The end is near? BAH! I say it's only begun! It's true Azeroth seems overrun with these wretched creatures, which affects us all, including Horde and Alliance. But one thing is for certain, The Alliance can never be trusted. As usual, These Alliance scum would still focus their primary attention against the Horde, instead of the burning cinders and ash that has been wrought from these damned invasionS..Even while the world burns around us, these Alliance fools would still drive a dagger in our backs...even while we face a common enemy.
There has been talk among the Horde about cooperating with the Alliance or showing mercy while the invasions decimate our lands. I cannot simply forgive and forget such treachery. I say now we have two enemies that must be obliterated and banished from Azeroth. Such is the Will of the Mandate, and any Grim who would argue otherwise will be held in the highest regards of our Halls as a traitor to the True Horde and desecrates any notion of ever gaining my respect or loyalty.
Now is not the time to panic or fret, for the Mandate's plan for us all is one of patience, determination and most of all authority. Is there anyone of you among us to stand along side me to judge the weak? That goes for both Alliance and Alliance sympathizers. It's time to trim the fat in this world. Strike first and with precise fury, for the enemy will surely slaughter anyone who hesitates. No matter what source of power you identify as your own, now is the time to hone your craft, sharpen your steel, and focus your aggression on where the attention demands.
Long live the Mandate, long live the Grim and those patrons that hold its ideology sacred, and most importantly long live the True Horde.
Impending Doom
Re: Impending Doom
Mok'thorin ka! If I do catch wind of Grim sparing the lives of Alliance who walk, armed, on our soil while we battle the Legion, that Grim will be dragged back before the Inquisition for harsh lessons that they did clearly miss.