Jubi's Diary

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Jubi's Diary

Unread post by Aureilya »

By Jubi 3/19/2008

Me choose to write down me knowledge. Me head fills wit too much knowledge. Me forgetting now. Me canna forget.

Me only tought writtin was for da schematics. Now dough, me needs a way to be remembering. Is like da book in da tower sout o Ratchet where da elfie prisoner be kept. It as da life story of Thrall. Me dinna know he was named by a uman.

Most important to remember, people always lie. It no matter be it dose in Alliance or da Orde. People always LIE!

A nodder ting, Jubi, you sometimes be losing da memory. Read dis book, add to it, and maybe you do well.
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Re: Jubi's Diary

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Me got dis figured out so far, is only da memories da ju be losing. Dis doesn't mean jus abilities. Ju be readin dis right? Ju just don't be rememberin ow ju learned it.

Ju be an orpan. Dis mean yous gots no tribe. Ju skin changes its colour depending on da light dat hits it. Dis makes very ard to find jus tribe. *Added Note in the margin:* It be Tribe, nos family, nos clan. Trolls be in tribes!

Check jus pack. Ju see da little idols? Dey be totems. Dey was gifts ju gonna need to survive from da spirits. Me will write down ow ja learned da spirits later. Ju need to be knowing da following:

Truths and Lies

Alliance be evil: Truth, dey broke da peace. Dey will kill ju if dey get da chance. Kill dem first. Ju no run, dey kill ju anyway.

Keeju be ju friend: Truth. Ju can trust her.
Emmons be ju friend: Lie. He try to burn down jus ome in da orpanage in Orgrimmar. No trust im.
Belicosa be ju friend: Truth. Ju can trust er. Just be backin away wen she be castin dem boomers.
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Re: Jubi's Diary

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Ju need to be knowing about beein a troll.

Dere are many tribes. Some tribes not be likin odder tribes. So is ok to be keelin trolls. Is da way o tings.

Same ting goes for da everyone else. *Added Note in margin* Taurens, da talkin cows, dey mostly good. Only da Grimtotem be bad. *Another added note
wedged into between the paragraphs* Never ju be mindin. Dey all bad anyway. Keel or be keeled.
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Re: Jubi's Diary

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Ju need to be knowing about ow ju met the spirits. Ju first started as a priest and went ok for a while but ju didn't feel so complete. Den dere was da time as a warrior. Dat didn't work out so well edder. So den ju tried ju hand at being da sneaky sneak. Ju not so good at dat.

Ju was lost. Ju didn't know what to be, ju was lost as a troll and wit no idea ow to elp da orde.

Ju drank too much one day and passed out in Orgrimmar in a corner somewheres cursin da spirits. Da first spirit was da earth. It told ju dat most times da shaman learns dey be shamans before dey realize it. Odders, like ju, need some elp.

He told ju to go to da Valley of Trials an see da earthen spirit dere. He would guild ju. Ju went. Ju learned a ard lesson dere da day.

He punched ju. Told ju never to be insultin da spirits again. Aving noting to lose ju listened to im.

He told ju he would elp ju become what ju was always meant to be.
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Re: Jubi's Diary

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Da fire spirit. Me be tellin a story ere...

It was jus one day like any other. Ju was drinkin it up wit jus friends in da inn in Razor Hill. Ju was happy, tings were startin to be goin good for jas. Da earth spirit had given ja hope.

Den it was time o da fire.

Da night ad worn on, day light was seeping in through da windows. Da fire on da torches suddenly flared, an da cooking fire exploded. Being da engineer dat ju be, ju thought it be exciting. But ju was too drunk to understand what was appenin.

Jur friends, dey ran. Da orc inn keeper knew better den to stick around. Ju was too drunk to even notice dem leave. Ju should ave too.

Out of da explosive from da cooking fire came forth a big spirit of fire. Ju backed up a step and den da inn burst into flames. Dere was no where to be going, and da spirit, it came closer to ja and said in a crackling voice, 'Earth gave you hope and respect for us. I will give you respect and hope for us.'

Ju was too drunk to understand at da time. Ju thought he said da same ting but backwards. Indeed it was backwards.

Da fire spirit said to ju, 'You will respect yourself. You will start by taking better care of yourself.'

Da bottle of bourbon in ju hand exploded. Da fire fueled alcohol splashed onto jur hand and forearm. It burned jur hand and forearm. Ju screamed in pain and dropped to ju knees clutching jus burned arm.

'You are a troll, you can't heal burns. You must cut off the burned flesh.' says the fire spirit in crackling voice.

Ju looked up with shock in ju eyes. Den ju looked down and saw ow much ju ad been burned.

Da fire spirit yelled, 'Do it! Or I will burn you more!' Da fire spirit flared and moved even closer.

