Itches by Syreena

Tales of Old.
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Keeper Of Lore
Posts: 1749

Itches by Syreena

Unread post by Keeper Of Lore »


Syreena - April 9, 2006

Syreena frowned as she scratched her side. Her fingers did not
bring much relief to the burning itch through her leather armor.
She made her way through the Undercity to a quiet corner without
much traffic. There she sat in the shadows.

She removed her tabard, folding it carefully, and then her armor.
Then she lifted her shirt up and unwrapped a bandage that wound
round and round her torso from her breasts to the waistline of
her leggings. Finally, she was able to scratch her side, stomach,
and back where the flesh was changing, and sighed in relief.

A thick, pasty mixture of sansam and silversage was wiped out of
a gash in her side with a piece of bandage. Syreena pulled a jar
from her pack and applied a fresh coat of paste to the wound, and
spread a thin layer over the itchy skin around it. It was
spreading. What had started at the wound had spread from there to
halfway around her front and back. She rewrapped herself with the
bandages and pulled her shirt carefully down in place and tucked
it into her pants. Direct contact with the leather seemed to
irritate the skin more, so she got a long shirt from Chavie a
while back. Syreena put on her armor and tabard, and emerged from
the shadows.

She’d been very careful to keep the injury hidden, but it
troubled her. Each first aid trainer she visited assured her that
they had nothing to teach her which she didn’t already know.
Healing potions and pastes, and full heals from priests, shamans,
and druids so far had done nothing to shrink the size of the gash
or stop the spread of what grew from it.

She tried to resist the urge to scratch it in front of the Grims,
but sometimes she did it without even thinking about it. A few
people had shown mild concern and asked if she was all right, but
she didn’t tell anyone what the problem was. She would just have
to live with the itch, and be sure to keep it covered.
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