Into The North by Lascivious

Tales of Old.
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Keeper Of Lore
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Into The North by Lascivious

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((For background, you can read The Reclaimation of Alanathalasa at TNG))

Lascivious sat in the dark near the window. One of the Outland moons shined full and bright upon the parchment before her, but its page remained blank. She had been sitting for several hours without moving and would soon lose the orb's light with which to write. She hated writing and this moment of illiteracy was not improving her disposition toward it.

Her eyes wandered up and down the sleeping form on the bed a few feet from her. Kiaransalius. Her bright blond hair fell in luxuriant curls over her shoulder and down her back. Her skin, luminiscent in the moonlight, looked soft and tender, making Lascivious' mouth water with hunger as it disappeared under the sheets at her waist. The warrior wondered, not for the first time, about the strange winding path that had brought her to this moment. They had bound themselves to each other the previous evening and Lascivious had been unusually gentle with the elf that night. As usual, Kiara sensed a need in Lascivious even the warrior did not know she had and fulfilled it with little effort. Lascivious smiled in the darkened room. The elf always looked so stern and unforgiving in the light of day. But at night, when she was sleeping or sharing a tender moment, her expression was relaxed and peaceful. Lascivious wondered if Kiara thought the same thing of her.

Turning back to the parchment the Forsaken noticed the light had shifted. She would need to leave soon if she was going to meet Alanathalasa. She dipped her quill into the ink and touched her it to the parchment.


I have been tasked by the Dark Lady to assist the elf you know as Alana to return to her home. I suspect I will face great danger, though even if it is overcome, I will not be returning. The danger the wandering of my mind puts you in is greater than I can accept.

I have left here in this bundle two books for you. The first is the diary of my human life. It is written in the common tongue. The second is my current diary written in orcish. Both contain thoughts I have never shared with any. Both expose sins and weaknesses I've buried from the prying eyes of foe and friend. Both reveal my failures.

I know I am harsh and unexpressive at the best of times and my search for words now produces no better results. But please do not doubt my love and the intentions of my mind and heart. My greatest fear is you would wish to accompany me and so I scurry away like a cowardly dog. I would not expect your forgiveness for this action nor salvation from the deeds you are bound discover. Though if you could find room in your heart for either, perhaps the fates will bring us together once more.

Good bye my sweet, wicked knight.


*the name Lascivious is lined out and under it is written*


The warrior blew gently on the ink and once dry folded it neatly in half and set it on top of the books bound together with thin twine. Picking up her pack quietly she moved to the door, but hesitated when her hand touched the knob. Looking back at the sleeping knight she wanted to go to her and touch her one more time. Lascivious shook her head as if trying to clear the thought from her mind, then opened the door and slipped outside, shutting it softly behind her.

It took only a moment to fly from the Aldor rise to the portal to Undercity. Once there, Lascivious stopped at the post box with two more letters in her hand. The first was to her brother Sammuel asking him to stay among the Grim during her absence. The second was to Malebrignon, resigning her position as Irredeemable. Her hand shook as she dropped the latter into the box. She had known nothing else in all her life. Irredeemable. Mistress. Whatever title she carried her mission remained the same. Peace through annihilation. She would gladly die for the Grim and its cause. What she faced now for them was so much worse. With a small sigh, she pulled Sam's bridle and headed for the elevator to the surface.
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Keeper Of Lore
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Re: Into The North by Lascivious

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Lascivious stood at the bottom of the hill her head tilted to the side as she studied the cliffs. Far to the west was the town of Hearthglen. Many more miles to the east lie the Blood Elf territories and the Ghostlands.

"Are you sure you just didn't fall down?" Lascivious asked.

Alana smiled wryly. "There is a path."

Lascivious grunted and headed back to her wolf and began to unsaddle him. "How long will it take?"

Alana shrugged heading to her own mount. "It took me weeks to find my way on foot, but I also did not know where I was going. Only a general sense of direction. We've already come farther on mounts in a day then I did on foot in a week."

Lascivious had wanted to hire a ship to drop them off in the north and approach by heading south. But even gold was not enough to buy the courage of the few sailors about to sail into little known waters in rough weather. She tossed the saddle off to the side and and removed Thrall's bridle. She turned it over in her hands admiring the craftmanship. She had worked long and hard to gain the warchief's favor. How many alliance had she killed? Not enough to be sure.

