
The stories and lives of the Grim. ((Roleplaying Stories and In Character Interactions))
Immermnemion Dawnbringer
Posts: 340
Location: Manistee, Michigan


Unread post by Immermnemion Dawnbringer »

((This story takes place shortly after [url=http://thegrim.org/index.php?option=com ... pic=3650.0]A Return “Homeâ€
Last edited by Immermnemion Dawnbringer on Sun Oct 17, 2010 4:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
Here lies a toppled god;
his fall was not a small one.
We did but build his pedestal -
a narrow and a tall one.

-  F.H.
Immermnemion Dawnbringer
Posts: 340
Location: Manistee, Michigan

Re: Hochzeit

Unread post by Immermnemion Dawnbringer »

      In a perfectly dark cavern, a figure moved. Slowly, steadily, its footsteps plodded forward. A faint sound was audible as the creature's toe stuck water. A three-part incantation with a steady ictus was done, then there was silence once more. After a few moments, the cavern was much warmer. The creature struck the water once more with its foot. A sound of cloth hitting the stone was heard, then a sliding sound into the water.

      Though the room was perfectly dark to the naked eye, Stra'tos saw everything he needed. Arcane marks pinpointed the vicinity, and the young wizard knew where the basin of water started and ended ... as well as the positions of all the entrances and exits. As he relaxed in his makeshift bath, he thought of the issues requiring his attention in the near future. Shelly wanted him to test the validity of some old artifacts to be auctioned in Booty Bay later in the month, but the Goblin admiral overestimated the Troll's ability to analyze objects with his magic; Stra'tos liked his energy to be fast and furious, not working in some weirding way to possibly provide some benefit. Though he was proficient in the basics of working with pure mana, he hadn't mastered many of the more complex manipulations. He could teleport, though opening portals for others was still beyond him.

      Upset with thoughts of his limitations, Stra'tos released his anger in a jet of flame above the water. His mentor, Kul'dilev, had been rather skilled in many schools of magic, though he favored the pure, enigmatic arcane. Immermnemion took heed of that favor, though the inept Elf was not talented. Stra'tos was, though he much preferred the instant gratification which came with fire. As he slunk under the water, he chuckled at the thoughts of Immermnemion's magical potency compared to his own - such a contest would be a joke!

      He rolled over and pushed himself off with his feet like a torpedo through the water. The apprentice's large tusks swept through the water like giant claws as the trim figure moved to the other side of the enclosed pool. Yet such a contest is necessary. For years, the rivalry between the two was intense under their mentor, but even after his mysterious departure, Stra'tos still harbored a grudge against Immermnemion. He didn't have a chance to force a competition back at the village, and he didn't know when the two would next see each other. While he could visit the judge's homeland, the Trolls - even Darkspear - were still ill-received there; one wrong move could earn him the physical hostility of the entire bunch. Not an idiot, he knew while he was skilled with magic, there were many Elves which dwarfed his power still. A justifiable reason for his presence would be needed to keep their wrath at bay. He kept swimming as he remembered another task he was supposed to do for Shelly: The Goblin was interested in an old coin Stra'tos had come across a few weeks ago. Putting it in his vault with the rest of the treasure, the mageling had told Shelly he'd find it. Well, he hadn't, and it was time to look. After swimming back around to his robes, the mage quickly dressed and went to look for the coin.

      A continuous wall of fire kept intruders out of this portion of the cave, but Stra'tos merely warded himself and walked through. Though the cavern's obscure location was its best defense, additional security never hurt anyone ... except the intruders. The small light radius provided by the flames wasn't enough to illuminate the whole chamber, so Stra'tos did what he did best: make more fire. Before long, orbs of flame hung in many portions of the room, providing ample light to search for the coin. He wouldn't have thrown it in the piles with all the rest as it was apparently valuable, but he forgot exactly where he left it. Walking around piles of standard issue coins, raw materials, non-perishable finished products, and gnome effigies he liked to incinerate for fun, Stra'tos happened upon the coin. Thicker and with a smaller diameter than today's coins, it fit easily into a reagent pouch on his robe's sash. He wasn't much concerned with the bauble as long as someone was willing to pay a pretty price for it.

