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Priestly Papers

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 9:46 am
by Lupinum
Hardly a journal, a collection of loose papers sits in a small space in Lupinum's desk. The pages are stained with various liquid: beer, blood, something black and greasy... The priests scrawl is loose and spidery with much of the text written without the quill leaving the pages.

It's almost been a whole year with the Grim. Back in October, where was I... flying around Outland, I think. Syreena was High Inquisitor and scary then, not so much now. Maybe it's because we're on the same side now. Who knows. Just too much shit going on now - with Khorvis, Siane and the Dead Shots...

I find myself thinking of the days when I was back in Undercity, my time with the Cult... I was lost then, confused, newly Risen. Gods... the first time I felt the Light run through me after being dead, it was like being filled with magma. I felt my muscles and skin, rotten and gristly and unbelievable burning. But they taught me how to control it, how to focus through the pain.

Maybe that's what's happening to the Grim... so much treachery from all directions. All that can be left is the tempered blade of the Mandate or...

Lupinum's scratchy script trails off.

Re: Priestly Papers

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 5:44 am
by Lilliana
((Oh my))

Re: Priestly Papers

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 10:35 pm
by Khorvis
[[ I would enjoy reading more of these. Lupinum has been a Reaper for some time and even died twice! Such perspective. ]]

Re: Priestly Papers

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 4:26 am
by Lupinum
((I finally got around to it! I'm looking forward to doing a lot of these))

Re: Priestly Papers

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 10:50 am
by Lupinum
I was late to Inquisition today. The seer from the Frostwolves was yelling something about the sky signs. Something like that. All I know is that I felt extremely bloodthirsty this morning...
I accompanied Drinn and Nathandiel into the Goblin Games. Always feels great to cut my claws in those small groups. When my rogues left, I grabbed our newest recruit Cromsk and dragged his sorry hide along for more conquest in the Arenas. It helps clear the mind. Flexing all the muscles, saying all the words of power...
I'm ready for tomorrow night. If I need to, I'll beat our weaker links into some form of tempered skill.

The bottom of this page has a water ring from a mug. Inside of which, Lupinum had drawn a smiley face with angry eyebrows and pointed teeth.

Re: Priestly Papers

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 10:38 am
by Lupinum
Just... wow. Things have become a whirlwind. How did Leyu'jin put it? I had "Passed troo da cleansin fiyah?" One can imagine Lupinum giggling at his own transcription. Be that as it may, joining the ranks of the Dreadweavers has come with much responsibility. These small paragraphs seem to be my only reprieve... ah well.
As it stands I need more training, but that seems to always be the case, hmm?

A friend of Kerala, Lomani, has started to habitually take up my time. In between our priestly jargon, I was told she has been working on some project with the Forsaken from Brill. I was invited to see her research in Deathknell almost a week ago which was... fascinating. Both her and her subject seemed familiar. I was told by Kerala later that Lomani was one who had helped restore me to... whatever shape this is. I feel inclined to help with her foreign experiments. We shall how things unfold.

Re: Priestly Papers

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 9:47 pm
by Lupinum
I had flown to Undercity to talk with some old contacts from the Cult about what had happened to myself and the young Forsaken from Brill. Having my body in shambles made me feel sluggish... like life was a dream, but I survived... She survived. As it happened, they were of no real help. I was told of several old scrolls I could possibly find in Scholomance, but Fel knows that has long been picked clean.

I was leaving the darker grey of the old sewer lines that served as an impromptu temple when a priest stepped from the shadow of a support pillar. How I hadn't noticed an aura or sensed him at all is beyond me, but I was told that Twilight cultists had been raiding travelers on the road in Arathi and would I be able to apprehend those responsible. Before I had an answer, he disappeared back into shadow. My interest was piqued, so off I flew.

On my approach, I saw in the mountains a deep blue drake but I couldn't make out the rider. They were standing, almost surveying, the flatland before them. And hardly a stones throw from a Horde camp! For better or worse, I confronted the beast and its master. Which, to my surprise was a human female. A felmancer by the smell of her. She reeked of Old God magic.

I don't know what stayed my hand from immediately smiting her with Holy Light, but I did...