Opening her pack she placed the bridle in the bottom of her pack. Next to it a Grim tabard made her pause. She had thrown away her tabard weeks ago. The one in her bag now belonged to Kiara. The elf had used it to cover her lover when she had found her naked and confused under the Lich King's thrall. She had not returned it and now she briefly touched it with regret, then repacked her bag. Standing, she ran her hands through the thick fur on Sam's massive neck.

"You're free, now friend. You've been a trusted ally. I'll miss you." She slapped the wolf on the rump and he trotted off to pursue his own interests. "Off with you now!" After a few moments Alana released her own mount and Lascivious followed quietly behind her as the huntress moved up the slope. True to her word, the elf found the path. Or at least, a place to climb the rocky wall.

"I feel like a goat," said Lascivious from below. She had replaced her gladiator armor with lighter mail to make travel much easier and although the climb was steep, she manuevered easily around the face of the cliff, her warrior's strength pulling the weight of her little form easily up the cliff face. She didn't like wearing such light armor, but she couldn't see a way around it.

When she finally pulled herself up over the ledge she saw Alana shaking her hands and stomping her feet, trying to bring life back to them. She was tired as well, the climb taking much out of her with such few places available for adequate rest. She looked about her at the rest of the mountain rising to disappear into the mist. Somewhere on the other side was their destination. The sound of falling rock below her caught her attention she lifted her hand quickly to motion Alana not to move.

Lascivious crouched over the crevice they had crawled up waiting patiently. After a few minutes she saw the top of someone's head poking through. Reaching down quickly she grabbed a fist full of hair and pulled the pursuer up through the hole. A hand lashed out at her and Lascivious roared in anger as something flew into her eyes blinding her.

"Annie!" She heard the huntress call out the name and she swore violently as rubbed her eyes, trying to refocus her vision.

"Dammit rogue!"

Annelia turned on her angrily. "What are you doing out here with my mate? Stealing her away like a thief in the dark."

The warrior's lips curled into a scowl. "I will forget you said that as I know I am not the one you are angry with."

"How did you find me?" Alana asked quietly.

Annelia frown at the huntress. "Waking up to find you gone is not strange. Finding you gone without your stone and Lizzy moping at the door is. Lucky for me, she knows her mistress well."

"Lizzy's here?"

"No she at the bottom of this cliff." The rogue expression softened and she approached Alana putting her arms around her. "You're going to fight him aren't you? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I… I didn't want to involve you."

"Love, I'm your mate. I am involved! Are you telling me you wouldn't feel the same way?"

Alana bowed her head. "I'm sorry. You are right. I would."

Annelia nodded curtly. "Good. I'm going with you."

"Annie!" Annelia glared at her and Alana swallowed her protests.

"Good. Now I won't have to sneak around anymore."

Lascivious picked up her pack and joined the two looking at Annelia with irritation. "Now that we have that sorted out. Let's get going shall we? It will be dark in a couple hours and we need a place to make camp."

A small fire burned low in hole they dug out in a copse of trees just below the mist of the mountain peaks. There were no enemies near but Lascivious has insisted on concealing the fire anyway and of standing rotating watches. The night was cold, but she barely noticed. She sat with her back to a tree looking out into the night trying to keep the light of the fire from dampening her vision. She heard a stirring behind her and then light foot steps

"Shouldn't you have been relieved by now?" the huntress asked her. Lascivious shrugged. "I can take over if you wish. I cannot sleep anyway."

"Neither can I."

"Hmm. Well, mind if I sit?"

"If you wish."

Alana placed her back against the large tress and slid down next to the warrior. "I haven't thanked you for coming with me."

"There is no need. It is my duty."

"Do you always follow orders?"

"Yes." I've always been a good soldier. Following orders is what good soldiers do. Alana looked at her curiously, but the warrior did not expound on her answer aloud.

"Annie tells me you and Kiara have bound yourselves to each other, much like we did. I like her. I am sure you are anxious to return to her."

"Just as I am sure you are once your land is free."

Alana looked at the Forsaken solemly. "We both know I am not returning."

"Then why are you wasting time sitting here?"

Alana looked slightly surprised at the warrior's statement and looked back at Annelia stirring under their blanket. Sighing she stood and offered Lascivious a small smile.

"You are not what I expected." She stood for a minute as if expecting the warrior to reply, but when it was obvious she wasn't going to she returned to the camp.

Very few things are as we expect them elf. I wonder what you are expecting when we arrive at your home.

Lascivious played with the white-metal band on her finger. She was glad Annelia was here. They would probably need her blade. But part of her was jealous and wished Kiara was here with her. They would need her holy power as well, but mostly she wanted to lay with her under their own blanket sheltered from the chill of the night. Unable to sleep, she sat through the night letting the lovers rest, her mind wandering to another place and an elf who had mended her shattered heart.
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Keeper Of Lore
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Re: Into The North by Lascivious

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"Is it always like this here?"

