Always at War, But We Don't Know What For by Lilliana

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Keeper Of Lore
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Always at War, But We Don't Know What For by Lilliana

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Always at War, But We Don't Know What For

Lilliana, June 27, 2006

The sounds of the forest drifted across the land as darkness
wrapped its strong embrace of the night across the ruins of
Azeroth. The hours crept by at a slow pace, seeming tedious to
the troll priest that lingered awake within her tent. She sat
there, half covered by warm furs, as she listened to the wind
play with the leaves and grass outside, and as an evening dove
offered its gentle call to a hopeful mate. At the sound of the
dove, Lilliana looked to her side, to the place where another
troll rested. His entire body was covered in the furs the pair
rested beneath, save for a patch of hair that stuck out near the
top. Although the night seemed as peaceful as did the male troll
beside Lilliana, she herself was not a peace. Her brows were
furrowed, her taloned hands were clenched tightly where they
rested over her pointed knees, and her body was covered in a
light film of sweat caused by her tension.

Lilliana no longer slept well these nights. Her mind raced with
many thoughts and many worries as she began to question herself.
Questioning ones nature is natural and encouraged, it helps a
creature grow into a strong being, however, Lilliana was
experiencing a more difficult time than most. Her thoughts
continued to return to the war that she was caught up within. The
War against the filthy creatures known as Alliance had torn apart
their lands, had destroyed many of the horde’s lives, desires….it
had and continued to destroy much of what the Horde were about.
Lilliana understood the nature of war, at least, to the extent
that a creature such as her could understand such a hateful
thing. She felt no remorse when she killed. This was not what had
been lying as heavily as a boulder upon her weary mind.

They were at war, but, what was it for? Both sides were always at
war. The Horde against the Alliance, and the Alliance against the
Horde - in an eternal battle for Azeroth. And now both were at
war against the Scourge. Lilliana felt that she was at battle
with the entire world, and there was no end.

With the recent invasion of the Scourge upon the lands of
Azeroth, Lilliana was no longer sure that the war she fought for
was what Azeroth needed to be saved. The Grim had ventured forth
upon their deadly invasions against Ironforge and other Alliance
cities as usual, continuing their dutiful work at thinning out
the Alliance’s numbers, however, with the addition of the
Scourge, the little troll priest was not so sure that their
efforts should continue as they were at this time. Every city,
Horde and Alliance included, was in the process of being invaded.
The mouth of Kel’Thuzad screamed over their homes and threatened
both peoples with doom. Although Lilliana wished desperately for
the end of the Alliance, she doubted that the Horde could form an
alliance with the Scourge to help bring about this end. She was
sure that the Scourge wished to destroy both sides. No pacts
could be made, no sides could be manipulated.

Again, they were at war, but, Lilliana was no longer sure what it
was for. There was no break in this war. No peace. Only constant
battles and even more constant death that riddled each side with
its faithless blessings seemed to face Lilliana in her daily

The priestess shook her head briskly, trying to clear it of her
desperate thoughts. It was not fitting for a Grim to have such
doubts in their minds! She has a purpose, and the purpose is only
to rid the land of the scum of the earth, of the plague that
forces the lack of peace upon the land. The Alliance were all
meant to die. But was it such a treachery for her to wish for a
break in the chaos, for a moment of peace upon the land so she
did not have to fight all the time? Lilliana was tired…and it was
not fitting for one so young to have so many cares.

When shaking her head did not seem to work, Lilliana sighed and
made admittance to herself. Although her questions and doubts
were directed at the war they fought, she admitted that it was
not just the Scourge that had Lilliana in this dark place of
pondering. In her growth as a priestess, she had met many along
the way that had helped her gain her footing. As she “grew up”
among them, (as remember, Lilliana is still quite young, barely a
woman by troll standards, and even still a child by others….),
she began to care about these individuals. Ah yes, a weakness for
a Grim, for there should be only power and achievement of goals,
not the worry for those that are placed within ones heart. She
was protective of some of those within the Grim's legion, and the
thought of their end as more troubles invaded Azeroth, troubled
her. Despite this perceived weakness, once upon a time there was
Boggart, long since gone and likely killed, his memory always
remained fresh within Lilliana’s mind. And although she had found
love in her life, the troublesome troll shaman would always have
a place in her heart. Boggart and Lilliana were never a pair as
they were too young at the time, however…Boggart kept her safe
and innocent, but his lust for blood was as strong as hers, and
their battles were always many and full of death for their foes.

There were those of the Grim that had proven to be close allies
for Lilliana in dangerous times, when others more “smart” would
have run. Lilliana considered these individuals that she called
Brother and Sister as creatures she would hate to see destroyed,
and had become very protective of them. Since the Steward
requested that she become one of the Irredeemables and serve with
them, Lilliana’s view of their legion became altered. She no
longer fought with them, but for them. When one of the Grim fell,
Lilliana’s trollish voice cried out for them in hateful anger
against the foe that dared to raise a hand against them. With the
recent loss of certain members, Lilliana was torn and left
without being able to mourn properly. She felt for Chavie when
the little priestess followed Vuudu. Her worry for the pair
followed them even as they left the Grim. Vuudu for her sickness,
and Chavie for her innocence that seemed to surpass even
Lilliana’s. Lilliana did not know what protection Citadel would
provide for the pair. Not that the Grim offered any protection to
those with any form of weakness…or Lilliana, as Vuudu had seen
the priest’s coldness when she had disclosed what ailed her. The
Grim’s legion had proven their lack of “support” when Lilliana
had found herself in Gabricci’s clutches those months ago when he
wished to prove to Zuruzuru that he still controlled his life,
and that the air that Lilliana breathed could easily be poisoned
by his blades. Morn had stood by Lilliana’s side when she
released the truth of her abduction, and Warneshi had come as
well, curious as to what had happened to the little Sandfury.

And then there were those that Lilliana saw much of. Skash,
through his thick headed skull, brought laughter to Lilliana, and
a knowledge that when around him, he had her back. She knew that
Trilok only meant well and watched Lilliana’s back as well, even
if he did drive her to drink. Regnaetah, her fellow Sandfury that
fought for Warneshi’s cause and for the return of the throne was
for at least her, a trusted ally, even if she doubted his
intentions with others upon occasion. These individuals Lilly
kept close, for she could trust them with her life. There were
many more, but the time spent with these Grim had been long, and
the relationships had allowed themselves to run deep.

Then there was the troll king that Lilliana had pledged her
allegiance to in addition to her devotion to the Grim. She had
kept this devotion even through Warneshi’s threats and cruel
treatment when he faltered to the power of his father’s sword
(Lupen had kept a keen eye out for the priestess during this
time, somehow sensing that something was amiss with Lilliana…).
Warneshi had placed much faith in the little priestess even
before she grew into the powerful priestess that she is now.
Without his guidance, if one would call it guidance (Lilliana was
never certain when Warneshi was trying to manipulate the
situation in the beginning times they spent together, before he
changed into the noble troll that she now knew) the priestess was
able to grow and learn with the protection of one who believed
great things in her. Lilliana had never doubted that she cared
for Warneshi, and as time began to run out, she found herself
desperate to find a way to save him before he gave himself for
his people. Lilliana did not believe that this sacrifice would
save the Sandfury. She had not told Warneshi that, for although
he respected her word, this she was sure he would not listen to.
He was stubborn and arrogant…..and how Lilliana worried for the
spirit that made up his lost “soul”.

Still, this was not all that made Lilliana pause and reconsider
her current direction in the war she fought, and the reasons that
she fought for it. She placed her taloned hand upon her belly to
feel the growing warmth that emanated from her core. She had been
gaining just the smallest amount of weight from what lied within
her body. She had thought herself too young to be stricken with
such a blessing…or a curse…dependant upon how one would look at
it. Perhaps it was this creature inside of her that had Lilliana
wondering what it was the Horde were at war for, and the reason
that she desperately wished for release, for a break in the
chaotic surf that pounded against her own shore. She felt she no
longer knew what she was at war for, and in all honesty, did the
other Horde and Alliance understand what the wars were about? Did
they even care anymore? Sometimes it just felt like a wild dash
for death and life, without a care for the one that was
triumphant – just so long as fighting reigned supreme, like a
cruel dictator, calling the shots, and moving his pawns to his
nasty whims.
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Keeper Of Lore
Posts: 1749

