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The Construct (FT: Chestius)

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 8:47 pm
by Kyoukimaru
Oriy was many things. An abomination of natural, a natural wonder, a monster, a savior, and above all.. A thinker.

Not many could understand the hidden busybody, and in turn, not many attempted. But this didn't phase the necro-craftsman. He'd found a new project to suit himself. A creature similar to himself, but on a different scale. A crafter of soul based essence, one that could match Oriy's living matter construction.

Together, the two could craft worlds.. However, equivalent exchange wasn't a factor so generous as to allow such productivity. Materials from living creatures would only come from living creatures. Materials from living souls held the same benefactor. But the project he'd taken on concluded a way for him to function despite this setback. Subject: Kyoukimaru. A soul crafter by merit, held the ability to function with Oriy. His issue was simple. He required a way to release the excess soul energy he'd built up in his lifetime. The subject's body was beginning to unravel from the sheer volume of consumed souls, and without proper release, would soon become unable to function alongside peaceful society.

The problem faced could be solved.. But materials were beyond rare. Horde Corpses were in short supply, and beyond that still regarded as sacred to living beings.. unable to comprehend this, Oriy stayed back and continued accelerated thinking processes, looking for suitable materials from more.... superfluous sources. He sat in the rich earth of Nagrand, flowers blooming around the bluff he planted himself into.

Footsteps... Subjects landed, identified. Lilliana. Secondary subject unknown, seeding for further information... Rang in his mind as he set his work aside.


Lilliana and Tahzani had come to Oriy's location searching for him, looking to solve the very issue Oriy himself had been dedicated to.

Though they asked question after question, Oriy replied, as commanded. Their emotions ran high like any living being's would when Oriy mentioned the required materials. But, within the discussion, an idea was proposed to Oriy, one he had not considered yet.

The Bleeding Hollow. Orcs unaffiliated with many factions, widely neutral in hostility towards all, and most of all untainted by fel blood. The materials were perfect to fit, as long as multiple horde bodies were also provided. a skilled necro craftsman could easily use both to replicate perfected horde cell structures and in turn create a clean slated construct widely suitable for change and adaptation.

However when Oriy mentioned the numbers of bodies required, once again, emotions ran high. Mortal creatures took numbers large than what could be counted on their hands very seriously. 1,000 corpses was cutting his materials short, to spare effort and time, as they were factors.. They argued a while more, as if wanting to cut quality out of the equation for sake of lives already lost merely looking to return to the ground.


In the end, the mortal creatures argued for many hours before agreeing to the required materials. over 1,000 Horde and Bleeding Hollow corpses. No less than 300 Horde bodies, and as many extra Bleeding Hollow as they could find. Planning ahead, Oriy then requested the simple model benefactor donation. A small amount of genetic material would be required to form a housing for the construct's soul. a housing was something Oriy would not create, as he could not fill it. as a result, his constructs were mostly temporary, short lives and weak structures all he was able to make without a power source, that being a strong protected soul.

But when he requested the donor, again, emotions of his mortal allies flared up. Khorvis was the only prime candidate, despite his negative qualities. To make a housing out of his genetic makeup would guarantee a successful construct. One that could even move beyond expectations, if give a powerful amount of Soul Essence. In the time it took for the mortals to again argue, Oriy sat and waited, trying to understand why creatures would allow emotions like these to sway productivity.. They sat and argued against the only truth until again they gave in. A blood sample was promised. and the bodies were to be delivered...

Construction of his greatest creation, would soon begin.

Re: The Construct (FT: Chestius)

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 8:59 pm
by Kyoukimaru
The Contractor

Chestius had been approached, by chance in a tent out in Mulgore. His fishing trip was ruined by severe rain and he was pinned to find shelter, leaving him sharing a tent with her. The troll woman, Lilliana, approached Chestius with a favor. The activity Chestius had caught as of late commanded her attention; that being the suicidal actions of a monstrous ally the Grim commanded. And though the issue they held was internal, for some strange reason, the lass was pulling at him to help resolve it. As an independant contractor of the mercenary corps: Ascendant of War, Chestius obliged to listen.