Ju pulled jur dagger. Ju was quiverin, cryin, and started to cut jus self. Everytime ju thought about stopping ju could feel da heart of da fire and ju continued.

When ju ad finished cutting around jus arm ju ju dropped jur dagger. Da fire spirit said, 'Now pull it so new skin can grow.'

Ju stomach turned, and da bourbon was no longer welcomed. Ju threw up, but ju did as was told. Ju grabbed jus burned flesh near da wrist. It hurt jus to touch it. Ju tugged once, and nothing, ju tugged harder and finally, live a glove da flesh slid off.

Ju screamed like no odder time in your life. Ju looked in shock at da muscles an bone of ju hand and forearm.

Da fire spirit's final words were, 'Respect youself, and you will give us hope.' It flared at her one last time, and she flinched in fright!

But den ju woke. Da bottle of bourbon sat in front of jus. Dat's right, ju thought it all just be a dream, ju arm was jus fine, until ju opened jus hand and saw da Fire Totem sitting dere.
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Re: Jubi's Diary

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Da Water Spirit...

Since da Fire and Earth, ju no longer be insulting da spirits, and ju be respectin ju self.

As is wit all shaman, ju was told to be goin to da Silverpine Forest to seek out da water spirit. Now, ju was hopin for a normal meetin like all da odder shaman out dere. Not so lucky ju be.

When da water spirit be summoned, ju went to talk to it. It only be makin da bubbly noises. As ju leaned closer to da spirit it moved on ju.

It pulled jur ead into itself. Only den did ju ear what it be saying to ja. It said, "When you summon a spirit it is us that controls you, and not you that controls us. You must learn to submit to us."

Ju fought dat. How stupid could ju ave been. It eld jur ead in its chest. No amount of jur flailin elped. Ju pushed at it, ju pulled at it but each time jur hands jus passed through it.

Da pressure in jur chest was buildin. Ju couldn't old jur breath for ever. Suddenly, ju body done betrayed ju. Ju breathed in. But it not air da filled jur lungs, but water. It came in both through jur nose and mouth. Ju opened jur eyes and stared blankly ahead through the water spirit out its back. Floating dere inside of it be a totem of da water spirit.

Jur choice was simple. Submit or be dying of da water. Ju reached up wit a hand and grabbed it.

Ju went limp and bowed jur head. Only den did da water spirit release ju to jur knees. Ju coughed up da water and was able to breath da air again.
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Re: Jubi's Diary

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Thousand Needles dey said so off ju went. Find her ju did. Ju was prepared. Ju respect da spirits, ju respect jurself, and ju understand dey be da masters.

Da tauren lady, she jus anded da totem to ja. No being attacked, threatenin of jur life. Ju was confused, den happy. Ju saw er boytoy in da cave. E seemed to want to be talkin to ja. E said was a test, an easy one, sure why ju thought, da ard part was over wasn't it?


Next ting ju know ju be high atop one a da needles. Ju looked around, den it all clicked inta place. Dey was waitin for ju.

Da ran for da plank to complete da test, ju knew ju ad to leave before da air would get ju but it being too late for dat. Jur first foot on da plank an a gust of da wind hit ju in da chest, it blew ju back off jur feet onto jur rump.

Da wind began to swirl in a circle wit ju in da middle of it. It be calm dere. Ju wanted to pull jur weapons, but ju learned da lesson well. Ju calmed jurself, relaxed and put jur hands to jur sides.

The wind calmed down, and only a light howl could be eard. "...oo...oo" ju first eard. Ju concentrated on da howl, but was difficult wit jur eart beating so ard. Ju took a deep breath and slowed down jur racing eart. "...oodoo", da wind said again.

"Voodoo?" ju said aloud, and da wind shifted.

"...om...ay" the wind howled again.

Now knowing what was going on, ju racked ju memory, and suddenly da name came to ju. From jur training in Durotar, ju be remembering da whacky one.

"Bom'Bay?" Ju said aloud. The wind stoped dead.

With purpose in jur stride and understanding, ju walked to and off da plank.
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Re: Jubi's Diary

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Da Grim.

Dis be da guild ju be in. It be more den jus a bunch of orde.

Da Mandate be, "Peace through Annihilation." Dere be more to it, but is simply put, make with da kill of da enemy til dere be no more.

Is very similar to da ways of da Troll 'cept witout da eating part.

Dere be a big difference though. Grim before all else. If ever ju wanted a tribe, ju find non better den da Grim.

Grim before orde.
Grim before race.
Grim before friends.
Grim before all else.

Ju met wit da shaman Hektar. E met ju in da Orgrimmar. E be da Dreadweaver. E be da voice to da Artificer, da leader of da Grim.

Master Hektar ave much onour. Most so den ju seen in anywhere. Don't ju be fuckin dis up! Jur onour be is onour.
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Re: Jubi's Diary

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Ja saw da witch doctor Bom'bay today. He was no expectin ja, but den he knew once he saw ja why ju was dere.

