Meat-puppet Sorrow

The stories and lives of the Grim. ((Roleplaying Stories and In Character Interactions))
Posts: 46

Meat-puppet Sorrow

Unread post by Umbralheart »

“Master master!”
Umbralheart’s soft deep voice could barely be heard over the chorus of the suffering in the Eastern Plaguelands.

“I was having a drink in Orgrimmar, well… I was having all of the drinks Orgrimmar had to offer really… and when I left the bar I heard a massive gnashing sound and I saw an armor clad alliance invader strike me! When I awoke in a pool of my own blood I thought to myself ‘This isn’t what being drunk feels like’ and then realized that I’d been slain!”

Umbralheart’s words fell upon the poorly formed ears of a meat-puppet she’d clearly cobbled together from Plaguehound flesh and Abomination skin with a face only a lunatic could love and curiously long, tall, deaf ears.

“When I picked myself up I realized I had a massive wound in my head that was quickly healing up, I knew your power still lingered in me but now I fear what little you left me with that night has run out, time will tell.”

The meat-puppet stared blankly back at her.

Umbralheart’s typically upbeat and confidant tone couldn’t help but turn sorrowful.
“When I regained my bearings I cried out, doing my best to hide my panic, the only ones who responded were my new masters in the Grim. Qabian, Gavril, and a third I believe they called her Tradire. I think they were completely sober despite how much time they spent in the bar watching me drink myself stupid, in front members of your beloved Forsaken no less. Not wanting to look less important than I was, I told them I was attacked and pointed in the only direction the invader could have possibly escaped to. The Grim sprung into action with a practiced precision that was both baffling and inspiring. They tracked down the invader while the rest of the Orgrimmar forces remained shockingly negligent. By the time I arrived on my tired onyx battle chicken the fight was over. We stood there looking at the corpse of the one who meant to inflict seemingly random violence upon me. I quickly left wanting to avoid the shame of not even landing a blow. As I left I heard Qabian discussing revenge, I couldn’t have imagined what I’d witness later that night.”

The meat-puppet stared blankly back at her.

“You used to love my stories”

The meat-puppet lulled it’s head to the side as the flesh shifted under its own weight.

“In my self pitty I decided to search for you in the Swamp of Sorrows, an adequate analogy for how I felt, lost in a swamp of despair. By the time I got to the safety of the river that runs through Elwynn Forest and Darkshire, I could hear a commotion in the distance. I could see the panicking search parties in the distance of Elwynn. The massive Stormwind bell ringing in the midnight hour had a sorrowful tone. It reminded me of the day Arthas returned to Lordaeron. I knew I’d been avenged, thought I dare not say they did it for me to their face, I don’t think I’m that important to the Grim that they’d charge into Stormwind and exact vengeance in my name alone. Perhaps they were just looking for an excuse to wipe that disgusting mushy look off of the kings disgusting mushy face.”

Umbralheart stared at the meat-puppet briefly before speaking in a more defensive tone.
“Master… I was ambushed, I’ve little in the way of formal training and I was most certainly not lost in the human lands! The river is the safest way to travel that area, only spiders and fisherman!”

Umbralheart waited for the meat-puppet to finish speaking words only she could hear. Her demeanor quickly turned from sorrowful to brimming with rage, presumably at what she thought the meat-puppet was saying. Heavy angry tears dripped from her face as she clenched her axe and pulverized the meat-puppet until it was nothing more than a wet pile of lumpy flesh colored soup.

Umbralheart trudged through the Plaguelands back to the Undercity, avenged and infuriated.
Posts: 46

Re: Meat-puppet Sorrow

Unread post by Umbralheart »

Under the dark canopy of the Ghostlands outside of Silvermoon, Umbralheart lay on the ground, in a clearing surrounded by thick foliage on the shores of the lake near the Farstrider Enclave. Her back against the earth, her ponytail undone in a chaotic mess of hair, and another female elf with dark hair and fair skin lay motionless beside her. Umbralheart lay exhausted, slurping the last remnants of a meal as she attempts to gather her wits.

“It’s been so long since we’ve spoken… much has happened. I keep searching, but I only find more questions and few answers. Even the great and mighty burrito stealing Necromancer, somehow, found out what I didn’t want to hear, and then painted a convincing tail about why I should believe him. Unfortunately, he comes highly recommended. I’ve no choice but to believe him. If what he says is true, then that makes me… talking to you… like this seem kind of foolish, but you taught me to savor the ritual, and you taught me well.”

Umbralheart turned her head to look at the elf beside her, the unknown elf lay on her back looking up at the sky.

“Amazing, what our perceptions can do to convince us. With a parlor trick I convinced a human to take a relic of the second war into Stormwind and I saw so much with the help of the flaxen-haired idiot. I found answers in the human census data, but only answers which brought more questions. Their short lives make them reach so far to help them obtain immortality. They submit so much so freely for something greater than themselves yet they remain completely ignorant of how easy it is to lose control over such a treasure.”

Umbralheart continued to gaze at the elf beside her. The victim of horror, the elf lay motionless gazing up at the sky, her face contorted in the agony of her final breath.

“Push the birds out of the nest, let the fear of failure spurn them to great heights. Is that why I’m out here, alone, floundering for all to see?”

Umbralheart sat up to take a look around only to find not a soul.

“Or did you carry through on your word to give me all you had?”

