Travels by Warneshi

Tales of Old.
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Keeper Of Lore
Posts: 1749

Travels by Warneshi

Unread post by Keeper Of Lore »


Warneshi, June 3, 2006

A sign posted to the guild hall wall.


I must take some time away for a bit, something has come to my
attention that requires an immidiate response. I will return,
hopefully, within a weeks time. Keep the good death dealing going
Grims; Peace Through Annihilation.

Warneshi Sandscalp

King of the Sandfury Trolls

Tyrant of Zul'Farrak


Lillana rolled her eyes when she saw Warneshi's note. She knew
that the warrior king was off on business this week, but it still
did not stop her from complaining about it. It would be a boring
week for Lilly.....


Warneshi sank into the dune, making sure his headwrap was secure
he all but disappeared from view.

He had been stalking the group of 2 for days now, the two trolls
still had no idea that the king of the sands was watching them.

Jes'Thek and her sister Hes'Thek had been making good time to the
ancient city, Zul'Farrak was all but in view now. They had left
their other two sisters at the camp, using the ruse that they
were spying on the city for their king; in truth they had been
spying on their king for sometime. The 4 sisters had been
servants of Slys'Thok since the day they were born, but their
ancestors extreme loyalty to the king of the sands had allowed
them to easily get into the Tyrants good graces.

Warneshi smiled as he rose slowly from the sands, stalking
quietly along the ridge of the sand dune, his prey was only aware
of the city in front of them.

Hes'Thek brought her raptor to a halt and dismounted, she could
already see some of the cursed Sandfury eyeing them with
suspicion. It was only when she saw them retreat quickly to their
make shifts huts that she knew something was not right. Hes'Thek
turned just in time to see the axe cut cleanly through her neck.

Jes'Thek heard her sisters gargled death rattle and turned in
horror to see Hes'Theks head rolling away and her body slumping
to the ground. Her eyes widened in even greater terror when she
saw the heavily shrouded figure looming over her. "Did you think
you would hide thiss from me forever little girl..."

Jes'Thek knew she was going to die, she knew nothing she could
say would prevent that. She drew her blade and lunged for her
king, her chest was heavy with fear and despair and she closed
her eyes knowing her blade would never find its target, but that
Warneshi's blade would find her.

The sound of tearing flesh and snapping muscle made Jes'Theks
eyes pop open, it wasn't her flesh tearing or her muscles
snapping. She looked at the wound she had given the Tyrant, her
blade and struck deep into his right side, in between the two
bottom ribs. Warneshi looked down at her in amusement and grabbed
her by the wrist, dragging the blade across his ribs as he
removed it from his body.

To Jes'Theks horror, the Tyrant laughed as he tore his own flesh
worse when he drug her blade free, she was shocked to see that
even before the blade left his skin, the Tyrants wounds were
already healing. She gasped, he was toying with her, it was at
her this time her moments end that she realized her loyalties had
been misplaced.

Warneshi grabbed the little Sandfury by her face and twisted her
head clean from her body and let it hit the ground, he grabbed up
the other head and placed them in a sack; he made his way back to
the camp the sisters had come from.

Kes'Thek and Des'Thek were beginning to worry, their sisters had
yet to return. They hoped the cursed Sandfury had not taken it
upon themselves to kill their sisters. Their moods lightened when
they head the sounds of approaching raptors.

Kes'Thek and her sister froze in horror at what came into the
camp, the two headless bodies of their sisters mounted on their
raptors who were being led by a large male Sandfury in full
desert garb. They knew the male the second they saw him, he was
larger then most trolls and the few red scales protruding from
certain spots was a dead give away to his identity.

Warneshi dismounted quickly and grabbed both trolls by their
throats before they could react.

"You made a misstake sisterss, she would never assk an service of
you that would ever allow you to live."

Warneshi drained their souls quickly and then removed their heads
with his axe. Placing the heads in the bag next to those of their
sisters, Warneshi rode back towards Gadgetzan. The heads would
serve as a grissly reminder to his people about the price of
placing loyalties in the wrong place.
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