ground and imbed itself into the cacoon.
[Riana]: Will be a minute of so before she is dead dead if you want to do some rituals. Just don't grab the body away from my pet.
Nalaea Orileth let out a muffled whine as the fangs went in. Instinctive squirming before the body stilled. Not dead but paralyzed clearly.
[Malhavak]: The shard should leech a portion of her soul as it leaves her body.
[Riana]: What did she tell you all anyways?
[Malhavak]: I'll come collect it later.
[Riana]: What do you want from the body Malhavak?
[Malhavak]: The body? Nothing at all.
[Riana]: No need to collect it
[Malhavak]: But who knows maybe we will find out something useful about this girl later.
Riana waves vaguely at the spider.
[Malhavak]: I'll have a sort of 'echo' of her soul to use for what have you.
Nalaea Orileth spasms involuntarily.
[Malhavak]: The body is not needed.
[Riana]: Well I was going to leave the body to Precious
Malhavak nods at Riana.
Riana | Precious quickly sinks her fangs into the women again feeling the twitch.
[Riana]: Sorry if you were all hoping for something more dramatic
[Neevah]: Mm.. nah, she didn't put up a fight. It's totally her fault.
[Syreenna]: Well, I guess that's that.
Qabian mutters, "She should have been ashes on sight."
Riana nods at you.
[Malhavak]: Well, it's rather nice to not have to wash my robes after an execution.
Nalaea Orileth seems to have spit up something dark as the webbing where her mouth was stains. There wasn't anything left. Whether she was dead or alive no longer relevent.
[Riana]: Precious keeps things tidy
[Riana]: Non of you fed her?
[Qabian]: Maybe she's been eating rats. Or Elinel did, if Elinel's running the follow-up.
[Syreenna]: The guards had instructions tofeed her enough to keep her from dying.
Qabian frowns.
Riana snaps loudly twice to call of the spider. Who pauses for a moment as if considering before cowers off in a corner.
[Neevah]: She may have refused to eat.
Neevah shrugs. Who knows?
[Syreenna]: If the spider is finished, you can burn it now, Qabian.
[Riana]: See what it is she brought up
[Neevah]: Some are just stupid ike that.
[Malhavak]: wait!
Qabian shakes his head. "I don't care. Precious can keep it. I'm only disappointed in the length of time all of this has taken."
Malhavak 's filed bone fingers dig into the motionless lump of webbing.
[Riana]: I probably shouldnt let Precious eat the thing thinking on it.
You smirk slyly at Riana.
[Riana]: I would hate for her to get void tainted
[Qabian]: Didn't she eat the... other one? Umbral's?
Malhavak pulls out a wet faintly glowing purple stone.
Malhavak nods at you.
[Riana]: That was the other Precious.
[Malhavak]: I got what I wanted.
Qabian laughs.
Malhavak smiles.
Nalaea Orileth lies down.
Neevah peers at the stone, hoping to see the stupid elf's face pressed up against it from inside.
[Riana]: I killed that one for disobedience in Boralus
Nalaea Orileth slumps over, now just a bloody mess in cocoon of webbing.
[Riana]: I wonder if eating that traitor is what hurt her mind...
[Qabian]: Disobedience? Your spiders are capable of independent thought?
You are lost in thought.
Syreenna scowls at Qabian. "Fine. Someone else burn it then."
[Riana]: Sometimes they become tollerant of people and dont listen as quickly.
Qabian looks over at Malhavik, then steps inside, tilts his head at the bloody mess, and snaps his fingers, setting it alight.
Syreenna doesn't quite trust the reach of Qabian's fire.
Neevah sighs in disappointment. "I was hoping for some entertainment..."
Nalaea Orileth lies down.
Neevah pouts a little.
Riana makes her to let her spider out...
[Malhavak]: I was hoping one of you druids would eat her.
[Riana]: Exsuse me if I don't enjoy the smell of burning bodies
[Malhavak]: It's been a while since I've seent hat!
[Canaie]: Oh? But no, I would not do that.
Neevah perks up with a cheeky grin. "You need to spend more time with me, then."
[Malhavak]: Perhaps next time.
Malhavak grins wickedly at Neevah.
Nalaea Orileth lies down.
Qabian stares down at the flames for a while as everyone makes their way out. He warms his gloved hands over the blaze for a moment, then clasps his hands together and the flames burst high, finally leaving nothing but a pile of ash behind when he turns.
"While our enemies remain, peace is not victory." ~Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner