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Power in the Wrong Hands

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 4:33 pm
by Cobrak
He sighed as he sat in the shadows, unseen and unheard by the occasional grunt patrolling within these twilight hours. A lone red eye followed a tauren soldier as he passed, unknowing of the voyeur within the darkness. The bull stopped for second, and the intruder held his breath, readying his gun should he have need of it.

The grunt turned...and realigned a torch whose flame came too close to a nearby banner before continuing his route, its black background bearing a lone symbol...the symbol of the Grim.

Another sigh escaped his lips before a strange vial met them, the figure chugging it down like a pint of grog. With every last drop gone, he tossed the vial without care into a box filled with similar emptied glasses and beakers...broken remnants of the alchemical labs.

Rifle in hand, a lone human stepped out of the crevices, only to disappear into the labs. Passing by mountains of various liquids bubbling and frothing within an insurmountable number of glass containers, he sought only one thing.

There, a lone beaker of viscous green liquid, a label with the marking [BH Toxin Sample #01]...had to be it. A quick whiff of the stuff confirmed it as he wrinkled his nose and recapped the bottle. Flanked by several sheets and papers with varying notes doodled upon by the researchers delving into the secrets of the ooze.

All were snatched away and pocketed by the human, as though they never where there to begin with.

A motion in the night caught his lone eye as he wandered without care back into the cold, an orc standing with axe raised stared at him bright-eyed.

"AL-!" The second his mouth produced the shout to sound the alarm, the rifle's stock slammed into his Adam's Apple, toppling him over before a second strike cracked his skull and laid him flat on the ground.

The human looked down and measured the unconscious green body....He'd live through this...another patrol would come along and find him soon.

Again, the human stepped into the shadows where he dwelt before, only now a man-sized gateway stood there, a portal fueled by infernal energies swirled within its clutches. A touch was all it took to whisk away through the nether, barreling through the dimensions like a pinball.

The journey ended only a moment later as he leaped through a gate of identical make several leagues away, the fires of the Grim garrison alighting the surrounding countryside. Far above, the rocky reaches provided an ample spot to gaze upon the base.

"Do you have it?" The raspy, dead voice from behind the human asked, a Forsaken in fel-green robes stepping forth, a masked cowl covering his putrid face.

"Aye, Dare. We're done 'ere." The human replied as his form began to disassemble. Away washed the creamy skin of human to be replaced by a forest green of orc. The mouth reconfigured, several large underbiting fangs announced themselves, the leftmost stopping short in its broken state.

"Good...I shudder to think what the Grim would do with that substance if left in their control..." Darethy rubbed his chin as he spoke. "But are you sure of this? If anyone were to find out, Cobrak..."

"Aye, I'm sure." He answered, reveling his orcish tone had returned. "I don think tha Grim's the best ta hold onta this..."

Re: Power in the Wrong Hands

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 11:22 pm
by Cobrak
"Are you sure about this?...This...will be most painful."

"Damnit, Zak, iffin I didn't wanna do this I wouldn'ta asked."

"...Very well."

Cobrak felt the tendrils of dark magics enter his mind, worming his way through his very memories, twisting and writhing as they wracked his very being. He shuddered vehemently as they sought deeper and deeper....searching.

There, the moment he betrayed the Grim. His theft of the poison. His time as a human in armor that wasn't his, bearing the emblem of his former associates upon his shoulder in lieu of the traiditonal Deadshot's.

Those scarce few moments vanished then and there, destroyed...and he screamed as the tendrils ripped them apart.

Re: Power in the Wrong Hands

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 6:33 am
by Valindria
[Just so that we're all clear, Cobrak is not writing for me or my character. He's talking about someone else.]

Re: Power in the Wrong Hands

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 2:03 pm
by Cobrak
((Sorry! Valendis is a priest in service to the Deadshots, not Valindria.))

Re: Power in the Wrong Hands

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 2:42 pm
by Lilliana

Re: Power in the Wrong Hands

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 4:50 pm
by Brishen
Brishen, having stored away his tabbard for the discretion of a personal mission, decided it best he watch his allies from a distance for a bit. It might be good to know who is best to approch after such a questionable absence.

This observation he found quite curious. What is this poison that one would steal from his own, and who is it he gave it to...? What is to happen to the poor sap that lost it?