Re: Always at War, But We Don't Know What For by Lilliana

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Lilliana’s dark eyes turned to the sleeping troll that rested
beside her. The light in her eyes reflected gentle warmth for the
creature sleeping there. As she watched him, he eventually felt
her gaze and began to stir, throwing his long arms up over his
head in a sleepy, yet quite content yawn.

"Ah, me Lilly….what are you doing sittin’ up like that at this
dark hour? A beautiful troll such as yerself should be getting’
her beauty rest,” He paused, looking a bit startled and then
fretful. “Ah, I mean…not like you be needin’ any more beauty! You
have more than enough, for this world, that’s for damn sure!”

“Zuru, I’m not that tired….” Lilliana replied in a lie. She was
exhausted and worn. It showed on her delicate face, but she was
good at lying, a trait of being a priest, and Zuru took her words
as truth. The priestess merely smiled at the troll that shared
her bed of furs. There were many of the Grim that still believed
the young priestess was with Warneshi, as he was her king and she
would have been his by right….but that had never been a reality,
only a distant desire. Lilliana had shared the same bed with
Zuruzuru for a year now. He had been her choice. Her true desire.
She had kept her relationship with him quiet, for she did not
wish for the Grim to think she would falter in any of her duties
for involvements that lay outside of the Grim. But she had
remained faithful to Zuru, seeking him out when her duties were
not so much, and traveling with him when she was able.

“Not tired, lass?” Zuru stretched his lanky arms once again, and
smiled coyly at Lilliana. He wrapped his arms around her and
started to pull her down with him, beneath the soft furs. “Then
if ya ain’t tired…..”

The priestess closed her eyes and laughed lightly. Lilliana
allowed Zuruzuru to pull her down to him. There was plenty of
time for Lilliana to be at war with the world, but now was not
one of them…


Zuru awoke next to his chosen at first light, stretching his wiry
body to its full length and shaking the cobwebs of sleep clear
from his head. He looked at the young priestess beside him and
smiled warmly at her sleeping form. He knew something had set
itself upon her mind during the night; while the troll could be
blissfully unaware of many a thing, he had long since learned to
read the eyes and body language of the young Sandfury. He would
often play the fool to lighten her heart, but like any good
rogue, would carefully pick his opportunity to unload her of any
burden these dark times may have shouldered her with. It was both
his duty, and his pleasure.


The pale sunlight of Lordaeron unnerved Zuruzuru as he stirred
from a fitful night of sleep. As cold and as dead as the
inhabitants of the fallen human kingdom, the silver light only
seemed to darken the rogue’s mood further. He rolled over to look
at the young priestess with whom he shared his bed, hoping to
bring some cheer to his morning. She stirred gently as he stroked
the soft skin of her cheek, and he found a smile soon playing
across his lips. The mocking cry of Brill’s ravens split Zuru’s
reverie, stealing his brief joy as if it were corn from a field.
He silently cursed them, vowing to find a raven or two in his
stew pot before the day was done.

Again, Zuru’s thoughts turned to Lilliana. Days ago, by the
hearth of the same inn in which they had slept, Zuru had gleaned
from Lilliana that something was troubling her, but he had not
been able to discern what. The conversation had started with a
jest, a bit of poking fun at the priestess’ slight gain of
weight, but Lilliana’s mood dimmed when the subject was
approached further. Since then, like a thief breaking into a
vault, Zuru had tried to pry what had upset her from the
priestess, but to no avail. The two had never held secrets from
each other before, which only served to frustrate Zuru more.
Curiosity and greed were two states that flowed as naturally
through the troll as the blood in his veins; if something or
someone disturbed his lady, he would uncover it. Idly he began
running his fingers through the crimson wisps of his lover’s
hair, and waited for her to awake.

