Such Times! by Chingaso

Tales of Old.
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Keeper Of Lore
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Such Times! by Chingaso

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Such Times!

Chingaso - May 19, 2006

Chingaso burst into Gallows End Tavern and slam door behind.
Chingaso take furtive glace to both side. Other Grim look up,
some look puzzle. Chingaso let out long breath and allow self to
relax bit.

Chingaso head for regular table, off in corner where Chingaso
usually prefer to be alone. On way to table, Chnigaso wave and
not at Grims greet Chingaso. Some have still puzzle on face.
Chingaso yell across Tavern for Orc ale and take chair.

After two ale, Chingaso notice Chavie approach. Chingaso think
Chavie look hesitant, but not sure as that not Chavie nature. "Al
lo chin gi," say Chavie. "Ow ar udis nat?"

Chingaso decide solace not what need and motion Chavie to sit.
"Chingaso well, but most confuse," Chingaso say. "All day be
chase by she-elfs. All day Chingaso hunt interrupted. At first,
Chingaso just kill and move on to hunt more. But as day go by,
many more she-elfs chase Chingaso, to point where Chingaso not
able to fight all. But Chingaso see they no fight. Chingaso see
they stand together, whisper, giggle. Much confuse for Chingaso.
Chingaso not know what think."

Chingaso see Chavie unique grin that send wonderful chill down
Chingaso spine. "Wel chin gi," Chavie say, "A tink me be dey ha
fe lin fo chin gas o."

Chingaso lower head and shake. "It be this way ever since strange
she-elf Rook Lelenia follow Chingaso into Orgrimmar," Chingaso
say. "Chingaso hear commotion, then strange elfish voice, turn to
see she-elf cut down by guards. Ever since, Chingaso steps hound
by she-elfs and even she-pink or two. Chingaso maybe think be
flatter, but Chingaso more worry. Not like famous. Not use to
attention. Not know what do to deserve."

Chavie let out low laugh and say to Chingaso, "Ah, chin gi, a
tink yu not re lis yu ef ec on da wo men of ah li an. De no use
to see mal hu say wha men an do wha say."

Chingaso finish fourth ale and feel need for bed. Chingaso thank
Chavie for reassure and bid good night. As Chingaso rise and head
to bunks, Chingaso wish all Grim in tavern good night and good


Chavie smiled and watched Chingaso leave. Giving advice was fun,
especially when you told them what they needed to hear! She
really had no idea what the elves were doing--they could have
been laughing at him because someone had put a "KICK ME" sign on
his back. You could never be sure with orcs. They had funny

Though the fact that he hadn't tried to kill those she-elves
was... well, why didn't he? Did he not hate them after all? After
all thot "Chingaso hate elfs!" talk, was he really just...

She frowned and told herself to watch him closely for signs of
repressed elf-affection.


Chingaso sleep. Chingaso dream.

Chingaso's dream is a horrific reliving of the trauma he suffered
as a small Orcling, watching his family be slaughtered by a band
of Night-Elf warriors no doubt dispatched by the cowardly
Arch-Druid himself on an extermination mission. Only the dream is
somehow different. In the actual event, Chingaso is only spared
because he finds a hiding place and escapes the notice of the
marauders. In the dream, the marauders' hands are stayed by a
female Elf who then consoles Chingaso...

Chingaso wake with start. Chingaso hate dreams.

Chingaso roll out of bunk and head back to common room of Tavern.
Chingaso greeted immediately by Dwartmal.

"Chavie has told me of your concerns," Dwartmal say. "I am
intrigued. Perhaps I could do some research into what is causing
this phenomenon."

Chingaso suspicious. "What research?" Chingaso ask. "Dwartmal not
cut Chingaso for blood or perform any probe."

"No, no," say Dwartmal. "I assure you it will be completely
inobtrusive. For now, anyway."

"So, what Dwartmal want Chingaso do?" Chingaso ask.

"I will follow you for a while," Dwartmal say. "Just go about
your routine as if I weren't there."

"Ok," Chingaso agree. "Chingaso go to Hillsbrad. Deads ask
Chingaso kill pinks. Dwartmal free to follow."

Chingaso head for Zeppelin tower. Chingaso uneasy about ride
balloon boat. Something strange seem happen to Chingaso. Sometime
Chingaso freeze in place on deck and must jump off if want not
return to origin. But it only way from Kalimdor to Eastern
Kingdoms, and Chingaso give deads word that Chingaso kill Pinks.
Chingaso always make good when give word.

