First trial / Demon Hunt; Assistance

The stories and lives of the Grim. ((Roleplaying Stories and In Character Interactions))
Posts: 151

First trial / Demon Hunt; Assistance

Unread post by Kiannis »

Kiannis stalked his way through the Grim halls, to the very same supplicant quarters he had owned so many months ago. Small and utilitarian, calling it a 'Studio' would be generous. After unloading his gear and the heavier bits of armor he sits down at a desk, Rolling out a bit of parchment and inking his quill. Most of the letter is simple orcish shorthand, however his signature is in a flowing cursive script.
Encounter Report Month 5, day 17, Year 11
-After assisting the Ironbreakers I had made my way to Outland to meet up with the Rutilus Luna assault force. Many able bodies were rallied from across the Dreadhorde and beyond. We were all standing in the Shadowmoon Village courtyard, looking up at the Rutilus Luna officers Faylea and Ranadarus, awaiting the brief. They informed us that they had tracked one of their possessed allies to the decayed ruins of the old Karabor Temple. Before we left, one of the Dreadhorde drew a vial of holy water and warded us all from evils- Some preparation that had been concocted specifically for this instance. We had made our way into the outer sanctum proper, and found our quarry- The possessed form of Darilea, with an elvish thrall and a corehound at her side. The poor elf went down quickly, however the succubus herself proved more a challenge. Her arrows seemed to cause their mark to lose their mind and attack us in turn (This was only after several instances of shimmering white light, I can only assume to be the 'ward', going off and no effect noticed). Halfway through the battle, another Rutilus member had snuck up and tried to kidnap the mender who had warded us- to no avail. We made short order of the demon, and as the final blow was struck- Darilea burst into green flame that crystallized into a sort of amber. Rutilus transported the woman back to their garrison.
--Final Notes
--Noted interest in Dreadhorde - Investigate?
--Determine level of involvement with further incidents. Personally supported. Grim presence forthcoming can only stand to spread the mandate.
--Bring Photographic/Vocal recording device next time. Easier to write report when not from memory.
Supplicant Ash'Therod
Several stretch breaks, and one whole cigarillo later, his report missive was complete. He would turn it in tomorrow, though, for now he would test several dusty bottles and musty satchels before getting the best rest he's had in nearly a year.
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Re: First trial / Demon Hunt; Assistance

Unread post by Lilliana »

Lilliana had not properly gone through Kiannis's report until nearly a month after it's completion. She had heard from Rutilus Luna about his assistance, and perhaps had placed some trust within the elf that she would not express openly. She had long ago considered this trial complete, and Kiannis was well on his way into his second trial. She took some time to consider the "final notes" which Kiannis had made. She eyed the middle note:
Kiannis wrote: Determine level of involvement with further incidents. Personally supported. Grim presence forthcoming can only stand to spread the mandate.
Although she did not feel that there was a need, she decided to pen a reply to the Supplicant;
Lilliana wrote:
Dear Kiannis,

Grim presence should be everywhere to spread the Mandate, but watch your footing where you go. Our level of involvement with Luna needs to be...monitored."
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