Umbralheart roused from her rest on the ground, now crouching over the elf, she reached her hand into the open cavity of the elf. The victims skin, muscle and fatty chest tissue now sliced through and peeled back to expose cut ribs and an excavated heart cavity where just enough of an opening to get a slender hand around a heart was made. Umbralheart’s hand massaged the dead organ and checked it for leaks.

“And that’s as far as I got master, before I couldn’t hold my breath any longer and passed out, I’ll have to get much better before I can even fathom attempting this for myself.”

Umbralheart stood up, rinsed herself in the lake then began donning her armor, for reasons unknown to most this required her to remove more clothing than she would put on.

“It’s mine now, you can’t have it back. In a way, it is what I have always wanted, and the Grim, despite their faults, have helped me achieve my goal faster than I could have ever imagined. Your secrets will soon be mine forever, your hiding places dwindle, Azeroth is vast and soon I’ll be able to stand toe to toe with any threat that obscures my prying eyes.”

Umbralheart’s confidant grin instantly vanished and she looked down at her feet, she stared with ire towards her feet and used the shackle around the wrist of the dead elf to scratch her rune etched foot.

“Is it you writing my name? Or the Inquisitor? Perhaps the hungry Forsaken? I don’t even think I’m a spec on her telescope lens.”

Umbralheart stared at the lifeless corpse for a moment before a laugh began to twist out from her lips.

“HAH! I doubt that Necromancer even knows how to write! He probably just gets by on his unconventionally arranged face, good posture, and dashing wit!”

Umbralheart stared in silence at the corpse, her eyes looking carefully over every inch of the elf before hurrying to finish cladding herself in battle worn steel.

“If you really think that of me… I can’t stop you from thinking it, I’m leaving now, will you be here when I get back?”

Umbralheart kicked the shackled hand of her horrified victim as she let out a satisfied chuckle. The chuckle rising from her chest subsides as a groaning slow burning anger takes hold. Her shield in her hand slams swiftly into the face of the elf leaving only a fleshy pummeled void in its wake.

“Peace through Annihilation… they are good words indeed.”
Posts: 46

Fields of Grief

Unread post by Umbralheart »

In the Solliden Farmstead of Tirisfal Glades, Umbral strode through the pile of dead humans who tried to resist her.

Umbral grabbed a barely living human by the neck and screamed at him as though he were capable of yelling back. Her voice billowing over the pumpkin patch at a volume that nearly drown out the suffering of those she left to survive to toy with later.

"AS IF I WOULD EAT HIM... AS IF I COULD EAT HIM" she yelled at the cowering human uncertain of his own imminent death.

Umbral continued to scream at the human and shake him by the neck until her slim strong fingers suffocated him. Umbral discarded the dead meat.

"His dainty soulless flesh would hardly be satisfying anyway, he'd probably welcome the end with his ever flowing contempt of all he sees" Umbral threw the rag doll of flesh and bone to the ground and let out a hacking cough.

Umbral folded the dead human up under his dead self and used him like a small dead stool to sit on. She rummaged through her pack for some food and began eating it as she'd done thousands if not millions of times before. She stopped to listen to the only voice she could not ignore. The sound of her ever hungry stomach reminding her that the food in her hands had little meaning anymore.

"As if my current state of humiliation was not enough, they also question my resolve. MY RESOLVE?!?! They sought ME OUT in the FIRST PLACE yet they are UNABLE to REJOICE in someone who is not REVOLTED by such a difficult to sell ideology!?"

Umbral stood up from her throne of flesh and bone and put her furious hands on another near death scream toy. Her hands grabbing the woman by the hair.

"Do I look like someone with such fickle intentions... DO I? ANSWER ME YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF MEAT!" her words cowed the defenseless human into a state of shock, unable to move yet alone answer. Umbral spun the human's hair around her hand then twisted the head off like a disturbed child playing with a doll.

"Pose questions about loyalty then brag about lying... and the crowd EATS IT UP, like a lance comming to pierce a boil filled with the fester of a mind that has lost its edge" Umbral posed with her arms straight out at her sides with shield and axe waiting to welcome any challengers remaining, slowly spinning to survey the breadth of her destruction.

Umbral, barely satisfied with her victory, stowed her weapons of war and stomped off, crushing pumpkin and skull alike under her thigh high steel plated sabatons.
Posts: 46

Re: Meat-puppet Sorrow

Unread post by Umbralheart »

"Every time I lick my lips... this taste... this... conquest... it's... soooo satisfying."

Umbralheart looked down on the nearly dead paladin. His sloppy face and broken body held up by her firm grip on his helmet.

"You are nobody special. You don't even have a tabard. Welcome to the club. Who will weep for you I wonder? Don't worry, kill enough and you too could get lucky enough to gain acceptance from someone who hates everything about you. What's that you say?"

Umbralheart made no effort to listen to the slain paladin's dying words, instead reaching to his mouth gaping out from the bottom of his helmet then with one fierce pull removes his jaw and leaves his tongue to flail wildly. The blood of the crusader leaving a violent rainbow arc through the air.

“Oh you won’t be needing this where you are going. If someone had done this to me months ago I might have been better off for it.”

She loosened her grip on the paladin and contemplated things to herself while the paladin, unable to move away from death’s door, began to drown on the blood now pooling in the back of his throat. His gurgling death rattle a chorus to the thoughts in her mind. The chorus fades to silence and Umbral begins speaking aloud to nobody again.

