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A Trial By Combat

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 11:47 pm
by Ishiner
*Raukon begins cataloging his experiences fighting along side members of The Grim. The tome is large, but as of now there is only one entry.*

Early in the afternoon Khorvis sent out a call on the hearthstone saying that the Alliance were attacking the Brewfest gathering outside of Orgrimmar. I was one of the first to arrive on the scene and we quickly learned that they outnumbered is, and were well organized. Reinforcements were called and we set about doing battle with the Alliance. Very quickly we realized that they were evenly matched to our forces and no one could seem to get an upper hand. We pushed them into a lake, they forced us back to the gates of Orgrimmar, and the fighting didn't seem to make any progress. After much time more Alliance forces showed up and overwhelmed us. Despite the many members of the Horde in the area most were too cowardly to engage the Alliance.

We decided to take a break from fighting and enjoy some of the seasonal brews.

After a few hours to sober up we met up to bring battle to the Alliance, however our gathered forces were insufficient to engage them directly. We broke up into several smaller groups to fight in the arena and I teamed up with Leyujin and eventually Lupinum.

My inexperience in the arena showed immediately. In the first couple of matches I bit the dirt faster than one can yell, "For the Horde!" Despite the early failures, we pressed on and I started to become more comfortable with fighting in an enclosed environment. After some more matches we started winning more often and I even kept a score card from our final arena match


A few more Grim showed up later on in the evening and we decided to take the Alliance on directly, albeit with the help of some untrained members of the Horde.

Our first destination was Arathi Basin. The Alliance forces were no match for even a few of our coordinated members. Any direct confrontation quickly went in our favor. The only issue seemed to be that many of the other Horde began abandoning their posts and following us around.

After our success in Arathi we went into Warsong Gulch confident in our position; however, we faced off against some better equipped Alliance this time around. When they hit, we felt it, but we countered in force. Despite our failure to secure the area we fought hard. Here is a more detailed report on how things went.


Re: A Trial By Combat

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 7:31 pm
by Kerala
((Photos don't show for me, I get a white DoNotEnter sort of symbol))

Re: A Trial By Combat

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 9:17 pm
by Greebo
(( Me either ))

Re: A Trial By Combat

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 2:02 am
by Ishiner
((Photos are still showing for me. Perhaps a direct link?



*Edit* success?


Re: A Trial By Combat

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 2:08 am
by Aziris
((If it is a google photo, I've found that I cannot use the 'share' link address, I have to view the photo, then click it and view in another tab and use that long address (or copy the link address maybe? I view in another tab to be sure it's JUST the photo) ))

Re: A Trial By Combat

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 2:22 am
by Ishiner

Re: A Trial By Combat

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 3:58 pm
by Neevah
Ruuki looked over the reports from Raukon, studying the scorecards he had supplied as his proof. All warriors face defeat on the battlefield at one point or another, and she had honestly expected nothing less. She knew neither Khorvis nor Leyu'jin would waste their time with one who did not at least show potential, and she recalled how he answered the call to fight at the Brewfest. She tucked away his report, and penned a reply to him.

"Supplicant Raukon,

You did earn some measure of respect from me for answering the High Inquisitor's call to defend the Beer festival. I saw firsthand how viciously you fought. It is good that you took on the Alliance in the battlefields as well. While none of us go in with the thought of being defeated, it gives us the resolve and the strength to get back up and charge in once more.

I am satisfied with your Trial of Combat. I want you to think of of a Grim whom you believe could offer you a fresh way of looking at the Mandate. I will assign you two others, making a total of three. You will interview them, find out what it is that makes them carry out the Mandate's work. You will find that those three simple words have a wide array of meaning among the Grim's ranks.

-Inquisitor Ruuki"

Re: A Trial By Combat

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 3:27 pm
by Khorvis
[[ Still no dice on your photos, Raukon. Try using another image hosting site, like imgur or photobucket. ]]

Re: A Trial By Combat

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 8:54 pm
by Ishiner
(( Changed some settings. Checking to see if this is working



Re: A Trial By Combat

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 9:02 pm
by Kerala

Re: A Trial By Combat

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 10:55 pm
by Aziris
(Had it, then broke it again)

Re: A Trial By Combat

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 3:12 am
by Kelgrave
((Just post them to imgur.))