This situation had certainly caught Brishen's attention, and interest. He decided it best to keep a close unseen eye on this predicament. More must be seen before jumping to any conclusions, or exposing himself without answers.

Re: Power in the Wrong Hands

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 11:29 pm
by Valindria
[I should demand a name change for that character! Hehe. =D]

Re: Power in the Wrong Hands

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 2:02 pm
by Cobrak
((Hahaha he too is a blood elf priest. Funny that.

Re: Power in the Wrong Hands

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 2:35 pm
by Cobrak
While Cobrak and his crew are off fighting the 37th to rescue Breygrah, ... lusterfuck , Lilliana is pulled to the Deadshots' garrison of Broden'ar within Nagrand. The orb Cobrak gifted her telling her nothing but a mental need to hurry...She arrive to find the night in a thick blanket of fog, barely able to see scant but a few feet ahead of her.

[Lilliana]: *rides through the mist into the garrison run by Cobrak and his other crew, when he's away from the Grim. "Hey, what's up??" She hollers, way too casually to the chanting figure.*

*The figure shouts something in Common, a draenei whirls around and fires a bolt of ice*

Lilliana gets blasted off her horse, as she did not expect to find an Alliance piece of shit here......but she quickly slides to her feet as she hits the ground, and fires a shadowy word of pain at the draenei "What the fuck YOU doing in here?

[Lilliana]: "Get OUT!"

[Lilliana]: You so don't belong here!

*He shouts a curse as his mind is riddled with pain, and tries to flee*

Lilliana moves in with intent to kill the cursing draenei, she pulls her shadows about her, coiling them up into a ball, and blasts it at the figure as it tries to flee.

*He falls to the ground and writhes in pain, sputtering one last word before he dies...The fog seems that much lighter now, even though it still permeates the air and who knows what else is hiding within?*

*Lilliana's orb still pulls her further into the base, it seems almost desperate*

Lilliana runs over the dying draenei, blasting it again to make sure it dies. She moves further into the base, since that is where she seems she's supposed to go. She's looking for Cobrak, and the others, including Rhuune. What's going on....? Infiltration, obviously, freaking Alliance!

*As she crosses the gates of the glorified campground, another corpse appears, this one a tauren wearing simple peon clothes...his throat has been slit*

[Lilliana]: Oh, wow. *she darts around, her staff at the ready.*

*The center of the base it seems it is where it wishes for her to go, several more bodies appear, all Horde, and scarce are soldiers...some even wearing sleeping clothes*

Lilliana checks to see if any of these bodies are still reachable to be saved with her magics, while keeping a watchful eye through the mists.

*A flicker of life is ahead, the only one who still can be saved...and it is where the orb pulls*

Lilliana leaps over the other dead bodies to the one that still clings.

*Taozhu hangs, blood dripping from a multitude of slashes and cuts, his arms are chained to a posting board as he hangs almost lifelessly. The chains binding him end in vicious meat hooks, one in each arm as they hold him up.*

[Lilliana]: Oh, shit! *she sees the blind mage in his horrid state, and she quickly goes to try to release him from the chains to get him she does so she hooks her staff on her back to keep her hands free* Dude, what the hell?! *she asks him, not like he is gonna answer though*

His breathing is shallow and sparse, his grayed eyes barely staying open...his orb falls from his hand"

[Taozhu]: Mhmhmm...mhoo...

Taozhu tries to speak, but from the blood loss and pain, he is barely able to form any words.

Lilliana doesn't bother stopping to heal Taozhu first, she assesses the situation and doesn't feel he'll die right this second, although he's close. She eyes the chains, and the nasty looking meat hooks they end in....and she pries them out to have the heavy panda fall to the ground in a painful heap.

Taozhu collapses with a sharp bark of pain, his eyes still flicker dully between consciousness and darkness.

[Taozhu]: Mhoor....*hckk*...

Lilliana then places her healing magics over Taozhu, although weakened as she is more attuned to the shadows, it is enough to stop the bleeding and begin to close the wounds. "Hey, Taozhu, dude....." She says his name as she pulls the holy like magics over him.

Taozhu's wounds somewhat knit, but something is interfering with the holy spells.

Lilliana frowns, noting that. She turns to look at the iron hooks.

A voice echoes out in the fogs of the base, a female's laughter. The orcish is fluent, but the Common accent is noticeable.