“That elf… with so much regard for my actions, so much concern for my future unwritten conquests. Does he really think I’d offer myself up to him so easily? If not for my favorite handsome set of tusks beating me over the head with a frying pan I might not have even noticed his… contribution.”

The raven-haired elf smiled wide from ear to ear, any hint of sickness in her face having vanished completely. She hoists the metal striking end of her newly acquired flail like a skull in her hands and slowly licked the remnants of the paladin off of it. Umbralheart gazed at the dead paladin, her eyes half closed, her senses still swirling from the satisfying victory she snatched from the hands of the crusader in the dirt.

“Seems I’ll have to re-learn how to keep a lid on my shit though… it’s just spewing fourth out of me these days…” Her somber words seeming out of place in her one elf victory parade. “It seems I’m no longer the heartless monster I worked so hard to become. The flood gates are open and I’m back to being that vulnerable whelp with an uncertain future. It disgusts me. I gave Qabian more than his fair share of a piece of my mind and nearly hung myself with my own rope on his long branches.”

Umbralheart let out an exacerbated sigh and reached into her pack for a stack of papers, she thumbed through several skilled drawings of fallen foes as they would have looked before she visited horror upon them. “No tabard, though, you fought bravely so I’ll memorialize you all the same.” Umbral worked quickly, after spending many years studying and documenting anatomy at the foot of her former master, a good drawing was a simple task. She kept talking as she etched the features of the dead paladin.

“Even after I took something from that elf he was still bent on helping me. I thought he just wanted a flimsy excuse to get his hands on my body, but he seemed like he actually knew what he was doing. I just wish I could decipher his disgusting handwriting, written in common no less. He turned so white when I asked if he’d been spending time in Stormwind… whiter than the dead elves that normally hang around in the cantina.” Umbral put away her finished drawing and retrieved the elf’s hand-written notes. The two pages he handed her in the cantina were perverted with the language of the humans as well as blood not of her own. She held the papers to her face and inhaled sharply “Ahhhhh you never forget your first I suppose. I’ll have to catch up with that elf again some time. I gave him too much leniency, and my concerns will have to be verified before I kill any more Sin`Dorei. I wonder what would have happened had Tahz not intervened, had he not bludgeoned me until I was sober and his frying pan sundered by my Val`kyr forged body.”

Umbra Longheart packed up her things and threw her pack and shield over her back. She bent down to whisper departing words to the corpse of her enemy. “Good bye disgraced crusader, may Agatha be more forgiving on you than I was.” Umbral took one step on the dead paladin’s helmet, taking great care to crush the helmet around the face, forever ruining the chances for an open casket funeral before striding off to Goldshire with Stormwind at her back.
Posts: 46

Re: Meat-puppet Sorrow

Unread post by Umbralheart »

Umbra Longheart stood on the high cliffs overlooking the shore of Blackhawk’s Bulwark in the Stormheim region of the Broken Isles. The horde temporarily occupying the outpost had not yet moved the bodies of Umbral’s most recent victory. This tower frequently changed hands and the Forsaken currently holding it were in no mood to clean up the mess Umbral had left for them. Umbral turned her back to the sea and its serenity and looked to the corpses of a dead paladin and warrior. The two humans fought hard, and they hit all the steps in the dance but they did not work well together and their defeat was inflicted upon themselves before the battle had even started when they decided to under estimate the solitary elf amongst the pile of fodder troops. Battles are won and lost in deployment and these humans learned this lesson too late.

((The bodies in question: ... espaceboss ... om/barcley ))

“Maybe if you had killed the right person… then they’d have seen your worth and sent you in with more help” Umbral mocked the corpse of the warrior. Her resounding victory only the first part in her humiliation of him before he would be judged in the afterlife.

“Maybe if you had killed an unholy amount of people then your deeds would go right over the objections of others!” Umbral echoed the sentiment conveyed to her earlier in the night.

“Maybe if you were a good little soldier… you would have someone who can celebrate your victories” It was not quite clear to the troops within earshot who the elf was addressing but they decided not to ask.

Umbral looks between the corpse of the two humans “An elf in the Grim must work twice as hard… though I suspect no uncertain number of corpses will buy me admission so easily.” The supplicant’s calm mocking words betrayed her rage burning within.

Umbral kicks the corpse of the dead warrior hard enough to turn him to face the sky. “Maybe it’s for the better these great victories take part away from the eyes of others, we couldn’t have them joining in and detracting from my achievements.”

She tucks her armor-plated dress underneath her as she sits beside the corpse of the warrior. Umbral takes in a deep breath and exhales with a sigh before continuing her talk with the corpse. “Only another week of her tasks, I thought I was going to be under the Shadowblade’s thumb for a few more weeks. With how much time I spend outside at night I guess I never paid too much attention to the moon. For once I’m thankful there are so few Grim around, I half expect she has some humiliating punishment for me to go through just waiting for the appropriate time to carry it out when everyone can watch. I’ve no choice but to let her have her fun, lest I be cast out among your fodder to return to nothing. It’s funny how a plan can go horribly wrong and still achieve a goal though, when I first found out how sour she was I wanted nothing more than to do her bidding and prove my worth, but now I only get to do her bidding and make up for what I lost. All the while the boss rests his pretty little hoovsies doing fel knows what behind the curtain.” Umbral takes in another deep breath and lets out another long sigh. “I’m growing tired of looking at your disgusting fat faces, just looking at you is making me hungry for some reason” Umbral rises back to her feet and gives a flippant bow to the two corpses “May the crows find you more entertaining than I did.”
Posts: 46

Re: Meat-puppet Sorrow

Unread post by Umbralheart »

“Goodbye Tahz.” Umbral echoed the words of the Shadowblade who left minutes ago. Fixating on Tahzani’s dangerous face tusks was all she could do to distract herself from lashing out in rage at the blatant snub that was visited upon her.