As Lilliana began to stir, Zuru bent down and buried his face in
her hair, inhaling deeply the scent of honey and hot desert air
that perfumed her blood-red locks. “Awake yet, lazy bones? It be
damn near evening!” said Zuru through a chuckle.

Lilliana smirked at the rogue as she rubbed the veil of sleep
from her eyes. “I know it’s not that late…I’m not quite that
lazy! And I’m usually awake before you…what’s going on?”

“Damn crows woke me up a bit, that and that sickly lookin' thing
that passes for a sun in this land. If this inn didn't have the
finest bacon and omelet’s I ever tasted I would never sleep here!
But as you already know, I enjoy the finer things in life,”
replied the rogue as he slid closer to Lilliana, suddenly more on
his mind than just a good breakfast. He wrapped one arm around
her, and slid the other down her arm, finally bringing it to rest
upon the cool skin of her belly.

“The sun isn't that bad here, you just don't know how to find the
beauty in dismal places, Zuru,” she said as she curled tightly
against Zuruzuru. “You always have so much energy when you wake

“Energy is something that comes natural in me line a' work,
love...if ya aren't aware, ya often end up on the receiving end
of a pointy metal object!” Zuru laughed, inhaled deeply, and
kissed Lilliana’s silken mane, preparing himself for his first
attempt to uncover whatever it might be that ailed her.

“ the inn fire a few night's ago..yer mouth denied it,
but yer eyes....and yes, I am sharp enough ta tell...yer eyes
spoke of words that weren't comin' from ya. Are ya troubled at
all? Anyone need killin' that ya don't want me ta know about? I
have become stronger....I'll soon be the equal of any rogue in
the land, and am damn better than most now. Ya can tell me
anything....don't worry about me pride...ya can't be rid a’
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Keeper Of Lore
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Re: Always at War, But We Don't Know What For by Lilliana

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Silence and the warm touch of the priestesss’ hand was the only
response that met the rogue as they both lay in bed intertwined.
Zuru could feel the care that Lilliana held in her heart for him,
and this served to distress him even more. What could possibly
trouble her so much that she feared to tell him? Had they not
faced the most dangerous of threats together and come out alive?
The urge to press further built within him, but he cooled
himself, knowing the subtle path was the right road to walk in
this situation.

“There are many that I'd like to see dead, Zuru...” said Lilliana
in a light whisper,” I know that you are sharp enough to play the oblivious creature same as me, save for half
the time I really am oblivious.” She smiled sleepily at Zuru and
drummed her talons across his chest, deliberately not answering
his question.

Zuru's eyes flashed both a mild concern and a gleeful innocence
at Lilliana's words. Could it be that he didn't know what was on
the priest's mind? Or did he, but not want to admit it to
himself? He took her face in his hands and looked deeply into her
eyes, smiling. “Sharp enough ta tell what? Aye, there be plenty I
wish to see dead too, me bonny lass, but I have a feelin' me
arrow missed its mark with that one. No...somethin' else...but
what could it be? We could make a game of it...normally, I prefer
dice or cards, but in this case, I don't feel like gettin’ out a'
bed. The goblin's have a game called "Inquistion"...where one
party has a secret, and the other gets ten questions ta guess it.
They have to be "yes" or "no"...and if ya don't get it right in
ten, ya usually lose some money, and face at not bein' smart
enough ta get it. So...ya game?”

When Zuru placed his hands upon her face to look at her, he was
greeted by Lilliana's gentle eyes looking back at him. But, as he
spoke, she did something that she rarely ever does, she looked
away. It was brief, but the flicker of her eyes away from the
rogue was impossible to miss. When her gaze returned to him,
strands of her ruby hair scattered across her face, she smiled,
“An inquisition…sure,” replied Lilliana hesitantly. “But...even ask the questions?”

Although the rogue noticed Lilliana’s eyes turn from him, he gave
away no impression that it disturbed him. He allowed his rogue
instincts to take over and put on his "game face." She was hiding
something, but he sensed from her it was nothing that would do
the couple harm, and thusly he did not allow that fact to rattle
him. Instead, he approached the situation as he would a trapped
lock...warily, cautiously, with every intent to snatch the
treasure within.