On tower, Tauren Warrior greet Chingaso with great yell. "How
goes your hunt, mighty hunter?"

Chingaso turn to Tauren and say, "Hunt go well tonight. Chingaso
thank for ask and wish Tauren safe travels."

"Have you always been this popular?" Dwartmal ask.

"Chingaso get greet all time from Horde," Chingaso answer.
"Happen for many moon."

"Interesting," Dwartmal say. "Perhaps this is some sort of
side-effect. I shall have to remember this as I do my research."

Once Chingaso and Dwartmal reach Tarren Mill, Chingaso head
Southeast to Durnholde Keep to find Syndicate pinks to kill.
Chingaso killing pinks when Dwartmal say, "There is an Elf Druid
nearby. Do you intend to kill her or charm her?"

"Maybe both," Chingaso answer, although on inside Chingaso not
sure. Chingaso remember strange part of dream and feel conflict.
Surely dream wrong, not how Chingaso remember.

"I'm not sure exactly where she is," Dwartmal say. "Can you use
your skills to track her?"

Chingaso cast track spell and see she-elf location. "Over there,"
Chingaso tell Dwartmal.

Dwartmal cast spell, then turn to Chingaso and say, "She's in
that building, drinking."

"Good," Chingaso think to self. "Easy kill, no room for

Chingaso move quietly down toward building, but on way Chingaso
must kill watchmans and rogues who attack Chingaso. Finally
Chingaso get to building, but she-elf gone.

"She is gone. She left a bit ago," Dwartmal say. "I saw her

Chingaso wonder why Dwartmal no tell Chingaso when see she-elf,
but go back to task of killing Syndicate pinks. Chingaso clean
grounds of scum, then return to Tarren Mill to report to deads
that task complete.

"I have enough information for my research for now," Dwartmal
say. "I shall retire to my laboratory and report my findings."

Chingaso wonder what information Dwartmal find. This trouble
Chingaso as check into Inn at Tarren Mill for night's rest...


Chingaso wake in furious rage of anger. Someone injure Chingaso
in sleep!!! Could be she-elfs? Could be jealous man-elfs?
Chingaso not know. Chingaso writhe in pain at deep cuts inflicted
by unknown assailant! Chingaso bleed serious. Chingaso not know
if survive.........


Chingaso hunt. What Chingaso do best. Chingaso hunt Hillsbrad.
Slay pinks on farm and in mine. Chingaso slay wizards and deads
traitors. And still the elfs come...

[Treesunder - Lelenia]

She sighs, shaking her head as she tucks the spyglass back in its
case. Lelenia had been watching Chingaso for about an hour, and
his rage still hadn't worn off. Any non-horde he had seen was
quickly destroyed, pausing only to heal and find another target.
She wonders in passing what happened to that quick-witted contry
orc to make him so terribly angry. Again she sighs, slipping
behind the hilltop and riding off toward the griffon master.
She'd let him vent in his own way, though she might not agree.
After the trip to Orgrimmar and the subsequent discomfort it had
caused, she keeps her distance, only checking on his hunting
progress every fourth day or so...disturbed, she takes wing,
heading back to Silithus, and a little more work against the


Chingaso fight mano-a-mano with sneaky shorty in Hillsbrad when
Chingaso catch glint out of corner of eye. Who that looking at
Chingaso through spyglass? Chingaso cast Eagle-Eye and see.

Oh, she-elf again. Chingaso brace for attack, but none come. This
more confuse for Chingaso. Because Chingaso find out that she-elf
Lelenia Rook. And not just any Rook. Officer Rook. Combine that
with fact that Chingaso suffer many attack from Rook lately make
Chingaso suspicious. What indeed strange she-elf wanting from

Chingaso turn back to task at hand and take special pelasure in
ending of shorty sneak life. Stew will have fresh meat tonight.


Oh, now this just ridiculous! Tonight in Thousand Needle, two
she-pink advance on Chingaso like to attack, but then just play
with. She-pink Tralala use mind control, try make Chingaso kill
pet Huevos. Giggly she-pinks finally tire of game and leave, but
Huevos give Chingaso dirty look for hours.


Chingaso receive mail from Dwartmal. Dwartmal conclude from study
that Chingaso have no al-chemical abnormals. Chingaso guess that
this mean that she-elfs not follow Chingaso due to malicious
spell? Chingaso more confuse. Maybe go to Gallows End and drink
much rum and ale...
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