Only after touching down near the unmarked grave of the Knight’s Hollow in Duskwood was she able to regain her normal semblance of sanity and commune with her thoughts in her normal fashion.

Umbral looked at the grave marker then to the splayed defeated corpse of the once animated skeleton that frequents the area. Like her own failures it would eventually get back up to ruin someone else’s day.

“Keep laying there, keep struggling, someday your toil will be rewarded.” Umbral looked around, she had been instructed to go to Stonewatch outside of Darkshire. This was the only quiet secluded place in Darkshire but Stonewatch was an abandoned barracks beyond Redridge on the far side of it’s lake, a far cry from Darkshire.

Umbral fetched her note again. The High Inquisitor had translated it for her but it made no sense even after being taken from a language which she should be able to understand and put into a language she supposedly understood. This garbled excuse for communication would require punishment but Umbrals thoughts were once again scattered and broken like the corpse in front of her. The moment of clarity she acquired while doing the Shadowblade’s bidding and errand running had been sharpened, honed, finally brought into focus. With the words of the Inquisitor still ringing in her head from when she vented her concerns on him, with the gallons of liquid courage already racing through her veins at break neck speeds she spilled her guts on the floor for the Shadowblade only to state the obvious ‘You’re Drunk’ … ‘Goodbye Tahz’

Umbra Longheart stared at the corpse of the skeleton, her only companion in the darkness until the sun came up over the trees of the gloomy forest. Today was the day she’d been waiting for, she’d either end the hunt tonight, victorious or return with no news, and continue her life as a failure, again, not even worthy of a cordial good bye.

“Good bye soldier” She called out to the skeleton as it slowly began to rumble back together and crawl back to life.

Umbral pulled a small book from her pack, the pages marked with a scalpel for a placeholder. She reads over the book and gives a sigh before rousing her sleeping runt of a drake and taking to the skies.
Posts: 46

Re: Meat-puppet Sorrow

Unread post by Umbralheart »

“They meet again… we meet again… HERE WE ARE AGAIN!” Umbra Longheart’s lone voice echoed over the Plaguelands once again. Outside of Stratholme for the first time in a long time.

“It’s been a long time hasn’t it?” she said as she looked down to the remnants of a large collection of highly pulverized and very rotten meat. The remains of a meat man effigy now mostly bone and discarded hides previously stitched together into some roughly human form some months ago lay exactly where Umbra remembered it to be.

Umbra turned her gaze from the remnants of her old confessor to her latest victim, a human from a farm across the river just a stone throw away from Lordaeron. His muscular build did not save him from being overpowered by the smaller stronger elf and dragged out into the wastes to the east. He lay at her feet, hands bound behind him, legs tied, mouth free to scream all he can.

“We get to meet near a bunch of discarded humans who fled their homeland and have nothing to belong to. I wonder if there is a greater meaning there, am I foolish to think it a commentary about my very own life? Why else would you drag a group of monsters to such a place if not to draw attention to something that does not fit in?” Umbra repeated the words she just said aloud to herself but this time adapting it to the common tongue which she spoke poorly. She looked at the farmer waiting for his response. As soon as the human mustered the courage to open his mouth Umbra rewarded his bravery with a metal clad uppercut delivering enough force to shatter several teeth into exploding bone splinters.

“Don’t worry darling, I won’t dress you up in some rot addled sense of decency before I try to kill you.” She again translated for the benefit of the human. “But like you, I can only guess what our future holds.” Umbra looked to the destroyed effigy then to the water surrounding Stratholme. “Oh but where are my manners, I interrupted you! I truly am a terrible Sin’dorei, I’m trying to be better, but I don’t have the best teachers on this particular subject. Actually… forget I asked you anything, how could you have an answer so easily when I’ve had quite some time to formulate the question for which you have not even studied?” Umbra looked down on the suffering human, his face a mess, with one punch his upper jaw had become a useless gasping mess of an opening. “HOW COULD YOU ANSWER WHEN I’VE SO SKILLFULLY SUCKER PUNCHED YOU BWAHAHA” Umbra taunted the human as she laughed. “No doubt the Commander will do the same to me in as few words as possible. I too will have no choice but to suffer the humiliation of not having a perfect answer prepared. In this one feeling, separated by mere moments of a Sin’dorei lifespan we will be comrades.”

Umbra moved around behind the man, kneeled down, and gave him a big strong hug as she buried her face in the crook of his neck and shoulder. She spoke softly in Thalassian to the gasping whimpering man, “I’ve pilfered not one but two Twilight Empire tabards, happenstance prevailed where careful planning and trust did not, and despite his accusations, he was there for me when I needed him… lending a helping hand again to an elf I’m sure he regrets ever knowing. All it cost me was my word. Will she still reject me now? Will he twist the context to make me into a liar and traitor? Will she just despise me because she does not want to cuddle up with me? Will she find some other reason to reject me or will she finally realize the lengths I’ll go to be counted amongst her precious Grim? Will I finally feel comfortable in the Guild Hall or will I continue to sleep in the ruins of the only city I’ve ever known as home?” Umbra took a large bite and sheered off the fleshy lobe of the man’s ear with her small elvish mouth. She rolled the tiny morsel around her palate a while, chewing and savoring it before swallowing. The screams of the man in her clutches heightening her ecstasy. After having her fill, she fell back from the man with laughter coming from her blood-stained lips.