Voice: "Hu hu hu...Well, hellllo there, cutie."

Lilliana swiftly casts a shield around Taozhu, and she darts up to her feet, "Who's that?"

[Morinth]: "Hrmm hrmm....I don't know. Its often pretty rude to demand someone's name without giving your own...

[Lilliana]: It's pretty rude to laugh when there are tons of folk around you, dead. And to not show yourself..... *she is spinning around, searching, while standing over Taozhu's weakened form*

[Morinth]: Folk? You speak like they're people....All I did was some pest control.

Lilliana's own orcish tongue has a bit of a gnomish accent to it. "Are you another draenei?" Like any horde, she can hear the common accent to the female's words. "And fuck you, pest control."

[Morinth]: Who knows?...I could be.

[Lilliana]: I just killed one. Come out, so I can make it two!

[Lilliana]: You know you wanna!

[Morinth]: Oh how I would love to cut up Cobby's latest squeeze.

[Lilliana]: Squeeze? I'm not his squeeze.

[Morinth]: Oh wait, what did he call it? Oh, you are his rutter...How does it feel to have my sloppy seconds?

[Lilliana]: Cobby? What the hell? *she whirls around again* Sloppy seconds? *she growls* I don't know what the hell you're talking about.

[Morinth]: I think you do, Lilliana Bloodshine.

[Lilliana]: Yeah, that's my name, good job. And you obviously don't know what you're talking about .... But it don't matter. Will you just fucking appear so I can kill you? *she sounds annoyed*

[Morinth]: I know all about you...about the Grim. About the Deadshots...

[Lilliana]: Ahah, okay. *she leaps over Taozhu, looking around, not able to tell where the voice is coming from*

[Morinth]: Nothing is beyond me....not even Cobby's little poisons....Thank you by the way, for doing all this lovely research on it....I'm sure I can use it.

Lilliana freezes, realizing that this must be who had stolen into the Grim's garrison and taken the poison that the officers were talking about earlier at the last meeting. "Oh. Oh. Yeah, I guess you can, if you have it."

[Morinth]: I does Taozhu over there too...A nice little test run for this.

Lilliana looks sharply down to Taozhu, "That's not nice of you." She checks on him again, since she had worked on healing him....if it is a poison, she can't rid that.

[Morinth]: I'm just showing Cobby how well his stuff works...and it works marvelous.

[Morinth]: Maybe I'll show it to that barmaid Grimling. Can't do any more damage to that little whackjob, right?

Lilliana frowns, "Will you stop calling him that? You sound freaking ridiculous." Then she's quiet for a moment as the voice threatens Syreena. She bristles and takes a moment to keep her calm....although that's hard to do when you can't find your opponent.

[Morinth]: Or maybe I'll go give some to Anock. Say its candy.

[Lilliana]: You that girl that screwed Cobrak over once, aren't you? *she steps around again, being careful*

[Morinth]: Ooh...Finally caught up? I thought blondes were supposed to be the slow ones.

[Lilliana]: I'm pretty slow. *she pauses*

[Lilliana]: I was like, hit in the head as a baby, never required and stuff.

[Morinth]: Poor Bloodshine, not a very good parent, is she?

[Lilliana]: Jeez, you've done your homework on me. *she snorts* Will you fucking come out?!!!!!!

[Morinth]: Hrmm...maybe I will then.

[Morinth]: But first, let's make this fun.

Taozhu cries suddenly as a throwing dagger embeds itself into his side.

[Morinth]: There we go.

Lilliana backs up to Taozhu, taking on a protective stance...she shields the pandaren too late, and the dagger hits him. She quickly reaches down to pull it out and heal, throwing her shadows to the side once more, even though she's much more effective with them against her enemies.

[Lilliana]: That's rude, stop that!!!!!!

Taozhu 's wound is steeped in something green and foul, more poison no doubt.

[Morinth]: Now, we're going to play a game.

[Morinth]: The game is called 'What Does the Grimling Do?'

[Lilliana]: Screw you Alliance and that term, I'm a freaking Grim, got that? A Grim. Not a Grimling, a GRIM. *she stands over Taozhu, this time she'd be ready to shield him* Stop messing with the pandaren, he's helpless.

[Morinth]: So, I'm going to come out and show myself...but poor Taozhu over there....

