Grim Determination - Part One by Izlude

Tales of Old.
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Keeper Of Lore
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Grim Determination - Part One by Izlude

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Izlude wiped the sweat from his brow as he creeped to the edge of the long hallway, flashing a glance down it to see just what that lumbering noise was. He narrowed his eyes as his suspicions were confirmed - a human bearing that all too familiar dark horned helmet and bladed spaulders. His spiked mace glowed with a red shimmer - the rogue grunted to himself as he patiently awaited his approach. Up the ramp he strode, fully prepared for what he was coming in to... And into it he did come. Izlude's dagger found its way home, leaving the warrior immobile and dazed for a brief moment as he fumbled for the medallion hung around his neck. It did him little good, as Izlude was fully prepared for that common trick and brought his dagger back down to the humans other side, confounding him again for another moment as the elf brought both daggers into the flat of his back.
Drawing both of his daggers out of the fallen human, he whirled around as he caught glimpse of the panther making a break for the other door - the Hordes red insignia flag strapped to its back. "Damn these relentless braggarts..." Izlude muttered for himself as he clicked the button on the side of his boots, flames bursting out from the soles as he rocketed after the fleeing druid.
Izlude quickly gained ground on the shapeshifting runner, leaping forward to graze his side with the sharp end of his dagger. He smirked to himself as he saw the vile poison running its course, the druid letting out a short growl as its movement slowed enough for him to keep up. These druids were clever however - shifting forms to purge the poison. But the druids weren't the only clever ones, Izlude kept busy with that dagger, keeping the druid crippled as long as he was able to.
Out the building they went, on past their sides graveyard, down a short drop and in towards the middle of the field. "Where are all my blasted reinforcements..." Izlude grumbled as he tried to keep the druid from escaping. Then all of a sudden out of nowhere, it hit him - Izlude's body caught fire as a concentrated ball of fire slammed into his back, leaving him dizzy. The rogue shook his head as he regained his composture, but at that point the druid was long gone. Izlude frowned with hate as he turned to face the person who dared interrupt him, only to catch the gaze of yet ANOTHER human, who was charging up another ball of flame.
Izlude was more than ready for some mage to try to test his mettle. He closed his eyes, darkness covering his body as the fireball split upon hitting him, having no effect. He let out a roar as he sprinted towards the mage, grabbing a handful of dirt from the ground and flinging it into the casters eyes. The human let out a growl of his own, trying to rub the irritation out as the rogue pulled a gun of questionable size from off of his back, unlocking the holster of the ammunition held upon it - a rocket. Taking steady aim, he gave the mage a taste of his own element as it sent the robed man back into a nearby tree from the blast of the incendary explosion.
By the time Izlude had turned back around, there was nothing else to see. He let out a deep sigh and returned to the Warsong encampment, accepting his single token as he blew on his horn, calling his howler to his side. He mounted up and returned to Orgrimmar.

He made his way to the local warbringer, bringing what few marks he had earned throughout his long day of work. He handed them over grudgingly and then let out a sigh as the warbringer shook his head, turning him away. Just not enough... he thought to himself. Izlude started to make for the cities exit, to tiringly head back to the Warsong camp.
Izlude had just barely cleared the gates when he got a buzz from his stone, an all too familiar voice calling out his name. "Izlude... are you going to be coming to the tournament?" Izlude sighed slightly, disreguarding it for just a moment before he replied. "I don't know, Cristok. I have a lot of work I have to do towards my third Rites of Vengeance..." He wasn't too thrilled with the idea of going out and paying gold to get made a fool of again. The last two times he had attended, he was out the first match - pretty badly both times as well. The voice in the stone spoke up again. "Those rites can wait just a bit, this is important... Will you come?" Izlude let out another sigh then hesitantly replied. "Very well, Cristok... I'm on my way." The rogue figured he didn't stand much chance, but he would at least honor Cristok's request. He reared back on his new Frostwolf and headed back into Orgrimmar, making a beeline for the nearest flight master...
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Keeper Of Lore
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Re: Grim Determination - Part One by Izlude

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By Cristok

"Izulde! I didn't think you'd make it! Don't you have work to do on the battleground for me?" Said Cristok as the Rogue approached.
" It's Izlude, not Izulde. And you made me come--" He stopped seeing the Druid was only half paying attention. "hmmm, yes well here I am."
"Good good, see to it that everyone has drinks if they need them, Maukias brought some."
"Sir, when are we to reform the Vengeance so that we may progress more...efficiently? I am having a hard time in the Gulch on my own"
"hehe patience Iz. I have yet to even--" Cristok stops his all too familiar excuse to greet someone else " Roselynd! How nice to see you!" He walks off and greets the newly arrived guests drinking Mead...
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Keeper Of Lore
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Re: Grim Determination - Part One by Izlude

