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Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 9:35 pm
by Lupinum
The hiss of claws scraping against stone whispered its way through empty hallways as a lone Forsaken stalked, deep in thought. It seemed to Lupinum that an age had passed since he wandered from Outland into the arms of the Grim. In his youth he had found peace there, treating the ill in Shattrath, wandering the deserts of Hellfire Peninsula, planting and nurturing various flora in Zangermarsh. Perhaps that was why he felt a strong urge to return shortly after the Legion invaded Azeroth. As such, the priest set out to retrace his steps back to the former stronghold of Illidan in hopes of finding something to help the Grim combat the mass of Demons flooding from the skies.

The Black Temple was relatively unchanged. Cobwebs, their owners long ago vanished, hanged lower and former enemies still lurked in the shadows though they shrank away from Lupinum's aura of Light. He was left alone as he searched the deeper vaults of the former Draenei temple for weeks on end, but there was no trace of Light left in that cursed fortress; repeated rituals of Shadow and Fel left a permanent taint throughout. One that attempted, and eventually found, some slight purchase in the priest's mind.

The Forsaken hardly noticed at first, gradually he found that it was taking more and more effort to channel the Light in even the simplest of spells. It was like trying to focus on an image through a rippling pool or trying to recall a memory from infancy. As the Light became harder to control, the Shadow bent itself to Lupinum's will more readily then it ever had. Even when Lupinum was newly risen to Undeath and enveloped in the dark folds of the Cult of Forgotten Shadow, he never felt power like he did now. It continued on like this until one night, when Lupinum was reading an old tome by a weak, flickering ball of Light that he felt the pull. Something wrenched in his chest and his mind was flooded by black and red streaks of light. The Grim had a need for his powers, now more than ever.

Perhaps he had found what he was looking for, after all.