Cupcakes for Children's Week

The stories and lives of the Grim. ((Roleplaying Stories and In Character Interactions))
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Cupcakes for Children's Week

Unread post by Syreenna »

“Ah, Syreena,” Bernard said in his raspy voice as Syreena walked into the new alchemy lab. The one in Venomspite had been discovered, so they had to move to a new secret location. Bernard picked up a covered beaker and held it up. Greenish liquid sloshed in the small container, and Syreena peered at it as she set two large bakery boxes down on a work table.

“Will it work this time?” the little rogue asked the older alchemist.

“Of course, of course,” the man assured her falsely. In truth, he had no idea if it would be any more effective than the last batch that he gave Syreena to put into chocolates during the Love is in the Air holiday. As far as they knew, that batch had the desired and lasting results in only one subject. “It will work on humans, as the last batch did.”

“That only worked on one human,” Syreena argued as she took the beaker from him.

“For all we know, only one human ingested it,” Bernard countered. “We have no way of knowing there were others.”

Syreena smirked, but he was right. She couldn’t definitely say, or even estimate, how many humans ate the contaminated chocolates a couple months ago. She set the beaker of plague mixture down on the work surface and opened the first box of cupcakes. With a syringe from Bernard’s supplies, she carefully injected each cupcake with a dose of the green liquid. Two boxes of similar cupcakes had already been sent to the orphanage in Orgrimmar, but without the special ingredient she was adding to the ones for the humans.

As she worked, she considered ways to get the cupcakes to the humans. The orphanage would be ideal. It was Children's Week, and many people would be coming and going from the orphanage. Besides, she was amused by the idea of Forsaken children. They would be cute!

However, she didn’t like the idea of trying to sneak into Stormwind herself. It had been a few months since she escaped from there, but the memory was still too fresh for comfort. If she were caught, she may be recognized, and if she fell into the hands of the humans again, she was certain she wouldn’t make it out alive a second time.

No, the little rogue decided, she would have to find some other way to get the cupcakes to the orphanage.
Alts: Lirsha Deathwhistle & Ayidda
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Posts: 4661

Re: Cupcakes for Children's Week

Unread post by Syreenna »

Syreena nearly succeeded in getting someone to deliver the cupcakes to Stormwind, but even the simplest tasks were sometimes made impossible by the wrong people getting involved.

The little rogue was in the Brokenspear with her boxes of cupcakes beside her as she tried to think of a way to get her cupcakes delivered. Shokkra and Dora were there, teasing each other and arguing. Syreena paid them no mind except to admire Dora’s ears. Shunuhai arrived, and the teasing pair dragged the Pandaren woman into their light arguments.

Syreena drank her mead as she watched them. She’d hunted a few times with Shunuhai in Tanaan a while back. Shunuhai, a monk, was a healer, not a killer, so she appreciated Syreena’s help. She was also polite and mild-mannered, so Syreena had no reason to feel threatened by her in any way. Even though one was Grim and one was Sanctuary, the two had gotten along well.

Suddenly, Syreena had an idea. Who better to deliver a present to orphans than a Sanctuary Pandaren woman? The little rogue picked up her bakery boxes and limped over to Shunuhai. The limp was fake, for now; Syreena had no way of knowing it would be real before this night ended. As expected, Shunuhai noticed the limp and immediately offered to heal Syreena. The little rogue graciously agreed, but motioned to the door, wanting to get away from the crowd.

Syreena sat on the log pile outside and removed the boot covering her “injured” ankle. The monk remarked how ill the flesh looked, and Syreena, amused at the reaction to Forsaken flesh, simply agreed it was in bad condition and then started making small talk about Sanctuary and their relationship with the Alliance. Eventually, as Shunuhai tended her ankle, Syreena steered the conversation to the cupcakes.

“I took some to Ogrimmar,” Syreena said. “But, well, the humans in Stormwind don’t really appreciate Forsaken walking their streets.”

“Oooh, oh,” Shunuhai said, dabbing her eyes, which seemed to be tearing up. The Pandaren seemed touched by the thought of a Horde baking cupcakes for all orphans, regardless of race or faction. “I…I’m so happy to hear this! I was beginning to think…”

Then Shunahai leaned forward and gave Syreena a big panda hug. Syreena blinked, tensing up at the close contact. Shunuhai sniffled again, dabbing at her eyes, then smiled brightly.