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Izlude let forth a small grunt as he shakily climbed the small hill leading to the captured tower within the Eye. He drug the tattered flag behind him, open wounds covering his arms and legs. He ignored the pain. This was what he was working for... And his goal was well within his grasp. He pulled himself to the top, making his way for the small tower that was half destroyed from the wages of war. With a firm planting of the flag he turned to see the Alliance forces retreating... he had won. Finally.
He lied there for a brief moment, taking in a few deep breaths as he fumblingly reached for the horn tied at his belt. He didn't care about his wounds at this point - they would heal up... one way or another. He took the horn to his lips and tried to sound for his frostwolf, but he couldn't find the strength to even exhale from his lungs sharply. He lied there... and waited. Minutes or hours passed, he couldn't really tell. He must of passed out because the next thing he remembered was waking up... his body stiff and plastered with freshly dried blood. He had recovered... if only enough to stand.
Izlude forced himself to his knees, then his feet. One step at a time. He let out a growl and gripped the horn, blowing into it as the sound echoed across the field. Minutes later he pulled himself over the bulky frostwolf saddle, carrying him back to Silvermoon City.
He spent the next few hours at his small lodge patching up his new wounds... He knew he wouldn't have time to recover before he would be following Cristok into the Allerian Stronghold in just a few hours. It didn't matter. He would be well enough to utilize his blades, and thats all that mattered at this point. He stood up and shook his head slightly before heading down to the battlemaster.
New bracers in hand, he took himself back to his lodge - prodding at his armor with a dagger. He knew he was ready. His third rights finally coming to a close as he reached for the stone to contact Cristok. He shook it a bit, it came to life.
"Cristok... I have finished my third rites." He spoke. He knew he probably could of waited until he had recovered a bit more, but this was something that just wasn't going to wait.
"Excellent. I will meet with you now - at the front gates of Silvermoon." Cristok had replied. A short groan escaped Izlude's lips as he forced himself back to his feet. The rogue grabbed his gear and headed out to the streets, hastily making his way down to the entrance of the city. He met with Cristok, and discussed what his final fourth rites would be...
Izlude saluted Cristok, nodding in response to what he was told to do. He headed back to his small hovel, but no longer than a moment after he had stepped indoors his stone buzzed again... an all too familiar cackle resonating as it called to him.
"Hey! Izlude! Wanna kill a demon?!" It spoke. This was both a surprise and a curse to him.
"Bevial... Is that you?" Izlude let out a small sigh as he knew when Bevial had asked him to kill something... It wasn't going to be no joyride.
"Yeah! We're a little short handed and we could use you. Whaddaya say?" She replied. Izlude knew he needed rest if he was going to be able to handle that evenings battle. But he pondered for a moment... This was just another way of testing his abilities. He could always rest at the end of the day... no sense showing weakness now.
"... I'm on my way." Izlude turned and headed back out of the lodge, closing the door behind him...
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Keeper Of Lore
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Re: Grim Determination - Part One by Izlude