Umbra hopped up again, standing over the man with the only question on her mind being how to dispose of the man in the most poignant elvish way possible. After carefully considering, drowing, impaling on a discarded spear and leaving to rot, she settled on the most precise analogue to her current predicament and left the man, only to return minutes later with a small pile of sluggish ghouls on her barely covered buttocks. With a great deal of haste she knelt to the wheezing and gasping pile of mashed face that sat on the front of the mans skull, she steals a kiss and the man’s lower lip for her own tongue to savor before feeding the pack of ghouls slowly closing the distance to her. With an effortless feat of strength, she hoists the man into the air and tosses him into the closest ghoul. The rest of the ghouls gather around the easy meal. With a satisfied look on her face Umbra slowly backs away from the feeding frenzy as she makes her way to where she parked her drake.
Posts: 46

Re: Meat-puppet Sorrow

Unread post by Umbralheart »

Umbra Longheart crashed into the water. With an anchor in her arms, and half her weight in armor clad to her muscular elvish body she sank to the ocean floor in a blink of an eye. Her absurd alcohol from the Army of the Light illuminating her like a beacon of rage as she scoured the settled dirt of the ocean depts kicking up massive plumes into the water until at last she found it. A Gold shield with black carvings of skulls and a massive blood red sphere set into the center. Umbral lifted with all her might to pull the bulwark from the clawing earth of Bladefist Bay's poluted waters. With a strong kick off from the anchor she dropped she rocketed towards the surface, mildly moist, but thoroughly pleased. She climbed up the dock and reclaimed her pack, Tahzani's boat would make for a nice place to sleep for the night, and the company wouldn't be too bad either, maybe even fulfilling, but the elf's mind was in another place. She flagged down her drake and flew back to the Zeppelin master and caught the next flight to Tirisfal Glades.

Umbral opened the door to her cramped quarters within the guild hall. The layer of dust from neglect and vacancy was hardly a welcome sight, but it was finally some place she could belong. Undercity had become crowded with the rally cry of war causing soldiers to gather and adventurers to carouse. Maybe sleeping in the Guild Hall wouldn't be so bad. Umbral pulled a S.E.L.F.I.E. picture from her pack, a gift given to her only a week before. She stared at the fuzzy picture for a while before she began talking to it.

"I guess I have to stop thinking everyone is out to get me all the time. It's a healthy survival mechanism but I'm beyond the base need to survive and I need to thrive now." Umbral sighs as she clutches the picture to her chest. She throws her bag, shield, and flail to the ground haphazardly and jumps into bed neglectful of the half an elf worth of armor she's wearing. The bed groans in protest under her impact.

Umbral looks at the picture again and smiles "Not as much damaged as we caused to each other in Lordaeron, but we could have some fun here too maybe, though I doubt you'd ever feel welcome here. You may not be the biggest or the strongest but you managed to pull my guard down." She stares at the picture occasionally cracking a smile in the silent room alone with herself and her words.

After a few moments she dozes off to sleep only to be rattled awake by the sounds of battle outside the guild hall. In a flash she's got her shield and flail in hand, her bag strapped to her back and she's out the door, leaving only her picture and an elf sized divot in the dust of her bed.
Posts: 46

Re: Meat-puppet Sorrow

Unread post by Umbralheart »

On the shores of the Western Plaguelands near the ooze infested entrance of the Weeping Cave, Umbral knelt by the river holding a gnome under the water against its will, after several moments she surfaces the gnome long enough for it to breathe before dunking it again. After several rinses she finally hauls the gnome up onto the shore. His legs and arms bound and his mouth gag moist from the rinse cycle, he struggles against them but his inferior anatomy is no match for Umbra’s brutal strength.

“This clarity is magnificent, maybe I’ll finally be able to commune with you after all this time. I just thought you were a figment of my imagination but after tonight, after what I did to my confessor, I think I finally know the truth.” Her words to the gnome were met with helpless struggling and muffled, almost pig like squeals.

Umbra stared deep into the gnome’s panic-stricken blood shot eyes as he kept futilely struggling. She contemplated what to do with him for a moment then pitched him into the river. She knelt down by the water and fished out her tabard. Despite its time spent soaking it was still covered in blood to the point of obscuring the symbol on the faded fabric. Umbra let out a deep sigh and pinned the corner of the tabard under a rock as she set it back in the water carefully and fished out the struggling gnome. She held the disgusting humanoid by his arms and feet behind him to allow his face down, propped open mouth to drain for a while before she tossed him back onto the shore.

Umbra lets out an ear-piercing cackle then skips over to the helpless flopping gnome out of water. She kneels down to him, her hands on each of his ears holding him up by the fleshy bits of his face. “I thought I was rid of you, I thought you were gone. Yet… like a poorly written villain, you still linger, you still hold sway over my life it seems. Do I possess your knowledge as well as your desires? Or am I just some monster with someone else’s heart beating in my chest, eating my food, heating my blood, and shitting on my dreams? I wonder what the future holds now that I’ve opened this door? I suppose I’ll have to give a proper thanks to my confessor next time.”