"Horde... bodies? and how many?!" Chestius growled as the woman asked him a monstrous chore. He immediately felt sick of the thought.. Over a thousand bodies, as many of them Horde Corpses as possible to acquire, had been requested of him. And though corpse collection was a defined job for a merc, the kicker here was rather risky... Beyond Horde corpses, only Bleeding Hollow were requested. of all things, the largest and nastiest of all orcs untainted by felblood...

So. Genocide and Grave Robbing. Wonderful. Chestius couldn't say no, not after he was informed as to why it was needed. he quickly wrote up the contract and from the tent readied it for approval. As Horde bodies were needed, he'd have to request permission from someone even higher up than him, or rather... From the only one higher up than him.

So with his fishing trip replaced with a request for mass murder and corpse thieving, Chestius' day turned to work once again... He'd have to call in his.... partner... and prepare for a long trip to Draenor... A job like this would set him up for quite some time, hopefully a vacation...

Because after helping the monstrous forces of The Grim, this contractor would probably need one...

Re: The Construct (FT: Chestius)

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 7:31 pm
by Kyoukimaru
The Contractor Part 2

The task of stealing Horde bodies was later accompanied with the slaughter of the strong orcs that remained untainted in the Bleeding Hollow Clan. A double headed task like this would thwart the efforts of any warrior.

But Chestius was a veteran. a sellsword for years who was fortunate to earn the literal undying companionship of a certain partner. A crab. One would overlook it mostly, unless hungry. But this particular beast held a power unrivaled. A tale for another time, yes. But end result; Even in death, it proved itself a beast beyond the description of formidable.. And strangely, it held a wit far more capable than the potency of any normal creature. This, however, is a large reason for Chestius' success. A pet, however known as "Partner", lived to work with the goblin. This came from two sources within the animal's life, and afterlife. Rage.. This beast brims with it. Now undead, Koopa- as it is known, is but a small container of unbridled fury. And to work with a mercenary, direct that anger, harness it and keep it forever in check.. Chestius may have quite possibly saved a portion of the world by harnessing the energy that is his own pet.

This creature, alone, slew hundreds of Bleeding Hollow orcs as Chestius, countries away, completed his task of gathering horde corpses. Like a machine, Koopa slaughtered, tracked, and hunted Bleeding Hollow like prey. The body count he brought in was hard to read... But it held part of the responsibility for the Bleeding Hollow Chieftan's submission to Fel Blood. Desperation.

In the end, Chestius brought in the bodies of over 750 horde soldiers. more than required.
Koopa brought in the massacred corpses of between 1,000-1,500 Orcs free of fel blood taint. Though, only 1,000 were confirmed whole, only that was officially counted. Including some of them Night Twisted orcs. Large hulks possessed by a void energy, a force similar to the subject, Kyoukimaru. Between this, and horde flesh, the catalysts were set in order...

But. As all contracts hold.

The time was now for Chestius to submit his invoice to his employer. Lilliana, who had been reminded, was not the official leader of the organization. However she was a sound minded, higher ranked leader. This much was clear, and also an acceptable source of work. Chestius had submitted his formal request to meet with her, as well as the one known as Awatu.

Now he was on his way to the destination he was told by The Grim, to meet with this pair and discuss the results of his work. A garrison, or hub of work, was most likely the destination he believed. Though he was still armed, it was merely a function. And with the beast responsible for the massacre of the Bleeding Hollow trodding beside him, he wouldn't need to be for most fights.

However, despite his stress disorder, the big battle was over. A huge contract was complete, and partial retirement was a possibility from this. though the goblin was only 25, he'd be able to relax for many years if all went well.

As he tread the snowy terrain, he readied himself to bargain and haggle, as many employers wished to negotiate price both before and after. He didn't blame them, especially for a job like this, price was terrifying... As he arrived at the deemed outpost, he looked around for familiar faces, seeking the charming, yet innocent face of the priest who'd asked him for this deal of mass murder and grave robbing.

((OOC: Lilliana and Awatu. Here is the long requested RP for Chestius and the Bill. Khorvis, you are also very welcome to join in if you prefer!))

Re: The Construct (FT: Chestius)

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 9:01 am
by Kyoukimaru
The Contractor Part 3

The meeting was swift. The original number of the debt Lilliana owed was almost as obscene as the task Chestius faced collecting thousands of horde and orc bodies.. But Chestius was no sleezy typical goblin. Chestius was a simple contractor. While his power and forcefulness as a business man showed, his soft side for women in need met with an offer he secretly dreamed of.

the location, title, and protection of a small paradise-like island far south of Kalimdor was offered to him. with the help of the Grim mages as well as good fishing weather, Chestius took the deal. a lumpsome of gold, as well as the property of his dreams. With that in hand, the goblin sniper quickly took the vacation he dreamt of, and offered his services should the Grim need them again.

Re: The Construct (FT: Chestius)

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 9:52 am
by Kyoukimaru
The Ritual...

Oriy gathered the materials. with witness to The Grim, it was time for the Necro-craftsman to show his work. He'd been digging through flesh for what seemed like weeks and crafting something. his very dungeon of a lair built in the hole of Frostfire Ridge smelled of old meat, fel energy, and mold.. But despite the sickening mood of his hideaway, the skeletonized Death Knight had been hard at work manipulating the horde flesh into a new construct.

It was finished. a lifeless orc body, perfectly crafted to look the part of a warrior lay on the alter before the Grim Audience. Kyoukimaru had been collected from the cliffsides. his mind barely stables, as the pain he'd endured through the hundreds of thousands of deaths he'd self inflicted left him hopelesslyy entrenched in grief. But hearing of a solution, he agreed. his body was lumpy and writhing as tendrils and humanoid faces were beginning to protrude from the tiny goblin form. it was evident how much an overload of energy Kyou held inside him. His body was expanding to a burst with an unspeakable essence. in his form, he was more than a disgusting sight... His body was impaled on a bone spike and hung above the alter. It was here, Oriy was ready to work.

"Processes complete. Chances of success, 93.33%.... Subject: Kyoukimaru, ready for essence transfusion.. preparing rune of siphoning... relief... coming soon. Kyoukimaru." Oriy said in his usual monotone cryptic language... the Necro Craftsman was hung up on an exoskeleton made of bones. the long spider-like legs chittered as he swiftly manuevered his way around the large ritual room. drawing a large magician's circle and inscribing runes within the lines, he swiftly prepared a rune of death magic.

"Run: Complete.... preceeding with ritual instigation..... Take Cover." Oriy said as he extended his exoskeleton to hurl a ritualistic runed dagger into Kyou's disteneded belly! Almost immediately all hell broke loose! Kyou's body ripped itself apart and burst with the energies of souls and fel magic! Like smoke, the fel magic rose to the top of the chamber and hovered above the blood and void magics that reigned turmoil below! Souls that tore away from Kyou's body were quickly snatched by a writhing mass of blood magic, gaining power from the Bleeding Hollow energies locked in the Contruct's body. Void energy seemed to be the binding force that collected the bloody mass of energy that swelled in the room. Kyou's deflated body blew in the turmoiled winds that were whipped up by the process of the terrible ritual occuring before him, only the bone spike holding his form from being blasted away!

The energies amassed and began to compact, crawling upon the orc construct! Oriy began pacing around the room frantically as another process occurred with the Fel energies, seemingly locked midair! But the contruct below began to jerk and writhe as it was forcibly filled with an enormous amount of Blood and Death magic! whipping and writhing upon the altar, a voice bellowed out of the mouth of the orc construct! Screaming in a deep manly tone, as if in an indescribable amount of pain, the Orc began thrashing about! As the blood magic forced itself entirely inton the construct, it raged about the alter, held down by pre-placed restraints, breaking many of the chains as it thrashed about, the orc roared and screamed to life! Finally after what seemed like eternity, the energies fully absorbed themselves into the construct, and in turn the lively monster opened its eyes briefly, breathed in a gasp of air, and fell limp upon the altar. unconscious... It was alive....

