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Monster Hunt!

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 1:05 am
by Maikull
As seen in the TNG Forum Post:
Written and Illustrated by Maikull (Horde) and Katrynne (Alliance)
Mai’kull sat atop his rock in Margoss’s pond. His lure flew lazily back and forth into the water and he enjoyed the evening breeze. After his successful campaign against the Alliance, he had taken up the relaxing sport of fishing. It was quite therapeutic and mind numbing, which is something the Magister was in dire need of in-between his research.


Katrynne Simms approached the water with an ornate dagger in her hand. The blade of the dagger had words engraved on it on both sides. 'What a strange way to send a message', she thought. Still, she wouldn’t turn down a potential source of help, especially after a recent card reading with the Starseer encouraged her to remain open to unexpected options. It could be a trap, of course, but she would take that chance. After a quick glance around, she tossed the dagger into the pond as per the instructions she received, and she trusted it would somehow find its way back to the message’s sender.

Upon hearing the splash behind him, Mai’kull turned around to see an armor clad human standing along the bank. He grumbled at first, shooing her away with his free hand. Several Alliance came to this spot to fish, however this was his spot, and no amount of intimidation was going to make him move.

Katrynne’s nostrils flared as she caught the scent of the Forsaken Mage. He was the same one she and Sir Cavanaugh ran into in Dalaran a few days ago. This was no ordinary Forsaken…he was Grim.

Mai’kull looked the human girl over a few times, seeing the look of anger and hatred on her face. Thinking back, she did look familiar, but he couldn’t quite place it. Clearly, she wasn’t going to go away, whatever her grievance with him was, wasn’t going to be over his fishing spot.

“Can I help you?” the Undead spoke in a very broken dialect of common. It had been YEARS since he spoke the language, since before the Sacking of Silvermoon when he was but a child, but he had a recently refreshed himself on the basics of the Alliance linguistics to better monitor his enemy’s movements.

“You can help me by dying,” the huntress growled softly. “Are you going to come over here and fight, or are you going to make me get my boots wet?” She drew her daggers from their sheath as she stared at him, studying her prey in a calm and calculating manner.

‘She’s kidding…’ he thought to himself as he quickly tried to decipher the woman’s words. As he confirmed his own translation he began to chuckle, putting away his fishing rod. “You…must be confused.” He choked out. He had taken the Kirin-Tor’s course on Arcane Linguistics but even that did not make speaking common feel anything less than revolting.

He stood upon the rock now facing the human and laughed some more, “Let’s think about this, shall we? You want to pick a fight with a Mage…who’s standing in the middle of a lake, surrounded by magical water that he’s fully capable of manipulating. Mommy and Daddy didn’t teach you much on common sense, did they?”

Kat’s eyes narrowed as she glanced for a moment at the water, then back to the yammering corpse. “So…what? Going to hide out in the water then? Filthy Grim. Afraid of a fair fight against a combatant? I hear you're only capable of killing innocent civilians and children.”

‘Fair Fight?’ he thought as he began to analyze his opponent. She knew he was Grim, and mentioning civilians, this was probably related to the attacks. He wondered for a moment if she knew he was the one who organized the whole thing, or if she was just a screw-loose out against the Grim.

Light Armor, Leather, and twin daggers…she’s a rogue at least. Not a smart one at that, since she showed herself to her opponent. Her bravado would be her downfall, Mai’kull only had to push the right buttons…


“All right then…don’t say I didn’t warn you…” the he teased as magical energy combusted from the fishermen. His entire body became engulfed in flames, his figure began to twist and bend in the combustion until it extinguished a few seconds later. Mai’kull Fireweaver, Maleficar of the Grim stood tall in his Bloodmage Battle Regalia. Clutching one hand on the hilt of Felo’melorn at his side, the Grim Magister grinned at the girl before him, it was Show Time!

“You know the Kirin-Tor don’t like it when we get rough on one another…” the magister said, pointing behind him to Conjurer Margoss. “So instead let’s play a fun little game…”

Kat’s glare never left the mage. If her hatred could be expelled from her eyes, she would put Demon Hunters to shame. “I’m not really one for playing games with YOUR kind,” she snarled.
“Oh…but you’ll like this one…It’s called King of the Rock, and I’m the King!” He held his hands outward and spun around on the spot, clearly mocking the rogue.