Umbra stared deep into the eyes of the gnome, unaware of the one who was mocking her.

“I bet you did not think I’d have the guts to act out my will on that poor elf, you underestimate me” Umbra’s eyes narrowed as her brow furrowed at the helpless soon to be lifeless gnome in her hands, her composure shattered in an instant, she began shaking the gnome. Her calm steady voice in an instant replaced by that of a yelling frantic elf wearing Umbra’s skin. “DO I LOOK LIKE SOMEONE UNWILLING TO FOLLOW THROUGH ON MY WORDS!?!? SOON I will draw you out and I WILL SHOW you what I’ve been training my body on broken vrykul for.”

Umbra hefted the gnome into the air by the ears then adjusted her grip by catching him at the neck. “Do I look like someone unwilling to follow through?” her own eyes burning with an unusually bright fel green glow to rival the illidari. “I TOLD you I’d learn everything you have to offer! FINAL DEATH CANNOT SAVE YOU from our bargain, I gave you EVERYTHING and you left me with a HOLE IN MY CHEST YOU WORTHLESS MONSTER!”

Umbra forced the gnome back into the water with her hands on his tiny neck. She thrashed him about forcing his head into the rocks underneath the surface of the water before several times before bringing him back up to surface. “DO I LOOK LIKE A WORTHLESS MONSTER!?!? I WILL FOLLOW THROUGH ON MY WORDS!” she screamed at the gnome who was too dazed to know that he would soon be dead. Tears streamed down Umbra’s face as she plunged the gnome back into the depts one last time, her overzealous hands too muscular and too enraged to exercise fine control over something so delicate as a gnomish wind pipe. The throat of the gnome turning to mush in her hands under the water like a sausage squeeze from its casing. The river in an instant flowing red with her latest slaughter, the only note worthy kill she had all to herself since the start of the horde’s azurite fueled campaign against the alliance. The juggernaut of an elf now reduced to killing helpless gnomes. Every fiber of her muscular frame strained to keep the dead gnome forced against the bottom of the river as she struggled to defend herself against more insults.

After several moments of standing in the river of blood Umbra collapses backwards into the knee-high water, planting her still bruised cheeks into the water near the shore with a confused look on her face as her chest heaves for each mouthful of air. Rising, sucking in fresh Plaguelands air, falling, expelling spent oxygen, Umbra’s heavy breathing now the only noise out of place in the putrid backdrop of the river in the Plaguelands. Umbra picked herself up, rage and humiliation apparent on her face as she made her way to the tabard pinned underneath the water. With one last deep breath to calm herself she speaks to her tabard as she lifts it from the water.

Umbra’s voice growled in a low roar that slowly built into a loud crescendo “I am no worthless monster, I’m an elf, Sin’dorei, forged from your nightmare, fueled by fel blood, I’ve suffered through starvation and neglect, I’ve suffered your taunts and torture, I’ve thrived in your mind games, I’ve the stamina and appetite for battle the likes of which you never had, AND YOU WILL ENDURE THE TERROR OF IMPRISONMENT UNTIL YOU GRANT ME YOUR SECRETS, LEST YOU END UP FORGOTTEN BY TIME AND NEGLECTED BY HISTORY.” Umbra’s voice rang out over the river deafening the sound of the rushing water as she stood against the empty backdrop of the lands defiled long ago, growing back in spite of histories greatest monsters.

The wind blowing through the trees stifled the echo of her declaration and once again Umbra was alone with her thoughts, a punishment nobody should have to endure.
Posts: 46

Re: Meat-puppet Sorrow

Unread post by Umbralheart »

Umbra sat in the middle of Andorhal, using some debris as a desk to pen out a note after a long taxing day. The darkness of the night broken only by a tiny candle and her bright vibrantly glowing fel green eyes.
I had my shield out, atop the large Drustvar glacier. Me and my shield... we connected, we shared a moment, not unlike the moment you and I shared, though less visceral. I gave in, relinquished control, stopped thinking, and the blood of my enemies soaked the snow of Drustvar. My victory was not mine alone, but many tried and failed to defeat me. It seems like a minor victory but a minor victory I needed.

I look forward to when we may meet again. Enjoy this Drustvine, enjoy it slowly.
After wrapping the note around a large bottle of Drustvine Umbra melts a few wax seals onto the bottle to secure the letter to it and dumps it into the mail box.
Posts: 46

Re: Meat-puppet Sorrow

Unread post by Umbralheart »

“Rabid dog, I don’t know where to strike…” Umbra Longheart scoffed at the inquisitor’s words. “As if he knows any better. He sits in a cave and plays with his paper work so he can avoid looking ineffectual.”

Umbral sat on the docks of Caer Darrow with the body of the elf she just couldn’t get rid of and his large snake companion.

“Too bad you aren’t some deviant like the confessor, I hate having to knock you out each time.” She quietly spoke to the barely breathing elf on the ground. The blood on the mud several feet away serving as proof of Umbra’s repeated indiscretions. Though there was less blood this time, there was also significantly much less satisfaction.

“You keep saying that, I don’t know if you’re trying to push me to go beyond my limits, or trying to tear me down with indecision and fear of the future.” Umbra’s response to a question nobody asked went unanswered as the rain began to trickle down on the shores of the lake.