      Walking through the meandering paths of stone to leave the cave, Stra'tos thought it a bit odd he'd not had to clean out any Dwarves. Nestled in the seaward mountainside of Eastern Dun Morough, it was a bit puzzling the place hadn't become a mine yet. Nevertheless, as the salty air blew upon his face when Stra'tos finally saw light, he was happy the nosy midgets hadn't been bothersome. He and Shelly had a mutual agreement to keep trespassers off each other's haunts while they were around. Seeing as the admiral's getaway, Newman's Landing, was within sight of where Stra'tos now stood, the agreement was not difficult to fulfill. Instead of climbing down the hills, the Troll merely floated himself down gently through the air. Shelly was enjoying a cup of coffee on the porch of his retreat as he noticed the spectacle. After a few minutes, the mage landed on the dock.

      Shelly had a good laugh. "Never let it get borin' around here, do ya?"

      The mage laughed, himself - he probably did look a bit ridiculous. "'Ey - jou know 'ow long it be takin' ta dlimb down 'ere?" He pulled out the coin. "Ah got jour shineh. Where's mah money?"

      Walking over to take the coin, the Goblin reached up and snatched it. "... yeah, this is it all right. Glad you found it in time; I'm heading out tomorrow for that load of Elfy junk - you gonna take a look at them for me, right?"

      Stra'tos made as if he were shelling out coins with his fingers; Shelly took the hint and tossed him a sack of coins from his belt. "Greedy bastard. Your skin could be greener, you know - them boys in Booty Bay don't got nothin' on you."

      Grinning slightly, the Troll replied. "Ya, well ah be plenty happy wit' da view up 'ere, shorteh." The grin became more pronounced as the Goblin took mild offense to the comment.

      "Yeah, yeah, I'll be getting a lot of that on this trip. Damned Elves thinkin' they're better than everyone else. The supplier's having me meet him at this wedding though - least the food'll be good." Shelly turned the coin over and took another look at it. "Hear this here Emerron guy's a relative o' the groom. Their pride gets all hurt if you don't get 'em a gift, you know?"

      Stra'tos took a moment to process the information; his eyes absently locked on the coin.

      "What? We had a deal! You be havin' second thoughts, make me an offer."

      The Troll nodded at the coin, his tusks poking towards it. "Wat be da last name o' da Elfy on da coin?"

      Shelly took a look at it again - holding it close to himself - "Raybearer"

      "'E be a pretteh big deal w'en 'e be alive. Jou know da groom?"

      "Eh, some Dawnslinger or some'tin. Never met 'im, but their names are all the same. Sun this, Bright that ..."

      Stra'tos grinned. Immermnemion was too reliable to miss his family's event. Maybe at the wedding, the Troll - and the coin - could incite him enough to actually have a duel to determine the most powerful. The strategy almost seemed too convenient. And Shelly was right - the food would be good.

      "Tell jou wat, mon - ah'll head up dere wit' ya, 'n' jou ken tell da junk from da spunk right on da spot. Won't be 'avin' ta haul any o' it back."

      Shelly's business skills were still sharp. "You already got 50 g's for that coin. I'm not loaded down with coin to pay for a vacation and ..."

      The mage cut him off. "Nah, mon. Dis one's on da vault. Ah be 'avin' some business ta finish up dere anehweh."

      Shelly shrugged, though internally very excited at the time and and bartering power the arrangement would win him. "Yeah, I can do that. You good to go tomorrow mornin'?"

      Turning to look out over the sea, the mage nodded. "Jou bet."
Last edited by Immermnemion Dawnbringer on Mon Oct 25, 2010 2:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
Here lies a toppled god;
his fall was not a small one.
We did but build his pedestal -
a narrow and a tall one.

-  F.H.
Immermnemion Dawnbringer
Posts: 340
Location: Manistee, Michigan

Re: Hochzeit

Unread post by Immermnemion Dawnbringer »

      Stra'tos and Shelly arrived on the afternoon before the wedding was to take place. After leaving ship at the Anchorage, the retired admiral set off towards the city to see the artifacts he was to purchase while the apprentice searched about for the wedding location - near Fairbreeze Village in Southern Eversong was all he knew. A stranger to the area, Stra'tos sought after his location without certainty. He eventually found it, streams of people and carts of supplies good indicators of something big. Already, a full spectrum of flowers were as dazzling as they were fragile; it was good the skies were clear, indicating no rain for the morning. Immermnemion, however, was nowhere to be seen.