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The smoldering wasteland. Allerian Stronghold sent no clearmessage, so this was his next target. He glanced down at the gatheringof Grim starting to march upon Honor Hold with narrowed eyes... Hestood up from his crouched position atop the risen rock nearby, hissmall scouting of the well defended fortress clear in his mind. Izludeleapt down to join the battle, each step the group made put a new levelof fear into the petty undertrained guards lining the front entrance ofthe gate. Charge. The group plowed over the defenses and assaulted thecastle, before long, Danath had fallen. The Grim made their leave,Izlude falling slightly behind to handle a few more guards, then thecowards exploited this situation... He felt the jarring pain of analliance death dealer bring his mind to a daze. He was unable to move,just taking the punishment without sight of his Grim allies nearby...Then to add insult to injury, the sharp pain came yet again as a seconddeath dealer appeared to exact vengeance against the lone rogue. Therewas nothing he could do. The pain lasted for what seemed to be secondsor minutes, he couldn't tell. Everything went black.
Next thing he knew... Izlude felt the life returning to his body.He grumbled and rose to his feet, Cristok frowning upon him as hemotioned for him to leave the keep with him. They left Honor Hold,smoldering and covered with death. But lo - the alliance are as sternand stubborn as we can be at times... Shortly after our leave we hadheard news of priests reviving the alliance hero.
The next few days Izlude grew a bit concerned with himself forletting his guard down like that. He knew the all too important guildmeeting was coming up and Acherontia had yet to speak with him... Why?He couldn't understand the reason. Everyone he had talked to had givenhim a curious eye when he mentioned that the High Inquisitor hadn'tapproached him yet, and this just filled him moreso with worry. He feltas if he had let the Grim down somehow, some reason he couldn't grasp.He saw an all too familiar face stride by as he sat on a bench in theexchange, the Silvermoon guards stepping aside as she made her way tothe other side of the city. Hmmm. Izlude was a bit upset over somedealings with a particular Night Elf druid he dealt with earlier, andthis was something he needed. He called forth his frostwolf andfollowed the figure.
He stepped up behind her as she spoke with the battlemaster, hegave a smirk as he noticed Atticus nearby, as well as a few otherfamiliar faces.
"Drinn, might I join you in the battlegrounds today?" Izlude foldedhis arms slightly, avoiding introductions. He knew Drinn was beyondsuch simple conversation anyway.
"I don't see why not. Very well." She simply replied, she didn'teven need to look at him - she knew well who it was. Izlude grinned tohimself as the group ventured out and took the fight to the allianceall day... Something he had been itching to do for a while now.
The day before the meeting arrived. Izlude had busied himself withmaking sure he was fully prepared, he had no idea just what was goingto entail at the event. Then he heard that sinister voice ring his namewhile he was on his way to the auctioneer... Cessily. He turned around,the frown already covering his face.
"Good afternoon, Quel'Dorei!" She said loudly and abruptly, a scowlcoming from Izludes face. "I think I've sat idly long enough. Eitheryou're going to become a part of us, or I'm going to see to it thatthey find out anyway." She grinned with sinister delight. Izlude simplyclosed his eyes and let out a deep sigh... Hesitating for a few momentsbefore he looked back up at her with narrowed eyes. He had no choice.He couldn't let her ruin everything he had worked for in the Grim...Not a chance in hell. How could he stand to foul his heritage by doingthis, then it hit him - maybe. Just maybe... the transition could be apure thing. But who - Rosalynd!
Izlude stepped up to Cessily, leaning in close as he held back fromstriking at her. "Bring me Rosalynd. I'll wait out front the citygates." He strode past her, taking his damn sweet time as he made hisway down the streets to the exit of Silvermoon. Along the way hegritted his teeth and clenched his fists as his stone sparked up..."Rosalynd. A Quel'Dorei wants to see you out front of Silvermoon." Whythe hell did she do this to him? It didn't matter at this point. He-had- to go through the ordeal. He stepped outside the front gate,reaching up to pull the headband off his brow as his eyes reverted backto their natural blue color. He let out a deep sigh and waited.
Cessily arrived there first. He knew this because he could hear thechuckling, he made sure to keep his back turned to her. After whatsounded like an eternity, Izlude heard the all too familiar sound ofRosalynd's voice behind him. He turned, and spoke softly. "Rosalynd...Hold still for me please." She glared at him with both curiosity andsuspicion. Then, without hesitation, held his arm forward and suckedthe mana right out of her. He growled and knelt down, feeling thetransformation run his course as his body trembled. Rosalynd stoodthere bewildered and.. now, quite angry with him. He had brought herout here... for THIS? Cessily just laughed at the scene and turned toleave. "My work here is done." ... The rest of the day didn't went justas bad as the scene... And Izlude didn't sleep a wink that night.
Izlude didn't say much the next day. He busied himself with menialtasks, simply waiting to get strung up at the meeting, which he fullyexpected. The time came. He made his way out to Thrallmar, landing andseeing the Grim members already gathered for the most part. He tried toslip through the crowd unnoticed, by he stopped as he saw an armor cladfemale Sin'Dorei right in front of him. A helmet? It couldn't be..."Rosalynd... is that you?" She walked right past, not evenacknowledging him. What had he done? There was no turning back at thispoint, he thought. He tried to find a small place where he could sit byhimself for the duration of the meeting... until he heard Acherontiaspeak, ordering them to mount and ride into the sky. He obliged, andthey flew to the outskirts of Honor Hold.
Izlude kept silent for the majority of the meeting. He couldn'thelp but look down a bit as they spoke, his mind unfortunatelyelsewhere... Abric quickly caught his attention when he startedspeaking, however. And he couldn't help but agree... He was sick of thealliance and everything they thought they stood for. The meetingstarted to draw to a close, and a little bit of shock covered Izlude'sface when Acherontia called out his name when she began handing outtabards. His name, and his name first. Not only that, she called him byhis full name. He stood for a moment, awestruck, before he stepped upto receive his reward. He slipped the tabard on with earnest, noddingand thanking her before returning to his side with Vengeance. Howconfusing...
Cristok led the charge into Honor Hold. Hopefully we mutilatedDanath's corpse enough to where there wont -be- another resurrectionfor the old human this time. Izlude took a long walk as he made his wayback to Thrallmar... Warbringer title in hand. His next goal would beto take the fight to another Son of Lothar... in Wildhammer Stronghold.
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Keeper Of Lore
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Re: Grim Determination - Part One by Izlude

