The Killing Blow

The stories and lives of the Grim. ((Roleplaying Stories and In Character Interactions))
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The Killing Blow

Unread post by Cobrak »

A fireball whizzed past his head; an arrow missed its mark on his flank; more and more deadly projectiles came for Tazzuk as he weaved his way through the chaos of Ashran. He laughed as they missed or harmlessly impacted on his chi-born shield or loa-blessed armor, this was not a light chuckle or jovial guffaw, no, this was the blood-fueled cackling of a madman born to battle, to kill in the most painful way possible.

The human before him struggled to cast another spell, but found it cut short when Tazz's spear rammed into his gut, driving upward and bisecting the hapless pyromancer. He bellowed again in frenzied laughter as the human fell apart, Tazzuk already moving onto the next victim, a human wench who thought her gun would save her. Alas, it was helpless to stop the shadow hunter from ripping out her tongue as she screamed for mercy when his spear bit deep into her. Blood splattered over his form, drenching him in a sanguine shower before another human shouted his rage as he surged forward with shield raised. The armor Tazzuk bore seemed to glow a dim red in a heinous aura the more blood he collected upon his form.

Wrong move. Splitting his legs and drawing his short throwing axe, Tazzuk managed to imbed the blade of his hatchet in the one place no male would want it. The dim red aura raged around him, collecting around his fists as he sqirled into a tempest of fists and kicks, the raging storm of blows shattered the plate armor around his target, crushing bones and reducing organs to pulp the more he barraged.

The warrior fell into a broken heap at Tazzuk's feet...the troll's eyes wide as he grinned fully, lost to his bloodlust. This was the way his pandaren master had taught him, the way of Zhiming Zhi-Ji, the Killing Blow. Far beyond the peaceful and serene martial arts of the rotund furred people, this was the way of death and chaos, wrought by passion in lieu of harmony. Death was his lover, and he returned the affection twofold.

There was no job, there was no pay awaiting him, no client waiting to toss a measly sack of coins. He cared not for the, he lived for the annihilation...and he never felt more alive as he gleefully ripped out the humans' hearts and crushed them above his face, drowning himself in their pulpy goo as he drank the bloody ooze.

His Grim superiors would be pleased with this....but it wasn't enough. He knew he should go and receive his next Trial at the Inquisition today...but the battle called for him like a lover's whisper. It beckoned him further into the fray as his allies pushed deeper into Alliance lines.

He answered it with a kiss of death, nearly flying into the mass of bodies chopping each other to bits.
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Re: The Killing Blow

Unread post by Neevah »

Once Tazzuk had taken a break from the fight, he'd find a courier waiting with a letter for him that bore the mark of the Grim.

"Supplicant Tazzuk,

Well done on completing your first trial. Ashran runs red with the blood of our enemies, and soon they shall be nothing more than fertilizer in the fields to feed our brethren. You are ready for your second trial, the Trial of Resolve. You are to speak with three ranked Grim: learn from them about their history, what drew them to the Grim, and how they have grown serving the Mandate's wisdom.

Wanderer Cen- She is a bit enigmatic in her words, but her wisdom is at times very profound. Speak with her and try to see the world through her eyes. You might find you have more in common with her than you think.

Sunderpalm- I think speaking with a fellow monk will also give you a different viewpoint of how the Mandate can be served. He is a steadfast follower of the Mandate, though he is frequently rather drunk, which is when he's at his absolute best. See if you can learn from him how one who was raised on peace can find himself bringing it through the annihilation of our enemies.

The third Grim I leave to your wisdom to select. I'm sure you'll pick someone who will make you truly contemplate the ways of the Mandate.

You have one month to complete this trial.

-Inquisitor Ruuki"
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