       After receiving enough unwelcome glances from the villagers, the Troll made his way to Silvermoon itself. Never having been to the capital before, he was awestruck as the Sunfury Spire's beauty loomed ever-high in the air. While quite wealthy, the sheer commonality of affluence these people exhibited earned Stra'tos's respect - even if they had none for him. He was hoping as a skilled mage he could change that though. The guardians at the Shepard's Gate did not meet his gaze as the visitor approached. Stra'tos probably looked suspicious as he used the last of twilight to look around at the gardening work expressed outside the entryway. Everything was meticulous, cut to the exact desire of the people - well-arranged flowers, crafted shrubs, and exquisite statues lined the bridge. Ahead, the late prince's likeness stared back at him with an eternal stone countenance. What a sorcerer he had been! Even the Troll had known the power the ruler held over magic, let alone over his people. One day, Stra'tos hoped to be as powerful if not more so.

       Their suspicion rousing them from ambivalence, one of the guards inquired of the mage: "What is your business in our fair city?"

       "Ah be da partnah o' High Admirahl Shelly. We be comin' ta finish a transacti'n wit' magical artifahcts."

       After a moment's hesitation, an affirming response came. "Proceed."

       And so he did. Rounding the gate, the city simply seemed more magnificent. Silks draping over master's stonework, gemstone-studded windows, and enchanted cleaning items maintained the unblemished appearance. Couples walking through the streets strayed from him though, whispering to themselves about the interloper as they passed. The young sorcerer was unwelcome in the paradise before him.

      Shelly was enjoying a hookah in a tailor's shop when Stra'tos met-up with him.

      "I was thinkin' you'd never find your way. Where've ya been?"

      "Ah been lookin' 'round. Had business, remembah?"

      "Heh, yeah. What kind?"

      "Da private kind."

      The Goblin snorted. "You're a stingy one, Strat. But my copious amounts of generosity allow me to tell you what I've been up to." Shelly leaned forward, glancing around to ensure their privacy. "I haggled down the poor sap over 20%! Even had him throw in one o' dem enchanted brooms with the staves 'n' orbs. And ..." he looked around again and lowered his voice to a whisper "I got this black cube off of 'im. Says it calls out to the Old Gods." The green man sat back, quite pleased with himself.

      The mage took in the information. "What jou be needin' dat foah? Nobody be wantin' it."

      "Ah, that's where you're wrong, my friend. These Twilight Hammer people been lookin' for anything to do with Old Gods these past weeks."

      Stra'tos rolled his eyes. "Jou be knowin' dey want ta be destroyin' ev'ryt'ing, right?"

      "Yeah, bunch o' crazies. You ask me? They're not any more of a worry than Arthas was."

      Stra'tos blinked. "'E almost turned da whole o' Azaroth inta a giant graveyard!"

      Shelly laughed. "You saw that line of waste going through half the city? He couldn't even destroy the entire thing! The Elves can stop him all by themselves. Then he ran up to a glacier and sat there before we stuck it to him!"

      Ignoring the ridiculousness, the Troll asked the other question on his mind. "Jou said jou got da stuff already. Where it be?"

      "Ah, haven't bought it yet, just locked in the deal. Needed you to make sure the things can do what they say they do first!"

      The apprentice had forgotten his reason for convincing Shelly to take him until then. "Jus don' be voicing dose tings 'ere. Deir eahs be really keen - da tailah's prolly hearin' ev'ryt'in' we been sayin'."

      As if on cue, the tailor of Shelly's garb for tomorrow walked in with it and a box. "I have, admiral. It's flattering you feel we could have held off the scourgelord on our own. Please, have one of these fine chocolates as compliments of our establishment."

      His eyes first wide in fear when he realized the tailor's hearing picked-up on the conversation, Shelly's expression now turned into a smile of relief. Reaching in for a chocolate without hesitation, the Goblin popped it into his mouth. He looked to be in heaven.

      "Oh!" said Shelly with the chocolate still in his mouth. "Dis is amazing. Where did you get them?"

      The tailor smiled with perfect teeth as his green eyes glowed bright. "The bakery in the South of the Bazaar also has marvelous sweets - these are the personal work of Mayara Sunwhisper there."

      "I'm gettin' a case of these before I go!" Taking a last drag from the hookah, Shelly stood up, though the difference wasn't very noticeable.

      Stra'tos nodded towards the chocolate box. "Ken ah be tryin' one?"

      The tailor's smile disappeared. "Customers only," he replied with a snoot. Quickly turning and walking to the counter, the two were left alone.

      Shelly saw Stra'tos was angry. "Don't sweat it. Some'll warm up to ya after a while."