"ERROR, ERROR.... PREPARE COMBAT MANUEVERS. INTERFERENCE DETECTED." Oriy was suddenly heard shouting as loud as its robotic voice could manage! Above the ritual chamber still hung the now black and ominous cloud of fel energy.. It began its own similar process of seeking a host.. however with nothing near, the fel energy sank low and began to disperse into the collected meat and bone that was scattered around the room! Oriy swiftly hooked Kyoukimaru's body and wrangled int the Grim members and used an unearthly skill to defend. masses of bone encased each member in the room and sealed them in an immeasurably dense resin! Thumping and slashing sounds whipped against the skeletal mass as a demonic voice was screaming just outside! the the presence of demonic energy filled the senses and for many seconds, overwhelmed the ritual! But within nary half a minute, the screaming subsided, and the demonic energy collected in one solid place, the center of the room. Oriy shattered the shield he'd locked his allies within, freeing them to catch a glimpse of the creature that stood beside the contruct. It looked at first to be an elf... but the body was tainted, and crooked. eyes of sulfur, the elf form sprouted hand-like wings and roared an inhuman warcry!

"I AM FREE AT LAST!" It called in a menagerie of voices before leaping from the floor and bursting out the top of the chamber!

Suddenly... it was silent. Oriy stood battle ready with multiple skeletons raising from the remaining gore, battle ready... but the extra creature birthed from this ritual had fled... the very energy fading swiftly into distances unknown.

"Error detected... Hypothesis... Strong Soul.... capable of taking advantage... reforming itself... Inefficient parts formed body.. Chances of survival.... less than 5%.... De-escalating Emergency tactics... Refocusing.." Oriy stated bluntly as approached the construct. He took note of the orcish creature before him. seeing perfect signs of life and form. and for a moment very brief... Oriy showed genuine emotion.. "Ceremony Successful....Perfect Life-form... Completed." Oriy stated in almost a jubilant tone..

Kyou's body, which at first looked like a deflated balloon, began to reform itself. The goblin form returned and the little creature begin moving again. soon after hearing Oriy celebrate, he spoke.. "Ugh... that took a lot outta me... Where the hell am I?...I feel.... ugh.. I need a drink." Kyou groaned... He stumbled to his feet only to find himself mostly naked. his body, while rare to be seen, looked like a normal goblin's... except when he spoke, revealing a small monster had replaced his tongue. He swiftly recuperated himself before returning to an amazingly healthy tone and response level, far greater than he had been in months!

"Subject: Kyoukimaru.. Construct, created from your essence collected bound to the bodies of your fallen allies tied into the very genetic model of your leader, Khorvis... It is complete. A name is required.. Please state..." Oriy requested. and for a moment Kyou looked lost in thought. but a shuffling sound broke everyone's focus on a name, and turned their attention back to the freshly spawned construct, which had silently broken his chains and now crawled across the floor. The orc was barely conscious, but crawling towards the mountain of armor and weapons in the side of the room, all of them bearing the Horde Emblem. his mutterings were barely distinguishable.

"" the creature muttered weakly over and over again, only focused on reaching the mountain of weapons. Oriy swiftly interfered, grappling the orc with his many exo-skeletal limbs, however found himself being in turn dragged by the orc-construct towards the pile. seeing this, a few homeward words echoed in Kyou's mind.

Yama. It means mountain. to be a mountain of iron means to be strong. To be a mountain of love, means to be stronger. But to be a mountain of pure madness... Little Kyou, I ask you never dare to test your strength within it.... You can become a harbinger of death for anyone who crosses your path. that is not the path to peace... That is the path to unending war... The Mountain of Madness, Kyoukiyama, is nothing I wish for you...

"His name is Kyoukiyama... Let him have whatever weapons and armor best suits him. I trust you'll make him fully capable for battle. If I'm gonna make avatars, they better live up! After all, look at me! I died a hundred thousand times to create this, he'd better double that number. For The Grim....

And thusly. Kyoukiyama, the Mad Mountain, was born.