Pride of Arrogance by Krinathalasa

Tales of Old.
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Keeper Of Lore
Posts: 1749

Pride of Arrogance by Krinathalasa

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Krina walked down the archway from the Palace of the Sun to the street below. Behind her she could hear the muttered remarks about being a Blood Knight or feel the sneers at her back. She glanced over her shoulder, stuck out index finger and thumb, and slowly contracted the space between the two till they were parallel with each other. Krina laughed mockingly at the guards and left them in various states of anger or sneering.

After her casual stroll through her hometown she entered the tower she called home. Her faithful forsaken manservant rushed forward to take Krina's cloak from her shoulders. She stretched languidly with a yawn. "Fools. I do not know why I continue to try to change the minds of our so called leaders. Instead of revealing the truth of our so called Prince Kael-Thas they opt to remain silent and keep the ignorant masses in check. Which reminds me, have we had any visitors while I was gone?"

The manservant chuckled coldly. "Yes there was. He was kind enough to come around lunchtime. Another one of your cousin's assassins." Krina couldn't help but laugh with that musical tone that all elves have. "Oh he amuses me. Too bad he is cowering in The Eye. One day I will have to pay him a visit. I need some wine. The etheral kind."

As the manservant joined Krina in her living room with a chilled glass of wine for her, Krina had a thoughtful look on her face. "What is it with this constant thread of betrayal in my life's weaving? First my husband tried to leave with that hussy of a mistress and flee to Ironforge while the Scourge were so rudely knocking on our door, my own people quietly turn against us Blood Knights, and now my darling cousin has turned against us. Where shall the next betrayal come from?"

Krina never expected an answer as it was said in a rhetorical sense. "What about The Grim milady?" The Knight's eyes blazed with fury and she unwittingly sucked the lifeforce out of a nearby mana wyrm. "They are the only thing I have to a family. It will not happen ever!" Unperturbed by Krina's outbursed the manservant continued. "But your recent dilema.."

Another mana wyrm died.

"It is not a dilema!  I have already accepted the crimes of my husband, the crimes of my people, and the crimes of my prince. I will be damned if I accept the crimes of a couple wretched souls who break the laws of the Mistress. Nor shall I accept this so called inquisition. I gladly face the foes we fight, take the blows that kills others in one swing, stand between life and death, watch as others get stronger while I stay the same, and I even accept the fact that they move onto greater enemies while I languish in that pit called Karazhan. But I will never accept someone else's crime. It ends here!" The wine glass in her hand shattered from her fist clenched in fury.

Shaking out the remnants of the wine glass, Krina looked at the shards still embedded in her skin. Her blood mingled with the dredges of wine to create an orange trickle down her hand to pool onto the floor. Delicately she pulled out the shards, one at a time. "The day I was made a bloodreaper was the greatest honor of my life. My fellow Grim chose me for the position It told me that what I was doing was worthy of being a Grim." After the last piece was pulled out Krina forced the Light to heal her wound. Even now, after constant use, she couldn't help but smile at forcing the Light to obey her commands.

"Then that honor was ripped from me by the Mistress because of the actions of a few. Now we are forced to prove our loyalty once again to the Mistress. As if our blood spilled and our deaths for her causes are not enough. Here I languish as a lowly minion for not accepting the punishment of another. Even vanguards have their limits of how much punishment one can take. Call it pride or call it arrogance but the line is drawn." Krina sighed.

"Another glass of wine. I find that my thirst has not been slaked."
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