      Leaving for their room at Wayfarer's Rest, the two awaited the wedding in the morning.
Last edited by Immermnemion Dawnbringer on Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Here lies a toppled god;
his fall was not a small one.
We did but build his pedestal -
a narrow and a tall one.

-  F.H.
Immermnemion Dawnbringer
Posts: 340
Location: Manistee, Michigan

Re: Hochzeit

Unread post by Immermnemion Dawnbringer »

      A grand affair, the wedding was to officially start in 15 minutes. Attendees numbered well over a hundred, the color theme being red and gold. Signifying the political investment in the union were numerous Sin'dorei enchanted banners throughout the event - and important members of the royal court to go with them. To Shelly's delight, Mayarah herself was serving chocolates, and the short, green retiree tried his best at flirting with the young sweetmaker. Though smiling and polite, she was a bit creeped-out on the inside. Stra'tos had stayed on the outskirts of the event though, hoping to catch the judge before the event, but the only thing he caught was distasteful looks. As the musicians took a break from an upbeat triptych to prepare for the ceremony's music, the apprentice decided he should sit and look for the judge among the crowd there - perhaps he missed him. However, security stopped him.

      "Sir, your invitation?"

      Already angry from the previous ostracizing, Stra'tos was not in the mood for the harassment. "Ah be wit' Admiral Shelly. Jou be findin' 'im."

      "He was invited. Who are you?"

      The mage sighed. "Ah be 'is guest 'ere. Stra'tos!"

      "The admiral didn't indicate any guests." There was a pause. "Leave this place."

      Knowing Shelly probably just didn't think to do so, Stra'tos placed the blame on the xenophobic guards. "Ah be 'avin' a transacti'n ta take care o' 'ere aftah."

      "You will have to take your business elsewhere."

      His temper getting the best of him, the Troll was about to begin an incantation for a little retribution. But then -

      "Let him pass. He is my guest."

      Turning around, Stra'tos saw Immermnemion and Razka. They wore matching doublets of the theme. In addition to the unusual clothing (though like many others at the wedding), Immermnemion had changed his hairdo for the first time ... since Stra'tos could remember. His new form was much more chaotic, many small tails of hair elevated and fanning-out behind him. The guard obviously didn't recognize either one. "And you are?"

      "I am the son of the groom." The volume of Immermnemion's reply was such a multitude within earshot turned to see the relative arriving as the ceremony was just about to start. Without waiting for a reaction, Immermnemion and Razka walked past security towards the front - where their reserved seats waited. As they passed, the gatherers were chocked to see the groom's son with a Troll. Two actually, though Stra'tos quickly took a seat at the back next to Shelly. Razka's lime hair and towering height stook out like a sore thumb - especially in the front where the traits were on display for all to see.

      While at first, Jayeth was happy to hear his son had made it, seeing Immermnemion's stunt in choice of guest made him put his hand over his face in frustration. Deciding not to upset the wedding with beautiful Elora further, he decided to just get on with it.

      A slow string piece began the ceremony, the sorrowful sound of the cello carrying over the crowd as a mild breeze blew in the morning. Stra'tos wondered at the motive of Immermnemion's pardon while Immermnemion wondered briefly at the rival's reason for being there. Shelly wondered when he could get more chocolates as he finished eating those he'd put into his pockets from earlier. The piece took on a more marcato style as the groom approached the altar. Jayeth, dressed in an exquisite scarlet suit with genuine gold imbued in the thread and embroidered into the trim, glanced to his son upon reaching his destination. Immermnemion's smile - as well as the ridiculous Troll's face paint - seemed to taunt him for some reason. Next, Elora walked forward in a layered golden dress with scarlet trim - complementing Jayeth's outfit perfectly. The music crescendoed and took on a major tune as the brass joined the strings and winds. Jayeth faced her the entire time as she approached, and, at last, they stood together as the sun rose high in the day. The priest began the words for the wedding, and Immermnemion swallowed. His opportunity soon arrived.

      "With the all-seeing rays of the sun upon us, does anyone object to these two souls being linked in unity today?"

      The judge rose. "I do." Whispers spread like wildfire through the crowd.

      Not the oldest priest, he'd never heard this occur before. "... may I ask why?" came the surprised response.

      "My father, the groom, has an ongoing marriage with my mother. The laws of the land forbid this union presently."

      The crowd no longer in whispers, Jayeth tried to salvage the situation. "You must understand  -  she has been missing in action for years, Immer. I must move on with my life!"