[Morinth]: That was my homebrewed work...He'll be dead in a few minutes.

[Lilliana]: What?

[Morinth]: Oh yes, stop his heart and rot it away.

[Morinth]: Lovely, isn't it?

[Lilliana]: Give me the antidote.

[Morinth]: So, you have a choice.

[Morinth]: Chase me, and MAYBE get your research back.

[Morinth]: or...

A clanking noise sounds as a small bottle hits the tiles of the storehouse's roof...along with a human woman.

[Morinth]: Climb up here and grab the antidote.

[Morinth]: Time's ticking~! *She says in a singsong voice, laughing at the scene before her*

Lilliana holds her staff in one hand, while she kneels and places her other hand on Taozhu, on the wound. She looks up to the woman and the small bottle, her head snapping quickly. She doesn't respond to the female, but she does start running to make her way up to the roof.....

Morinth laughs and hops off, dancing in front of the gates of the base, making a 'Come hither' gesture with her finger.

Lilliana doesn't chase the woman who dances in front of the gates. But goes only for the bottle.

[Morinth]: Huu huu huu... Can't have Cobby mad at you?

[Morinth]: or some semblance of mercy? What would the Grim say when they find out you let their property get snatched?

[Lilliana]: No, I can't let a horde die. *she snarls and yells at her*

[Morinth]: Aww. How cute. By the way....

[Lilliana]: Fuck you, *she pulls herself up and snatches the bottle, and drops down, falling and tripping as she didn't want to take the time to use her light feathers, and she rushes the bottle to Taozhu*

[Morinth]: That's sugar water.

Morinth laughs and runs out the base, vanishing into the fog.

[Lilliana]: Freaking dishonorable bitch! *she swears*

[Lilliana]: Oh, well fuck.

Taozhu begins convulsing, coughing blood as he does so.

Taozhu hacks blood and phlegm, clutching his chest, he frantically tries to speak.

[Taozhu]: Shtoor-!...Shhcchkkttoooraaakkgge!

Taozhu points to the Storehouse nearby.

Lilliana puts the stupid bottle of sugar water down next to Taozhu, and she frantically tries to make
out what he means as he points to the storehouse. She shoots over there, breaking through the door with her shoulder since it was ajar anyway.

The fog lifts, allowing the moon to shine down as though the mist was never there. The storehouse looks somewhat ransacked, bottles and vials are scattered about.

Lilliana looks for one that is labeled with the letter S at the beginning.

None of the assorted bottles do, but there is an orc lying dead over a crate, holding onto it with his last breaths. Something is inside, a small noise coming from within.

Lilliana goes over to that dying orc, the crate muffles a soft sob.

Lilliana of course pushes the dying orc off, realizing that he's beyond her aid, and tries to open the crate.

The crate opens, a young teenage orc girl cries in fear, shrieking and sobbing.

Lilliana rolls her eyes at the teenager, what she needs is an antidote, not a little kid.

Lilliana snarls and looks around, frantic. Now that the thief got away, she's more than determined to not let the pandaren die.

The young girl sees Lilliana and pensively stands out of the crate, looking to where the orc lay. "Father!" She runs to him and holds him close.

Taozhu has begun gasping for air, as he seizures.

Lilliana doesn't pause any further with the young orc and her dead father.

The young girl looks to the pandaren, "Mr. Taozhu!" She grabs Lilliana, "What's wrong?! Heal him!"

Lilliana snarls viciously at the girl, "I'm trying! Where does Cobrak keep his special vials, the ones that heal? Go find me one! The very, very special ones!"

The girl eyes go wide. "Uh umm...Father said...Uh...Oooh..." The girl runs over to a counter, opening a fake floorboard and produces several vials. "I...uh...I don't which is what!"

Lilliana goes to look with her, "Like I freaking know either!"

The girl sets them on the counter, "Umm...They're all anti-venoms for really bad stuff!...Umm..." *She reads the labels out loud* "umm...Rylak....Shat-Hand...Morinth....Drakebane..."

Lilliana now realizes that Taozhu may have been trying to say storage...and not the name of an antidote. She groans, grabbing all of them, she returns to the pandaren.

Taozhu convulses wildly.

Lilliana takes the one called Shat-Hand, and shoves it down the wildly convulsing pandaren, "Help me with him!" She shouts to the girl, "Hold him!" She spills much of it.