Alana responded to Annelia's question with a nod. "The mist always covers the mountain peaks."

The small party struggled through the fog as their boots sunk several inches into the ground, every step forward producing a loud, sucking sound when they pulled them loose to step forward. Their armor and clothes were wet through and Lascivious noted with some amusement Annelia and Alana shivered as they made their way down the mountain side. Not that she was not uncomfortable, but there was little that chilled one as the touch of death. Coupled with her stubbornness in never letting anyone know what she thinking, she enjoyed giving them the appearance of having no discomfort.

"How did you meet her?" the Forsaken asked suddenly when they had stopped a moment to rest, sitting on a large rock formation thrusting out from the side of the slope. As try as she might she could not overcome her curiosity about her queen.

"What?" Annelia and Alana both asked surprised. It had been several hours since Lascivious had spoken and only then when asked a direct question which she answered with her usual terseness.

"The Dark Lady."

She saw Alana frown and briefly wondered why she would be hesitant to speak of it. But she needn't worry. The elf-thing began to speak, her voice touched with a hint of sadness.

" 'Meet' may not be the proper wording, but I get your meaning," Alan replied. "I was dormant… resting, sleeping if you will. I was awoken by a new presence. Nothing unnatural, but different. So I roused myself and observed the creature to be sure. I watched her for several days living off the land, one with her surroundings. I had never seen an elf before of course. Then I did something I should not have done. I revealed myself to her. We spent… I don't know how much time together. I learned to speak with her and found her and her tale to be fascinating. She had come to my domain after weeks of travel. Not knowing where she was going, only that she would pit her own survival skills against whatever came against her. A rite of passage she called it."

"How long ago was that?" Annelia asked looking at Alana with wide eyes.

"I don't know. Long enough for her to grow tall and strong. Long enough for me to forget her language." Alana stood and picked up her gear. "It is a shame what has happened to her."

"It is a blessing."

Alana looked shocked at Lascivious' words and turned on the Forsaken. "How is living your life in eternal misery a blessing?"

"She is stronger now than she was in life." Lascivious shook her head. Why did no one understand what it took to defeat your foe? That strength must be met with strength. Sylvanas may have fallen in life, but even living she was a thorn in Arthas' side and in unlife she would be his undoing. "Only the interference of his allies prevented her from slaying the Betrayer and she hunts him still. Who else was prepared to bear this burden?"

"You admire her."

Lascivious stood as well, nodding.

"But what about Thel'zuhl?" asked Annelia, taking Alana's hand as they continued through down the hill. The fog seemed to be above them now and ground was becoming firmer.

"Another mistake on my part," Alana told her with a regretful voice. "I found him in the Heart. My 'home'. Emboldened by my experience with Sylvanas, I did not observe him for very long before revealing myself. He seemed sincere enough, little did I know his heart was full of treachery. I learned easily to communicate in his crude language. He told me he was studying plant life, which I suppose is the only truth he told me. He wanted to learn more about nature he said. So I gladly began to teach him what I knew."

Alana shook her head and sighed. "I was so innocent in the ways of the world. I knew only love. Nothing of deceit. He captured me when I took form and cast… some sort of spell which blocked my ability to release back into the wood. But I was still able to transfer some of my essence to one of his untampered plants within my reach. It took all my effort and I was exhausted afterward. I commanded it to take the only other form I knew, a High Elf, and I sent it - sent me - on its way to the only other soul I knew who might help me. There is more… but, there is little else that is clear to me."

Annelia squeezed her mate's hand. "Well, you have plenty of help now. We'll cure you and you can fix your land and everything will be back to normal."

"Normal? I don't know if anything can be normal again."

"What do you mean?"

Alana smiled sadly at Annelia. "Nothing will ever be the same for me. You, Tamora, Skafloc… war. Even Thel'Zuhl. You've all had a profound influence me. In some ways, I think perhaps for the better. I would not trade these new feelings for anything. But I will not know the full affect until…"

"Until what?"

"I don't know. It doesn't matter right now." Lascivious eyed the elf from behind wondering why she was avoiding the truth. She was tempted to tell Annelia herself but it was not her business to do so and she was in no mood for tears or arguments. She only wanted to be gone from this blasted wetness and curse woods. At that moment they stepped from the remainder of the mist and the sun shone unexpectedly and hotly down on them. A beautiful, cloudless day as far as their eyes could see. The peaceful sky belied the wretched seen below it.