      "With her?" Immermnemion pointed an expository finger at Elora. "The previous marriage isn't over until divorce or death. Neither of the two has occurred yet." He paused. "And I will not grant the divorce."

      A pale Elf stood from across the aisle. "But I will. The marriage he hereby annulled. Enough of this foolishness. Let's get on with the ceremony." With an assuring smile, the person Immermnemion then recognized as High Justice Analor Brightstar had trumped his attempted block of this desecration. "Not only was being overridden in itself embarrassing, but to be done in his own field - and because he oversighted the substantial presence of political figures at the wedding - was stinging. In addition to all this, his mother's memory would be disgraced. Immermnemion meekly sat, and the ceremony proceeded after a few moments.

      Closing his tome, the priest had nothing more to say as the two embraced. The ceremony now over and the reception underway, people left their chairs for drinks and dance. Razka tried to comfort Immermnemion to no effect as his father and now-mother-in-law avoided him. Stra'tos, however, did not, and saught out the judge. Razka, feeling he needed a drink himself, left as the mage approached.

      "'Ey," said Stra'tos to the downcast Elf's face.

      Immermnemion looked up after a moment. "What brought you here?"

      "Business unfinished. Jou t'ink ah couldn't handle dose gahds back dere?"

      "I thought..."

      "JOU nevah be t'inkin' ah ken be good enough ta be seen as a real wizahd!"

      Immermnemion was frustrated of the rivalry. "Strat, it's not that."

      "We be havin' a duel to be seein' who be strangah seein' as jou can't be acceptin' mah gowt' in da magical realm!"

      Needing to let off some steam and sick of everything else happening recently, Immermnemion granted the Troll's request. "Fine. Let's move away from the others."
Last edited by Immermnemion Dawnbringer on Sat Oct 30, 2010 11:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Here lies a toppled god;
his fall was not a small one.
We did but build his pedestal -
a narrow and a tall one.

-  F.H.
Immermnemion Dawnbringer
Posts: 340
Location: Manistee, Michigan

Re: Hochzeit

Unread post by Immermnemion Dawnbringer »

      The reception was in full swing, the tussle from Immermnemion mostly forgotten. A breakdancing Razka broke the racial barrier rather quickly with the cold people, the entertainment causing enough smiles and laughter to melt the ice. Even Shelly took his eyes off the chocolates and Mayara's hips long enough to see it. The Goblin caught a glimpse of Jayeth and made his way over to him, the groom's appearance reminding him to yield his gift. Offering him the coin of his relative, the newlywed accepted pleasantly and gratefully, putting the coin in his pocket before having another dance with his new wife. One thing taken care of, the retiree went to get the magical artifacts deal finished.

      Near the water of the Anchorage, the rivals were out of sight of most of the crowd.

      "Dis be far enough!"

      "This is dumb, Strat."

      Perhaps agitated by having his idea called dumb, the mage began casting a fireball without any further delay. Immermnemion approached, but he'd never be able to reach the mage in time. The fireball was released, and an explosion sounded. The judge remained though; a bubble of light kept him unscathed, though he looked very upset.

      Immermnemion shook his head. "Like I said: dumb."

      A bright flash of light struck Stra'tos, and he stumbled back, blind, into the inlet. After the satisfying splash, Immermnemion walked back to the reception.

      A circle had formed around the bride adn groom dancing in the pavillion. A fast waltz, the dance was difficult, though they executed it well. Immermnemion saw Razka enjoying quite a bit of wine as most others watched.

      "Dis be a great party, mon!" exclaimed the hunter. "Dey be likin' da moves Razka be showin' 'em!" In truth, the Elves had thought the breakdancing more a spectacle than something to be serious about or aspire to, but Razka drew his own conclusions. "Where Stra'tos be?"

      "He's being difficult off by the ships."

      Apparently out of earshot of that response, Shelly walked up with a well-dressed Elf and a cart in tow. "Dey said you'd know where Stra'tos was, Immermnum...Immermim... Imm - "

      "Immer's fine," dismissively replied the Elf for the millionth time in his life. "Look for a soggy Troll by the Anchorage."

      The waltz finished then, and there was much applause as the couple bowed and curtsied. Jayeth saw his son and, after taking a deep breath, walked towards him. "Immer, I know it must be tough losing your mother. She was a wonderful person. But I can't ..." he shook his head. "I can't help but think this was less about her and more about ... her" Jayeth gestured at Elora.

