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Re: What's in a name?

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 5:26 pm
by Nathandiel
Nathandiel descended the staircase, taking in the subtle, yet foreboding atmosphere. The thing in the in the centre of the columns drew his attention, he didn't know what it was but there was something organic about it.

Frowning, he took a seat amongst a grouping of three chairs, ignore the fare that had been provided. Something told him he would be prudent to proceed forwards with an empty stomach.

Who the hell is Hendrick? He wondered as he looked at the mound under the red sheet.

What the hell is Hendrick?

Re: What's in a name?

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 12:06 am
by Aziris
Aziris' footsteps float her down the stairs and into a place she feels is naggingly familiar.

She pauses to the side of the staircase as the others also enter, trying to place it. The room has been furnished with niceties, but she recognizes them as superfluous. Aferthoughts. This is obviously not a place intended to entertain the public, no no. She ignores the food ad drink, trusting that merely being Forsaken was enough of an excuse to do so without being considered impolite. Her eyes are drawn to the centerpiece, of course.

Aziris drifts toward the same grouping of chairs as Nathandiel, following his lead. It isn't until she is seated that she realizes her new positioning has made a detail of the room visiable to her.

A drain.

Aziris is in a room like those in the dark labrynthine Undercity. This is an alchemist's laboratory. A fleshcrafter's suite. You could make abominations in here. That is when she smells it, the thing that lends this place a sense of having been ocupied by her once before, though she'd never set foot here. She eyes the red silken sheet obscuring the centerpiece. It can't be worse than an abom, can it?

Aziris wears her blank apothecary face, expressionless but observant. She hides behind it. Perhaps it was a mistake to come here, but she would draw more attention to herself by leaving than if she just stays. Besides, being a new Grim, this really is a good opportunity to observe just what, exactly, she has gotten herself into.

Re: What's in a name?

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 12:32 pm
by Lilliana
Lilliana had come in behind Aderlee, humming and poking the other red headed troll a few times in the shoulder after he took his place standing.

When Nathandiel and Aziris descended down the stairs, she followed and immediately consumed some of the buffet offered.

Her expression was one of ease as she popped food into her mouth, despite what she suspected Baalethmar had been up to, considering she had heard him make numerous comments.

"Want some?" She tried to offer some food to those now joining them.

Re: What's in a name?

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 2:24 am
by Aderlee
Aderlee idly tolerated the poking. Lilliana seemed to get bored fairly quickly and move on, so he waited. He lifted his hand in greeting, watching the interaction between Nathandiel and Baalthemar, then following the group as they went below. Trailing Lilliana, Aderlee parked himself next to the food table, but declined to take anything for himself, shaking his head at Lilliana's question. His nostrils flared to take in the aromatic fruits and savory meats and cheeses, but something else pricked at him.

Blood, sweet blood, there was no mistaking it. Aderlee closed his eyes and took a deeper breath through his nose, distracted now by this new smell that he didn't pick up on the sweat. As he opened his eyes, he looked around the room a second time. Everything seemed so clean. Even the floor drain looked scrubbed clean, interesting. His eyes finally rested on the 'thing' in the center of the room as the pieces slowly came together for Aderlee.

Re: What's in a name?

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 1:40 pm
by Syreenna
Syreena followed the others down the stairs, sneezing at the thick smell of the incense. She paused, looking at the covered mass in the middle of the room, which seemed to be the centerpiece, then she stepped over to the food bench.

The little rogue pushed a platter of fresh fruit aside and perched up on the bench before taking a sweet roll from a nearby basket. She chewed on the roll as she settled in to watch whatever show Baal'themar had planned for them.

Re: What's in a name?

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 7:01 am
by Baalthemar
*******************!WARNING ADULT CONTENT: Graphic violence!**********************
************************** You have been warned.*******************************

Baal slowly walked down the stairs into the basement, his mind was buzzing with the warmth of the wine. It was so much more intense than normal. Perhaps downing half the glass at once wasn’t the best idea. Baal thought. No matter, he enjoyed the feeling even if everything seemed, more… Vivid.

He watched as his guests moved around the room, Lilliana and Syreena were enjoying the food while Aderlee sat near by, and Nathandiel and Aziris had found a good place to view the center of the room by the chairs he had set out.

Slowly and carefully he walked over to the table where Hendrick was covered and ducked under the sheet to made sure everything was ready, the bones were set, the table just needed to be tilted for the show.

He peeked out from under the sheet, his actions had drawn some attention from his guests, Now the party starts he thought. Everything is set, he grinned and stood at the side of the table.

“Thank you for coming, I’m sure some of you are confused as to what is going on here.” Baal smiled. “For a few days I have been working on…” he paused “a little project… of sorts.”
Grabbing hold of the cloth with one hand and getting ready to quickly tilt the table with the other. Baal takes one last look around the room to make sure everyone is watching.