“If ya wish to change the rules, we can, Never been much for
followin' them meself....we could exchange yes or nos, five a
piece, down the line, and you could use yer's to get hints from
me about why I am so puzzled.”

“Alright, sounds fine to me,” agreed Lilliana as rested her head
down upon Zuru's chest, breaking the eye contact between them.
“But I don't know why I'm trying to figure out why are you so
puzzled. I swear you were born that way! Who goes first?”

“I'll go first....age before beauty, as they say, eh?” Zuru
chuckled, and began twining his fingers in her hair as he
thought. “Ok....hmmm...are ya angered or troubled, in this
specific situation…”Zuru allowed his question to trail off for a
moment. He knew the rules of this game; being specific was key to
getting the answers one sought. ”… by yer position in the Grim? I
know things were a bit rocky as a' late, but sweet can always talk to yer mate about yer troubles. I
guarantee ya, a few drinks later and a little grope under the
table and you will forget ALL about the Grim. “Zuru let his
emotions get the better of him for a moment, opening up to
Lilliana about his concerns for the tasks set upon her by the
ever-growing legion and the stresses it seemed to bring her.

Lilliana could not help but laugh at her lover’s bawdy humor. “A
little grope under the table?!” She looked thoughtful for a
moment before answering, “Yes.” This was the truth, for her
position in the Grim now frightened her, considering.....Lilliana
sighed inwardly, but not a breath of air escaped her in anything
that resembled a sigh. The priestess did not think that Zuru's
five questions were going to get him anywhere. “Alright, is it my
turn now, or does down the line mean that you ask five in a row
and then I asked five in a row?”

“No, lass.....we can take turns...heh...that way I can get hints
and win me prize!” The rogue smiled a toothy grin

“Win your prize? What's your prize?” Lilliana trailed her talons
against Zuru's skin, and didn't give him time enough to answer
before she asked her question, “Alright, you say you are puzzled
with you really think that my mind is on
people that need to be killed or done away with?”

“, but I got to ask that question for free, before the
game was afoot, did I not? I am a clever troll, despite me
handsome yet humble turn.
Lilliana...does this concern the creation of our new Sandfury

“Hmmm…this sucks with yes and no answers, I don't want it to lead
you the wrong way.” Lilliana’s eyes darted across the room before
finally meeting Zuru’s. “And yes. The answer is yes. My turn?
Hmmm. Well, now that you know that it somewhat involves the noble
house you've you think I'm not happy about the
House of Sandshadow?”

With a touch of sadness in his voice, Zuru replied, “Yes,
love....I do. I am bendin' the rules by sayin' this, but to the
Nether with 'em! We been lovers for nigh a year now...a word I
never used with another female. I don't know if being joined as
one house makes ya feel too close to your's truly...but the
thought has crossed me mind. Even though you seemed cross the
other night that marriage was a custom the Sandfury didn't keep
too...well, that confused me, but I don't need wedlock to keep me
heart true ta ya for life...if ya feel the same way.”

Lilliana could not bear to hear the sadness in Zuru's voice, and
so she moved so that she was hovering slightly over the rogue,
and kissed him gently. “You said you were never one for rules, so
why do you care if you bend them? And no...this is probably your
next question, but I am very happy with Warneshi giving you your
name, and the creation of the house...I wasn't happy with losing
my mother's name at first, was something I chose to do,
and so it's fine.” The priestess laughed lightly.”And actually,
as a "matron" part of my job is to get other females to you...but
heh, just so you know, that ain't happening.”

Zuruzuru met his lover’s kiss, and smiled gleefully when they
broke contact. “I'd have none a' them anyways…after tastin' the
pleasures a' yer body, Lilliana, I doubt me cutlass would
unsheathe itself to another maid, if ya get me meanin'! I've no
desire for others anyway...but tell me...where ya upset by me
makin' any comments about the little bit of extra stone ya been

She shook her head, and leaned back down to rest against the
rogue. “No, I wasn't upset by you pointing out that I've gained
weight, Zuru. I was too thin to begin with anyway.”