The trees of the forest has been stripped of all sign of vegetation and leave. The vibrant bushes and plants were gone replaced by some vine-like parodies of their former selves. Already a light breeze carried the smell of rot to them. Tears began to flow from Alana's eyes and Annelia held her close, pulling her gaze away from the devastation. Lascivious sighed inwardly.

"It's so much worse than I thought."

"I'm sorry, love. We'll fix it. I promise."

"We'll do nothing standing here," Lascivious said, her voice even and calm. She ignored that look she received from Alana. She was the type who lived off emotion. You could never tell what someone like her was going to do next. Annelia was not much different. Lascivious figured it was for the best she had come along. Lascivious seemed to be the only one emotionally equipped for what was to come.

The elf-thing led them unerringly through the maze of thorned vines and twisted trees. The warrior was impressed how quickly Alana's instincts had taken over and she and Annelia struggle to keep up even though Lascivious had warned the Alana several times on the need for caution. The trees stood watch like angry sentinels as they traversed the overgrown path. Occasionally the vines would snap at their feet as if attempting to trip them only to be knocked away by a solid mace or a quick sword strike.

"We are being watched," Lascivious noted. She felt a tingling sensation up her spine. She was not sure what is was, but some instinct told her it was not humanoid.


Annelia slashed at another bold vine severing it easily, some sort of bluish ichor spilling out of it. "By who?"

"By what." Alana replied. She suddenly stopped and Lascivious had to peer around her to see why. It was small clearing. The grass was brown and stamped into the ground, but otherwise looked normal. The entrance to a some kind of cave in the middle of the clearing yawned at them like a devouring maw. The entrance was broken and collapsed at the sides as if something too large for it has burst outward through it.

Now the elf-thing took out her bow and took an arrow out of her quiver, but did not knock it. Alana examined the entrance, kneeling and peering inside before taking some dirt in her hand and sniffing it. She wrinkled her nose in disgust before throwing it down and wiping her hand on her tunic. Annelia slipped easily into the shadows and Lascivious looked around her, but she saw nothing outside the dwelling and she followed the elves inside.

The ceiling was low. Only eight feet at its highest point. The rows of crudely made containers faced them at the far end. Dead plants and spilled seeds lay scattered along the wall to their right. Between the plants and the containers were two chairs. One was battered and had one broken arm as well as some broken straps where arms, chest and legs would be. Something has been bound there and that something hadn't appreciated it.

But it was the second chair which held Lascivious' attention. Sitting in there was the dried out husk of a corpse. Blood covered its face where it had flowed from around its eyes and its withered hands gripped the arms of the chair as if in great pain.

"Thel'zuhl." Alana whispered hoarsely.

The trio tread carefully around the cave, leaving no shadow undisturbed. Eventually they came before the body of the dead orc. The Forsaken rested the head of her mace on her shoulder and poked the corpse's chest. It moved slightly under the pressure, but its eyes continued to stare lifelessly as some unknown point against the far wall.

"Huh," she said turning to the other two. She felt a small pain of disappointment. She had been looking forward to taking her frustrations out on something. "That was easy."

Before the two could respond something descended on her, grasping her head and blocking her vision. Before she could react the warrior felt her feet leaving the ground as she was pulled up toward the ceiling.
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Keeper Of Lore
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Re: Into The North by Lascivious

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Lascivious winced as her head hit the ceiling. She couldn't see anything but held the impression something was holding onto her helm and she was thankful she had brought it with her. She tore violently at the hand gripping her but she could not break the grip and the second blow darkened her vision. Desperate she changed her tactics quickly and swung her feet up into the air above her. Her boots hit the ceiling first and she was able to stop her ascent though she was nearly doubled over within inches of crashing her skull against the roof again.

The warrior pulled with all her might and cried out as her muscles strained painfully. But she would not stop. Slowly at first, she was able to straighten herself. She could feel her opponent giving way as she pulled it from its hiding place. Suddenly she felt herself falling again. She barely felt the landing, but her breath was driven from her as something hard and solid landed on her.

Prying off her dented helm, she shook her head trying to clear her vision. Something next to her was rising but the floor was spinning and she could not focus her vision. A howl of anger pierced the confines of the small space. One a monstrous grating sound, the other the cry of a wounded elf.