He be saying dat being da doctor was no small ting. He be startin ja out on da gatherin some supplies.

As ju was out untin up da supplies, ju be earin a cough on da stone. Ju asked what be wrong, and thought maybe dis ere chili might be da cure.

Cessily be er name. Ja did warn er, but maybe not so clear. Da Dragonbreath Chili no to be triffled wit. Ju never ad it though, so it not be jur fault she almost burn down her house and da precious silks da dem elfies ave.

So she be beltchin some fire. It cured da problem didn't it? Not ju fault. Really.
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Re: Jubi's Diary

Unread post by Aureilya »

Ju friend Keeju, she be playin some jokes on Ellsbeth. Someting about some mind control ting.

Ju no tell Ellsbeth it be Keeju because ju like Keeju better.
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Re: Jubi's Diary

Unread post by Aureilya »

Shockin news!

Ju had ju first listen of da spirits with da Witch Doctor Bom'Bay. He be saying dat some talks wit da spirits be discoveries.

All was going fine when ju asked to see jur parents spirits. Da odder spirits said, "They are not among us."

Dis only means one ting, and dat jur parents be alive! But why dey put ju in a orphanage?

Maybe ju ave some mannerisms of jur parents?
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Re: Jubi's Diary

Unread post by Aureilya »

*written in Troll with some kind of blood*

Why do I bother? I was told today I that I sound like an ignorant fool with the intelligence of a dog when I speak orcish.

I now write in this journal using his blood. This will be a reminder of the futility of trying to become more like them. They have no clue.

They take our dumb sounding voices and think we, the trolls, have been mindless savages our whole history. I may have started out as an orphan, cursing Emmons' name for trying to destory my home, but my education has been rising. I spend more and more in the trance around the spirit fire communing with the spirits of the past. They tell my tales of lore about who and what the trolls have become.

We've lost our ways. We try too much to be like them. By them, I mean the orcs and tauren, the forsaken and the blood elves. We try to fit in with them and their ways. They are not us. They can never be us so why should be them?

I am Troll. I commune with the spirits. I study our history. I revel in the traditions of the Trolls. I kill my own kind for sport. I eat whatever I feel like. I like losing myself to the rage of battle drinking the blood of my kills.

Savage? Blood thirsty? Indecently dressed? Unclean?

I am not savage, but I can be if I so choose. Blood thristy? Hell yes! I will not deny myself who I am. Indecently dressed? It is they who are cowards of their own bodies! It is they that enforce restrictions upon themselves! The next gnome's-left-one-nut-tear-drop-sack that tells me I am indecent had better get used it. I will not tolerant anyone telling me and my race what we can and cannot do! Uncleanly? It is they that are too clean. It is they that worry about their little pretty silks and frills.

I am Troll! I will not forget the past. I will be the future. I am now!

*There seems to be a stabbing mark in the page where the last exclamation dot was made*
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Re: Jubi's Diary

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Had a vision today in a shaman hut in Orgrimmar. You usually rest in there for a bit before ending the day to question the spirits:

The air was hot and dry. The wind blew in gusts throughout the valley. The hut off to side of the path is away from most of the more populated areas. Only Shaman are welcomed here.

Jubi pushed aside the tent flap and entered. The heat was stiffling with the fire roaring in the middle of the day. As was custom of the trolls, armour and garb is discarded. Only a tribe marker may be worn. She wears the tabard of the Grim as her only clothing. She piles her gear neatly on the bench along a wall and finds a place to sit.

There are other shaman here of Troll, Orc and Tauren. None greet her, none need to. All shaman are welcome. Customs are of each race are allowed and respected. No customs are questioned.

She finds an available spot near the fire and sits upon the ground. First she places her earth totem in front of her as a symbol stability and trust. Second, her water totem to represent her submission to her comming request. Thirdly, Air to represent her need of assistance.

Lastly, she places her fire totem before her and says, 'Spirits, show me rage, show me what it means to be Troll with the rage of the Shaman.

Images flash, the tent fades away from sight and clouds pass as she travels. The spirits often show parts of the past for her to view what she needs to learn. Today was different.

(( will add more later ))
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Re: Jubi's Diary

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The swirling of images and clouds fade.

Two figures stand as one. Brothers yet not. One Orc, one Troll fighting together slaying alliance.

Suddenly, through the grey swirls and misty clouds, a swirling fire sphere surrounds the chest of the troll.

Fear is seen in the eyes of the alliance. Some turn to flee, for others it's too late as the rage of the shaman blurs Jubi's view. Like a storm the clouds and images begin to swirl together raining it's destuction upon the alliance.

The storm is fearsome, destructive, a raging Malstrom.
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