For a moment, Zuru seemed puzzled at the priestess' answer. He
was nearly sure at least some of her problem stemmed from the
talk they had the other night. Again, he concentrated....what to
say.....”Lilly...if I asked ya what ya were keepin' from me,
would ya answer?”

“Is that your question?” she answered with a smirk.

“Aye, lass....question three.”

Lilliana sighed, her breath warm against Zuru's skin. “Yes Zuru,
I would.”

Zuru smiled coyly, as if his prize was at hand. “Well...I think
me victory is at hand. However...I believe it is your turn.”

“Oh oh, we're back in the game, are we? “ She rolled her eyes and
pulled the furs up over her head, and partly over Zuru's chin,
catching one of his tusks on the bearskin blanket. “Um, do I have
to ask another question? No wait that's not my question, don't
answer you scared of something, Zuru?”

“No, lass...the last time I was scared was when Gabricci took
you, and even then, I was only scared at losing you. Since
then...I am not even afraid a him anymore. Not him, and not
death. Now then....question 4....Lilliana, can I have me gold
back?”said Zuruzuru, laughing maniacally and embracing Lilliana
tightly. Long ago the priestess had acquired a single gold coin
from the rogue and it had yet to be returned.

“No,” Lilliana answered simply, laughing along with him. ”You'd
never find it anyway, Zuru...I don't care how “rogue-ish” you will not find that gold piece!” Lilliana grinned and
bit Zuruzuru playfully. “Um, alright....another question from me
right? Am I on four too? I haven't been keeping track, you
cheating threw me off. Hmm…this is a bit off of our focus, but,
you plan on killing Gabricci soon, right?”

“No, Lilly,” said Zuru through a fiend’s smile. “I plan on
divinin' what his goals are, and then strippin' away everything
he holds dear. And then, when he is at me feet beggin' me for
mercy....then you and I will kill him.”

“Alright.” In her heart, Lilliana desired a quick end to the
goblin rogue, for although Zuru claimed he did not hold fear from
Gabricci, Lilliana most certainly did...but she said nothing, nor
made any suggestions to how she felt. Zuru’s old mentor was his
enemy to face, and Lilliana would respect that.

“Now my typical complete and utter disdain for the
rules of any civilized gamin', I ask me final question.
Lilliana...dear sweet owner a' me heart.....just what is it you
are so afraid to tell ol' Zuru?”

“Heh, I'm a Grim and you’re a rogue, since when did we have to be
civilized?” she chuckled, then moved to look at Zuru, pulling the
warm furs away from both of them. She knew she should have told
him much earlier, but could not bring herself to; she had not
told anyone, and desperately fought to hide it from herself.
Lilliana gently touched the side of Zuru's face, then took his
hand and lead it to lay upon her stomach. She let his hand rest
there a moment, with her hand pressed over his, before she
answered him. Her voice escaped her in a small whisper, but her
eyes did not waiver from his. “I'm pregnant.”
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Keeper Of Lore
Posts: 1749

Re: Always at War, But We Don't Know What For by Lilliana

Unread post by Keeper Of Lore »

“What now? I don't think I heard ya right....yer...”Zuru pressed
his hand deeper over her stomach, as if he could feel the life
and warmth within. “Pregnant, ya say? Oh, thank the spirits, I
thought ya may have caught a disease....hold on, that
means....wait....yer not kiddin', are ya? Yer really pregnant,
Lilly?!” Lilliana could feel a tension build in Zuru's body as
she spoke...a light bit of sweat began to glisten on his naked
form. His eyes were frantic with anxiety, but no fear rested
within them. He simply lay there, breathing deeply, his hands
upon her stomach, clinging desperately to it.

“I'm not kidding, Zuru.” The priestess carefully watched the
rogue, unsure what his reaction meant, despite the lack of fear
in his eyes, the anxiety was obviously there as it had been for
her since she had discovered the news for herself. She remained
quiet however, just watching him and laying there with him. But
as his tension built, she brought her hand to his face and left
it there, touching his skin lightly.