“This is Hendrick, the slug-man” he tilts the table and the cogs snap into their locking position, their rapid clicking echoed off the walls. With his other hand Baal pulls the red silk sheet away from the table.

You can now clearly see “Hendrick” naked and exposed, his body is crimson with dry blood and shines with sweat and faint signs of infection. His rib cage is gone, giving him a lumpy misshapen torso, his arms and legs twitch as nerves fire. Raw muscle and tendons flop around useless. Making him look like his entire body is wriggling.
His toothless mouth gasps for air, heaving against the flesh pushing on his lungs. As you get a better view of his chest you can see a large bulge in the center of his body, you continue to look over his body and see a small wick entering his chest from his collar bone it sticks out like a twig in a sea of flesh.
Hendrick’s eyes roll in his head as he is lifted from his horizontal position, and he mumbles something unintelligible, as a copious amount of drool falls from his mouth.

#Any that can read minds of pick up on feelings, can feel a faint sense of relief from him and hear in his mind two words repeated in his mind: “Almost Over”#

At the bottom of the table is a pile of bones, scraps of flesh still clinging to them.
They are stacked like a morbid campfire, with the smaller bones surrounding the larger ones.

Beaming at his guests Baal walks to get a better view of Hendrick, standing near the drain he folds his arms and looks over his creation.

Re: What's in a name?

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 12:49 pm
by Aziris
Aziris cannot contain her immediate horror reaction. She gasps before managing to press her lips closed. The shapeless THING in the center of the room captures her eyes and won't let them go. Her arms wrap around her as if to put a physical barrier between herself and the poor man. One hand rests on her chest, covering where green-embroidered stitching peeks above the neckline of her robes.

Corpses are often in better condition than this man. She wonders what sort of horrible thing he has done to deserve this. Or, does he deserve this? Does anyone? She wonders. She can't imagine being angry enough to maintain it start to finish to do this to another person.

Her eyes overcome the shock. This is, after all, what she had expected, right? Perhaps more crude, more messy, but basically... man-slug. Boneless meatbag. Why had she expected a clean surgical environment? This elf is obviously no doctor. He had hacked his way to poor Hendrick's skeleton and deboned him like a novice butcher.

The pile of bones is too small. Oh, right. Hard to remove the spine bones or skull from a living subject, she supposes. Other than not being clean, the bones are neatly arranged and she finds herself staring at these moreso than the victim they came from, or the proud... artist? They are big bones. Strong. Hendrick hadn't been a frail man. The fact he is even alive after this terrible surgery, no butchery, is testament enough to that.

Composure regained, Aziris continues to look, both at Baalthemar, and his gruesome creation. She wants to know why. What did Hendrick do that was so terrible to deserve this?

The elf is very proud of his work. She makes certain to nod at him with her expressionless face. It isn't approval, not by a long shot. But, he is impassioned. Fatigued. Showing off. He'll see it as such regardless of whether or not there is an actual emotion showing on the professional facade that once served her very well as a Royal Society apothecary.

Re: What's in a name?

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 9:20 pm
by Nathandiel
Nathaniel had studied the others, most he knew, a few not so much. The blank-faced woman looked used, like maybe she'd been on display somewhere equally as pleasant as where they currently were. She also looked familiar. He was watching her when Baalthemar made his reveal.

His lips slowly formed a smooth, easy smile, one of simple satisfaction and pleasure.

What a boy. What a marvellous, marvellous boy.

The bones were gone. A foolish adjustment, the man could no longer make his own blood, but still...he was alive. He wouldn't be for long, this "Hendrick" individual, even with the best supportive therapies he was going to die.

Too bad. Keeping that alive would be interesting all on it's own.

He licked his lips and sat forward, elbows on his knees. He studied Baalthemar, seeing a part of him he had not realized was there--the macabre, the madness, what Drinn affectionately called "the monster." He was attracted to Baalthemar and wanted him quite badly, but it had been Baalthemar's apparent innocence that had drawn him to the other man. Now though. . . .

Now it's something else, something different. Is he like me? Like Drinn?

He wished he'd brought her, she'd have loved this. He looked back to Baalthemar, noting the light sheen of sweat on his brow and the high colour in his cheeks. There was an eagerness in his eyes, even as they were filled with glee and delight. Was it the pain that pleased him? Was it the grotesque? What if such longings had driven Baalthemar to do what he'd done?

What if it's the wine. . . ?

His brow furrowed. No, the thing on the table was the work of a pathological mind, not the product of spiked booze. Still though, Baalthemar didn't seem quite right. Nathandiel's pleasure with the production before him was dampened slightly as his physician's mind crowded in. His brow furrowed more deeply and his smile faded.

Something was wrong with Baalthemar.

Re: What's in a name?

