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A Forsaken Friend by Kregnar

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 9:17 pm
by Keeper Of Lore
A Forsaken Friend

Kregnar - December 29, 2005

The forsaken… a plague like no other. Although they are our
allies I do not wish to reason with them. Their minds filled with
corruption and death at their fingertips, flesh hanging with
almost every bone in their body visible by the naked eye. It
sickens me to see such creatures roam the land..

Now to clear my head..

I decided to journey into Stranglethorn Vale. As I walk along the
rugged path I could hear footsteps in the distance. As I slowly
walk up the path the noise begins to quicken. With each step I
take the noise becomes faster and louder then I stop. All I could
hear now was complete silence. As I take my next step a night elf
suddenly appeared right in front of me. I jump back and stand my
ground. Then I hear two more noises. I turn to see two more night
elves. This noise led me right into an ambush. All of the night
elves ran straight at me and as I swing my axe they became
cloaked. Of course it were rogues, only they could pull off a
trap like this. They ran past and slashed me with unimaginable
speed and then disappeared once again. I close my eyes and listen
carefully, ignoring the blood being spilt from my body. I swing
my axe to my right. I have done it. The slashes stop and the
rogues uncloaked. They look to their fallen comrade and ran off
into the distance. There I was, soaked in blood with gaping cuts.
It did not take me long until I fell into the dirt. It was over
for me, as dead as a dog. My breath runs short and my blood
continues to spill. As I look to the ground I notice a change.
The ground became corrupt. It looked as if death itself was
soaking every bit of life out of it. Then I see the one I most
pity… a forsaken. He then kneeled next to my body and examined my
wounds. At that point I did not know what to think. He then
started to chant and I blacked out.

I had awoken to find myself in a bed. Not the greatest bed but a
bed nonetheless. I threw away my sheets and looked down at my
body. All my wounds were bandaged. There is no more pain and then
I remove my bandages. Everything is healed. It was the job of the
forsaken but the room was empty. I walk own there stairs to the
bar and notice the forsaken sitting on a chair by the door. Next
to him was an empty seat.

(Kregnar) “It was you that saved me”

(Forsaken) “Indeed”

(Kregnar) “Why do you did you do it?”

(Forsaken) “It was the right thing to do orc, you see not all
forsaken are bad” Words I would never say to a forsaken spilled
from my mouth..

(Kregnar) “ Thank you”

(Forsaken) “Not a problem or… what is your name?”

(Kregnar) “I am Kregnar, what’s yours?”

(Forsaken) “My name is Desseus and it is nice you meet you

(Kregnar) “Same to you Desseus”

Dessues and myself then swapped war stories and our past lives,
something I would have never told a forsaken. I guess it is true,
not all forsaken are bad and now I have one to call my ally, one
to call…… my friend