Zuru closed his eyes as Lilly's cool touch met his face. A
million thoughts crossed through his mind; his own troubled past,
his mother and father, the threatening shadows that lurked at
every turn. And yet, had he not stood before his challenges
before, without fear? And this time, he would not stand alone; he
would have Lilly there by his side. For a moment, a bit of fear
crept into him...fear for loss of his freebooting lifestyle,
which Lilliana had joined him in. But times had changed, and he
had ridden the tide with them. He was a heritage lord now, a
position he intended to keep to, as it would advance his own
dreams as well. This would begin a new generation of his
house...the first ones born of the name. His breath settled, his
nerves calming, as he asked Lilliana something from the bottom of
his heart. “Lilliana.....are ya happy to be with me child? I
don't know how good a da' I will be....spirits know, I have
enough trouble lookin' after meself. But I swear to
Spider, by me blades, and for all the love I have for you...I
will love and protect this child until me last breath.”

Lilliana looked at Zuruzuru as he rambled on to her regarding the
child. She noted the change about him as the many thoughts darted
through his mind, almost too many for him to even begin to
process. She did not know everything that was bringing doubt into
his mind, for that is indeed what she thought it was at first,
although his words did much to dispel her original conclusion,
for Zuru made it clear that he would be there for Lilliana, and
the child, and he was honest with her. The priestess sighed, and
decided to be honest with Zuru as well. “I was not happy at
first, when I found out....but only because I didn't want it to
be's not something I'm ready for....and I didn't tell
you for a few weeks, even though I've known myself...I'm
sorry....It just...doesn't fit into the life that either of us
lead...however, for the Sandfury, it is a wonderful new
beginning, adding another to the ranks of those not under
Slys'Thoks rule.” Lilliana paused and looked away from Zuruzuru,
then curled up tightly against him, as if she needed his support
and protection at the moment. “But it is of you and it is of me,
and that should be something wonderful, Zuru...and I think it
is...just....”Lilliana didn't finish her sentence, Zuru only felt
her breath against his skin.

Zuru wrapped his arms around the priestess tightly. She had
embraced him in a similar fashion before, when the two had met on
the shores of Aszhara after her abduction. He needed her just as
badly as she had needed him then, and he felt perhaps she felt
the same way. He closed his eyes, and buried his head into her
hair, seeking to be as close to her as possible, to melt into her
and become one. And yet, within her womb, the two had. Zuru
allowed himself a small, somewhat sad smile and said, “Tell me
what ya feel ya need ta tell me in yer own time, my sweet
Lilliana. I'll confess ta ya...a child will bring a bit of
complication into our already complicated lives. But,” Zuru
choked on his words,”a child deserves the love and guidance of a
parent. I never really had that meself...not from one of me own
blood. And I will not deny this baby everything I have to teach
it, for better or for worse. Hells...if I need ta give up
sneakin', take up a new name and vanish so this child can be safe
I will. Because it is of you and is early for both of us,
I agree. But, speakin' only for meself, I've lived a life that
gets sung about around the fires in taverns where sailors go to
drink. I've blooded many an enemy, I've loved the most beautiful
woman in the land, I've made enemies on all shores and still love
ta tell me tales. It ain't the end of a life...our child will be
brave, strong, and cunning to the end. And better-lookin’ than
both parents combined, which says a lot!” The rogue laughed
heartily. “We just be tellin' a new tale..a band of three, rather
than two. As Zuru spoke, his previous anxiety left his voice,
replaced by firm resolve.