Righting herself she quickly assessed scenario. Filling the center of the room was a wide tree-like creature. It's form was vaguely humanoid, its feet and hands ending in wickedly curled and sharp branch-like fingers. Black ichor dripped like saliva from its gaping maw and its eyes glowed an eery, angry red. It swung with fury at Annelia who worked her blades in and out of its hardened flesh. A massive hand swung around more nimbly than expected sending the rogue tumbling into the specimen containers. But it turned back quickly to focus on something else.


It was then Lascivious realized the other scream was coming from Alana who had stumbled backward in pain as Annelia's blades worked over the creature.

"You!" The avatar's voice was booming and grating as if choking on gravel. It started to descend upon the stunned huntress, but Lascivious picked up her mace again and halted its charge with a strike to the back which sent pieces of bark flying. Alana screamed again and fell against the cave wall leaning on it for support.

The monster turned back to Lascivious and she dodged his first blow, but she tripped on a patch of tangled vines and was barely able to parry its next blow with her mace which knocked it from her hands with unexpected strength. Furious with herself, Lascivious snarled and pulled her dagger from her boot, but there was little she could do other than retreat under from Thel'Zuhl's onslaught.


Lascivious risked a quick look back toward Annelia and was rewarded with a solid blow to the shoulder which sent her tumbling in the rogues direction. Annelia grabbed her arm and pulled her up quickly.

"We need to get it into the chair!"

"What?" The warrior was confused at first but quickly began to understand as she examined the area. Between the containers was an instrument panel. It was covered with dust but otherwise looked intact. From it sprouted various cable-like vines. One set of cables went from a container to the main box and from the main box another two sets lead to both of the crude chairs. There were crude, hand-drawn diagrams in charcoal, crude but discernible, on the panel. A lever could be moved between each one.

A shadow loomed over them and Lascivious pushed Annelia away as she rolled into the opposite direction. Two massive fists descended on them smashing into the sod flooring where they had been just a moment before. The beast was going to be hard to move, but as her eyes caught Alana struggling back to her feet, she knew what she had to do. She ran toward Alana and the monster let her go, focusing on the prey closest to her.


The warped avatar turned violently at the mention of its true name. Before it Lascivious held Alana firmly in front of her. She had twisted one of Alana's hands up and behind her back and held it firmly in place with her own. Her other hand held her dagger pressed to the soft flesh under the the huntress' chin.

"Las?" Annelia called worriedly. But Lascivious had no time or wish to reveal her plans to their enemy and she ignored the elf hoping Annelia would understand what to do.

"How does eternal life feel?" the warrior taunted Thel'Zuhl. "How does it feel to decay forever and never die? That is what's happening is it not? It must be maddening.

"Is this what you were looking for?" Lascivious shook Alana and the 'elf' cried out. "You didn't know this was hidden from you did you? What is eternal life without the essence of life? Eternal death I imagine."

Thel'zuhl narrowed his eyes. "Give it too me."


The former warlock howled in frustration, black spittle spraying from its corrupted lips and it charged the warrior. The Forsaken pushed the dagger a good inch into the flesh under Alana's chin and the huntress cried out in pain. She felt a twinge of guilt, but would not be detered. The reaction of her foe only solidified her course of action as the corrupted form of Thel'zuhl immediately halted, screaming in pain, its wicked claws gouging ravines into the side of the wall as if thrashed about.

"Las, no!" Annelia ran forward as well, but the warrior turned toward her and twisted her dagger causing Alana and Thel'zuhl to writhe in pain. Blood began flowing freely down the long blade. Annelia stopped, unsure what to do. "What are you doing?"

"What you should be doing," she responded evenly. "What I need to."

She twisted the dagger again and Annelia's eyes welled with tears as she watched her lover's knees buckle in pain, but Lascivious saw the understanding in Annelia horrified expression. The elf hesitated, but only for a moment. Lascivious watched with little satisfaction as Annelia drew her blades once again and charge the creature hacking and slicing wickedly at its tough skin. The warrior supported the elf by finding new places to torture Alana when it seemed the creature would recover itself and counterattack the rogue. The fresh, sharp bouts of pain bypassing his armored skin kept it off blance and Annelia was able to drive it backward. Suddenly Annelia threw down her blades and jumped into the air. Grabbing a pair of hanging vines for support she slammed her feet into its chest and fell over into the chair which cracked under the pressure. Lascivious let go of Alana and charged in toward the machine.

She saw the rogue also reach for the switch, but her hand was stayed by a heavily thorned vine wrapping around her wrist and digging deeply into her flesh. Thel'zuhl started to rise from the chair and Annelia jumped quickly behind him as the vines pulled her hands together. She looped the tightening strands over the top of his head and as her hands were forced together they tightened over his chest and arms. Too late he realized the rogue had use his own magic against him.

