An old, misused book by Lupen

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Keeper Of Lore
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An old, misused book by Lupen

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An old, misused book

Lupen, June 19, 2006

The tome was dusty, old, beaten; it looked like it hadn’t been
read in years. Lupen grasped the tome tightly, he couldn’t find
the courage nor the energy to unhinge the rusted, tetanus filled,
iron lock binding all the information inside. The title was
written in Draconic, large letters reading, “X’il Z’ol Vez’o’vah
Cr’ve”. Lupen did not speak, nor read, Draconic, however, his Eye
of Flame allowed the Dreadmage to decipher the strange text.
“Shards of The Old Ones” the title read, once he had placed his
monocle on. A strong sigh left the Forsaken’s decrepit chest as
he slid the lock open… He had purchased the tome from a
plague-ridden scholar in the Undercity, not cheaply either… After
haggling with the Forsaken for over a half hour (not to mention;
a few threats), he managed to buy the tome off him for 30 gold.
Lupen’s decayed hand slid into his pack, his diseased, twisted,
and uneven finger nails clawed at his 234 gold, and pulled out 30
gold reluctantly.

It was five days since he had bought the tome; he had not even
looked at it since he bought it. The tome creaked open, emanating
a foul stench of blood-stained pages. The first few chapters were
about the history of “The Old Ones”, which Lupen skipped, he knew
all he needed to know about them… He did, of course, respect and
believe in their power… As far as he knew, he was the only Grim
who believed and prayed to their power.

Chapter 6, Lines 3:3

< “Upon the exile of The Great Ones, remnants of power were left
behind to the Demi-Gods of Azeroth.”>

Chapter 6, Lines 5:6

< “The Shard of The Scale, created by The Great Three, was given
to the Black Dragon, Neltharion, or known to the Mortals as
Deathwing. Deathwing bestowed his great gift to his daughter, the
Brood Mother of the Dragonflight, Onxyia. This imbued scale
grants the bearer a permanent boost in ephemeral power through
Rapid Mana Regeneration.” >

Chapter 6, Lines 7:8

< “The Shard of The Flame, also created by The Great Three, was
given to their most trusted Elemental Lieutenant, Ragnaros the
Firelord. Such a gift is kept at the very soul of the Firelord.
Wearing such a gift grants a rush of vitality and blood-power, in
the form of Rapid Heath Regeneration.” >

Chapter 6, Lines 9:9

< “When the shards are joined to form The Grand Insignia, the
wearer’s mind and body is fortified to ward one of all Elements:
Darkness, Fire, Frost, Nature, and The Arcane.” >

The next pages were all drawings, runes, and sketches of the two
shards, separately, and together. Together, the formed a shape of
a “V” inside of a Spiral. Lupen, knowing a great deal about the
Old Ones, knew that The Great Three are the last three imprisoned
Gods, while C’Thun had recently escaped back into Azeroth. The
Warlock felt a rush of adrenaline flow through him, not one of
his mood swings, he knew he must imbue himself with The Great Old
Ones’ power, he knew he needed to join them.
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