Withdrawing a small pole from his bag, he drove it into the rock, which quickly expanded into the Battle Standard of the Grim. “The rules are simple. You want it, come and get it!” he teased, swinging one handed from the battle standard while beckoning the ‘come hither’ motion with his free hand.

Katrynne disappeared from the water’s edge, and in one swift Shadow Step, she appeared on the rock behind the mage. Gripping the dagger in her main hand she spun around without hesitation and reached to slash at the Magister for a crippling Garrote. But Mai’kull was waiting for her, and with the power of Arcane Momentum, he shimmered backwards through the rogue’s attack and over the center of the lake.


Mai’kull landed in the water with a great splash but kept his eyes on the rogue. She couldn’t pull off that trick again for another half minute, plenty of time for him to wrap this pursuit up. He laughed as the rogue turned to face him once more, now she looking down on him. “Well done!” he shouted, clapping his hands as he floated along the water’s surface. As he anticipated, she was easy enough to bait, and now Mai’kull had her RIGHT where he wanted her.

“Your Majesty!” he mocked, “I humbly surrender my throne to one so WORTHY!” he cackled as he began to slowly swim backwards away from the girl, “But I wonder if your new subjects would feel so welcome to the idea?!” he grinned, withdrawing a small stone from his pocket and flicked it up into the air.

It was as if Time Slowed down, watching the stone flip up and over in the air, reaching its apex before descending back into the lake. As it hit the water’s surface, it made no splash or noise, but almost immediately melted into the water without so much as a ripple. The Forsaken had already Shimmered back again to the opposite side of the lake as the magic took hold. Katrynne and Mai’kulls eyes locked for a moment on one another before the great disturbance shook the fishing retreat.


The Colossal Water Elemental Aquaos rose up from the waters depths in a bout of rage. Its gaze first went to the one who summoned it, but Mai’kull was already slipping into the void with a spell of Invisibility. It then turned its full attention to Katrynne, and with a giant swipe of its aquatic claws, knocked the rogue off the rock and into the lake itself.

As Kat fell through the water, her body shifted into worgen form in anticipation of battle. Irritated at the delay in attacking her prey, the huntress shoved the mage to the back of her mind to focus on the more immediate threat. She held her breath and began to swim up toward the surface, but suddenly, the water around her feet froze, holding her firmly in place. While she chipped at the ice with her daggers, an icy bolt came at her through the water and struck her in the chest, knocking her feet free of the ice. With her lungs burning, she swam to the surface. The giant water elemental was shooting a jet of water at her. She dove under the water to duck under it. When she came up again, she launched herself at the creature, her two large daggers slashing through the water beast. It shot another freezing water bolt at her that caught her in the side. She grunted, grit her teeth, and continued slicing at the thing. Finally, the elemental dispersed into water droplets and mana motes that fell harmlessly into the pond. Kat knew it would reform later, but for now, it was no longer a threat.

Soaked and panting, the worgen woman dragged herself to the edge of the pond where the water was only ankle deep. She looked for the Grim, her nose quivering trying to catch his scent, but she he was gone. She knew that the sneaky little bastard used the elemental as a distraction to escape. She sheathed her daggers and pinned her ears back against her head and roared. “COWARD! STOP HIDING AND COME OUT!”

Just then her ears perked, she could hear his voice fill the small lake, undoubtedly through some magical means. “Poor Kitten…Look at you now, all wet and dirty. I did warn you not to pick a fight out of your own element.”

“I will find you again. And I WILL kill you, Grim!” She fumed with anger at his coincidental use of an old nickname, one that only one person had ever called her by. Out of habit, she lifted one hand to touch a ring hanging on a chain around her neck.

“Grim? So formal…least I can do is reward you and tell the name of who it was who got you all hot and bothered, Shall we?”

The surface of the lake under her feet began to ripple, as the image of the Mage appeared, as if he were standing next to her, a malevolent grin plastered across its face as it bowed to her own reflection and blew a kiss, “My name, is Mai’kull Fireweaver…and I look forward to seeing you again, Pretty Kitty. Very soon.”

With a vicious snarl, she swung her claws through the watery illusion, sending the droplets to rain back to the surface below.


Re: Monster Hunt!

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 1:58 pm
by Nathandiel
I love picture stories. I wish I could see yellow!))