Unread post by Keeper Of Lore »

Izlude began his planning to undermine the heavily fortified dwarven fortress immediately. He conversed with Cristok on what date would be the best to plan this ordeal... And the following Wednesday was the planned date. On the day of the assault, Izlude traversed the stronghold from within the shadows. Trying to judge what he was working with. Seeing where he had to strike that would prove most beneficial. The night arrived, and as Izlude had anxiously awaited the arrival of his allies... He was confused and disappointed as he found himself on ten men strong. This did not falter his determination, and he spoke to them in the best rousing speech he could muster. Mounting up, they charged the fortress and met the dwarves head on.
The sheer amount of dwarves that swarmed the relatively small fist was overwhelming. Izlude growled, and gritted his teeth, and kept coming back for more. It wasn't until they had been driven out several times before he finally hung his head and sighed in utter failure, ordering his fellow Grim to retreat before they had suffered any more losses. Why? Why did he have to be such a failure in this endeavor? They were just dwarves. Dwarves were as easy to kill as any other member of the alliance, but it was something about these dwarves that were just... unfathomable. Kurdran trained his men well.
Two weeks passed. Izlude planned this assault again, however, he felt relatively lacking in spirit as the day approached to assemble his allies for the assault again. Thoughts had been racing through his mind about his friends in Scorn, as day after day more members left to join their ranks. Abric came to him shortly before his assault, telling him about such matters that he was already aware of. Was he... worried that Izlude was going to abandon Grim for Scorn? Of course the idea had crossed his mind, but... He was not ready to leave Grim yet. He had things to do. People he respected. Individuals he could not turn his back on. And a damned dwarven stronghold to burn.
The day arrived. Izlude paced within the center of Shadowmoon Village, sighing to himself as he looked at the insignifigant numbers answering to his call again. Was he doing something wrong? Was there some hidden reason why the Grim didn't support him? All these questions crossed his mind... It did not matter. Being only fifteen strong, he would throw himself at the dogs yet again. He was well aware of what he was going in against this time, however...
"Peace through Annihilation." This term he had studied so closely came to fruition as he carved a path through the dwarven settlement with his stalwart allies. By the time he had reached the keep, he looked around and noticed that his fist had grown to a signifigant twenty five strong... Had they heard his charge? Did his fearless drive to destroy the keep draw out those he figured thought him a waste of breath? It didn't matter. This was the time, his moment. He gritted his teeth and declared the charge as they stormed the keep - quickly working their way down to where the dwarven hero lay. Kurdran Wildhammer. Izlude charged. The dwarf was much mightier than anyone could of imagined, his charges and strikes felling his fellow members in one swing of his stoic hammer. Izlude spat and returned for more. He would not give in. He would not let this dwarf have victory again this day. Each minute felt like an eternity as he watched the dwarf trying to fell Coyotl... That bear was tough as nails, I swear. The menders... The death dealers... Everyone was doing this, at his command. He watched as the dwarven hero steadily grew more and more weary... before finally falling from their combined strength. He hesitated for a moment, before quickly taking a sketching of the event... And turning off his goblin recording device he had put together earlier. Kurdran lie dead, and the Grim made their leave. But Izlude still felt like this was not his victory... If it weren't for his allies in Grim, this feat never would of come to fruition. He didn't sleep that night.
A few days passed, Cristok learned of his victory and called a meeting to be had in the Worlds End Tavern. Izlude blinked to himself before he slowly made his way to the lower city of Shattrah to meet his superior. Cristok welcomed him warmly. Izlude turned to notice the few other Grim that had made the appearance, before turning back to Cristok. A few words were exchanged... Cristok spoke of his endeavors. Izlude knew where this was going, and he sighed to himself as he didn't feel worthy of such an honor. Qabian had scowled at him, and Izlude knew that he should stop thinking of himself. Cristok had recognized him, and Izlude accepted this honor as he was handed the title of Harbinger of Vengeance. The inn quickly emptied out after the announcement, except for himself and Cristok. Izlude pondered and pondered the concept... Why him? ...Regardless, he now had new responsibilities he had to tend to, and he would do so with Grim resolve.

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