“If you keep crawling into my lap I might have to skip the poison and go straight to the main course” she smirked at the elf as she spoke.

“I don’t know the true enemy”, Umbra mocked in the inquisitor’s words from earlier. “He’s just trying to tear me down to show off for that other pompous supplicant. He’s been falling all over himself trying to recruit every elf so full of themselves they cannot see the truth of their existence. They’ll be used up and tossed aside for the sake of the horde. The inquisitor will keep kicking baby birds out of the nest, maybe it’s a good thing. But if he keeps tearing me down maybe I’ll see how much he likes a second fake arm. How do you hand cuff a one-armed elf? Will the poison just burn up in his body? He can’t even burn through his paperwork how could he burn through poison.”

Umbra looks down to the sleeping elf, she lays down some linen and sits on the rocky shore as though sitting guard over the vulnerable elf and his pet serpent.

“If I had known it was so simple to feel so normal I would have gotten right to it instead of trying to resist looking like a wretch.”

Umbral ran her hand through the vulnerable elf’s remarkable snowy hair, her tone turning fierce and stern “Well it’s too late to go back, I burned my actual heart, this is my new life whether you like it or not. I cannot live like you did”

The sense of solitude in Umbra’s situation was wasted on her, she gazed at the body of the elf on the shore next to her. “You wasted your time cobbling others back together, not for some altruistic desire to better others, but for some perverse joy it brought you. And now you force me to follow in your footsteps while I tear my confessor to pieces, she’s all to happy to help, you’re all too happy to watch.”

Umbra furrowed her brow at the barely alive elf next to her as she listened to something only she could hear. Umbra’s eyes constricted as her rage in an instant overwhelmed her, this feeling of talking without being talked to had finally began to conjure a sense of familiarity in the walls of her once empty head. She stood.

“And you think I’m all too happy to reap the rewards? You think I enjoy putting in extra effort just to be sub-par at best? Just to be an echo of a real elf? I’ll live just to spite you, I’ll live just to spite all of you. I’ve mastered magic you never could, and I’ll make you eat every one of those words you’ve used to cast doubt in my mind.”

Umbra left the elf to his fate on the shore of Caer Darrow lake, she hopped on her drake and rode to Alterac.
Posts: 46

Re: Meat-puppet Sorrow

Unread post by Umbralheart »

Umbral awoke in Caer Darrow after the Hallows Eve celebration put on by the Tirisfal Theater Troupe. Her eyes fell on other various party goers who, like Umbral, had been left to their drunken slumber wherever they passed out. She knew this day would come, when she would accidentally drink her own poison. The bottles for Drustvine and The Dark Below were similar, the labeling was crude, the bottle made from some red glass, and her personal mark on the poisoned bottles easy to miss.

Umbral mumbled to herself, as if unable to internalize her own thoughts.
“I guess Crow just needs to fix the awful taste, leave it to the forsaken to insist something foul had no taste, at least everything else worked exactly as advertised. Why didn’t Ana take me to Sorrow Hill like I asked? Probably too drunk to remember doing the one thing I asked her. She knew I was going to pass out but she… ugh.”

Umbral winced with a headache as she checked her pockets to find her belongings were mostly unmolested but someone had managed to steal some gold and a few poisoned bottles of The Dark Below. She found her prescription Nathandiel had written as an alternative to forcing numbness on people and smirked, she read it’s ingredients and couldn’t help but look bewildered.

“How on Azeroth was I supposed to use this substance? Fels bells, I can barely think straight”

She stared at the prescription and struggled to comprehend, her normal mental fog exacerbated by her withering hunger.

“Wonder if that merchant cow is still having too many difficulties with rodents to deliver a sample, ugh, what was its name? Big moo with the funny pandaran hat?”

Umbral groaned as she worked to stand up, her stomach rumbled in protest of her body running on fumes. She dug out a small bag of freshly prepared scrap meat that Ana had given her the night before. The scraps were beginning to smell but their nourishment could not be denied.

"What does she think I am? Some kind of dog she can just feed scraps to? I need a real warm meal!"

Umbral began chewing the scraps, savoring them as she made her way to the Sorrow Hill Cemetery a short walk away.
Posts: 46

Re: Meat-puppet Sorrow

Unread post by Umbralheart »

The Void Elf Herbert

In the ruins of Alterac, in the top level of the fortified and retrofitted barracks long abandoned by the humans, A foul meeting of Fel and Void was playing out.

Umbra walked over to the cage as the captive elf stirred for the first time. Umbra’s attempts at healing the void elf had been successful despite her lack of fel powered rocks or holy magic.

“I suppose just healing you makes me a traitor now… or should I say… makes me a traitor again?” Umbra said to the caged void elf as he came to his senses.

The Ren`dorei saw the Sin`dorei captor and recoiled against the back of the cage. He instinctively attempted to cast a spell but his hands had been taken, removed, replaced with painful metal stump caps each with their own shackle loop where one’s hand would normally sit.

“I took some liberties to prevent your escape. It will hurt the more you wave those hands around.”

The captive void elf cried out in agony as he realized what had been done to him. After screaming for so long and forgetting to breathe he passed out again, the limp elf bouncing off the walls of his cage making soothing music to Umbra’s ears. Umbra set the elf’s severed and bloody hands in his cage to rot alongside him until he could muster the courage to rid himself of his own grim remains.