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 4:34 am
by Aderlee
Aderlee exclaimed a "Whoa!" as the sheet was pulled away. It wasn't so much that he was shocked or surprised at the sight, but simply Aderlee sometimes exclaims something at sudden or uncomfortable moments to fill the silence. He took in the sight of Hendrick, who was pretty damn messed up. Something about it was so horrifying yet interesting at the same time, it took an effort to tear his eyes away and settle on Baalthemar. Time to break the silence.

"Baalthemar, dats fucked up, hehe." Aderlee spoke with his dorky grin. He usually spoke fairly candid with Baalthemar and teased him when he could, deciding it was unlikely Baalthemar would take offense. Aderlee opted to stay near the food rather than look at Hendrick close up, viewing the display from a distance.

So this is a man slug... First time for everything.

Aderlee took a brief moment to note everyone's reaction. Surprise? Indifference? His eyes returned to Baalthemar in case he decided to speak again.

I knew it. He's a fucking psycho.

Re: What's in a name?

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 10:17 am
by Lilliana
Lilliana's only response to what was before them was to offer Aderlee a plate of food. She did so in silence.

Re: What's in a name?

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 2:11 pm
by Yemana
((*sigh* Busy as crap. Best take Yemana off the guestlist if this thread wants to progress sometime in the next few months. :( ))

Re: What's in a name?

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 2:48 am
by Syreenna
Syreena watched silently as Baal'themar made his final checks and speech. When he whisked the sheet away and Hendrick was revealed, the little rogue just stared. It took her a moment to figure out that it was actually a man she was looking at. Or at least, it may have been at one time. She kept her face carefully expressionless as she studied the blobby shape. It reminded her of the animated slime balls in the Hinterlands.

Then she saw the bones piled up, and she tilted her head, her eyes narrowing thoughtfully. She wondered what exactly this man had done to earn such anger from Baal. He had told her before that the man had wronged him in some serious manner, but she didn't know the details. Even her rage at Aleister, her own tormentor from her youth, could not have sustained her patience or precision to do something like this. She became lost in thought for a moment, in her mind, seeing another man, who was also once human, strapped to that table. But Aleister was long dead, and she found no pleasure in the image.

Syreena realized that Baal was looking at her, waiting for her reaction probably. She looked from Hendrick to the elf, wondering if he felt the sense of justice or liberation or closure or any other satisfaction that she had somehow missed when she tortured and killed her own tormentor. She searched his face, but if he felt hollow after his revenge, he hid it well. Syreena thought Baal'themar looked quite pleased with himself, and so she did what was expected of her.

The little rogue grinned wickedly at the elf, and then she looked back at the slug-man with an eager expression on her face.

Re: What's in a name?

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 11:57 am
by Baalthemar
Scanning the room with his arms still folded, Baal looked over his guests.
Syreena grinned at him, that wonderfully sinister grin that he took for a morbid approval. Good, at least one person liked it. he thought to himself.

Lilliana sat eating the food he had put out while watching the show, it looked to Baal like she was enthralled by his work. Then again she could just be hungry. Grinning at the thought.

He looked over to the two sitting in the corner. Catching Nathandiel smiling at him. Wonderful he had wondered if the doctor would take issue with his lack of skill, but if anything he seemed... proud?

But the new girl. Aziris she was the one to watch, she was clutching her chest. very strange, was she excited? he had seen women do that same action when they went to see E.T.C live. odd girl he noted.

Baal turned quickly as the silence broke with a "woah" looking at Aderlee as he commented on his work.
Baal nodded, "Yes, it is fucked up, but so was Hendrick so I think it's fitting that his body matches his soul."

Grinning he stepped forward. "Come look Aderlee, I included your little gift in this too." uncrossing one arm to point at the large shape in Hendrick's chest.

"That there, is the bomb you gave me at the Inquisition a while back, At the time I wondered what would happen if I was to let it go off while it is inside someone." opening his arms wide. "Well, tonight we will get to see." Baal licked his lips slightly at the thought.

He was so lost in thought that he had almost forgot, "Oh where are my manners? do any of you have questions about Hendrick?" turning back to his guests.

Re: What's in a name?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 7:17 am
by Aziris
"What did he do?" Aziris asks softly.

Re: What's in a name?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 9:01 am
by Baalthemar
Turning to Aziris, smiling, Baalthemar walks slowly toward her. "When I was young, I had a friend. A beautiful girl named Elora."

Walking closer to Aziris holding his static smile. "Elora still in her youth, was raped to death."

Slowly walking behind Aziris, Baalthemar kneels down behind her, gently holding her shoulder he points to Hendrick. "By that. and things like it. It took months, but her strength broke. and so they threw her away. Like a dead flower."

Quickly standing and giving Aziris a warm smile, gently patting her shoulders. "So that's why I took him and his family."