      Responding evenly at first, Immermnemion replied "A little late for that observation, father. She's a rich slut. That's about it. To go from mother to that ... while still married ... " His voice grew louder.

      Jayeth stopped him gently. "Listen, I still love your mother. But I may never see her again." He smiled - the man had become quite the politician, able to bury his feelings on demand. "Sometimes family bonds are stronger than you think, even when you don't want them to be." He withdrew the coin Shelly had given him. "Proof, my son, the evidence fiend." He chuckled as he showed Immermnemion the coin depicting Emerron, a large thorn in Jayeth and Syreena's relationship forming in the first place.

      With the recent revelations though, Immermnemion was in no mood to see Emerron's fact. Enraged, he grabbed the coin and flung it as hard as he could away. Shelly, thankfully not looking at his gift's powerful rejection, nonetheless almost was hit by it as he made his way to the Anchorage. Though the coin missed him, it did hit ... something; the sound of glass shattering was heard, and, near Shelly, wine could be seen pouring to the ground from seemingly nowhere.

      Jayeth saw the mysterious invisible leak and called for help. "Security! We have a spy near the Goblin!"

      Two guards rushed to the scene, but the figure revealed herself before they arrive, becoming visible. She was wearing standard issue sorceress's robes, holding a broken glass, and looking quite furious.

      It was Syreena.

      Both father and son were speechless, though security asked her of her identity. Her eyes smoldered as they remained fixed toward Jayeth. "I'm his wife." She smiled briefly at Immermnemion. "The legitimate one."

      A moment passed, and with a stern voice, she asked: "Where is the cube?"

      Shelly, not having moved since the call for security, indirectly incriminated himself. "What cube? We certainly don't know anything about a cube."

      Syreena turned towards him, no doubt knowing the cube was in the vicinity from its magical aura. "I'll be needing it."

      His greed got the best of him. "Oh, no! This thing's worth a mound of gold all on its own."

      She turned back towards Immermnemion and smiled again. "Thank you."

      Then a wall of fire sprang up in front of her, separating her, Shelly, and the trader from the group. Before long, the fixtures, flowers, and furniture of the wedding burst into flames, though the people were untouched. Those at the event left in droves, and the few magisters present attempted to conjure water to counteract the fire; it was slow work. The fastest guards sprinted around the wall, but the cart was burning, and Syreena was gone.

      Stra'tos, soggy as a wet towel, was walking back to the reception when he heard the commotion. He quickened his pace. Though the mage could've dried himself with his talent, he was too humiliated at his defeat to bring himself to do much. Reaching the top of the hill, he saw the wall of fire dissipating, though much of the reception's area was burning yet. Taking in the sight, he was upset he'd not been there for it. The mojo one had to have to destroy a wedding of this size! And why?.. Stra'tos saw Immermnemion shouting at Jayeth and realized his rival must have destroyed the event out of the upset he expressed during the ceremony. He's really underestimated the judge! Stra'tos would have to continue training. He made his way over to Shelly digging frantically through the burning cart. From the common nature many of the items burned, it was clear there were many fakes, though a few authentic items seemed to be present also.

      "Jou okay, Shelly?"

      "Help me look for the box, damn it!"

      Stra'tos thought the Old God communicator might be missing and began looking for it. After a minute, he shook his head. "Da only box ah be seein' is da chocolate from da shop. Da cube be gone."

      Shelly snatched the box from him. "There you are!" The Goblin walked away with the sweets back towards the still-smoldering reception.

      Stra'tos laughed at the priorities some people had. He wondered who'd want the communicator and be at the wedding though. The mystery intrigued him almost as much as wondering how Immermnemion grew so in power. He sighed. Shelly would probably be angry on the ride back anyway; those chocolates certainly melted as the cart blazed. Maybe he should teleport instead?

      Sure enough, the reaction of Shelly as he opened the box was proof of the apprentice's prediction. "Noooooooooooooooo!"

      Stra'tos grinned in schadenfreude at Shelly. So did the sorceress, though she moved unseen again, holding a very different box...

      ((So ends the story arc. The events herein have occurred prior to the next time Immermnemion logs on (so 10/30/10).))
Last edited by Immermnemion Dawnbringer on Sat Oct 30, 2010 11:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Here lies a toppled god;
his fall was not a small one.
We did but build his pedestal -
a narrow and a tall one.

-  F.H.
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