But there was nothing it could do. Even as it commanded the vines to loosen Lascivious was pushing the lever into place.

Nothing happened.

The Forsaken growled and kicked the panel hard and it hummed into life and the corrupted avatar howled in fury. Its cries diminished as its life force left it, pulled through the conduit of cabled vines. As it did so, the avatar took on a more peaceful visage, assuming a more kind, humane expression, it's half-closed eyes radiating a greenish yellow benevolence.

Alana lay crumpled on the floor, her body bleeding from more than a dozen wounds and Annelia went hurriedly to her side, ignoring the blood as she held Alana close. Lascivious turned her focus toward the orc. As the his essence was removed from the avatar he began to slowly regenerate himself. Curious she walked to him and onto his lap, balancing herself on the balls of her feet and watching his reanimation with her head tilted to one side in curiosity. When the orc was fully regenerated he blinked his eyes as if getting used to using something he had not used for some time. The first thing he focused on was the warrior's sharp-toothed grin.


She grabbed his hair and yanked back hard sinking her teeth into his exposed flesh. He tried to scream, but it was choked off in a gurgle of blood. The warrior closed her eyes in ecstacy. It had been a long time since she had tasted flesh for the purpose of bringing pain. Ravaging. Killing. Feeding. She shook her head violently and reared back bringing as much of his throat with her as she could. She looked into his eyes watching his life fade and just before the light of his life left his eyes she spit his own flesh into his face. The warrior didn't even bother to wipe the bloody mask from her face before turning to the two elves pleased with the horrified looks on the faces.

"See? Easy."

"I'll never doubt you again," Alana shivered. "Now help me up."

"No! Don't move!" Annelia protested.

Lascivious yanked the corpse of the orc from its place and let it fall to the floor as she walked over to Alana. Bending down the Forsaken picked her up easily, taking care to not aggravate her wounds any further. The warrior placed her gently in the chair and walked over toward the humming panel.

"Love, what are you doing?" Annelia asked uneasily.

"What I need to. Come hold my hand, Annie."

Annelia gripped Alana's hand in both of hers and pressed her forehead to the huntress'. "I love you."

Lascivious' hand stopped short of the lever. It had been in her mind to get it over with quickly, but seeing Annelia's distress made her hesitate. She wondered briefly if she were doing the right thing. She cared nothing about Alana. Nor about this wilderness she now found herself lost in. But seeing the two together made her wish for a different outcome. The huntress turned to Lascivious and nodded and she shook the thoughts from her mind and pushed the lever back. Again she tilted her head in that thoughtful manner as she studied the results. She watched the Alana begin to shrink, her features seemingly disolving before her eyes. Annelia released her hand as it shrank away and stepped back.

The Forsaken lifted her brows as the avatar's form changed. The hardened and gnarled, bark-like skin became thin and smooth, looking as if it would be soft and supple to the touch. The arms were long and ended in long thin fingers. The girth thinned dramatically though its height only lessened slightly. Its body became tapered and shapely, feminine and its legs merged togther forming one 'trunk' vice two independent legs.

Lascivious could not help but notice the form of its 'breasts' were extraordinarily large.

It lifted its head, covered with a wild tangle of lush flowered vines flowing over its shoulders, and the gaze of its pale yellow-green eyes fell upon them.
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Keeper Of Lore
Posts: 1749

Re: Into The North by Lascivious

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As the creature's gaze fell upon them Lascivious felt the tension flow from her body. It smiled gently revealing several short, thorn-like teeth, but there was nothing menacing or foreboding about it. The warrior eyed it suspiciously, wondering if there was some enchantment being placed upon her. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, wondering what she was supposed to do now.


The avatar turned toward Annelia and spoke, its voice soft and lyrical. "I am not Alanathalasa."

The rogue frowned with uncertainty. "What are you?"

"What am I?" It turned its head toward the wall of the cave and reached with a long arm touching it. Where her fingers met the dirt, the snapping vines withered and died only to be replaced by fresh strong roots. She spoke the words again in a barely audible whisper as if speaking to itself. "What am I?

"A question for mortals," she said turning back to the pair. "A question I have never asked myself. Have never considered… until now. What am I? I am not sure, for I am not what I once was."

"Which was?" Lascivious asked. She glanced at Annelia, her unlikely friend and ally, feeling sympathy for the poor rogue's plight.

"I was born here. Born of love, nurtured here in the Heart, the womb of this land. Roused from slumber only when nature went amiss from some… unnatural cause. We felt Arthas' march from here. So great was the pain, I could not return to rest although there was nothing could be done here."