Lupinum trails off. Though it is not present on the paper, one can imagine him having an internal battle about having not killed this woman. Time passes in his room and he resumes with a fresh mug of beer.

Be that as it may, she yet lives. But not for nothing, I was treated to a most interesting conversation. She spoke into my head, like a priest would, and I understood her, somehow... This woman, I still don't know her name, was looking for The Grim, specifically. She herself was on the lam from several large Alliance guilds and cities, truly she has no allegiance to Alliance at all, she is highly ranked within the Twilight. What she offered was names and locations of our enemies, in return for our extermination of them.

More bodies meant more names. In a sign of good faith, she held a scroll for me to read and in thick red letters read "INVICTUS SANCTUM - LOCATION: WESTBROOK GARRISON - LEADER: ILLIANA RIVERDAWN" and below that "ETERNAL AEGIS - LOCATION: FENRIS ISLE - LEADER: MARRUS LUMINUS"

I could hardly believe it... the Aegis had been a thorn in our side, and Vol'mar's for months. And now we have a point to strike... and a target. What drove this madwoman to turn on her race like this, I don't know. But she herself said that "The Grim look for a true challenge, not petty infighting between friendly guilds." I tend to agree... but I don't know how to go about bringing up this information, or that I let a human live at all.

Finish this later, I hear Sy on the communicator.

Re: Priestly Papers

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 10:06 pm
by Aureilya

Re: Priestly Papers

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 4:32 am
by Filora
[[ Oh god, so that's what Illi was talking about! ]]

Re: Priestly Papers

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 5:38 am
by Lupinum
((Getcher popcorn, people!))

Re: Priestly Papers

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 11:13 pm
by Lupinum
Lupinum paced back and forth in front of his desk of heavy wood. Its dark surface was covered in minute scratches and gouges from his claws. His stack of personal papers shifted with his passing. They sat untouched for a time while Lupinum was busy getting drunk or herding his fellow Horde in a fighting group. Most times both. Next to this mess of papers sat a soft folded letter of Netherweave. This was the reason for Lupinum's pacing. He reached for a familiar flask of dented metal half full of sloshing liquid and sat at his desk.

This whole season has been a shitshow. We couldn't beat the Alliance outside of Orgrimmar. We couldn't save Tes. We lost Skylah and had our hides handed to us AGAIN. We couldn't save Syreena and something is obviously wrong with her. And now this whole charade is starting. The only thing I can think of is to try and find that Natalia woman... With her help, we can hit the Alliance hard and begin to break apart this "Coalition". Someone has to fix this shit.

Re: Priestly Papers

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 8:20 pm
by Lilliana
((bwhahaha, "Someone has to fix this shit"))

Re: Priestly Papers

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 1:40 am
by Lupinum
The cave was lit well enough, the priest didn't need any candles. He just sat and watched the slow, almost deathly breathing from his mate while she lay on the cavern floor.

Demons. It's the only thing people have been talking about. Demon this, Xel-something or other that. Fuck them.

This isn't getting me anywhere. But it's the only thing I can think about. The Grim can tell, I know it - I've been distracted. I've lost more ground than we've gained in our fight against the Alliance, calling into question my own confidence.

Lupinum sighs, a habit still left from being alive. "I've never asked the Light for guidance, before...," he speaks aloud to Kerala, unknowing if she can hear him or not. It just makes him feel better. "It's the only thing I can do... channel Its power through me, to burn away the corruption, all the lies and illusions..." he peters out, content to watch, wait, and brood.

She shared the Dream with me. I've never seen anything like it before, though Druids have tried to explain it to me. Is it wrong, that a creature out of the normal machinations of Life to be there, in that perfection? And what about the Demon, the Vulture, Kerala called her? What could SHE be doing in there? Maybe if I can sear my way through Hellfire Citadel, I can perfect my technique and turn that carrion bird into ash before she can turn more of the Dream to rot.

"It's the only thing I can try... I want you back." Lupinum closes his notebook and watches a Guardian in the murky light from the crystals. Stoic, going through its motions with mechanical precision; a routine built up through the years. He wondered then about the nature of change, and how he would survive the coming onslaught.