“I'm sorry about this,” the Pandaren woman said. “It's just....sometimes I think there's just no decent people left in the Horde, and think of the children of those who are not your allies! That's just...that's so wonderful!”

“I just…” Syreena frowned, as if troubled. If she felt any guilt about deceiving this woman or receiving false praise, she covered it well. “I don't know how to get these cupcakes to those poor orphans in Stormwind. I used to be human myself, you know.”

Of course, the kind-hearted Shunuhai quickly offered to take the cupcakes to Stormwind. Syreena insisted they be delivered that very night, mentioning they were perishable. The two walked away from the logs together—Syreena to return to the inn, and Shunuhai heading for the flight master. Shokkra and Dora were standing outside the Brokenspear, along with a few other people.

“Shun, c’mere,” Shokkra beckoned. Shunuhai refused, saying she had to take care of something, but Shokkra was insistent, and eventually, the gentle Pandaren woman conceded to the demands of her guildmate.

Shokkra, perhaps knowing Syreena’s character better than Shunuhai did, questioned the Pandaren about the boxes Syreena gave her. The little rogue tried to distract the orc by throwing snowballs at her and Dora, who was standing nearby, but Shokkra would not be deterred, and demanded that Shunuhai hand over the boxes to her. Syreena, not willing to lose her precious donation to the humans, snatched the boxes out of Shunuhai’s grasp and glared at Shokkra before walking away.

"You will NEVER, trust that woman,” Shokkra said sternly to Shunuhai. “EVER. That food was poisoned, I guarantee it. You could have killed someone. NEVER, trust the Shadowblade."

Syreena deposited the boxes into her bank vault, and then, fuming with anger at the disruption to her plans, she returned to watch the others. Shokkra was just finishing lecturing Shunuhai, Tsuyi was talking to Dora who seemed preparing to leave, and Logabron was sitting on the steps with a dog. Lupin was also there, as was Mageda.

Syreena waited until Dora and Tsuyi walked away a bit, then she appeared behind Shokkra, blades in hand. She tilted her head, studying the orc’s back and not seeing any weapons. From out of nowhere, Tsuyi leapt at Syreena and bashed the little rogue over the head. Stunned, Syreena staggered backwards.

“What the fel is wrong with you?” the little rogue shouted, glaring at Tsuyi when she regained her balance.

The Pandaren warrior raised her shield and twirled her hammer. Lupin tried to grab Tsuyi, but she shrugged him aside and charged at Syreena again. But this time, the little rogue saw it coming and darted into the shadows before impact.

Without showing herself, Syreena made her way to the Brokenspear’s balcony. Shokkra was screaming for someone to get her a weapon. Lupin was grappling with Dora and her rifle and Tsuyi and her mace. Shunuhai was trying to stop the violence. Mageda lit a flare. Logabron simply watched them all.

“Lupin, you might want to get out of there,” Syreena whispered into her guildstone. She knew Lupin would hear it, and after confirming that Syreena was safe, he agreed he was leaving. There were six of them, and only two Grims. She heard Shokkra calling for her, challenging her to fight. Syreena was tempted. She really wanted to stab her blades into that orc right now, but she didn’t expect a fair fight with all the others down there, so the little rogue stayed hidden in the shadows and watched silently until Lupin left and the conflict was over.

Or so she thought.

“Hands up, Syreena…nice…an’ slow.”

Syreena heard the words the same time she felt the cold, hard end of a rifle pressed right against the back of her head. The shadows slipped from her and she froze for an instant before slowly turning her head just enough to see Cobrak from the corner of her eye.

“Move,” Cobrak ordered. “Nice an’ easy, else I’ll blow yer ‘ead off.”

“What is your problem?” Syreena demanded. Rage filled her anew. First her plans were ruined by Shokkra, now this Grim traitor had her at gunpoint. She bristled, but resisted the temptation to reach for her blades. Instead, she kept her hands well away from her sides. She made it a regular habit to find out how far she could push people before crossing the line, and she knew from experience that with Cobrak, she didn't have much wiggle room at all.

“Git movin’.” Cobrak snarled and pushed her, forcing her to walk to the edge of the balcony. “Down thar, an’ me men wonnae kill ya leas’ they gotta reason ta.”

Syreena looked down at the ground below. Shokkra, Shunuhai, Tsyui, and Logabron were still there. Kex’ti was also there now, and Syreena sighed. “I didn’t do anything. What the fel are you doing?”