Taozhu is somewhat being held by the girl, but he still wriggles about. The Shat-Hand does nothing, and he's beginning to fade.

Lilliana takes the one labeled Morinth, and roughly gets it down Taozhu's gullet. She is not gentle, in fact, she's holding the fur under his chin and pulling it down to get control of his mouth to do so.

Taozhu sputters a bit, but the 'Morinth' antidote also has a long syringe along the bottle, filled with the same serum.

The girl says, "F-father told me that one you also have to inject that into the heart."

[Lilliana]: What the hell? *she takes off the syringe and looks to the orc* Get him on his back *with her free hand she goes to help the orc girl push Taozhu down, since he's convulsed all over the place*

[Lilliana]: Well, it's not gonna freaking hurt anything....!

Taozhu is hefted over onto his back with some trouble. but is secured by the orc girl.

Lilliana doesn't check the filled syringe for air bubbles, how is she to know? She's not a mender at heart......but she has enough wits to know how to thrust a needle into someone, and she pushes it into Taozhu's chest and presses on the plunger, hoping she'd hit his heart.

Taozhu screams suddenly and launches upward, flailing wildly...He's alive it seems.

Lilliana grabs the girl when Taozhu starts screaming and flailing. Isn't Lilly nice.

Taozhu breathes heavily, small flecks of blood spurting still, but far less so.

Lilliana and the orc girl are covered in the blood that Taozhu had been spitting out. The troll releases her hold on the orc girl when Taozhu just seems to stand there, breathing heavily.

Taozhu collapses back onto the ground, all energy spent....His eyes close and he breathes heavy...but gradually slowing down and normalizing.

Lilliana now sighs, seeing that Taozhu isn't going to die. She turns her attentions to the young orc behind her.

The orc girl breaks down and begins bawling into Lilliana's robes.

Lilliana frowns, but she embraces the young orc in a motherly fashion. Her blue eyes go to the gates, watching where she had allowed the human to escape as she tried to save Taozhu.

"Lily's orb begins to glow."

Lilliana pulls out the orb with a hand, but she keeps one arm around the sobbing orc girl.

Lilly's orb now sounds in Cobrak's voice. "Lilly? Ya there?"

Lilliana sighs yet again, and she replies over the orc girls continued sobbing, "Yup. Hi."

Cobrak sounds, coughing somewhat, he sounds tired. "Know its late, but can ya check on Broden'ar fer us?...We haven't bin able ta git ahold o' im. Tried ya fer a bit, but all we got some kinda interference."

Lilliana is quiet for a moment.....Cobrak must be able to hear the orc girl, "Yeah. I'm there now. Everyone but Taozhu and this kid sobbing into my freaking robes is dead. Oh, and Cobrak, will you stop telling people that we are rutting? And that human thing called you Cobby!"

The orb goes quiet..."Cobby..."

The orb explodes not a second later, "LIlly! Are you alright?! Fuck, fuck fuck fuckfuckfuck!

[Lilliana]: Yeah, fine.

[Lilliana]: I'm always fine.

Taozhu | "DOUBLE TIME IT, BACK TA BASE NOW! Goddamnit...not now..."

Lilliana waits there with the unconscious but alive Taozhu, and with the orc girl....all three surrounded by corpses.

Taozhu breathes steadily now, as a portal opens up in the midst of the base.

The Deadshots pour in, all covered in injuries of varying kinds.

Lilliana watches, not getting up as she's holding the orc who has gone rather quiet.

Rhuune and Valendis rush past, a stretcher between carrying the unconscious Breygrah.

Lilliana 's eyes go wide upon seeing Breygrah.

The orc girl sobs, until she spots Cobrak. "C-chief...."

Cobrak walks over, he looks like hell as his missing eye sports a hideous blackened scar over a good portion of his face. He looks over the scene, almost broken looking.

Lilliana has some rather not nice things to say to Cobrak...over a human and draenei being in his garrison, the female stealing that poison thing that Cobrak had supplied the Grim....and stuff. She doesn't say a word though. She's also looking at the scene of the others coming in, obviously from a battle she wasn't part of. Since she was kind of doing her own thing tonight, which is if she hadn't been, Taozhu would have been dead.

Cobrak says slowly to the Deadshots who gathered round, "Tend to tha wounded...we'll hafta bury tha dead later."