"We?" Lascivious and Annelia asked at the same time.

"The land and I." It closed its eyes. "Can you not feel it? It is full of pain, but life is there. It is calling to me. It is calling to you. You need only listen."

Lascivious bent over and picked up her dented helm examining it to see if it could be salvaged. "That's when Thel'Zuhl appeared."

The avatar nodded. "Deception was not a disease I was prepared for."

"What about now? What are you now?" Annelia asked worriedly.

"So many questions." The avatar moved forward slowly, propelled seemingly by the land itself. It reached out and touch Annelia's cheek. "I am life. I am love. I am the fountain from which these things drink. You have drank from me. Did my essence - my blood - not taste sweet to you?"

Annelia nodded and swallowed her eyes welling up. Lascivious shifted again, this time with discomfort. She moved away a little, though there was really nowhere to go, trying to give the two former lovers some space.

"I am not the Alanathalasa you knew, Annelia. But what she felt, what she experienced is part of me now and as she changed - and is once again part of me - so have I. Her fear is mine. Her pain is mine. Her love is mine." The avatar bent down and kissed Annelia. The rogue closed her eyes, her cheeks glistening wet, but she did not hesitate when the strange avatar touched her. The smell of flowers and honey seemed to fill the small cavern and increased as the two lingered together. After a few moments, the avatar pulled away. "Know Annelia, long after you are dust, this land will remember your love, for it will be a part of it until it is no more."

"What… what will happen to you now, Alana? Can I call you that?"

Alana smiled and nodded.

"My time has ended."

"What? What does that mean?"

Lascivious spoke quietly to herself. "Time devours all things."

Annelia looked at her sharply and Alana turned her eyes to the warrior.

"Indeed, Forsaken. All things come to an end. But there are new beginnings as well." She returned her gaze to the rogue. "I would not change these new things which have influenced me, but I cannot be what I once was. I cannot exist without this land. Nor can I exist without you, Annelia.

"The damage here is too great, accelerated by Thel'Zuhl's corruption. I am a manifestation of this land and to it I will return. No more will I reveal myself to this world." Alana held out her hand toward Annelia. In her palm was a dark green gem - almost black - the size of a robin egg. Annelia looked at Alana who merely nodded before reaching out to take it. Lascivious noted the surprised look on Annelia's face. The warrior had held the same item in her own hand. It was not a gem though it looked it. It was smooth and soft and held an inner warmth. "Take this seed to my favorite place. If planted with love it will grow and with it a new beginning. Remember me so my love may live in your land, just as yours will live in mine."

"I will, love. I promise."

Alana touched Annelia's cheek with her long, smooth brown fingers, before stepping back and looking at Lascivious.

"You have our thanks, Forsaken."

"There is no need." Lascivious nodded. "It was my duty."

"Ah, yes. I had forgotten. You always do what you are told."

Lascivious grinned wryly, but said nothing.

Alana turned toward the tearful Annelia and smiled warmly, her eyes full of love for the little rogue. She began to slowly sink into the ground as her spirit left her corporeal form and was absorbed back into the land. She cast Annelia a playful wink, then she was gone.
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Keeper Of Lore
Posts: 1749

Re: Into The North by Lascivious

Unread post by Keeper Of Lore »

Lascivious rubbed her chin thoughtfully watching Annelia. The elf looked at the gift in her hand rolling it over as if examining it, but her eyes were not focused. Her mind was somewhere else. The warrior picked up her mace and walked over to the panel. With a grunt and a hard swing she smashed it into pieces. She did the same to broken chairs and Annelia joined her, breaking apart the crude containers, spilling the liquid onto the ground and shattering the casings.

Lascivious made for the cave's exit and stopped when Annelia spoke to her.

"What about him?" She nodded toward the orc's corpse. "Should we take him outside?"

"Worms need to eat, same as buzzards."

The rogue winced and nodded, following the warrior outside. The meadow had already changed. The grass immediately around them was lush and green, somewhere Lascivious heard the scurry of tiny feet.

"Would you mind… if we stayed a bit?" Annelia asked. "Just walk with me a little while."

The Forsaken sighed and nodded, motioning the rogue to lead on. They walked in the opposite direction they arrived from, continue north down the game trail through the thick forest. Lascivious was tense at first. But they quickly noticed the trees, although still bare and sickly, seemed to be less menacing and the wicked snapping vines were dead or dying clearing the way for new life.