“War is always the best backdrop to make startling horrific discoveries. Adding my own discoveries to the knowledge of the horde… It’s exciting.” Umbra’s voice fell upon deaf ears and stone walls. “I don’t care about that.” Her awkward response to an unasked question seemed to shift her mood from fair to foul.

After a moment of silence, she speaks once again, “I don’t need you any more, you have nothing left to teach me. I am no longer a nobody, a nothing, I pick my prey with ease and they don’t even remember what I took from them.” Umbra can’t ever pass up a chance to brag.

Umbra looked at the severed hands in the cage with the captive elf, “Talyon and Anastrassa were unfortunately beautiful fel tinged elves, their only worth was the fel in their blood, and it drove them to madness when I took it from them one too many times. I’m sure they’ll be in the twisting nether soon.” A pause hung in the air before she started in again, “It’s MY FEL… I took it from them and Aelerine was wise to stay away, but I’ve got new victims now, I’ve got people lining up to feed us fresh Alliance recruits.”

Umbra let out a sigh as she clearly felt something in the empty room talking down to her. “Tahz… I’ll never drive Tahz to that madness. I’ll kill every troll in Nazmir before I go back to Tahz for seconds… You’ve overstepped your bounds for the last time. I’m am no longer the pathetic war orphan you can kick around whenever you feel like. I’ve grown strong standing with the Grim. My spine is too thick to be shaken by your words. This conversation is over… Master.

Umbra bent down to the cage and picked up one of the hands from inside the cage and pulled it closer to her. “Impressively average Herbert, you have impressively average hands. The next few weeks will be fun for me. It’s rare that I have dinner guests… I suppose I’ll have to change my eating habits.”

The void elf Herbert awoke to the gruesome sight of his flesh being torn from his severed hand by a deranged elf exercising her renewed fervor to her own psychotic cause. His scream wailed against the walls only to be drown out by Umbra’s powerfully disturbing laughter and crazed rumbling stomach.
Posts: 46

Re: Meat-puppet Sorrow

Unread post by Umbralheart »

The Void Elf Herbert

Herbert sat upright in his cage. The shadow of a Ren’dorei sat emaciated, missing his arms up to his shoulders, and completely compliant to the whims of his captor. Umbra brought over a bowl of easily digestible stew. She impaled the mystery meat of the stew and with Herbert’s cage wide open she began to feed the ruined elf with more care than she’d shown anything in the past. The void elf happily ate his food he had been denied for so long. Umbra made certain to keep the portion small. In the coming week she’d be slowly increasing his meals until they were on par with what she used to eat… before she woke up… before the insanity of her blighted mind was given focus.

“Hold on Herbert, you’ve spilled some.” Umbra soaked up a bit of the stew dribbling onto Herbert’s lap with a clean white towell. Herbert sat still on the floor of his cage, his legs sprawled out in front of him, still attached but the remaining muscle would barely allow him to stand. “Got to fatten you up Herbert, you’ll be needing all your strength for one last operation.”

Herbert swallowed his piece of stew, the smile on his face painted a stark contrast with his treatment so far. He sat as tall as his famished frame would allow him to as he was fed piece after piece of delicious nourishment.

“As soon as you start putting on weight again, I think we’ll be able to put your new arms on. Would you like that Herbert?”

The void elf seemed elated at the prospect of having his autonomy returned. “Thank you, Umbra, I would greatly appreciate it. Would I…” Herbert’s words were cut short but Umbra interrupting him.

“Please do not call me by my name. Every creature who has ever used it to address me has come to despise me sooner or later. I’d rather not sully this wonderful relationship we’ve been able to build.” Umbra’s words were either completely delusional or carefully calculated to win the compliance of her captive.

“I only hope I can live up to your expectations.”

“You’ve made it through the more difficult parts, you were so filled with piss and vinegar while I was cutting you free of your worldly burdens. All those mean-spirited words I had to suffer through before I could finally free you.”

Umbra fed Herbert the last bit of his stew before carrying him over to the table and securing him into place with shackles fitted with padding. “Enjoy your sleep Herbert. I’m sorry I have to chain you still, but if my allies found you wandering around free as a bird, I’d have to lie, and you know how it tears at whatever soul I have left when I have to do something so disgusting as lying.” She layered some blankets on the elf and even positioned a pillow to make him comfortable. “Good night sweet prince, by the end of this week the year will be at an end and you will be resplendent, neither Sin’dorei nor Ren’dorei but something reborn.” Umbra gave the elf a deep reverent bow before making her way to around the room, extinguishing candles before crawling into her massive bed and tucking herself in under her enormous ogre skin blanket and various other furs.
Posts: 46

Re: Meat-puppet Sorrow

Unread post by Umbralheart »

The Void Elf Herbert
Part 3

Umbra stood alone in the snow. The remnants of the void elf Herbert lay in the snow-covered ruins of Alterac. The arms of the former void elf had been replaced by Umbra’s keen practiced talents of surgery. The troll arms were oversized but they were fused and healed together with the elf’s inky skin. Though the operation was a success, the Ren’dorei was dead. Umbra walked away from the corpse as the ogres began to close in on the free freshly delivered meal.

“Thank you for your efforts Herbert. A shame you could not stick around longer… but your contributions have been…”

Umbra interrupted herself to turn and hop onto her armored drake, heading towards the mushroom farms of the sludge fields.
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