“I'm decidin' ta leas' give ya a chance,” Cobrak informed her. “Er I kin jus' shoot ya an' rip off yer arms now.”

Syreena winced slightly at the arms comment, then glared at Cobrak before stepping off the edge of the balcony. She landed lightly on the ground below and heard Cobrak land behind her.

“Now then..” Cobrak started. “Who’d like ta explain firs’?”

Syreena turned to glare at him. “I don’t have to explain anything to you.” She nearly added “Traitor” to the end of that, but stopped herself. Cobrak’s rifle was still aimed at her head. He stared at her and told her to shut up. She stared back at him, clenching her jaws.

Dora gave Shokkra her weapons and armor. Shokkra was arguing with Shunuhai and telling her she nearly had the entire guild poisoned. Syreena was too angry to bother correct anyone by informing them that humans were the target and not Sanctuary; she simply crossed her arms over chest. Kex’ti sighed and told them to calm down.

“Syreena, what is this about poison?” Kex’ti asked her.

She turned slightly toward the monk, and gave him a stubborn answer. “Nothing.”

“Whass goin' on?” Cobrak demanded. “All I 'eard wuz a undead Grim got jostled round by onna mine.”

Syreena pointed at Tsuyi. “That one smacked me in the head for no reason.” She wasn’t sure if Tsuyi was “one of Cobrak’s” or if he was referring to Dora’s tussle with Lupin.

“She was being aggressive at Shokkra,” Dora said.

“I was just saying hi,” Syreena argued with a smirk at Dora.

“Nonsense,” Logabron piped up. “You were about to stab this orcess in the back. I caught a glimpse of it too late. Else I would have jumped in instead.”

“If I were going to stab her, she would have been bleeding before any of you saw me,” Syreena explained.

Kex’ti was scolding Shunuhai, who seemed to be getting frustrated with the whole thing. Syreena noticed another Grim rogue, Rakaganje, there as well, ready to fight.

Syreena sighed at Cobrak, who still had his rifle pointed at her head. “Are we done now? I didn’t attack anyone. You know if I wanted to, it would have been before I was seen.”

Cobrak narrowed his eye at Syreena. “Ya know sumthin’….I dunnae care bout yer side, Sy…”

“Screw you! I didn’t….OW!” Syreena cried out as Cobrak lowered his rifle and fired point blank at Syreena’s kneecap. She stumbled to the ground and stared up at Cobrak, more in shock than pain. Forsaken didn’t usually feel pain like others did, at least not from physical damage. Everyone else had gone silent, or maybe she just couldn’t hear them through the ringing in her ear.

“Should’ve aimed for the head,” Shokkra said after a few moments.

Syreena felt cool mists weaving their way into her shattered knee, and she glanced back at Kex’ti with a grateful nod, even though she was annoyed to be helped by the elf she still hated for at least half a dozen different reasons. That only added to her foul mood. She looked back at Cobrak and glared at him.

“What the fel! I didn’t attack anyone, you jerk!” Syreena shouted indignantly at the hunter. She staggered to her feet, shaky on her knee.

“I know ya better, ya shit,” Cobrak growled at her. “An’ thass a warnin’…a flesh wound fer ya.”

“STOP.” Kex’ti said. “All of you. This is absurd. While I do not doubt Syreena's capacity for skulduggery and scheming, erupting into combat in the middle of Warspear is pointless at best. So why do we not all simply part ways now.”

“Oh put a fuckin' sock innit Kex, iffin I wanted a sermon, I'dda gone ta a 'uman church,” Cobrak said.

“Perhaps next time, don’t send off an innocent to do your dirty work,” Logabron said to Syreena.

“Perhaps next time, mind your own damn business,” Syreena retorted, staring at the elf. “You won’t always have so many friends around you.” Syreena smiled sweetly at Logabron, then motioned for Rakaganje and prepared to leave.

“Syreena, I do ask of you not to accost Shokkra,” Kex'ti said.

“I didn’t. She’s the one that started the whole thing,” Syreena answered bitterly.

Shokkra bared her teeth and snarled at the little rogue. “Find me when you want to die for good, Shadowblade.”

“You should keep her on a leash,” Syreena said to Kex’ti, who sighed and rubbed his eyes.

Shokkra growled at Syreena, and Rakaganje growled back at the orc. Syreena simply blew her a kiss and turned to leave, forcing herself not to limp. She took to the shadows with the other Grim rogue following suit.
Alts: Lirsha Deathwhistle & Ayidda
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