After a while the trees thinned and then eventually ended. They stopped atop a high mountain ridge looking down into forest that had not yet been corrupted. A thin mist covered the land on the far horizon and Lascivious imagined if there was no mist she could easily see the ocean from here. Annelia sat on a large slab granite jutting out from the mountain side, her knees pulled up to her chest, held there by her arms. It was there she let everything out. Lascivious had no idea what to say so she sat down next to the elf and said nothing.

The young rogue wiped her nose and eyes on the sleeve of her tunic. "I'm so tired of losing people I love."

Lascivious grunted. "You were neither betrayed nor did she die. There is no tragedy here."

"I know," Annelia smiled sadly. "Part of me is happy for her. I was so worried she was going to die. I felt so helpless. At least I know she where she is. In a way, this is much better."

Lascivious took Annelia's hand in hers and the two sat in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Lascivious wondered what Kiara was doing now. She would be hurt for sure. But she would get over her. Perhaps even now she was laying with her old lover, Cessily. The thought made the Forsaken grind her teeth together. It was Annelia who eventually broke the silence.

"It's getting dark."

The sun had already disappeared behind the peaks to the west and they sat in the chilling shadow of the mountains. The mist in the distance had lifted and sure enough Lascivious could make out the dark blue horizon of the sea.

"So it is."

"I guess I'm ready," the rogue said rummaging through her bag. She pulled out her hearth stone and looked at it in dismay. A giant crack ran through it and it had lost its gleaming newness, instead looking dull and lifeless. She shook it a couple of times and spoke aloud to it and Lascivious raised her brows with a bemused expression. The elf threw it down in disgust. "I guess I'm in for a long walk."

Lascivious pulled her stone out of her own bag and held it toward her. "Here."

Annelia took the stone and smiled wryly. "Thanks, but I doubt the Grim will enjoy hearing my voice. Keep it. But I certainly wouldn't mind your company."

"Its connection to the Grim is broken."

Annelia blinked. "You're not going back either."



"Because my presence endangers the Grim. And more importantly Kiara."

" 'More importantly.' " Annelia chided the Forsaken gently. "I thought there was nothing more important than the Grim."

"Of course there is." Lascivios looked at her with mild surprise. "The Grim serves a higher purpose. If it did not there would be no need for it."

"Didn't you tell me once if you are not Grim you are nothing?"

The warrior nodded.

"So what does that make you?"


Annelia stood then bent down to kiss the little warrior's cheek. "Thank you for helping us."

"It was-"

"My duty" Annelia said with a dour mocking expression.

Lascivious grinned and rose to her feet facing the rogue.

"Can't you ever just say 'you're welcome'?"

"You're welcome."

Annelia giggled and hugged the Forsaken. Lascivious tensed for a moment then awkwardly patted her back.

"Are you sure you don't want to come?"

More than anything, the warrior thought to herself, but she shook her head.

"I have my own demons to face still."

The elf nodded seriously. "Good luck, Las."

"Annelia. Will you tell Kiara…"

"Tell her what?"

Tell her what indeed. What words could she pass on that make what she did right? That would inspire forgiveness for her cowardly actions? She sighed heavily.

"Just tell her… ask her… to remember me the way I was when we first met."

Annelia looked at her curiously, but just nodded. "Ok.

"Hey, this thing isn't taking me to your guild hall is it?"

Lascivious laughed. "No. Though you may surprise Kiara if she's home. It should take you to the holy city."

Annelia giggled and waved at the warrior. After a few moments she vanished into the night leaving the Forsaken alone in the dark with only her thoughts.
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Keeper Of Lore
Posts: 1749

Re: Into The North by Lascivious

Unread post by Keeper Of Lore »

by Kiaransalius

Kiaransalius stretched slowly and rubbed her eyes as the suns lightspilling in from the window pulled her from her slumber. The youngKnight woke late in the morning to a familiar sight, her lover no whereto be seen but thought nothing of it. Lascivious was frequently goneearly tending to a variety of matters.

She smiled softly as the light glinted off of the wedding band on herfinger and she recalled the prior evenings event. They were boundtogether now, beyond what they had before, and while she was not surehow deeply Lascivious held to spiritual matters, she knew the band onher finger did mean something.

The elf went about her usual morning routine for a few moments beforenoticing the books and folded letter resting upon them. Lascivious didnot write unless she had too, and even then loathed it, so this piquedthe Knights interest.

She walked slowly up to the items, looking over them. One book lookedolder and worn, the other in much better condition... the letter foldedneatly on top.

Taking a breath, the woman picked up the letter and read its words silently.
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