Lilliana had not thought of a future for the child, although she
had assumed the creature would be raised under Sandfury customs
and also under the tutorage of the Grim's ways. She had many
other thought to consume her time, constant fighting within the
wars, a legion to help lead with the other Irredeemables, and a
"king" to serve. Lilliana was greatful that Zuru embraced her so
securely, for indeed she had needed it desperately. Although the
priest could hold her own independently, she had not felt alone
since meeting Zuru, and the need to be close with him had grown
so strong that it sometimes nearly overtook her against her
better judgment. “You do not need to give up anything,
Zuru...there is my mother, and other Sandfury that are loyal to
help....yes there is the Grim, but I wouldn't trust them with a
child until time for training. I just....won't be able to fight
much longer, and that makes me nervous. I'm needed in the Grim,
and with Warneshi's it is ... even though I'm not
showing much, I'm pretty tired.” “Lilliana...sweet Lilliana...I
am not a smith a' pretty words....that's a job for minstrels and
layabouts. But I want ta make one thing clear ta ya, as best I
can. I ain't concerned about losing anything. So long as I have
you, I have nothing else ta lose. Yer my family, and this whelp
a' ours...he or she will be my family as well. I am a Sandfury
now, true, but my loyalties even to that are bound to my love for
you and friendship, such as it is, to Old King Warneshi.
But I would burn a thousand kingdoms to the ground if it would
keep ya at my side. There's much to be talked about between now
and this child's comin' a' age...we'll see where their talents
lie, like Gabricci did with me, and we'll train 'em as they need
to be trained. By the all the storms in the sea,
Lilliana....we're gonna be parents?! What mad god's idea was it
to bring a child to us? It'll be the terror of all Azeroth!”

Zuru still held her tightly, and bent his head to shower hers
with kisses. He felt relieved that she had come out with this
information; truly, the pair had been busy of late, their
attentions focused on aiding their allies and the coming of the
Scourge from Northrend. Zuru contemplated in his own erratic
fashion the dangers that lie before them. They could not leave
the battlefield...too many responsibilities pulled at them from
all sides. Zuru would be as careful as he could to safeguard the
knowledge of their child from their enemies, and perhaps from
certain boon companions as well. He could trust Fiya and
Warneshi, for the king would surely be happy at the first child
born to a high house. That would give Zuru staunch defenders of
both Lilliana and his baby. But there were others...others who
Zuru did not trust to keep the knowledge safe, or not use it to
their own ends. Zuru clung to his lover...though vigor was never
lost, his desire to protect her was pushed to an all new level.

“Don't mention Gabricci” said Lilliana sharply,”unless his name
is in the same sentence where you say we are going to kill him !”

Zuru only smiled and said,”I will not say his name. It means less
than a grain of sand in Tanaris to me now. So does his life. And
soon, me love...soon we will cast that tiny grain of sand back
into the desert, where it will be just another pebble among the
rest of the dead...gone and forgotten.”

“Please...I'd like that...but it is definitely going to have to
wait. I can barely keep up with the Grim; you saw me with
Warneshi when we were fighting the Scourge. I couldn't keep up
with the fight...I'd be very little help against Gabricci now,
and even though you are strong, you know you'd need help with

“Ha!” Zuru laughed, wincing at Lilliana’s tactless but truthful
words, even though he knew she meant no disrespect. “Yer is not the time. In fact, for once in me life I am
tired a' thinkin' about killin' you think it possible
to give this one a brother or sister before it has yet been
born?” In a swift motion Zuru was upon Lilliana, his arms pulling
her bare chest to his, his hands in her hair and his eyes locked
in an intent and wily stare.

Lilliana laughed gently at Zuru, and returned his intent and wily
stare with a determined stare of her own. “One child is enough!
But thank the stupid spirits, it's not possible to make another
one once there is already one inside of me...heh you know that
you dork!” Lilliana nipped at Zuruzuru, her fangs gracing his
chin before her lips touched his in a very soft and tickling
kiss. It did not last long, however, for she pulled back to watch
his expression.

Zuru laughed when Lilly drew away. Although tonight was a night
of much news, and some cause for worry, it was not his nature to
dwell on things that could not be altered. Nor would he want
to...this was the course the stars had set for him, and he would
freely ride the wave, steering the ship he and Lilliana traveled
as best he could for safe waters. “Really?! Ya mean we can't fit
another in there?” the troll quipped, his hand rubbing Lilliana's
stomach. “ Well then, guess we'll just have ta stick to the the meantime though,” Zuru lunged at his lover, kissing
her warmly, his lips lingering over hers in a tender showing of
his passion before he pulled away, “we could enjoy this morning
without the risk of makin' another, eh?”
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